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By David Futrelle
I don’t even know how to begin to summarize this very long and very creepy post from the Relationship Advice subreddit from a male boss who seems just a teensy weensy bit too “concerned” about a female employee’s relationship with her boyfriend.
So you’re going to just have to read it for yourself. But here’s a fun game you can play as you make your way through it: See how many paragraphs you can get through before your skin starts to crawl!
In the movie Election, the main characters periodically break frame for brief “confessionals” in which they explain what they think is going on; it doesn’t take long to figure out that, well, they have no idea what’s really going on, and their little monologues are at once self-serving and completely un-self-aware.
Boss man has outdone all of them here.
H/T — @leyawn
@Imaginary Petal
Oh, my dear friend. I was once like you. I loved autumn – the crisp air, the new cold-weather clothes (like cozy new sweaters). Going to the apple orchard for cider and donuts.
Watching a scary movie Halloween night while passing out candy to kids on the porch. Sometimes dressing up myself, going to a party with friends, getting drunk and loud and stumbling home at 5 a.m. Cold but not too cold.
Looking forward to winter and Christmas, fires and hot chocolate and more cozy sweaters, gifts and ice skating and skiing! Peppermint schnapps and mulled cider! I grew up in Michigan, lots of snow due to the lake effect, pleasant not-too-cold temperatures.
Then I moved to North Dakota.
Where winter begins in October and lasts until May.
Where winter isn’t fun outdoor activities in mild, just-below-freezing temps, but an all-out fight to the death against blizzards, 40-mph winds sweeping down from Canada with no landscape to slow them down in the -30 degree nights, shaking the house until you think it’ll blow away like Dorothy’s, not to Oz but to the ice-cold Winter Witch’s palace, where you can lose your ear- and finger-tips to frostbite in minutes. Where it hurts right down to your bones just to scuttle from your warm house to the car and into work.
Where I actually start to get angry in March and April when it seems we’re no closer to spring than we were in February. Where I pine for a day when it will just be warm enough for me to open a window and let out some stale recirculated air.
Now, for me, autumn just means we’re that much closer to the desolate Season of Death. I dread autumn now.
A telling slip:
Of course, he and Jennifer were not also a couple.
Not a date.
Too long reply post incoming and I’m doing other things while writing, so I assume that I will be ninja’d multiple times. Oh well.
Honestly, this is where the post first got suspect. Right away in the first paragraph. I’m getting the impression that he’s one of those men who assume that young women are all vapid, stupid and childish. Especially if they’re pretty. Presumably she got the job because she’s qualified for it. Why should it be a surprise that she’s competent?
Why the fuck would you invite your trainee to lunch with your mom? Especially if she’s visiting from out of town. The only way this would be acceptable is if the mom is also in the same sector and could provide “Jennifer” additional mentorship and a networking opportunity.
Nothing says nonchalance like all caps.
Yes, people in small offices or close knit departments in larger companies will often know each other’s business. That doesn’t mean any employee is required to open up about their private life. Especially to their boss when they’re still in their training period. How is this manipulative? This guy clearly thinks that women are required to inform every man around them as to whether or not she’s some other man’s property. Because if you’re single, just being in the same room with a man pretty much amounts to consenting to a date.
Ugh. It’s bad enough that bosses think that women are being bad employees if they have children. Now they’re being bad employees if they have a boyfriend? And why is it okay that she was in a 5 year relationship but being in a 5 week relationship should’ve changed things? The fuck?
During which time he was creepily obsessing about her?
How is this a red flag? Maybe they were out together and it was easier for her to just be dropped off by her BF? What makes him think that it was the BF’s idea to drop her off? Maybe it was her idea. I’m also creeped out by his use of the word date. Now, people do commonly call it a date when they take a friend to a formal kind of event. All by itself the use of the word doesn’t bother, but given his obsession with “Jennifer” it really reads like he’d talked himself into believing that this was a romantic date even though she probably gave no indication that his was the case.
What happened? What was there to apologize for? For fuck’s sake, even if it had been a romantic date, it would have been perfectly acceptable to meet at the location. Getting mad about this, that’s the real red flag here. Again, it sounds like he’d planned to woo her into seeing him as a boyfriend instead of a friend/boss. He had a picture in his head about how the evening would go and was enraged that it didn’t turn out as planned. Nothing wrong with indulging in romantic fantasy, but there’s something very wrong with getting angry at the object of your fantasy for not fulfilling it.
Why is this two red flags in one? I’m actually assuming that she had wanted to cancel to hang out with her BF but 1. wanted to get the chance to meet people in her field and 2. felt bad because she said she would go. So she compromised and went for a shorter timespan.
And um, “another couple?” Just no. Dude, you’re not in a couple with Jennifer. That’s pretty damn obvious. Really not buying that HE’S TOTALLY NOT CARING THAT SHE HAS A BOYFRIEND here.
What is the point of this anecdote? I guess he’s trash talking his rival, but putting it in his list of red flags makes it seem like he thinks it’s also a red flag. It’s not exactly unheard of for a 24 year old man to be clueless about proper attire. It was a social faux pas to meander into a dressy event in casual clothing, but I’m not seeing why it’s grounds for breaking up a long term relationship.
Maybe he’s getting attitude because you’re all jittery and creepy and trying to get on his girlfriend? Just a though.
Totally not creepy that he’s going into a rage about an employee’s boyfriend. Ew.
Yeah, your employees are not obligated to check in with you late at night.
Gaahhh! This creepo stayed up all night fuming and stalking her Facebook. Ewwwwww!!!! It’s astonishing that he’s expecting to be the sympathetic one in this tale.
Or, you know she was uncomfortable that her boss is acting like a controlling creep towards her. Although maybe she her boyfriend was the reason. As in she was engaging in sexy times with him. She does actually have every right to do sexy times with the long distance BF when she’s in town instead of catering to her needy m’lady boss all night long.
Take a fucking hint! My irony meter just exploded at this stalker calling her boyfriend the controlling one. Blowing up someone’s phone when they don’t respond to a text right away is like, chapter one in the abuser/stalker handbook.
Yes, it’s her boyfriend’s fault that your rage frothing and creeping have made her uncomfortable. Riiiiight.
Wut? I’m 37 and I have friends from college who are (as far as I know) still happily married to people they got together with in college. That’s so not a big deal.
How did this dude get to be a supervisor in a non-profit without realizing that non-profits hire lobbyists. I know a lot of people think that only giant corporations hire them, but you’d think that someone who works in a non-profit would know better. I used to work for an environmental group that had a lobbyist.
It sounds more like he’s trying to gaslight her into thinking that her boyfriend is an abuser. It really grosses me out that abusers are reading material intended to help victims recognize abuse in order to better manipulate their targets. And notice that this guy hasn’t mentioned that any of her friends or fellow co-workers have a problem with the BF. What’s his evidence that the BF has affected her relationship with anyone else in her life?
You’re her boss and she told you that your behavior is making her uncomfortable! There is no best approach. Any attempt to interfere in her private life opens your org up to a sexual harassment lawsuit.
Translation: He wants to tell her that she has to dump her boyfriend if she wants to keep her job.
Woah. I have to run next door and watch Wheel of Fortune with my grandma, but I’m going to have a fucking field day with those other threads when I get back.
Oh and this bit:
There’s no evidence that this woman is in an abusive relationship, but isn’t it nice that this guy feels that women who are don’t deserve respect as a result.
He wants to bring his mother into this?! And Mother supposedly agrees with this?!
Such over. Very friend.
I foresee seagull recipes in this guy’s future.
No, y’all, he really is totally over her.
User imfb re-wrote this from Jennifer’s POV:
“This might be an unpopular opinion, but I quite like brocolli.”
Does ‘unpopular’ mean ‘self-evidently correct’ now? Why did no-one tell me?
PoM, O.O
And here, finally, is that cap of his legal advice post that Alan failed to screencap for us but fortunately someone else did it:
Tabby Lavalamp:
To be fair, maybe she used to be a drill sergeant?
How is that relevant to a situation where one of the adults in question doesn’t appear to be consenting to the pushiness of the other adult? The story shows no indication that she was interested in him romantically, even with how much he tried to puff himself up.
@PeeVee & @wwth

@Policy of Madness
I don’t think I have ever, ever asked to be “pounded out”. I mean, I’ve heard and indulged in raunchy, don’t get me wrong. But that? That just sounds like work.
@Diego – I don’t want to “pile on” here, so I’ll just say that, IMO, the fact that he’s her boss, and she has shown zero interest in him romantically to the point of mentioning her long-term bf, is enough to say “Nope, do not pursue this.”
The best part for me is right at the beginning where he says his motive is that he wants to “pound some aggression out.”
I can’t imagine why ladies weren’t lining up for that.
His commenting history is all about him justifying his behavior; indeed, he just keeps doubling down.
Yeah, I mean, with someone I’m in a long-term relationship with, I might be game for that. But with some skeeve I don’t know propositioning me online? And then claiming that his dick is so huge I’m gonna need a safe word (heh heh heh)???
Yeah, no sale.
A chambers friend once had a defamation case arising out of an article in an Arabic newspaper sold in London.
But then they managed to lose the newspaper. So they rather embarrassingly had to ask the publisher for a spare copy. When the ‘copy’ arrived it no longer had the offending article in it.
They hadn’t photocopied that time either 🙂
Because the article was in Arabic, which none of the legal team spoke, no-one except the client could give evidence as to what it said, or even that it had existed.
(It genuinely was a friend, not me)
@ Diego
Not in this case, one of the parties involved is the supervisor of the other. While that might not be strictly illegal, it is certainly in violation of the Human Resources Policy at every job I’ve ever had, it’s (to me) certainly immoral and certainly has the potential to upset the dynamic of the workplace.
@ Axe
I liked the objection D.A. Hamilton Burger (and what a name!) used on the ancient Perry Mason T.V. show:
“Incompetent, Irrelevant and Immaterial!!”
oh… wow….
I missed that the first time I looked at the screencap.
Bleugh. Textbook “SWBs Texting”/”Nice Guys of [Insert Dating Website Here]” material right there.
Weird Eddie,
I thought it was rather clever, given the Clinton did serve his term between the Bushs’.
Something tells me this guy has some experience with abusive relationships, and not from the abused side of things.
But why are those three presidents standing on a big fat zero?