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By David Futrelle
A tragic day for whiny baby-men — the BBC just announced that the next Doctor Who will be a lady. Naturally, these sensitive souls took at once to Twitter to make their displeasure known. And to make jokes about Doctor Who turning into Nurse Who amirite fellas high five!
Here are some of the best of the worst Tweets I’ve seen so far. I can’t decide which are my favorites — the ones lamenting the loss of a crucial male “role model” or those suggesting that a female Doctor Who makes as much sense as a male Mary Poppins (which would be perfectly fine to me, by the way).
I'm actually quite shocked at the decision to cast a woman the should call it Nurse who now lol 😂😂
— Rhys (@rhysjordanstew1) July 16, 2017
"Doctor Who" what's the deal? Pushing the "gender fluidity" narrative now? Remember when entertainment wasn't social engineering propaganda
— Dan (@NotoriousDano) July 16, 2017
The BBC have literally just ruined all the heritage and history of Doctor Who making the new Doctor a woman
— Aydin Osman (@Aydin_Osman96) July 16, 2017
Doctor Who officially ruined. Time Lords being women not an issue, 50 years of tradition out the window is. What next 007 being Janette Bond pic.twitter.com/Hj3buVMx8s
— Ewan McColl (@TheMcColl) July 16, 2017
#DoctorWho So patronising to women to be chosen due to political correctness. No room for merit and talent if PC comes first.
— Holomatrix (@Holomatrices) July 16, 2017
Women have their own heroes like RIpley, Buffy and Wonder Woman, there is no need to take away role models for men #notmydoctor
— P. J. Lowry (@PJ_Lowry) July 16, 2017
I remember when Ripley, Leia, Buffy, Xena et al. trailblazed great women characters. But now, feminism seems pleased with mere pandering.
— Bradley Yellop (@bazz83) July 16, 2017
#doctorwho The regressive left are going crazy over the choice, next they will want a transgender to take the role as the Doctor.
— Rust (@Rust_NoMask) July 16, 2017
No, I don’t understand what that last one means either.
Won’t someone think of the poor, poor young boys who will now have not a single positive male role model in the whole of popular entertainment! How can they do this to the young booooys????
Won’t somebody think of the children?????????
Bad things that have happened on Doctor Who (and spin offs)
Technological mind rape, Implied or visible orifice invasion, mind control, aliens eating body fat, pollution controls making things better for the incoming invasion, forced sacrifice of self for greater good, treachery, betrayal, gestalt organisms gone bad, fish vampires, sea monsters that eat people and shit rocket fuel, sentient graffiti that worked out how to eat people, genocide, homicide, hands cut off, machinery becoming human, humans becoming machinery, fascists getting their deserved punishment (again and again and again) …
and the one thing that made them stop watching is “Doctor Who is going to be a woman”. Talk about missing the point of a series entirely.
As a long time Doctor Who fan (starting with Tom Baker, and I’ve gone back to watch some of the earlier shows, too), I approve of this “change”.
They remind me of the story of Chicken Licken, all running around thinking the world is ending.
And I thought only SJWs were meant to get offended by irrelevant things? Someone should tell them the BBC are just trolling them and doing it for the Lolz, that will blow their tiny little minds.
And the BBC a Marxist, leftie bastion? Give me a break, the place is run by Tories.
“I took Daily Mail comments from people angry about a possible Female Dr Who and turned them into episode titles for the new series”.
I also saw some tired ass jokes on twitter about how a feeemale will be unable to drive the Tardis and how it’s unrealistic to expect feeemales to know how to use a screwdriver.
Okay. I’m a woman who admittedly doesn’t know shit about home repair and tools. But I’ve used a screwdriver before. Putting a metal thing into a metal hole and twisting is not some sort of amazing skill that you need PENIS POWER for. It’s kind of pathetic to hinge your masculinity on screwdriver use.
And off topic but tonight’s season premiere of Game of Thrones was fucking amazing and a lot of the kick assiest people were feeemaaaale. HAHAHAHAHA!
Sorry. I might be a bit drank off my Fire & Blood cocktail. Blood orange soda and Absolut Ruby Red grapefruit vodka. Yum.
I’m no Whovian, but I seem to recall something about a female Master, and seem to not recall a lot of outcry (although that was before my mammoth hunting days, so I probably just never noticed it).
@Surplus to Requirements
I think it’s like not everyone who works very hard and has opportunities available can make it into the upper middle class or “outer elite” anymore. It started out with increasing competition to get into private schools and elite public schools like UT Austin, UNC Chapel Hill, UCLA, and UC Berkeley. Then it got to the point where even people who did well at those schools couldn’t make it to the “outer elite” anymore. The economic system is also showing its weaknesses, which makes both far left and far right ideas more acceptable, so you get horrible stuff like white working class racism.
You get a breakdown in civility on the parts of the left and right that consciously aspire to run the country some day because there’s inner-movement competition (sleazy in-fighting over who gets leadership) and people trying to seize the opportunity while economic conditions are still shit. But I think the alt-right is much more dangerous than communists or the campus protesters who do less advisable stuff.
Ted Cruz tried to rig the primaries in his favor also. Pretty much every Republican except Bush and Kasich tried to rig the primaries, probably because Bush and Kasich are old school politicians. The Republican and Democratic primaries are both microcosms of what’s infecting pretty much every political movement nowadays.
(Spoilers for DW restart season 9/10)
They do seem to have missed “Missy” the female Master character, but she was played as being evil, they probably figured she was what they always thought women were. A nemesis of the Doctor becoming female was the way things “should be” for MRAs/etc. Most actual fans just took it as “The Master is a evil conniving trickster, so changing apparent sex to fool the Doctor is just what he might try”
Double standards, etc. etc.
But it’s amusing that right-wingers are supposedly against censorship and “political correctness,” but they whine whenever creators of a TV show or movie make a decision they find offensive.
It’s not amusing, it’s painful. If they weren’t so good at logical phallusies [:-)] and inconsistency, we might actually have a working political system.
They’ve gone all the way to, “More college-educated people support Democrats, so college education is bad for the country”
It all began when they took down the Fairness Doctrine and were pretty much allowed to air their hate on the radio under the guise of Free Speech. The problem only spiraled downward with the coming about of Fox News (1996) and the advent of Fake News. By trying to pin the blame for economic woes on African Americans and immigrants they’ve secured their rabidly racist base. A base which they will never lose btw. The problem is that the Democratic party is still delusional and does not understand that they lost because they failed to generate enthusiasm and appeal to the majority of Americans with good policies.
No, they’ve been maintaining the status quo for a while now, and they think more centrism will do the trick. That’s not how Obama won a landslide election in 2008. At this rate they’ll lose the 2018 and 2020 election.
Soooooo, does this new Doctor mean that the pretty-strongly-implied Doctor/Master romantic pairing might stop being subtext and become text?
Inquiring minds want to know.
ETA: Especially if they acknowledge that it’s been there through all of their respective incarnations….
Bill’s dead and converted into sentient oil so she could be with Heather. Did you not watch the finale?
Without getting into spoilers, please believe me when I say, I am 100% confident that will not happen. (And no, Bill aten’t dead.)
@Skiriki: Whenever I see someone saying “Stephen Moffat ruined Doctor Who!” I wonder what show they’ve been watching thinking it’s Doctor Who, because his entire run is on the whole pretty damn excellent, IMO.
EDIT: And hey listen, I’ve sat through some real bad episodes, but my bar is a lot higher than “didn’t strangle the companion this time.”
There was a lot of doubt that it actually was the Master. Even three series on, people were going “Maybe she’s the Rani! For some reason!” Buddy, listen, the Rani just wants to be left alone to perfect the Illudium Q-38 Explosive Space Modulator in peace, and thinks these irritating distractions ought to just get a room already, why is she going to impersonate the Master?
The thirteenth and final Doctor Who is going to be female? And people are acting like it’s unfair?
Never before has this been more appropriate:
I thought they manage to rescind the regeneration limit for the Doctor?
I try to stay amused if I can. There’s a lot you can’t control, so you need to keep going with what you can control and keep yourself safe and healthy. I’ve had to work at not catastrophizing.
Not more than it already has been, I think. They love each other in a fashion, they mean the world to each other. Series 9 made that clear, although Missy was quick to remind Clara that mere love was an inadequate description of their connection.
Found it: https://youtu.be/I9DXd5OZlcU
@Falconer Glob I hope so. I really like Bill the way she is. Being in a relationship with the Doctor would be like being in a relationship with a god. Not good for anyone, even if you are a nun.
I’ve only watched up to the third episode of this season.
…Said the robot actress to the Bishop.
The TARDIS can’t be full of bras. The moment it was full of bras it would grow a new room and it would be called the Additional Bra Annex. (Or, knowing the names of various TARDIS features, the Quotidian Fold Nexus.)
I too lament the lack of a role model for boys, given that since they have so few male role models, it would be condescending to tell them they could try emulating a woman. I mean, if they had a lot of male role models in every form of media, then perhaps they should bloody well try empathising with a non-male point of view, but since all they have is Bond, the Doctor, and Doctor Benjamin McLane Spock, this is a terrible blow to them.
Also: “So patronising to women to be chosen due to political correctness. No room for merit and talent if PC comes first.” The age-old lament of “if you people would just WAIT for this to happen NATURALLY, which it didn’t in this case because murmur murmur murmur cosmic rays, it would have been so much better and everyone would have accepted it!” Most recently despicably shown in the Roberts dissent to same sex marriage, in which he deplored how gay people had lost the chance to gently convince people of their cause rather than to employ the tyranny of the courts, this business was old when Dr. King wrote “For years now I have heard the word “Wait!” … This “Wait” has almost always meant “Never.”” (Excised a bit that was specific to Dr. King’s specific struggle.) Come to think of it, it was almost certainly old when the first lungfish gasped its way onto the beachfront.
The sad part is it sounds exactly like the logical illogical extension of these whinging manbabies whinging on.
It’s DOCTOR, not Dr, Who, and MISTER Spock, not Dr. Spock.
Fekkin’ fake geek boys