
Will pixie cuts turn women into Satantic MK Ultra mindcontrol slaves? The debate

The pixie cut: tool of Satan?

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By David Futrelle

My new favorite far-right Twitter weirdo is a fellow called @WesternIdentity, a self-described “right wing urban theologian” and “esoteric image cleric” who uses his Twitter account to promote “occult nationalism,” complain that “underground heretical judaism has pushed cuckoldry into our society,” express his love of skittles and post assorted gifs involving Trump getting the better of CNN.

I discovered @WesternIdentity earlier this week after he launched a tirade against the alleged diabolical evil that is short hair on women.

Yeah, that’s right, he’s getting all philosophical on our asses.

He then decided to “rebrand” the cute-sounding pixie cut.

As longtime readers of this blog know well, @WesternIdentity is hardly the first reactionary doofus to declare war on the pixie cut and short hairdos for women generally.

But he may be the first pixie-cut hater to also suggest that Chelsea Manning — currently sporting, yes, a pixie cut — is some kind of MK Ultra mind control slave, or something.

It turns out that @WesternIdentity has a lot of, well, interesting opinions about all sorts of stuff, including Satanic CNN pedophiles, which he apparently thinks are a real thing.

Oh, but this is just the tip of the iceberg.

And check out what is perhaps the world’s hottest take on robots:

I honestly have no idea if this one is a joke:

He does post some pretty dank gifs from time to time, though.

H/T — @spookperson

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Diego Duarte
Diego Duarte
7 years ago

I find it rich that christians are complaining about pedophilia when such a thing was normalized for the longest time in both Catholicism and Christianity. Heck, it’s still a thing today in both mainstream christianity and christian sects, such as the Mormons.

Likewise, in my personal experience, I have a family member who is dating a divorced father of two girls. The two girls were being “groomed” by the mother and her new husband, both of whom are Trumpanzees and “christians”. The guy is a sick pedophile and repeatedly sexually harassed the eldest daughter (who is a 13 year old child).

So excuse me if I don’t buy the whole “Satanic pedophile” shit. Likewise, excuse me if I give you the side eye, concerning pedophilia, if you’re a christian.

7 years ago

“Two millennia of injustice”?

Try at least 6 millennia.

Also: I LOVE Dame Judy Dench’s pixie cut.

Viscaria the Cheese Hog
Viscaria the Cheese Hog
7 years ago

@Anyone who has had or attended a quinceañera: Please tell us all about the sombrero golems.

Scildfreja Unnyðnes
Scildfreja Unnyðnes
7 years ago

This is some very deep pizzagate nonsense here.

And, screw him! I like pixie cuts!

Weird (Encouraged by the RESISTANCE!!!!) Eddie
Weird (Encouraged by the RESISTANCE!!!!) Eddie
7 years ago

such a thing was normalized for the longest time in both Catholicism and Christianity

“… no true christian…”

Check that, actually it’s “No true christian would TALK about it”


BLESS YOU, I’ve been searching my whole LIFE for this word!!!

Diego Duarte
Diego Duarte
7 years ago

@Weird (Encouraged by the RESISTANCE!!!!) Eddie

BLESS YOU, I’ve been searching my whole LIFE for this word!!!

You’re quite welcome! I love the effect it produces in them because, for the longest time, Whites kind of had and used the monopoly of monkey comparisons against POC.

Now that the very people responsible for using and perpetuating such comparisons are being subject to the same abuse it makes my day to see them LOSE THEIR SHIT over it.

Canuck feminist
Canuck feminist
7 years ago

Oh goody, so we oppress men by wearing our hair up in a bun, or getting it cut short, and wearing our awful reading glasses. I didn’t realize before that my fashion choices and bad vision, were inherently oppressive to macho manly men. Is anything not oppressive to them?

7 years ago

Are the sombrero golems related to the robo-golems? I’d like to nail down the specifics.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

It doesn’t help his case that pixie cuts are hideous when he uses pictures of a model and a very successful actress. At least I think that 2nd one is Ginnifer Goodwin. I can think of so many supermodels and movie starts that have had short hair for most or all of their careers. Including Linda Evangelista who was so sought after that she famously said she won’t get out of bed for less than 10K a day.

It’s okay to have personal preferences. That does not make your personal preference an “empirical scientific reality.” Beauty standards change over time and aren’t the same in every culture. I don’t know why these guys can never grasp that.

And that sci-fi art show poster. Yikes. It says a lot about these dudes that “an end to abuse” would be a defining characteristic of a dystopian society.

7 years ago

@Anyone who has had or attended a quinceañera: Please tell us all about the sombrero golems.

Makes sense. Hispanic girls usually sport long or longish hair — so MK Ultra and CNN must have some reason to leave them alone.

Feral Crone
Feral Crone
7 years ago

Sombrero golems at a ‘sweet sixteen party?

Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
7 years ago

Okay, I really need to go to a barbershop and try the high and tight sides I’ve been wanting to try. (But keeping the length on the top, I know that isn’t a reeeeeal high and tight so maybe I just ask for a fade?)

My point is: People should wear their hair the way that it makes THEM happy. Long hair for cis-dudes if they’d like, and short hair on cis-women. It doesn’t have to say anything about anything, besides that you like the hair style.

Also short hair is really easy to style (for me) which is great! Never in my life have I had a hair style that I styled for a year and a half!!

7 years ago

I’m at a loss for words here, but the mention of Quniceanera reminded me of something,

Family throws Quinceanera party for cat:ñera-15-birthday_us_59384636e4b0b13f2c665082

Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
7 years ago

What I find shocking about these guys, is when they talk about so called ‘satanism’ as if it is somehow worse than their fucked up take on Christianity. It isn’t, I’d rather take my chances with the satanists any day! 😮

7 years ago

He had me at sombrero golems. I NEED to know about the sombrero golems.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Anyone want to add “sombrero golem” to their name? I would, but I like chief manatee too much to change it.

I’ve read that there is some DNA evidence that many ethnically Spanish Mexicans had Jewish ancestors who converted to Catholicism to avoid persecution. I highly doubt that there are any golems wearing sombreros attending the typical quinceanera, but the Mexican hat + monster of Jewish mythology may not be as incongruous as it seems at first glance. I wonder if he knows about that DNA research or this was purely an accident born out of the combo of racism and antisemitism.

Robert Walker-Smith
Robert Walker-Smith
7 years ago

Every day I don’t get trapped in an elevator with this paragon is going to be a good day.
Also, neo-hippie resurgence sounds great, if they can refrain from the classism, sexism and racism of the paleohippies.

7 years ago


I would, but I am so utterly white that it would be cultural appropriation. Also, I already have Pants, and it would be unfair to hog all the available articles of clothing.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

I’m not the only one who thinks “harpiecut” sounds more adorable than pixie, right? >_>

aztec deity summoning, US flag desecration, sombrero golems

Porque no los tres?

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
7 years ago

Again with the “short hair is evil!” nonsense. If your particular culture values long hair, great. But I’m keeping my hair short. Makes it easier for Mr. Parasol to kiss the back of my neck. 😉

7 years ago

The sombrero golems are at the Quinceanera to serve chips and salsa, obviously.

comment image

7 years ago

Okay, so… Robots are golems, and sombrero golems are a thing, and apparently they’re all Satanically Jewish….

Folks, I give you the Anti-Christ:

Also, to the extent that I have preferences on women’s hair at all, is it weird to find both very long and pixie cuts highly attractive? Honestly, anything that looks ‘deliberate’ usually makes the wearer look like someone who is confident and self-assured, so they tend to be… Oh, I see what MRA’s problem with pixie cuts is, now.

7 years ago

without exception, every single woman with short hair would be more attractive with long hair. this is an empirical scientific reality.

Hello Mr. Cyclops! JennyWren here. I wore my hair long for the first eighteen years of my life, because it is the default option for middle-class white girls. But my hair is very fine, so it looked gross. It was all rat-taily and lank, even when freshly-washed. When I was eighteen I cut it off, not because I hate being a woman but because my hairdresser suggested it would be a good way to make my hair look thicker. She was right! I have worn it short ever since.

Also, have you thought this through? Like many men, I suspect you’re only thinking of young Hollywood starlets, but what about the Queen? Do you think she’d be more attractive with grey hair down her back?

7 years ago

I like my long hair. I dyed it red I love it so.

It’s for my personal aesthetic. I don’t give a crap what other people think when they see it.

But here’s the thing: I was as much a woman when my hair barely touched the top of my head as I am now. And so is every other woman.

I wish short hair gave mind control powers. My life would have been much easier until recently. The whole concept reminds me of Scott Pilgrim vs The World and how vegans apparently have psychic powers.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I forgot what thread we were discussing The Biggest Loser and the dangers of rapid weight loss + extreme calorie restriction, so I’m going to go off topic and leave this here

Looks like the show has been cancelled. Relevant bit

In May of 2016, a study was published in the medical journal Obesity showing that appearing on The Biggest Loser left contestants with side effects worse than hearing the sound of Jillian Michaels screaming at them in their sleep. The study showed that the rapid weight loss on The Biggest Loser permanently messed with the contestant’s metabolism so much that it slowed it down and made maintaining their weight loss nearly impossible.

Not long after that study was published, several former Biggest Loser contestants spoke to The New York Post and exposed even more alleged unhealthiness. Season 7 contestant Joelle Gwynn, who was trained by Bob Harper, claims that his assistant gave her a brown paper bag with a yellow-and-black pill inside. A source close to production told the Post the pills were Adderall. He allegedly told her to take the drug and assured her it would “help” her. Joelle says she took the pill and that it made her feel “jittery and hyper.” She claims the following day, Dr. H informed them that the pill had been added to their regimen and it was up to them to take it. Joelle says she never took it again.

The source that the show has been cancelled due to shadiness and lawsuits was Daily Mail, so grain of salt. But if it’s true, yay!

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