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The best worst reactions to the news that the next Doctor Who will be a woman

Jodie Whittaker, the next Doctor Who

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By David Futrelle

A tragic day for whiny baby-men — the BBC just announced that the next Doctor Who will be a lady. Naturally, these sensitive souls took at once to Twitter to make their displeasure known. And to make jokes about Doctor Who turning into Nurse Who amirite fellas high five!

Here are some of the best of the worst Tweets I’ve seen so far. I can’t decide which are my favorites — the ones lamenting the loss of a crucial male “role model” or those suggesting that a female Doctor Who makes as much sense as a male Mary Poppins (which would be perfectly fine to me, by the way).

No, I don’t understand what that last one means either.

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7 years ago


Yeah, that’s fair enough. He’s pretty good at the Nazi punching, rather better than me. He can go do that over in the corner while me and Tony Robinson get on with Sunday afternoon teatime TV archaeology over here!

7 years ago

Roll 1d10000000 and consult table. From 00666162-10000000 you get one child. If you roll a 1, you get quintuplets. Utter ridiculousness abounds.

Any occupation that uses charcoal to create things has the rules “May only sell extra charcoal to guildmembers at fixed rate. May not buy more charcoal than needed for work.”

List of random magical effects is 2000 lines long, many of them ‘Caster must say “something specified” ‘ every time a spell is cast. Many spells specifically effect women only.

In the list of abbettors (known as “helpers” to more reasonable people), the “fact” that one of the cowriters is the “fastest and cleanest speedpicking guitarist on earth” is mentioned.

Re: Doctor Who RPG Books
That’s not the one I had, but I now own the PDFs. My old copy is copyright 1985, by FASA. Has a slightly bad illustration of Doctor Tom Baker and Leela on the front.

7 years ago

Roll 1d10000000 and consult table. From 00666162-10000000 you get one child.

Because if it was from 00666163-10000000, the game would be ruined.

Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
7 years ago

omg I used the heck out of hypercard!!! I have idly wondered what that was called, for like twenty years. I made a simpsons thing with it, doing a bunch of animation with a MOUSE.

I wish I still had that.

7 years ago

One thing I missed…

Spell: Fatal
Level: 10

Casting this spell causes all life to in-
stantly die on the current world of the
spellcaster. The cause of death is without
explanation. Fatal is the most powerful spell
ever mentioned and so far it has never been
cast by a mortal.

Random magical effect table (Roll 2d1000)
1351. Accidentally casts Fatal.

Oops, I miscast Detect Superiority, critical fumble, screwed up ritual, roll random magical effect. Oh, wonderful, the game ends.

occasional reader
occasional reader
7 years ago

Hmm ? My answer does not display ? Maybe in moderation ? That is strange, because there is only one link, and my former comment seemed to not have needed moderation. Oh, well, that will teach me to write a block without saving it somewhere before submitting.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

Not award winningly on topic but hey. Apologies if you’ve seen this before; but it’s another find for my ‘comic characters punching people’ collection.

comment image

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

In other news, word on the street is that this lady will get the top job in our Supreme Court today.

(Don’t worry guys, the other eight are still all blokes)

GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
7 years ago

And in the US, the Senate has just approved a judge for the Court of Appeals who has stated that slavery and abortion are the two greatest tragedies in US history and compared Roe v. Wade to the Dred Scott decision (which held that “a negro, whose ancestors were imported into [the U.S.], and sold as slaves”, whether enslaved or free, could not be an American citizen and therefore had no standing to sue in federal court).

Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
7 years ago

Sorry I’m a late commenter on this topic, but I feel,a bit cynical regarding this decision to cast a woman as the next Doctor Who. The news only broke a couple if days before the BBC pay scandal, which proves that women are sickeningly undervalued and under paid. It also proves that we should tell them where to stick their licence fee. I haven’t paid a TV liscence for five years, after telling them where to shove it after the Jimmy Savile news broke. The BBC continues to disappoint, harbouring and covering up for paedophiles, and treating women as second class citizens, no thank you 🙁 I don’t approve of paying Chris Evans £2.5 million per annum, he ruined Top Gear and is a crap presenter and a crap person. He treated Billie Piper badly when they were married. He isn’t a nice guy. I think choosing a female Doctor Who is a pathetic attempt at ‘damage limitation’, and rather patronising when you consider that even the co anchors on The One Show, the man gets at least twice the pay that the woman does, even if she’s his senior. That isn’t just sexist, it’s ageist as well. 🙁

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

the other eight are still all blokes

I spoke too soon. Brenda Hale has got the top job; but they’ve also promoted Jill Black to the Supreme Court. So that’s now 2:7 women:men. Eek, no doubt the outlawing of male characters in animated films about cars is now imminent.

7 years ago

I haven’t paid a TV licence for five years, after telling them where to shove it after the Jimmy Savile news broke. The BBC continues to disappoint, harbouring and covering up for paedophiles, and treating women as second class citizens, no thank you

I can understand your chagrin, but tend to see it as separate. The BBC is a huge organisation, and I don’t connect what is happening in Dr Who with any of the other stuff. What will be interesting to know is if JW will be paid as much as all the other actors who have been Dr Who in recent years.

Swedish Sexual Bread
Swedish Sexual Bread
7 years ago

Jodie Whittaker is allegedly going to be payed as much as Peter Capaldi, which is to say £200,000 a year. Presumably there will also be royalties coming in from BBC Worldwide merchandise profits.

7 years ago

@Alan, sorry I’ve been very slow catching up on this thread, but it was me who was interested in the Tripods RPG rights, so thank you very much for the info.

Was going to mention the Doctor Who Humble Bundle but I was beaten to it 🙂 As a game it does a decent job of keeping the tone of the TV series and emphasising solutions other than just hitting something till it stops moving.

So I might just mention Bundle of Holding as an place to keep an eye on for RPG bundles as well.

They tend to offer at least one bundle a week and currently have 3 running at the moment including a Rifts bundle which is at least interesting from a historical context, even if some of the content can be somewhat… problematic.

7 years ago

“Story Points” remind me of another game called “Toon”, though I’m not sure if there were actual points involved. It was something like, “If you can come up with something good and cartoonish, GM should try to make it happen even if it’s against the rules.”

Basically, “don’t let rules get in the way of having fun”, which is a good rule for any non-tournament RPG session.

Applying that rule to FATAL leads to using an entirely different system, rulebook, story, and setting.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ JS

“don’t let rules get in the way of having fun”, which is a good rule for any non-tournament RPG session.

It’s a good rule for life full stop.

“And it harm none, do what thou will” and all that.

EJ (Scheming Liberal Race-Traitor)
EJ (Scheming Liberal Race-Traitor)
7 years ago

The recent 7th Sea 2nd Edition did a similar thing with Hero Points: when you spend one then you can briefly gain authorial powers to insert new elements into the game to help other party members. It’s a marvellous idea.

Lorcan Nagle
Lorcan Nagle
7 years ago

Have you guys seen the system Catalyst Game Labs used for Cosmic Patrol and the Valiant Universe RPG? There’s no GM, each player takes it in turns to narrate a scene based on a basic scenario, themes and complications. Everyone has a supply of points that can be used to take control of the narrative like the 7th Sea example, with a pool of points passing from narrator to narrator so they don’t need to use their PC’s points.

Patricia Kayden
Patricia Kayden
7 years ago

Just wait until James Bond is played by an African-British dude. Heads will explode everywhere. Looking forward to it.

7 years ago

Best best reaction to the news:
John Barrowman (AKA Captain Jack) puts on a TARDIS dress, and offers support to the decision.

7 years ago

@ Patricia Kayden
Wasn’t Idris Elba floated as a possibility some years back? I’m pretty sure just talking about it made some heads explode.

@ Lorcan Nagle
That sort of reminds me of the game The Fall of Magic. No GM and very few rules, you just move tokens around a map and narrate a scene based off of a story prompt.

7 years ago

@Lorcan Nagle the same system is also used more lightweight of the classic Shadowrun RPG called Shadowrun Anarchy

7 years ago

I’m saving my reaction until i learn whether they are going to stick with romantic interest female companions. Pls @bbc, give us the lesbian Doctor we all deserve.

Scildfreja Unnyðnes
Scildfreja Unnyðnes
7 years ago

So i went out to play a little board game today with some friends

One of my friends spent his time complaining about the fact that the new Doctor is a woman. And then he joked about how “i guess that’s sorta sexist.” And I said “uh huh”, and he proceeded to tell me about how it shouldn’t happen because women should just make their own role models instead of taking over men.

Didn’t have as much fun as I had hoped.

7 years ago

I wonder if he tells white dudes they should stop playing Jesus and make their own role models instead.

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