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By David Futrelle
I don’t even know how to begin to summarize this very long and very creepy post from the Relationship Advice subreddit from a male boss who seems just a teensy weensy bit too “concerned” about a female employee’s relationship with her boyfriend.
So you’re going to just have to read it for yourself. But here’s a fun game you can play as you make your way through it: See how many paragraphs you can get through before your skin starts to crawl!
In the movie Election, the main characters periodically break frame for brief “confessionals” in which they explain what they think is going on; it doesn’t take long to figure out that, well, they have no idea what’s really going on, and their little monologues are at once self-serving and completely un-self-aware.
Boss man has outdone all of them here.
H/T — @leyawn
I once played Guillotine when I had this really nasty obsidian cut, so there’s a set out there with authentic blood on it.
If we’re going back to games, Switch early thoughts:
If you’ve looked at the right controller, with the stick in the middle directly under the buttons necessitating that you hold your thumb like a cartoon claw, and thought “That looks completely unusable,” it is. The console itself is excellent, but Jesus fuck they need to release a redesigned right controller ASAP.
My nephew was ripping on my Wii U over the position of the right analog stick. Honestly I was more put off by how tiny the back buttons on the Switch are. I had the hardest time playing Breath of the Wild on his Switch because I couldn’t differentiate between the L buttons by touch.
re: The Switch – Can you use a Wiimote in any way? I would assume not, but wouldn’t that be nice…
One of the best parts about the Wii was that you could plug in the gamecube controllers, ngl. That is still my favourite controller Nintendo has ever put out.
@Skye: Our house rules for Texas Zombies is basically ‘pull a situation card, see how many of your cards you need to use, then everyone votes to see if you survived or not.’ Like I said, there’s some sort of team thing, but that means you can only play like six people. Without it, you can have ohhhh… I think I’ve played it with about fifteen? It’s pretty fast, and everyone gets to talk about the story.
Sometimes we like to ask questions, to see just how that basketball is going to help you get off the landmine (I’ll get on it and ride the explosion off!) and then vote.
It is a Japanese game, so there are a few interestingly phrased cards, which is fun too.
I got as far as him being upset she didn’t mention she had a boyfriend and felt “manipulated” before my creep alert went off massively…
“Areas of grinding poverty have some of the richest and most vibrant social structures you could want.”
Let’s not act like there’s a single experience of poverty in the US?
Just because the upper and middle-class are isolated does not mean that poverty is not designed to be isolating. Just because many poor people have overcome barriers and developed rich social structures does not mean that poverty is not designed to be isolating. I’m not going to touch on the “sad boner” part of Surplus’s argument since it’s crap, but his other points about poverty hold true.
I’m sure you’re probably going to tell me to fuck off and that you know all this, but whether you do or not, it’s lost in all the arguing.
Tl;dr- Poverty is designed to be isolating.
Hoo. Super late to the party, but I think the problem that Diego has identified (that people in poverty often have limited means of socialization), whether accurate or not (I’d lean towards it being accurate- having extremely limited spare time, funds, and transportation options tends to pose a barrier to meeting new people) is not solved by the solution he proposes (that of people wearing signifiers of being open to romantic approaches). Okay, yes, you might see people that are available on the street or on the bus or out shopping, and then you can… do what, exactly? You don’t have a place to go to socialize with them further any more than you did before everyone started wearing signifiers. You don’t have the means to develop a relationship with them any more than you did before everyone started wearing signifiers. The only thing that the signifiers would help with is being able to see and maybe talk to people open to sexual advances. Which is basically just online dating, except that it’s opt out, instead of opt in.
I’m not going to tell you to fuck off because I know all of this. I’m going to tell you to fuck off because you’re a goddamned troll.
“I’m going to tell you to fuck off because you’re a goddamned troll.
I see we’re going straight to personal insults. I’m not picking on you, parts* of your arguments were shit, and those parts have real world consequences for poor people. The sad boner criticisms were 100% on point.
Calling out your behavior is not a personal insult.
I’m not going to waste my time engaging in good faith with arguments I know to be made in bad faith, because my previous experience with you is that you’re a troll. Also: not a personal insult, which is just more trolling on your part.
No, you’re trolling me, and your particular brand of trolling is sad and boring. I’ve got some IRL shit going on in my life and I have no patience to deal with boring-ass trolls. So fuck off, troll.
“Also: not a personal insult, which is just more trolling on your part.”
Sorry but you can’t say it’s a call out when the purpose is to divert away from a valid criticism. I’m not looking to upset you*, I’m looking for you to change. Your description made it clear that you were only referring to a segment of the poor, since not all of the poor live in tight quarters filled with reliable people. The stories we tell about poor people trickle out to policy, so it’s important to acknowlege the stories of *all* the poor. Right?
But, I’m starting to repeat myself, and tthat’s the last thing anyone needs. I owe you some gratitude for holding my feet to the fire in the past, since it actually helped. I do hope whatever shit is going down in your life works out soon.
*Since that would be the definition of trolling.
There was not one thing in PoM’s post that you quoted that PoM *needs* to change. Because “Areas of grinding poverty have some of the richest and most vibrant social structures you could want.” is not an untrue statement, mrex.
Even if you do not agree with it, or even if you, yourself haven’t personally experienced that aspect of it.
There was nothing controversial about this statement, whatsoever. None.
Necroing the thread.
I found a series of comments on Reddit from someone claiming to be the boyfriend/fiance of the unfortunate ‘Jennifer’. According to him, HR did get involved and she was given a position elsewhere in the organization that eliminated all direct contact with Norman Bates. No word yet on any negative consequences for Norman.
So. . . good news.
He also posted some increasingly scary rants on vent subreddits. The latest 9 days ago that seems like some consequences.are happening.
Just as a follow-up on this, a redditor claiming to be the evil, abusive “Chad” boyfriend showed up in the thread in r/niceguys discussing this post to set the (supposed) record straight.
Apparently, the “black tie gala” was a casual fundraiser and the people there were dressed accordingly. The confrontation also didn’t play out the way he claimed it did either. It consisted of nothing more than creepy boss giving the boyfriend the stinkeye, muttering something and backing down when asked to repeat himself.
He said that “Jennifer” quietly transferred to another part of the organization to finish out her fellowship and “Menumessages” did face disciplinary action for his completely inappropriate behavior.
He should consider himself lucky he didn’t get demoted or fired. Something like that would have followed him for the rest of his life. Hopefully, this served as a wake-up call about how close he came to destroying his career.
Though given some of his responses, I don’t think he does. You reap what you sow and I have a feeling his actions are going to come back to bite him in the ass at some point, hard!
Glad to hear “Jennifer” was able to exit that situation and that Creepy Boss Guy is facing disciplinary action. We definitely need more happy endings like this one.
He’s back at it;
I normally don’t encourage doxxing but someone needs to make this guy’s employer aware of his behavior.
Apparently “Jennifer” didn’t follow through on the complaint. Which I have to admit I’m a little disgusted about. This guy is going to do this again. Maybe having a permanent black mark on his employment record, if he didn’t get straight-up fired, would have discouraged him from pulling this bullshit.
@ Simon
He’s deleted his original post, but here it is…
A lot of times when women report sexual harassment, they’re the ones who end up being punished for it, not the harasser. She may not be believed and nothing will happen to him. Or maybe he’ll be fired but the other men in the field will take his side and no one will want to work with her. Just look at the comments section of any article in a non-feminist space about sexual harassment and see how sympathetic people are to the victim. Spoiler alert: not very.
So don’t put it one her that he’ll probably do this again. Put it on rape culture. It’s the reason reporting sexual harassment, rape or partner violence is usually as traumatic as the crime itself.
I hadn’t thought of it that way WWTH:CM.
Judging by the meltdown that he had in another sub, I got the impression that he did face disciplinary action for behavior. It’s unfortunate that “Jennifer” ended up having to back off.
From the rant he wrote in r/trueoffmychest, I did get the impression that he was going to try to make things difficult for her. Hell, reading that “unsent letter” it sounds like he still might.
And it’s incredibly shitty that it should happen to her because of one asshole who couldn’t handle rejection. I guess my disappointment comes from the fact that I really wanted to see this creep get fired or at least have a permanent black mark on his record or get put on notice that if he so much as gave any women working under him the stinkeye, his ass would be out the door and they wouldn’t provide him with a reference.
He is going to do this again and he’s going to keep doing it. It’s funny that he kept talking about gaslighting when a lot of what he’s doing is gaslighting.
One day, he’s going to find a woman who he can manipulate in to having a relationship with him. It’s also funny that he keeps talking about “red flags” when everything he’s done would throw up more red flags then Soviet-era Russia.
What is “abusive” about her boyfriend? That he dares to dress in a way, or have a job, her boss disapproves of?
@Simon: If he did face disciplinary action, as it seemed he did from his reactions in another thread… He’s still employed at the same company, and according to this letter, has the power to recommend employees for positions.
So if disciplinary action happened, that means that someone said something, and he had to deal with something, BUT it didn’t cost him anything real. A black mark is only a problem if people care, and judging by the information in this letter, no one did.
He will definitely find someone he can manipulate into a relationship with him, because he is preying on young, vulnerable people who have little life experience.
There is pretty much no way to stop this from happening, besides companies actually black listing him.
I was speaking with a friend over the weekend, and she pointed out what the position of a lead, or mentor, is. It isn’t for you to shine in your own work, but to help everyone on your team shine. So everything that he was doing, that he thought gave him an automatic pass to have sex with her?
*flips all the tables*
The Harvey Weinstein scandal as well as all the other Hollywood types who are being exposed as predators gives me hope.
If all these women are standing up to these powerful men, surely one woman can stand up to a pissant middle-aged manager on an adolescent power trip. I sincerely hope that “Jennifer” will renew her complaint against Menumessages.