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By David Futrelle
I don’t even know how to begin to summarize this very long and very creepy post from the Relationship Advice subreddit from a male boss who seems just a teensy weensy bit too “concerned” about a female employee’s relationship with her boyfriend.
So you’re going to just have to read it for yourself. But here’s a fun game you can play as you make your way through it: See how many paragraphs you can get through before your skin starts to crawl!
In the movie Election, the main characters periodically break frame for brief “confessionals” in which they explain what they think is going on; it doesn’t take long to figure out that, well, they have no idea what’s really going on, and their little monologues are at once self-serving and completely un-self-aware.
Boss man has outdone all of them here.
H/T — @leyawn
Except when your job is on the line and management/HR views YOU as the problem because you are the one making a big deal out of it, you can’t really stand up to the men who abuse their power.
Sincerely, a woman who has stirred up trouble by reporting harassment to HR.
Seconding Kupo. The man harassing you doesn’t have to be more powerful than you personally to abuse you. He has the power of the good old boys and rape culture behind him and he knows it. He has the support of nearly every man and many women when you come forward and you do not.
When I came forward even the other victims of my harasser were mad at me because I might get them fired or punished in other ways. When you speak up, you are alone and he never is.