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By David Futrelle
A tragic day for whiny baby-men — the BBC just announced that the next Doctor Who will be a lady. Naturally, these sensitive souls took at once to Twitter to make their displeasure known. And to make jokes about Doctor Who turning into Nurse Who amirite fellas high five!
Here are some of the best of the worst Tweets I’ve seen so far. I can’t decide which are my favorites — the ones lamenting the loss of a crucial male “role model” or those suggesting that a female Doctor Who makes as much sense as a male Mary Poppins (which would be perfectly fine to me, by the way).
I'm actually quite shocked at the decision to cast a woman the should call it Nurse who now lol
— Rhys (@rhysjordanstew1) July 16, 2017
"Doctor Who" what's the deal? Pushing the "gender fluidity" narrative now? Remember when entertainment wasn't social engineering propaganda
— Dan (@NotoriousDano) July 16, 2017
The BBC have literally just ruined all the heritage and history of Doctor Who making the new Doctor a woman
— Aydin Osman (@Aydin_Osman96) July 16, 2017
Doctor Who officially ruined. Time Lords being women not an issue, 50 years of tradition out the window is. What next 007 being Janette Bond pic.twitter.com/Hj3buVMx8s
— Ewan McColl (@TheMcColl) July 16, 2017
#DoctorWho So patronising to women to be chosen due to political correctness. No room for merit and talent if PC comes first.
— Holomatrix (@Holomatrices) July 16, 2017
Women have their own heroes like RIpley, Buffy and Wonder Woman, there is no need to take away role models for men #notmydoctor
— P. J. Lowry (@PJ_Lowry) July 16, 2017
I remember when Ripley, Leia, Buffy, Xena et al. trailblazed great women characters. But now, feminism seems pleased with mere pandering.
— Bradley Yellop (@bazz83) July 16, 2017
#doctorwho The regressive left are going crazy over the choice, next they will want a transgender to take the role as the Doctor.
— Rust (@Rust_NoMask) July 16, 2017
No, I don’t understand what that last one means either.
Witness the Manbaby Meltdown. I don’t know whether to laugh or puke.
I’m not sure what century some of these idiots are living in, but there have been female doctors and male nurses for many decades now.
History Nerd,
I assume you’re referring to Jeb Bush? Because George W certainly did rig the primaries with the push polls in South Carolina asking about John McCain’s “illegitimate black daughter.”
For those who don’t know, McCain has an adopted daughter from Bangladesh. The push poll asked how respondents felt about her while referring her as an illegitimate black daughter in order to stoke racism and give the primary victory to Bush. It worked. But the GOP is totally not inherently racist. No siree.
Less than one quarter of people in the US who apply to any medical school get accepted and the curriculum is more rigorous than in the past. Nursing school and Doctor of Nursing practice programs are easier to get into and less rigorous*, so more men are going into nursing. More women are becoming medical doctors because women tend to do very well in school when you deal with discrimination and harassment seriously. The main disparity is that men are more likely to have their Ph.D. work recognized because that allows more bias and subjectivity. Men and women do equally well in STEM up through graduate courses.
* The programs are still rigorous, but it’s not quite the extreme rigor you’d get in medical school and the board exams.
Honestly, I’m unfamiliar with Jodie Whittaker, but As always, I’m cautiously optimistic, but reserving judgment until she actually gets some decent amount of screen time. I’d say it’s already worth it just because of the number of misogynists saying they’ll stop watching, because they can fuck right off out of the fandom. What is encouraging as well is the support Whittaker has recieved from various other people who were significant to the series, including Colin Baker, Freema Agyeman, Alex Kingston and Peter Capaldi.
I should note at this point that I’m quite a fan of Doctor Who, both classic and modern.
“Feminists demand change but won’t watch” except last time I checked the Whovian community has quite a lot of women in it.
@C Williams:
I think she was a qualified MD in later episodes.
Well, technically he’s just Spock. He just gets called “Mr” a lot by racist Starfleet people. What would that title even mean to an alien?
OK, no more geek pedantry
I was going to link to the Daily Mail comments but couldn’t bear to.
As usual, the main thing we can learn from all this is that:
a) We should never read the Daily Mail comments and
b) We inevitably will.
Twitter is surely worse but the DM comments are triple distilled.
Actually, in TOS at the very least, he holds the rank of Lieutenant Commander, and thus should in formal circumstances be referred to accordingly.
@Coquette St. Jacques
Yep, agreed. Since I watch the show and did support the idea of a female Doctor (still do), that theory is disproven.
I am one of the people who didn’t like what Moffat did to the series. My main area of complaint is that the plot arcs always left a niggling little piece missing, that rarely ever got resolved. I mean, let’s look at 11’s tenure. Season 5: There are cracks in the universe, what caused them? Answer: The TARDIS blew up. Why did it blow up? tune in next season to find out? Okay, so apparently it was some wierd religious order. why would they want to blow up the TARDIS? because of some prophecy. I think you get the idea at this point.
A male Mary Poppins? Go for it. That would also be an example of Time Lord gender changes because everyone already knows that Mary Poppins is a Time Lord.
@Swedish Sexual Bread
Only in Only in Starfleet-related situations, presumably. But hardly anyone was referred to by rank in TOS, for some reason, presumably a Roddenberry thing.
Except, for some reason, for Yeoman Rand, although Yeoman is a job more than a rank. And sometimes when Kirk was telling people off.
OK, I lied about there being no more geek pedantry.
I love how these manbabies refuse to see a female Doctor as a role model. As if girls don’t have to grow up viewing male pop culture heroes as role models because there’s such a comparative dearth of women.
Human empathy: too much work, apparently.
Then again, if you don’t view women as fully human in the first place, I guess it would be quite the challenge, now wouldn’t it.
Can I just outline my strongly held objection to the news that Jodie Whittaker is to be the 13th Doctor.
She’s not the 13th, she’s the 14th Doctor (and that’s without including the Dalek movies or the Curse of the Fatal Death)
Apart from that looks a good piece of casting and looking forward to seeing where they go with it.
If we’re going that route, there have been, according to Doctor Who Magazine (issue 462), 67 Doctors. This includes the Fatal Death Doctors, but also various ‘Doctors’ in other comedy sketches, Scream of the Shalka and, obviously, the Dalek movies.
I was caving yesterday afternoon and didn’t find out about Jodie Whittaker until last night; absolutely delighted. I always said ‘Attack The Block’ felt like a Doctor Who story in which the Doctor never turned up; I guess I was wrong.
I always assumed that Mary Poppins was a regeneration of Iris Wildthyme, at least in my own personal universe.
I think I’ve got it. These people are time-travellers. One of the Doctor’s enemies has transported a load of people from the past, from a time when “birds aren’t smart enough to be doctors” wasn’t immediately refuted by everyday experience, a time when jokes about lady drivers weren’t tired as hell, times when references to Pretty Woman and Mary Poppins seemed up to date.
The trouble with this theory is that the Daily Mail has always been a wormhole into the past.
@ matchstick & swedish
The movies are meant to exist within the world of the TV series. Supposedly Ian and Barbara sold the film rights to their adventures and the movies were the result.
It was intended to make this explicit in the 50th anniversary story; but the BBC couldn’t get the relevant IP rights sorted in time.
@Alan Robertshaw
Yeah, I’d heard about that. It seems like an interesting way to link it in.
Technically, in terms of the TV show’s specific canon, she’s the 15th Doctor… or the 2nd Doctor, depending on how you look at it. Remember… David Tennant regenerated twice. He just kept his face the first time.
William Hartnell – 1
Patrick Troughton – 2
Jon Pertwee – 3
Tom Baker – 4
Peter Davison – 5
Colin Baker – 6
Sylvester McCoy – 7
Paul McGann – 8
Jon Hurt – 9
Christopher Eccleston – 10
David Tennant – 11 and 12
Matt Smith – 13
Peter Capaldi – 14 or 1B
Jodie Whittaker – 15 or 2B
Peter Capaldi’s regeneration into Jodie Whittaker will be the Doctor’s 14th regeneration, however, and she is the 13th actor to play the character (not counting the comedy sketches and such). So you aren’t really wrong…
It’s pretty much convoluted at this point… heh…
@ Nathan
You’re forgetting the Morbius Doctors.
@Alan Robertshaw
I don’t think official canon counts that? But that starts the inevitable argument over just what is “official Doctor Who canon”, and if there’s even any such thing.
I’ve seen theories that those faces weren’t the Doctor at all, but Mobius (who was a Time Lord himself). That’s how I think of them…
And then there’s the terribly misandrist fact that Starfleet refers (or referred) to female officers as “Mr.” (eg, “Mr. Saavik”). Are men of the future not allowed EVEN ONE title that doesn’t have cooties all over it?
@ Nathan
Heh, yeah. This is one of those constant debates over on Gallifrey Base (or Gallifrey One, I can never remember which one it is I use).
I’m very much in the Morbius Doctors camp. That’s probably nostalgia though. It was so exciting as a kid to suddenly find out there were a whole load of Doctors we never knew about.
[And I’d argue the dialogue in that story makes it clear they are previous incarnations of our eponymous hero, but then we’re back to my first paragraph :-)]
If I understand correctly, what you’re saying is that:
– a time portal to the past has opened;
– the people coming through have taken over the country;
– they’re doing it in a genteel way;
– they’re terrified of the Doctor.
This isn’t exactly evidence against us living in a Doctor Who episode.
Why are all these right wingers losing their shit over a TV show about a travelling, foreign intellectual who outsmarts tough guys with his wits and meddles in the affairs of sovereign governments that was produced by a socialized T.V. station?
Except there are 14 different people in the list you posted.
I definitely agree that depending how you want to count it you can get radically different numbers (should we include the Valeyard ?) but I can’t see any way to get 13 unless John Hurt doesn’t count, in which case why does Paul McGann ?
But back at the plot, personally I suspect that almost everyone complaining about the new casting have never watched the show because they consider it “SJW Propaganda” (which it undoubtedly is in the best way