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By David Futrelle
I don’t even know how to begin to summarize this very long and very creepy post from the Relationship Advice subreddit from a male boss who seems just a teensy weensy bit too “concerned” about a female employee’s relationship with her boyfriend.
So you’re going to just have to read it for yourself. But here’s a fun game you can play as you make your way through it: See how many paragraphs you can get through before your skin starts to crawl!
In the movie Election, the main characters periodically break frame for brief “confessionals” in which they explain what they think is going on; it doesn’t take long to figure out that, well, they have no idea what’s really going on, and their little monologues are at once self-serving and completely un-self-aware.
Boss man has outdone all of them here.
H/T — @leyawn
I… I mean… words fail me.
Oh, and assuming the opening line counts as one, I got truly skeeved starting at Paragraph Five. Three and Four were both lightly irksome (boss tiptoeing across professional boundaries), but they weren’t showing hard red flags to me. But this line: “felt a little bit manipulated that she never mentioned [her boyfriend] before”? Yeah, that flag’s so large and red it’s visible from orbit.
Of course, the “protest too much” bolded denial of romantic interest, in the same paragraph, was also kind of a tip-off–especially since if, as it claims, he has no romantic interest, why the fuck would he feel ‘manipulated’ by her keeping her relationship secret? Does he actually know that he’s a seething creep who perpetually comes across as trying to create a romantic relationship, and has no idea how to stop it, and therefore assumes that she believed him to be interested in her, even though he totally wasn’t, you guys, not even a little bit?
On a less jarring point, I love the fact that he thinks the ‘good guys’ (ie, those who work for progressive causes) have no use for lobbyists, or for that matter, that couples sometimes actually disagree about social or political issues.
He wants to bring his mother into this?! And Mother supposedly agrees with this?!
Holy shit, the mental gymnastics on this one! It’s good to see he’s getting the negative responses he deserves. I guess Reddit isn’t a complete landfill fire. Just mostly.
I mean, he has a point, she is in some sort of abusive relationship (with the author of the post).
“This dude posting on Reddit” could probably describe every worst boss of the week ever.
Reading both the post (and the stuff about his mother) he really sounds like a friend I went to high school with.
(His mother is still VERY overly involved in his life, and spent most of our friendship hating me because I did not thank her directly for some flowers she bought for him to give me, when he was trying to date me).
I think it’s pretty obvious she faked a call from her boyfriend to have an excuse to leave early because she stopped having fun/decided she wanted a polite way to go home/had another commitment she hasn’t mentioned.
The creepiness is just oozing all over me, ugh.
I read through the whole thing like a mock read. Current status: “Wee woo wee whoo projection alert creepazoid senses rising” for fuck’s sake I hope “Jennifer” is alright and a thousand miles away from this person.
Okay, so this might be an unpopular opinion but I think everyone is fair game where romance is concerned. I know plenty of people who got together with someone else whilst trying to get out of an abusive relationship. And just because you’re married to someone doesn’t mean you now own that person and, no matter what you do, you’re entitled to their faithfullness. Being a relationship, married or not, demands that you show affection towards your SO instead of taking them for granted.
That being said this guy is possessive, controlling and paranoid. Three easily found and common traits among abusive people. I do not blame the girl for not responding or “keeping things from him”. Also, I wonder if this was reciprocal or whether this is just the guy’s perception of things. This wouldn’t be the very first delusional incel we’ve come across.
I’m not familiar with this subreddit, but r/relationships mostly gives pretty good advice
Reading some of the responses to his previous postings of this on different subreddits…
Quoting from a reddit poster:
So this is what, the fifth or sixth version of this he’s posted, hoping to get people to agree she might be being abused by boyfriend.
Current top post on OP’s message history
*Record scratch sound*
Yeah, uh, no.
This is one of those self-described “nice guys”, I suppose.
There are plenty of lobbyists who work for progressive causes. Not enough, unfortunately, but they exist.
Funny how I just learned that two of my coworkers are dating and I had no clue for a year and a half, and yet I do not feel betrayed one bit. It’s almost like it’s none of my business.
I don’t think this guy is totally unreachable like your standard MRA, so hopefully some stern ladies on Reddit sit this guy down and have a long chat about boundaries and self-awareness.
Clearly he was being an ass at the gala and his coworker called her boyfriend to get her away from him, hence the ignoring of his texts. She dodged a bullet for sure, especially since he claims to have lost respect for her for being in an “abusive relationship”. God forbid she be in an actual abusive relationship. It’s pretty obvious she wouldn’t be getting any help from this douche.
K., I suspect that his mother is familiar with him and his winning ways. She’s already met the unfortunate young woman, and would probably gaslight her as emphatically as her son does.
The chorus of horrified responses is indeed gratifying. The only thing better would be for the boss to experience a sudden rush of brains to the head, make like a shepherd and back the flock up.
1st sentence, 2nd clause. Hate when people say that others work ‘under’ them. Red flag indeed…
Objection! Relevance? Like, I really don’t know what point you’re tryna make by saying that, now, and in relation to this
It’s me again, Hank the Cowdog…
Diego Duarte:
This might be an unpopular opinion, but I quite like broccoli.
Aaaaahhhhh, I’m so thrilled I’m about 25 years too old to be entangled in this sort of BS. God Bless!!
Yep, that’s how far I made it, too. Then it just went on and on piling more bullshit on top of bullshit. YOUR MOM, DUDE??
That was obvious to me, too. And what’s with feeling like she owes an apology for getting a ride to the event??? Most people find that considerate.
Blech, run, don’t walk, Ms. Fellowship Non-Profit Worker.
It might be an unpopular opinion, but I LURVE roasted brussels sprouts. Like, addicted-love. Like, OMG HOW DID I EVER LIVE WITHOUT THESE? love.
When I was in kindergarten I had a huge crush on a cute girl. Found out after a few months that she wasn’t coming to my kindergarten just to see me, but she was really being PAID to show up every day (red flag!). She was also about 5 times my age (red flag!) and forced me to eat broccoli – and I didn’t even like broccoli back then! Red flag number three! Once I told her I was allergic to tomatoes, but really I just didn’t like the taste and I didn’t wanna be forced to eat them. Then she told everybody that I was allergic to tomatoes, and then I wasn’t allowed to have ketchup!
tl;dr Fuck you, Monica! I am married now and drink ketchup straight from the bottle. You’re not even my REAL MOM anyway!
@Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Simply the following: it’s not the fact that he was making a pass at a woman already in a relationship what I find creepy in this whole thing. That is relative. Consenting adults are free to do what they want.
What is creepy is the attitude that he is somehow entitled to her attention or that she apparently had an “obligation” to let him know she was in a relationship.
What’s creepy is that he’s possessive, manipulative and paranoid. What’s creepy is that he’s abusing a position of power to assert himself in the personal life and space of others.
And I feel the need to make this distinction because I’ve known plenty of people, some of them in my family, who’ve essentially cheated (for lack of a better word) whilst in the middle of an abusive relationship because they were either (i) unappreciated by their spouses; (ii) had been repeatedly cheated on; (iii) had been verbally, emotionally and physically abused.
Okay, unpopular opinion but Port Salut is definitely the best cheese. Now where were we?
This man’s interpretation of everything is fucked up. The woman has her boyfriend drop her off at the gala and he assumes it’s because the boyfriend is trying to control her. In contrast, I’m assuming that the woman wanted to spend as much time as she could with her boyfriend during one of those (rare?) moments he’s in town, and one way to maximize that is to stay with him right up to the point where he drops her off at the gala.
I’m also pretty sure that taking calls — especially from family members and loved ones — at a gala is pretty normal behavior. I mean, it’s fully of Extremely Important People(tm), yes? I doubt any of them turned off their mobile phones or otherwise put their Extremely Important Calls(tm) off until later, either.
I’m also rolling my eyes at how incensed the guy is that the boyfriend showed up at the gala in shorts, like it’s a personal affront to HIM. Dude, stop pretending you’re offended on behalf of all those other Extremely Important People(tm). Either they don’t care or they’d have addressed it themselves.
This might be an unpopular opinion, but I’m not a fan of puppies.
As far as when my skin started to crawl, it was when he was describing how “close” he and this lady had become, and every sentence began to include “even.” “We EVEN have drinks sometimes! We EVEN both breathe oxygen! We EVEN agree that flesh-eating bacteria is scary!”