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By David Futrelle
One brave “involuntarily celibate” Redditor has come up with what I think you’ll have to admit is an ingenious way to get around the fact that no living human woman wants to have sex with him: have sex with women who are “recently deceased!”
I mean, it’s not like they can say no after they’re dead! Heck, they won’t even notice that you’re having sex with them, being dead and all. No harm no foul!
Posting in the now-banned IncelHeaven subreddit last November, a fellow with the charming name SaintElliot — and yes, this is a reference to killer incel Elliot Rodger — put forth this delightful proposal:
What an amazing example of “thinking outside the box” if by “box” you mean “coffin.”
A glance through SaintElliot’s posting history on Reddit — even though he’s clearly deleted a lot of things — suggests that he’s at least semi-serious about this proposal.
I have so many questions. Would this sex take place in funeral homes or morgues? If the former, would funeral homes have to set up separate viewing and sex hours to accommodate both mourners and sex-hungry incel necrophiliacs? If the latter, would morgues be open 24/7 to serve incels’ sex-with-dead-women needs? Would there be beds provided or would the incels just have to bed their dead lovers on the cold slabs?
And then there is the most important question of all: How exactly does SaintElliot know that “[t]he pussy of females can be used even 2 days after their death?”
I shudder to think.
H/T — This one is going around on Twitter now, thanks to Lyzzy for pointing it out to me; it was also highlighted on FSDT.net back in November.
@IgnoreSandra At least the spiders wouldn’t rape him post-mortem.
@Wanda Rigor mortis ends after a few hours when the muscles begin to break down and the body enters final decay. And thank you for making me think about it, but… it wouldn’t be fun in any way! Even when just unconscious, you lose your tonicity and when dead, there is no tension at all. You might as well “enjoy human companionship” with a plate of ground up meat. (Here is an idea! Let’s send those people to the place where they dispose of old burger patties!)
Slightly OT, but does anyone remember, a few months back, how I told you about how I asked a girl out for the first time*, and found it to be rather quite mind-bogglingly easy despite the incel crowd acting as if getting a date was harder than getting into Harvard? Well, last night, I went further. I went to a bar for the first time. Now, I can’t stress enough that I’m completely average looking, have no job/am not rich, had never approached women in bars prior to this and have not consulted one word of bloody PUA rubbish. Yet, simply by having showered, shaved and put nice clothes on beforehand, having the confidence to just approach in the first place, and talking politely to them/treating them like damn human beings; in five hours, I got two phone numbers, a dance, and my first kiss. Am I bragging here? Perhaps slightly, but I’m also making the point to any incels that should happen to be reading this that I really, really don’t think it’s as hard as you fellows make it out to be…
* Said date went fine, by the way, but she didn’t want another one, and I respect that.
That just makes you a normie in their eyes, someone who isn’t equipped to understand their Totally Unique Pain that comes from having a low wrist circumference and unfavorable forehead/upper lip ratio.
SaintElliot was a mod on /r/incelheaven before it was banned for “multiple violations of site-wide rules.” The /r/incelheaven subreddit was apparently an “erotica” subreddit that had mostly fantasies about raping and murdering women. He posted a (disgusting) detailed description of how rape a female dog (disgusting post not included in link, but plenty of cringe-inducing stuff from his history). Animal abusers are some of the lowest scum in existence.
A lot of serial killers get off sexually on murdering women, and some rape them before or after. It’s possible he’s one of those serial killers. He seems obsessed with raping and murdering women (in either order), as evidenced in this lovely post on the /r/FemaleIncels subreddit.
How the fuck does anyone even sit down at a keyboard and type that shit?
How the fuck does a person upvote that?
Saint Elliot?
He did what to a dog?
That little Ted Bundy/Gary Ridgeway wannabe needs to be locked up.
TW: rapey incel fuckery.
Here’s where he says “female organisms” should be genetically modified to want to fuck him and that they should be treated as animals and owned by men.
If that jackass don’t have a pit dug out back already, its only because he’s too lazy to use a shovel. He’s gonna act out on his nasty little fantasies sooner or later.
I’m very concerned, because this shit doesn’t surprise me one bit….
Thank you Ada Lovelace and thank you Alan Turing, for without your hard work and brilliant minds none of us could sit in the comfort of our homes and read about any of this.
Holy gaddamned jeebus, ordinarily I am righteously ticked off when there’s a new litter of kittens in my front yard (from my neighbors who refuse to spay any of the ferals they feed), BUT TODAY I am ecstatic to have come across half a dozen cuties. Time to go out there with yummy canned food and see how many new friends I can TNR over the next few days.
@SFHC The way I operate is that I will hold to my personal standards of behavior, regardless of the behavior of the person I’m dealing with. I treat people with courtesy and respect until they show me they don’t deserve it (I start from a position of respect instead of the childish insistence that you have to earn it, indeed you have to earn my disrespect, not the other way around). However once someone has shown me they don’t deserve my regard (and sending random death threats to women on twitter certainly shows that) I’ll not piss on them if I saw them on fire, but that’s me.
All I’m saying is, personally I’d not bother telling him anything, but ymmv.

is Henry Alexander and this
Is his namesake. This handsome fella lived to 22, and is dearly missed by his human.
@SFHC, it may be that he knowingly used someone else’s photo, with full awareness that it shows a retinoblastoma. In which case, he’s an even bigger scumbag, who deserved his Twitter ban thoroughly. (I tend to assume the worst of trolls, especially alt-right turds. I could be wrong, of course, but two decades of ugly internet experience have taught me that the worst is rarely too much to assume when it comes to trolls and/or Nazi types.)
Aaaand back to (ugh) topic:
Honestly, the only thing “SaintElliot” should be fucking is a splintery knothole inhabited by a nest of angry hornets. Because that’s all that he deserves for his vile proposal, whether or not he’s in earnest.
I hope I can make up for posting those links
so many perfect kitties
PaganReader, that cone kitty made me burst out laughing.
“Oooooh, the indignity!”
I so wish my family were not so incredibly allergic to cats. I’d have them, if I could.
*Sighs wistfully*
I’ve been saying this for quite a while. Neither Incels nor MGTOWs want fulfilling relationships with women*; they don’t even want no-strings-attached sex. They want to hurt women. They want to rape women. They want the lack of consent, the pain and the violation of women that can only come with rape.
They don’t use sex toys, or visit prostitutes, because that wouldn’t give them the violation they crave. They have the souls of rapists, every one of them. Some are at the “milder” end of the scale; they have convinced themselves that they actually want a relationship, as long as the woman “knows her place”. Some fantasise about a world where they are allowed to violate women. The worst demand a world where the government provides women for them to violate.
At least some of these people are active rapists. They may not see themselves as such, but they have raped women. They have physically and emotionally abused their intimate partners. Some have committed date rape. Some are serial rapists. As one previous poster said; the person writing the post in question, has killed and raped at least once. In that order.
This post has flicked a switch in my mind. These creatures have changed, in my head, from misogynistic fucksticks to rapists, every one of them. They may not have actually done it yet, but they are waiting for their opportunity. Fuck them all.
Not all men? No. But fuck these men, and fuck anyone who tries to guilt me about my efforts to protect myself. I no longer have any fucks to give.
*As always, these creeps only acknowledge the existence of cishet women. To trans women, lesbians and non-binary folk – I am so sorry that these fucksticks continue to exist. They probably want to do worse to you, than they do to white cishet woman me.
I’m actually kinda worried if he does go out to harm anyone. There’s trolling for attention, and then there’s the added level of this sick shit.
But this doesn’t surprise me either coming from incels. (Their whole fantasy writing involving murdering/raping still turns my stomach. ‘incel heaven’ jfc..). Tosca’s right. They’ve never wanted a healthy relationship with women to begin with. They loathe women for being humans (like they are) with agency and autonomy. It’s heaven for them to hurt women, dehumanize them, rape them, murder them, and then blame them for dying.
Sickened, not surprised but sickened all the same.
Yup. And I’ll go you one further and say they want all that with impunity, and are pissed as hell that rape is, mirabile dictu, socially frowned upon and even occasionally criminally punished! In other words: It’s common, but not normal. And they want it to be not only common, but normal…indeed, THE norm.
Because what else is gonna keep us bitches in our place, eh?
Man…I only just checked these.
All I know is that I broke out into some kind of slam poetry while I was wiping down trays in the back of my work, culminating in something I drew from something said here a few months ago:
“This isn’t normal. You aren’t normal.
Sometimes…one thing must be matched with another.”
@History Nerd
Yeah, y’know, its stuff like this that I was thinking about when I posted earlier, suggesting that “lol, incel hasn’t thought about how gross fucking a corpse would be” might be horribly wrong.
@Tosca: I very much agree with you.
One day, preferrably soon, I would like to see these online words taken seriously by the police.
Everything from these chaps could be translated as:
I should definitely be allowed to do anything.
Raping corpses is vile, raping non-human animals is worse. Neither are able to say no, but non-human animals are still alive to be hurt and traumatised.
Also, all these kitty pics are making me want a kitty, but I have two doggies who aren’t fond of cats.
@ peevee
You ever seen Father Ted?
It’s all about revenge, because real life didn’t work out like Hollywood fantasies and the “hawt” swimwear model they feel they’re owed, who’ll do nothing but worship them and fulfill their every whim, wasn’t delivered to their door.
@PaganReader: The KFC dog looks very pleased with him/herself. Thank you so much for sharing that.
Was “SaintElliot” the same charmer who lauded Ted Bundy for “disciplining” women? Bundy was a necrophile. For him, it was about total possession. That seems to be so for this guy, too.
@abars01: Good for you, man. I’m happy for you. 🙂