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By David Futrelle
Never let it be said that Reddit’s incels lack a sense of civic engagement. Indeed, some of them seem to spend a lot of time thinking about things they would like to make illegal. Mostly things that make other people happy.
One brave “involuntarily celibate” fellow recently put forth several thoughtful legislative proposals: Immediate bans on public displays of affection, high heels, and makeup.
Naturally, TheEngineer19’s colleagues in the incels subreddit concurred, and several suggested new laws of their own.
I’m astonished that public-minded fellows like this continue to have trouble finding dates.
It’s not terribly uncommon for men to feel entitled to controlling women’s lives and bodies. Incels take it to extremes, but dress codes imposed on women due to the supposed inability of men to control themselves and focus in the presence of female bodies are dead common. In case one wants to believe that it’s only religious fundamentalists who want women subjugated, evo psych justifications for women remaining the domestic and/or sexual class are rampant too. I can’t see any particular reason to be credulous when men on the internet express a desire to control women’s sexuality.
Will Sad Boner Sharia record “Big Brain STEM-lord”?
Sad Boner Sharia needs to be a band. I need it in my life.
We could dig through old threads and probably find enough song titles to last an entire career.
Case in point, “Misplaced Bum Syndrome.” (I know that one’s a Google Translate failure and therefore a bit of a cheat, but still.)
Just to pick up on a thread that Grumpy introduced and others have chimed in on, I think the concept of innocence isn’t discussed nearly enough in society. Not innocence as in purity of soul, I mean innocence in terms of carefully maintained and preserved ignorance.
I suspect that this is the issue with a lot of the YouTube talkers that started off in other realms but were drawn into proverbial “alt-right” sphere (namely thinking of Armoured Skeptic in this example, although name any gaming personality drawn into Gamergate and I’m sure you’ll find shades of it.) They clearly view several social justice concepts with contempt, but their tone and the way so much of what sets them off is being accused of “racism”/”sexism”/”misogyny”, it all tells me that what really pisses them off is that they’re being told that there’s a problem they have to care about and when they state what they consider the null hypothesis (“what problem?”) they get unwelcome pushback on it.
A personal example of mine is aboriginal affairs in Canada. I was born and raised in the biggest city in the country. I’ve spent 31 of my 32 years living in it, taking pride in it, eager to know as much about it as possible.
But it wasn’t until the last year that I learned that the land that Toronto specifically was built on was all but stolen from the Mississaugas of New Credit. Basically, the Toronto Purchase had permitted European settlers to build on it, but the Mississaugas’ terms never indicated that they gave up all rights to the land, so when the Europeans kept building, it basically pushed the Mississaugas out to where they live now near Brantford, Ontario. This dispute lasted 200 years until it was settled in 2010 to the tune of $10M+ Canadian.
This was not taught in schools. I only learned this after a casual Wikipedia search this year. Now that I was furnished with that knowledge, how do you think it impacted me? For the first 25 years of my lifetime, I was rising, sleeping, living on stolen property. That’s a hard pill to swallow, but neither my conscience nor my sense of intellectual honesty will allow me to just ignore it or pretend it never happened. These land disputes continue throughout Canada and examples like what happened near Oka provide a stark reminder of that.
Same thing with residential schools. Now that I know that my government attempted to exterminate aboriginal cultures en masse, and the survivors are still suffering, what would it say about me if you turned my back on them?
Once you know about a problem, there’s a moral imperative to act on it. The reason people hate BLM so much is because they’re presenting a problem to the face of white populations around the globe and saying “do something about this!” Erstwhile “moderate” white folks resented King and the civil rights movement of the 60s for much the same reason. Trans people are telling cis people they aren’t being respected. Women are telling men they aren’t being respected. Social media has made these groups harder to ignore and they’re furnishing people with knowledge that threatens their comfort in their identities and their supremacy. They can’t pretend to be innocent anymore.
Will there be Sad Boner Sharia T-shirts?
that… ain’t no joke….
When incels talk about forced marriages, why do I suspect they think they will end up with a cheerleader or model?
Lord knows there is an endless number of cheerleaders and an overabundance of models. Why, I can’t walk out my front door without tripping over a pile of cheerleaders! And a mountain of models obstructs the view from my patio! 😉
Incels making as much sense as usual, I see.
We may need an open thread for Donald Jr.’s e-mails, just released them himself because the NY Times was about to. They look pretty smoking gun.
Because they assume they will be able to establish their “White Sharia” and full-blown Dark Ages Patriarchy and women will not be able to cut their hair short or gain weight.
Why there are so many bodies around your house?! ?? i think you might be hiding something…
That had me internally ROFLing. 😀 So, so true. LOL!
*genuflects in admiration while humming Nazi Punks Fuck Off*
Other fun song names
“Vast Blight-wing Enstupidation” – I’m thinking ambient with falling tone off-key arpeggios, lots of dissonance for no reason, and no note falling at any standard pitch. Melody consists of say, 4 lines, never ever hitting the same note at the same time.
Trump, Jr.:
He’s setting himself up to be the only “colluder”, so his father stays away from impeachment. I can’t see any other good reason to openly admit “I planned to meet with a Russian to get information about Clinton.” Scapegoat. If he was trying to protect himself, he wouldn’t have released any of it.
Or possibly, Trump Jr. is so far into the “Trump Rethuglican reality” that he doesn’t see this as damaging.
This. If only because I have so many memes to spam.
Heh…what a creative ad! It kind of drives home the point, that gender is, to a certain extent, a performance.
Yeah, I saw that article, too. I read some of it. I couldn’t finish it, it was just too depressing.
It reminded me of something my husband told me, about a co-workers’ response to Al Gore’s candidacy in 2000: “He’s just trying to confuse us, with all those facts and figures.”
How do these people survive past infancy?
There’s also the issue that he’s the only one really safe from criminal prosecution from failing to declare this meeting in an official document. His brother-in-law, Kushner, needs/needed a security clearance to work in the White House but he doesn’t.
Regardless of shielding dad – who always has the option of resigning – keeping a close family relative out of jail is probably adequate incentive.
NYT says the email chain was forwarded to Manafort’s campaign e-mail and Kushner’s work email and he talks about getting the information to his father. It doesn’t do a good job isolating it to himself at all.
I think he just panicked when NYT told him they were running a story on the emails. Lawyer Twitter is pretty certain he didn’t run the idea of tweeting the e-mails by his attorney.
I never should have made that song list for Sad Boner Sharia. That discography review sounds awesome, @EJ, and then I remembered that it wasn’t real and I was sad. I really wish I had some sort of music talent!
@Stainless Steve, that’s basically how bullies have been jerks for basically ever. Say stupid, asshole things and then retreat to “take a joke!” the moment they’re confronted. The entire call to ignore trolls is exactly the same, tailored for the internet.
To expand on the lovely and talented @Viscaria’s statement,
“winding someone up” is about making someone feel bad. You do that to people you don’t like anyways, and you do it by using the things you don’t like about them. And I don’t care what rationalizations they might give to make themselves feel better about being jerks. They’re just being bullies.
and the pre-eminent @WWTH is as correct and biting as always. “Winding up” women with blatant sexism isn’t just jokin’ around for fun. It’s as old as time and common as rain, a constant storm of abuse women weather just for being born with a particular configuration of biology.
So please pardon me if I roll my eyes at your suggestion! I’ll react how I like to jerks bein’ jerks, thank you. I’m aware they’re doing it specifically to “get a rise” out of us, and I don’t particularly care. There’s no difference between someone saying those sorts of things as a joke and someone saying them in earnest, and I’ll say it’s a terrible thing to do if I want to, cause it is!
@Gussie Jives, thank you for that lengthy post, it was very good and I feel exactly the same. Frankly I feel nauseous at times for what my European ancestors did. You ended on a strong note, too. It’s so important that we acknowledge and take responsibility for righting those wrongs and push towards a better common future.
As for the internet rationalists? Yeah, there’s a reason they think modern science is garbage and that the science of the 17th and 18th century was more “pure.” Peer review was more minimal then, and it was more about a clash of ego than it was assessment of ideas. Rationalization as reason and hero-worship of the gentleman-scientist, with solitary geniuses accomplishing great feats of wisdom. It’s just a modern mythology for men who’ve been taught that they have to be smarter, more clever, more brilliant.
I’ve started to give the side-eye to any guys who gush over science documentaries and early 20th century discoveries for this reason. Waxing poetic over the unity of space and time is lovely, but if your lesson from Einstein is “woo relativity” and not humility at his failure to accept the reality of quantum mechanics and the deep humanity he felt, you’re doing it wrong.
Thank you for that post!
#Trump Jr
ahmigah why are these people so h*ing stupid?
I mean, you wanna talk about republicans rejecting college, there you h*king go! Life these days is an unending Dunning-Kruger parade, and the candy they’re throwing is terrible. I can’t wait for it to be over and for this stupid festival of horrors to be finished with.
All the more interesting because, when you get right down to it, quantum mechanics was what Einstein got the Nobel prize for. Not relativity.
(Specifically, Einstein got the Nobel for his work on the photoelectric effect, in which he demonstrated that some of the oddities from the photoelectric effect could be explained perfectly well if you took Max Planck’s work on quantization of light seriously, rather than just as a mathematical quirk necessary to make the ultraviolet catastrophe go away. Einstein literally helped lay the foundations that quantum mechanics was built on, and got awarded for it.)
This is nothing new. About 10-15 years ago PUA types were whining about makeup and sunglasses because they can make people look more attractive and that’s “fraud.”
@Steven Dutch
Jihadist groups actually tend to hold to teachings on sex that diverge considerably from mainstream conservative Islam. Some groups claim that it is not sinful for Muslim men to have sex with non-Muslim women outside of marriage in Western countries, and that masturbation is always okay (for dudes at least) if you’re not married and living in a Western countries. If you look at the doctrine of groups like al-Qaeda in general, it’s very cult-like and out of step with traditional Islam.
I’d mostly blame the right-wing media’s coverage of the incident with Milo Yiannopoulos at UC Berkeley. The problem with that coverage is most of the anarchists at that protest were probably not students, the number of people in “social justice” majors is still fairly low, and Milo was intentionally provoking a confrontation. Milo doesn’t argue with people, he gives more of a “pep talk” in which he encourages people he agrees with and verbally abuses people he disagrees with, so it’s not like anyone shut down an open debate.
There are plenty of reasons to be extremely cautious when interpreting survey results. Opinion surveys tend to have a high margin of error, and there’s high variance if you compare the results from year to year, which should compound your margin of error. Moreover, “colleges and universities have a __________ effect on the way things are going in the country” is a bit of a loaded question.
GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina:
The “boys, be ambitious” guy! That slogan still shows up today, in unexpected places!
wwth – My intoxicant of choice is cannabis when I’m alone so, if it’s okay, I’ll go get my vape with the Blackberry Kush cartridge instead of a drink and join you!
Nth-ing the wish for the Sad Boner Sharia album!
Moggie said
Where’s Paradoxy?