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By David Futrelle
Never let it be said that Reddit’s incels lack a sense of civic engagement. Indeed, some of them seem to spend a lot of time thinking about things they would like to make illegal. Mostly things that make other people happy.
One brave “involuntarily celibate” fellow recently put forth several thoughtful legislative proposals: Immediate bans on public displays of affection, high heels, and makeup.
Naturally, TheEngineer19’s colleagues in the incels subreddit concurred, and several suggested new laws of their own.
I’m astonished that public-minded fellows like this continue to have trouble finding dates.
There’s always doing to adult thing when you see couples over-courting. yell “Get a room!”
Sorry I couldn’t get the excess / wrong bolding out of the above.
And I hope I didn’t post the above twice here either.
Mod can fix excess bolding?
Thx if possible.
(I do also have system issues here and wonder if it’s on my end?)
– Z
Well it looks like what I tried to post didn’t go anyway, so –
Some kind of interface problem, sorry for this interruption.
On the other hand it’s probably more interesting than what these ‘mano’ guys have to say, so there’s that 🙂
So stealing this.
Personally, I am a little grossed out by PDA but that’s none of my business. Just look away, dude
I’m probably weird in that it’s the squelchy sound of kissing that I dislike rather than the sight of the PDA in action, but again this is something that’s manageable by simply moving out of range. Sit on another seat on public transport, plug in headphobes etc.
No need to go whine on the internet and fantasise about outlawing it entirely.
@Steven Dutch
Could we please not reduce their motives to sexual frustration? One of the multiple problems with this analysis is that it completely exempts the West and particularly the US and UK from any culpability. The recently released papers on US intervention in Iran in the 1950s – just one example.
To suggest that their basic motivation is lack of sex is wrong and harmful on so many levels.
I’m asexual, but I guess I’m not sex repulsed, I don’t really take any notice of what folk do it public, be it face sucking or breast feeding. It’s really nothing to do with me. You really have to be a special kind of special snowflake to interpret anything anybody does to be some kind kind of personal attack against you.
I see a few people on here saying they don’t care for PDA, but that makes me wonder what your definition of PDA is? I mean, in my high school, it could be just holding hands or hugging, which I feel like these sadass incels would completely agree with. It only weirds me out if they’re like heavy making out in public, but still, how self-centered do these twerps have to be to see two people smooching and feel personally attacked? Just look away, creepos.
edit: I realize that sounded a little harsh and like I might be saying anyone bothered by PDA is a ‘sadass incel,’ but I didn’t mean it that way! It was really two separate thoughts on the subject of PDA.
Hand holding, hugging or no tongues kissing doesn’t bother me. But if the PDA is sexual, then it crosses into the territory of involving people in your sex life without their consent and I don’t think that’s acceptable. Although when I do see that, I don’t rage it about for years. But I do think it’s gross.
Me too.
I really need to hang out more. A single off-hand comment, and you good folks turn into an entirely (and sadly fictional) musical genre….