aggrieved entitlement baby men entitled babies masculinity men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny no girls allowed transphobia twitter

The best worst reactions to the news that the next Doctor Who will be a woman

Jodie Whittaker, the next Doctor Who

The Summer 2017 WHTM pledge drive is on! Donate generously to enable our continuing coverage of whiny baby-men! Thanks! 

By David Futrelle

A tragic day for whiny baby-men — the BBC just announced that the next Doctor Who will be a lady. Naturally, these sensitive souls took at once to Twitter to make their displeasure known. And to make jokes about Doctor Who turning into Nurse Who amirite fellas high five!

Here are some of the best of the worst Tweets I’ve seen so far. I can’t decide which are my favorites — the ones lamenting the loss of a crucial male “role model” or those suggesting that a female Doctor Who makes as much sense as a male Mary Poppins (which would be perfectly fine to me, by the way).

No, I don’t understand what that last one means either.

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7 years ago


“By not making such sentiments a breach of the comments policy it avoids giving any weight to allegations that Mammoth is just an ‘echo chamber’ or that dissenting views are forbidden;”

I don’t think that what is important is not looking like an echo chamber.

If something like that is going to go up in the comments policy to prevent repetitive and upsetting arguments, it should be made very clear and firm as to what arguments are allowed, and what arguments are not. Is it just sympathy for Trump voters that is included, or is it any arguments over classism? Because I agree that the reason why the comments policy works so well RE: ableism is because it’s clear and firm and puts boundaries in place for both sides of the argument.

[edit: needlessly hostile tone, sorry.]

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Am I hallucinating or did one of Alan’s comments disappear?


It could be nice to have new and updated welcome package. If one person was willing to organize the whole thing, it could be a group project. I do have the time to do it if no one else wants to (although I’m not the most computer savvy person ever so I don’t know that anyone would want me to), but only if there’s enough interest in it and if people are genuinely willing to make contributions.

Ideas for what it might have

PRATTS that we don’t want to deal with over and over again

An explanation of some of the inside jokes

Links to some social justice 101 type of resources

A troll glossary

Anything else?

7 years ago

I’d be more than happy to put in at least some of the development work. I’d rather not use my personal domain but I could get a new website set up if needed.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
7 years ago


I’d throw in a detailed how-to for gravatars, seeing as that’s a frequently asked question.

I uh don’t have any other ideas right now. I think you’ve got most of everything covered already.

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

Am I hallucinating or did one of Alan’s comments disappear?

Oops sorry, I hope I haven’t left you suspiciously eyeing up a beer or anything.

I’d responded to Scildfreja about her common fallacies point because I’d originally put something like that in my response to your suggestion.

In that original comment I’d mentioned Scildfreja’s talent for rebutting such fallacies. But I’d deleted that bit because it came across as a suggestion that Scildfreja should end up doing it. That’s what prompted my comment about guys getting women to do emotional labour.

But then I deleted the second comment because that had the same problem.

I couldn’t find a way of phrasing; (1) this needs doing (2) you’re good at this, without it coming across as a demand if that makes sense?

Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
7 years ago

I’d include something that says that regular commenters are from all over the world, even though a some of the posts discuss things that are US centric.

Sometimes people assume everyone here is American, and respond without realising that commenters either don’t know US-specific things, or that English could be someone’s second or however many language.

Maybe something describing how moderation works, that if you change your ‘nym/email address, you’ll pop back into moderation until you’re let out.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

@John and Rhuu

I’d throw in a detailed how-to for gravatars, seeing as that’s a frequently asked question

Maybe something describing how moderation works, that if you change your ‘nym/email address, you’ll pop back into moderation until you’re let out

Craving both of these!

HTML lessons? Lotta people getting tripped up by the Blockquote Mammoth (Edit: or just not knowing how to blockquote in the first place) and such. And maybe a gentle urging that folks not direct reply to comments. Messes up the flow of posts and sometimes causes sliding

EJ (Scheming Liberal Race-Traitor)
EJ (Scheming Liberal Race-Traitor)
7 years ago

That’s a fantastic idea, WWTH. I’d be very happy to help write or collate content for an updated welcome pack.

Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
7 years ago

@Alan: I’d go with “Your rebuttal of these fallacies is always well done. Thank you for taking the time to do them. I appreciate the time and effort that goes into it.”

ETA: the welcome package – how to put in a picture, and a youtube video, so both will embed.

Scildfreja Unnyðnes
Scildfreja Unnyðnes
7 years ago

Clearly we need to write this thing in the style of the WHTM Post-Apocalyptic Survival Village we end up talking about every few months. We could put in some sweet Mad Max gifs of Furiosa, or some lovely pictures of little wood cabins nestled deep in the woods! Yes, I think this is what we need to do.

For services, I suggest that we just write it up on The Googs as a google doc and then ask David if he’ll make another header item on his website for us. If that’s something he can do without having to pay money, then it’d be easier for us to reference it and it’d be more likely that passers-by would encounter it. If not, we can dig up services then.

@Alan, my duck, my egg! (I have no idea why I am calling people that these days) Please, be as presumptuous as you like. It won’t make me upset. Being asked things is social reinforcement for me, as it turns out, and at the very worst I’ll just say that I can’t do it at the moment. So go ahead and ask if you ever want my opinion on something! My specialties are incredibly useless outside of a very, very narrow field, so it’s nice to be thought of as having a valuable opinion!

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ rhuu

“Your rebuttal of these fallacies is always well done.

Heh, I do that with friends who are good at baking though. “You make great cakes…Oh no, I was just saying…Well, if you insist.” 😀

@ scildfreja

my duck,

Well it wouldn’t be the Internet without an unsolicited duck pic. Duck is a general form of address in some parts of the Midlands over here though. So if you go into a shop it’ll be like “What can I do for you duck?”. You’d feel right at home there.

PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

What does it mean to people when they ask how I am, and I say “Just ducky, thanks!”? Because I have been saying this for decades, so I think Scild’s use of “my duck” is…well…just ducky.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
7 years ago

I uh can write, sorta. Just tell me what, where, and before when.

Just… don’t ask me to promise you it’ll be any good.

7 years ago


I understand “just ducky” to roughly mean “quite good”. Pretty much the same as “just peachy.”

Scildfreja Unnyðnes
Scildfreja Unnyðnes
7 years ago

I say “just ducky” all the time! Also “just peachy!”

I’m basically just a dorky-phrase markov machine.

It’s English, of course it is! No doubt that’s where I’ve heard it. My folks (or half of them) are from Devonshire, but I’m sure I got it from them. by osmosis of course. Tah!

I encourage everyone to write. Someone should set up a googum doc or something.

7 years ago

Ay up me duck…

I’m sat in a cafe in Nottingham right now, and it’s wall-to-wall ‘duck’ in here – it’s enough to make anyone from outside the Midlands quite mardy!

Tarrah for now!

PaganReader - Misandrist Spinster

unsolicited duck pic

comment image

7 years ago

NuWho is rubbish anyway (‘eastenders with daleks’ as one Tv critic put it) so making The Dr a girl probably won’t make it any worse than it already is. I wonder though if she will have a male companion who bosses her around the way the female companions boss the Nuwho male doctors around. i suspect not.

7 years ago

“Let’s replace Julia Roberts pretty woman for pretty bloke”

I mean, um…sure, go ahead?
It’s not like you’d be taking work away from women – Julia Roberts ALREADY GOT PAID FOR THAT ONE.
And people who love the original would still be able to go back and watch it, just like you can with the first 10 male Doctors.
And, like, it doesn’t seem like there’s ever going to be a dearth of opportunity for women to play prostitutes, so, sure, you guys can have this one.

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