open thread trump

Song of the Day: Treason, by The Teardrop Explodes featuring Don Trump Jr

World’s least competent colluder

The Summer 2017 WHTM pledge drive is on! Donate generously to enable our continuing coverage of creepy treasonous Trump sons! Thanks! 

By David Futrelle

A little musical open thread to discuss the amazing news! No Trump fans, trolls, or Don Jr sockpuppets allowed.

You might have to turn up the volume on this one:

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7 years ago

I mean, I think I’m being indulgent when I put on a second 45-minute episode in one night.

Gussie Jives
Gussie Jives
7 years ago

@EJ Never read the novel. Given how much I love the film trilogy (well the first two at least), I should give it a go.

EJ (the Scheming Liberal Race-Traitor)


I don’t know how much my habits would change if I was in the news all the time – probably I would watch more? But I still have an aversion to talk shows so I dunno…

From what I’ve seen of you, you’re a nice person. Trump isn’t; the dude seems to feed off the most negative emotions, and talk shows really provide those. I’m not surprised that he hate-watches CNN.

Someone should do an infographic of the times of day that Trump anger-tweets versus what’s on TV at that time. Perhaps that someone should be me.

@Gussie Jives:
I knew I liked you for a reason. (Well, apart from the amazingly well thought-out long-form posts.)

Read it, it’s a great novel.

7 years ago

@Katz – I ALWAYS regret putting on a second episode like that because I inevitably fall asleep somewhere in the middle of it. Then I have to start it over the next time anyway.

I’m old.

@EJ – why, thank you! That very negativity is the same reason I detest talk shows so much. I love conflict in a fictional drama; I hate people just yelling over each other.

If I wanted to see a group of people sitting around talking about the issues of the day, I’d sit with my OWN friends drinking my OWN coffee (or wine) and listen to people I care about.

7 years ago

Re: Binge-watching

I watch a lot of tv. I watch social media videos for a living, keep the tv on in the background, and usually have a half dozen browser windows open, and I’m still soooooo bored. (When I post here it’s usually b/c I’m trapped at the computer working)

7 years ago

Challenge: imagine what Trump would tweet if someone changed the channel to cartoons, and he thought it was factual programming.

PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

No no no no no no no.

Laugher at Bigots, Low-T Inbetweener Weener

Challenge: imagine what Trump would tweet if someone changed the channel to cartoons, and he thought it was factual programming.

“The liberal FAKE NEWS media must be accountable! Two mice attempted to infiltrate #G20! Disgraceful!”

[Clip of Animaniacs.]

7 years ago

The antifa are forcing trump supporters off cliff! (Roadrunner)

7 years ago

The BLM are demonizing our police force! (Tom and Jerry)

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
7 years ago

Globalists are scamming the American people and causing chaos! (Gravity Falls)

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago

ARGLE BARGLE [transphobic slur] AGENDA! [Bugs Bunny]

Paradoxical Intention - Leader of the Deathclaw Damsels

So, two democrats have taken the first step for Drumpf’s impeachment.

However, the rest of the democrats appear to be fucking cowards and won’t play along out of fear of “damaging their party”.

Jeezus fuck, this goddamned country…

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
7 years ago

You know, I just realized that some of this mess actually reminds me of Jian Ghomeshi, the way that the person who’d been getting away with illegal acts that he had internally normalized as not really being so bad, but panicked at the idea of a newspaper actually reporting in a critical manner and not only shot himself in the foot as a result of acting in a manner no lawyer would condone, but kept the finger on the trigger for a while.

In Ghomeshi’s case, he’d been getting away with his harassment for years while both the management and the union deliberately looked the other way. The Toronto Star had done some poking around at reports, but didn’t have anything that could stand up to scrutiny.

Until one day when one of their more well-known investigative reporters told someone at CBC that he had a big scoop coming up. It wasn’t anything to do with this, but Ghomeshi thought it was, and panicked.

He decided to get out in front of the reports, and took some of his ‘home movies’ to the CBC management to convince them that what he was doing wasn’t all that bad. The management, horrified both at what was being done and the fact that they couldn’t just ignore it anymore, fired him.

Continuing the self-damage, Ghomeshi posted a long rant online about how the CBC had fired him for his ‘alternative lifestyle’. This forced everybody’s hands, got front page coverage from the Star and every other news source in the area, and helped bring a lot of other women forward.

So, I wonder what the Trump family will say in their own ‘defense’ next…

epitome of incomprehensilibility

@Jenora Feuer – Yes, very true! Perhaps not the most inspiring example: so far, unfortunately, Ghomeshi hasn’t been found guilty.

Context for those who aren’t familiar with the case: he was accused of sexual assault for physically abusing several women in dating and sexual situations. Of the case that went to trial, the main complainant got attacked on her “credibility” – mainly because the defense had evidence that the two were in a sexual relationship. Grr. How would that ever justify hitting or choking someone against their consent? And how would that justify a more “sexual” type of sexual assault? It wouldn’t, it shouldn’t. Consent is something that needs to be there ALL the time, not just sometimes. WTF, Canadian courts.

(This makes me angry because, as you said, he had a pattern of this sort of behaviour. It’s not just about one or two witnesses being (supposedly) hard to believe.)

/Canadian stuff

I hope Trump Jr. and the whole Trump administration don’t get away with this. I want to hear the words, “Donald Trump, you’re fired.” (Hey, hey, that’s exactly how impeachment works. I am an expert. Bigly.)

PaganReader - Misandrist Spinster

The W.H. is functioning perfectly, focused on HealthCare, Tax Cuts/Reform & many other things. I have very little time for watching T.V.

Gee, I wonder which of these is the truth?

Is neither an option?

7 years ago

A thought just clicked, semi-randomly and many years out of synch (and actually OT in this thread except that it’s in the name)
The Teardrop Explodes – would you believe I only just this minute consciously made the connection: it’s a Prince Rupert’s drop, isn’t it. Lovely (unlike anything to do with Donnies jr or sr)

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

Just to do my music nerd bit, in case anyone’s interested this is where the band got their name from.

7 years ago

you mean – you mean it’s not a Prince Rupert’s drop? 🙁 aw. I haz a disappoint.

Does the comic show who/what shed the tear? Any vitreous qualities at all? 🙂

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ opposablethumbs

Heh, I didn’t even get that was your point. I assumed there was a musician called Prince Rupert who’d sampled that song. 🙂

That’ll teach me; trying to be down with the kids.

7 years ago

Ah, I should have explained myself better. Have you watched any ultra-slowed-down footage of a Prince Rupert’s drop (after not breaking even when hit with a hammer on the big end) having the tip of its tail cut off? Absolutely stunning. It’s so spectacular and so surprising the way they behave, I just assumed it had to be the source of the name – eh, I’m so far from being down with the kids I can’t even see the kids from here :-s

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
7 years ago

@epitome of incomprehensibility:
And then there was the one woman who had worked at the CBC and who left the country to pursue a broadcasting career in the U.S. after having filed complaints against Ghomeshi and having them stonewalled.

When the union tried to publicly claim that they had no idea what was going on and that there had been no formal complaints, she sent a message to the union head pointing out that she had filed a complaint. The union’s response was pretty much ‘sure, but we never forwarded that to management so it wasn’t a formal complaint, understand?’

Her response boiled down to, “Yes, I understand perfectly well that you are willing to throw me under the bus and make people think I was lying in public in order to pretend your own hands were clean.”

One of the annoying parts of that whole affair was the union actively siding with management against many of their own members to sweep things under the rug.

And yeah, the whole trial was a wonderful demonstration of exactly why women don’t press charges more often.

About the only bright side of that is that Ghomeshi himself has pretty much disappeared from public view. I think he finally recognizes that he’s become too toxic for anybody to touch.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

That aristocrat who posted the nasty stuff about Gina Miller on Facebook just been sent to prison for 12 weeks.

7 years ago

About time somebody got some sort of repercussion for their actions.

Scildfreja Unnyðnes
Scildfreja Unnyðnes
7 years ago

One of the annoying parts of that whole affair was the union actively siding with management against many of their own members to sweep things under the rug.

See, she mighta been in the union, but on the other hand she’s a woman. So it’s not like they’re going to sacrifice the good name of the union for her. Or their relationship with the management of the CBC. They go to lunch and dinner with those guys, and it’d just make the after-dinner cocktails suuper awkward. Can’t have that. So naturally she’s gotta be the one to shoulder the blame here. Can’t she take one for the team here?
