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By David Futrelle
I don’t even know how to begin to summarize this very long and very creepy post from the Relationship Advice subreddit from a male boss who seems just a teensy weensy bit too “concerned” about a female employee’s relationship with her boyfriend.
So you’re going to just have to read it for yourself. But here’s a fun game you can play as you make your way through it: See how many paragraphs you can get through before your skin starts to crawl!
In the movie Election, the main characters periodically break frame for brief “confessionals” in which they explain what they think is going on; it doesn’t take long to figure out that, well, they have no idea what’s really going on, and their little monologues are at once self-serving and completely un-self-aware.
Boss man has outdone all of them here.
H/T — @leyawn
Hah hah hah his comment history is fantastic.
@ weird eddie (& axe)
Re: objections in court
Permission to waffle about my favourite legal anecdote?
I had a case where my star witness was the ex attorney general of Ghana. He started to give evidence about “and at that stage President Rawlings began to act unconstitutionally”
The home office barrister very politely objected. “I hesitate to interupt, but what qualifies this witness to comment on the Constitution of Ghana?”
“Well, I wrote it”
Are you familiar with the famous US SCOTUS case Marbury v. Madison?
The Madison in that case is the same Madison who wrote the US Constitution.
Ooh, I knew the case but I didn’t know that. Cheers. I love this site for how I’m always learning new stuff.
(Although, one can make a pretty strong case it wasn’t just land the founding fathers nicked from Indians)
Yeah she was in an abusive relationship. The one with him, and it sounds like she’s glad to Get the Fuck Out. I would be too.
I don’t think that this one has been linked here yet. Sorry if that’s not the case.
I’m honestly worried that this dude is going to end up killing either “Jennifer” or her boyfriend. Or both. It’s not letting me copy+paste, but he’s saying that she’s a liar and a bitch and “Karma” is going to get her someday.
It’s potentially a good thing that is going viral. Maybe there’s a chance that she’ll see these posts and recognize them as being about her. It might not be enough evidence to help her legally, but it would at least warn her so she can take safety precautions.
It’s really sounding like a Law & Order SVU plot to me.
The founders cribbed a metric fuckton of stuff from the locals, especially the Iroquois Confederacy. Of course that doesn’t get taught at anything less than an undergraduate level, because we wouldn’t want the workforce to realize that the Great White Fathers were anything other than totally original and novel.
He was there to pick up his girlfriend. Was he supposed to rent a tuxedo for the five minutes he was inside the gala?
Yep! The kind of Really Caring Guy who lies awake at night, obsessing over what his co-worker might be doing in bed with her boyfriend. The kind who cares SO MUCH, he sends her midnight texts calculated to interrupt their lovemaking and intrude on their time together, and then gets royally pissed off when she doesn’t respond. (And she’s the gauche one?)
The kind of really super-duper noble do-good Eagle Scout who convinces himself that his target has rejected him NOT because she already has a boyfriend, but because in her abused state, she’s simply too confused to know what’s good for her and what she really wants. Out of the goodness of his heart, he needs to step in and “rescue” her from his competition. Only an evil monster could possibly object to this plan!
Ugh. If he treats her like this when they’re not dating, imagine how petty, controlling, and jealous he’d be if they were?
@WWTH — I’m worried about that too. I’m pretty sure she feels like she got away from a Serial Killer that night and not her boss. This whole thing just reads SO WRONG to me. It sets off ALL the alarms.
And he’s so genuinely concerned about her safety that when he sees she’s been posting to Facebook (and thus is obviously fine) his reaction is not I’M SO RELIEVED SHE’S FINE but instead to pop a massive rageboner.
Well, we can state definitively that “Jennifer” is a brunette.
I sure hope she finds those threads, or someone finds a way to point her toward them.
This is a topic I’m really interested in for various reasons.
You probably know that the Iroquois Confederacy used an electoral college system; but only women could be electors.
And y’know, I am very close to my son. He’s a teen, but I think it’s not too out-there to say I am one of his best friends, in the sense that he trusts me completely and tells me (most) things.
But even as close as we are, and as close as we might become when he is an adult, NO EFFIN’ WAY am I going with him to talk to a woman he likes about…what, exactly?
I mean, if asked, I’m certainly going to give him advice – and my advice in this situation would be LEAVE IT ALONE JUNIOR GO ON ABOUT YOUR OWN DAMN BUSINESS.
Full disclosure: my teenage son does NOT tell me EVERYTHING. Especially if it’s about one of his friends, or something he thinks is personal that someone else told him. We have a deal, the only time he *has* to share something private with me is if someone (again, we’re talking about him and other teenagers) is being hurt, hurting themselves, or hurting someone else. He has said that he would, and I hope he holds to that, but who knows? He’s growing into an adult. Hopefully I’ve taught him well enough that he knows what I’d say anyway (and knows right from wrong).
Oh myyyy. He’s hung like Thor’s hammer, and needs to “pound some aggression out”? I can’t imagine why Jennifer from work isn’t clambering all over that thunderous cock. Instead of dating that beta orbiter who shows up in shorts and a t-shirt to pick her up from a work function.
Oh wait, I totally can. He’s the abuser in all this, just as I suspected!
Their Constitution is an interesting read. The bits about how the Lords were installed and de-installed (by the power of the women who actually held the titles) is a system that I think we could use more of today.
Now that I had the chance to read through the comments, wow, he is worse than I thought. I really hope she gets far away from him as soon as possible.
I love all this stuff. Have some very interesting conversations about it all.
But the Iroquois Confederacy is especially fascinating. I suppose one could argue it’s like a patriarchy and matriarchy acting as ‘checks and balances’. Hmm, I’ll have to run that past them.
On a sort of related topic, you ever heard this.
It’s an unreleased U2 song called ‘Native Son’. It’s about Leonard Peltier. But the record company said it might alienate the American fan base, so they modified it to be the non controversial ‘Vertigo’.
Why’d I click that screenshot? The whole ‘You wanna leave my bed with a ruptured cervix, hahaha?’ thing is bad enough (replacing the whole ad with ‘I’m a lousy lay with anger management issues, wait, don’t click away!’ woulda been quicker), but, like, “shoot in you”? *heaves, shudders*
Top notch momming, fam. Just… top notch *salutes*
@ Axe
If you’d been tied up with Indiana Jones on that island you’d have peeked wouldn’t you? 🙂
@Axe “Danger” Calibur:
Have you had the (dubious) pleasure of seeing “SWBs Texting”? It’s a fuckin’ thing.
@dslucia – I shouldn’t have clicked on that. Allll too familiar – just FYI, they don’t get any better about it even when in their 50s…
I’m sure they don’t.
It boggles my mind, a lot of the things they say are things I wouldn’t feel comfortable just straight up saying to someone I’m already in a sexual relationship with. I do love the snarky responses, though.
Oh, I know it’s a thing. It’s just made more blergh by the NiceGuyTM creepery in the OP
‘I am so concerned about this impressionable youth, WHO I’M IN NO WAY INTO LIKE THAT, EWE GUISE! Maybe me and mother should sit her down and talk about that boyfriend
immasculating meabusing her… But first, which lucky lady wants to reenact an episode of criminal minds?’Also, I was much more into Fat, Ugly, or Slutty than SWBT
@Axe “Danger” Calibur:
It’s a shame FUS isn’t still updating.
Well, it wouldn’t be a shame if the reason for no more updates was because gamerbois learned how to be respectful, but we all know that’s not gonna happen.
Jesus Christ, this kind of shit is why I’m afraid to be friendly with men sometimes.