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By David Futrelle
Never let it be said that Reddit’s incels lack a sense of civic engagement. Indeed, some of them seem to spend a lot of time thinking about things they would like to make illegal. Mostly things that make other people happy.
One brave “involuntarily celibate” fellow recently put forth several thoughtful legislative proposals: Immediate bans on public displays of affection, high heels, and makeup.
Naturally, TheEngineer19’s colleagues in the incels subreddit concurred, and several suggested new laws of their own.
I’m astonished that public-minded fellows like this continue to have trouble finding dates.
The best part about this whole thing is that MANGRY is the first single.
I’m going to send you an mp3 of hard rock stuff I’ve arranged. Srsly. I used to write with one of Anthrax’s engineers; we have to make this happen.
I would show a picture of the sort of fakeup I sometimes wear, but “half-frozen half-dead with icicles dangling from chin and large frostbite marks on cheeks and forehead” isn’t a common look.
JS: When I used to go winter climbing with a full beard, I used to get the cutest little tuscicles. Better on my beard than on my skin, I used to think.
Because mild discomfort at witnessing kissy face is somehow on par with starvation.
I made up a fun game. Replace “involuntarily celibate” with “involuntarily unemployed”* (inun?) and follow the same paths of logic. Here’s an example:
Public displays of having a job should be illegal. I hate it when I’m in public and there are all these people obviously on their way to or from work, torturing me by flaunting their work uniforms, briefcases, hard hats, etc. It just rubs in the fact that no one will ever want to hire me. I think what I’m saying is that everyone should organize their whole life around not making me feel inadequate. Me me me me me me me me
Another fun exercise: imagine incel logic applied to a job interview situation.
Creepy incel guy: “Why doesn’t anyone love me?”
Same guy: “Here are a few of the ways I’ve thought up to make other people suffer for the crime of being happier than me.”
The world may never know, creepy dude. It’s a mystery for the ages.
You know, public displays of affection can be kind of annoying.
When the people doing them are doing them in rather inconvenient places, like the top of an escalator or in the middle of a narrow passage.
As long as they do them out of the way so they don’t cause me to miss my train?
More power to them, I say!
Off-topic, but wow, just wow:
Most Republicans now think colleges are bad for America
I made up a fun game. Replace “involuntarily celibate” with “involuntarily unemployed”* (inun?) and follow the same paths of logic. Here’s an example:
Public displays of having a job should be illegal. I hate it when I’m in public and there are all these people obviously on their way to or from work, torturing me by flaunting their work uniforms, briefcases, hard hats, etc. It just rubs in the fact that no one will ever want to hire me. I think what I’m saying is that everyone should organize their whole life around not making me feel inadequate. Me me me me me me me me
Another fun exercise: imagine incel logic applied to a job interview situation.
(*Serious note: being unemployed is awful and I have been unemployed for a significant stretch of time in the not-so-distant past, so I’m not making light of that situation. In fact, one of the places where this comparison breaks down is that being able to make a living, unlike having a sexual partner, is an actual necessity and a matter of public concern. Still doesn’t give you a licence to whine that other people hurting your feelings just by living their lives, though.)
@GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
As if I needed one more thing to screw me over. Literally half of all Asian Americans have a college degree, do they realize just how much this basically says to all of us “I’m so glad you work hard and be our example to dunk on other minorities, now we take the one thing that helps so many of you get ahead in life. Your welcome.”
So TheEngineer is trying to tell us that he thinks pda in reality is like this? (the pigeons too engage in pda)
More tracks for Sad Boner Sharia:
Sexbot Romance
When Society Breaks Down
Government Mandated Hottie
Back to lurking now…
Dear Mamoth Hunters
I’m with you guys all the way when it comes down to calling out and ridiculing the distasteful and damaging attitudes of the pathetic MRA ‘movement’ – but is it possible that you missed the ‘joke’ of the original Reddit post. In bad taste, yes, but surely meant as a wind-up….. and it looks like it worked!?
Probably at least half of them would claim that colleges are bad in part because they educate too many non-white people. That’s snark on my part, of course, but anti-intellectualism has been a part of mainstream American culture forever, and Trump is one of its products. Obviously there’s a great respect for education in Asian cultures in general, and by and large Asian-Americans are high achievers in education. I’m most familiar with Japan, because my wife is a celebrity there — her great-great-grandfather was hired by the Japanese government in 1876 to establish a Western-style agricultural college in Sapporo, and he is still one of the most famous Americans in Japan. That’s an effect of the very high respect Japanese have for teachers — in the US he is hardly remembered at all, even though he was in effect the founder of the agricultural college that became the University of Massachusetts (which is why they hired him).
What this is all about of course is that people who go to college — particularly the better colleges — are taught to question traditional values, which very often means the values of their parents. And for families in “fly-over country,” it often means that the young go away to college and find that their home towns are just too stuck in old dysfunctional ways, so they move away for good — leaving behind a greater and greater portion of people with the outmoded traditional views. To some people, people like you are a threat because they fear that their traditional values can’t survive in their children if they are exposed to other cultural values. You shouldn’t take that sort of thing personally — people aren’t reacting to you (or to Asian-Americans in general), but to the flickering shadows you make in the firelight in their mental caves (sort of like Plato’s Cave). It’s a bit of an oversimplification, but conservatives tend to fear change and people with different cultural identities, whereas progressives tend to welcome change and to find people with different cultural identities interesting — even if there’s a certain amount of inconvenience involved. I enjoyed my visits to Japan, because it was interesting to see how a very different culture works — we all tend to think that the culture we grew up in is The Way Things Are Done, and it good to find out sooner rather than later (or not at all) that that’s just not true.
I know you’re part Vietnamese. In his book about the Vietnam War, A Bright shining Lie, Neil Sheehan writes about a South Vietnamese officer who heard a conversation between a US aid worker and a Vietnamese village leader. The aid worker was trying to persuade the village leader that his son should get a (Western-style) education because it would enable him to do more things and have more opportunities. The village leader was agreeing that his son should be educated, but with the goal that he would thereby understand that he needed to follow the traditional ways — which most of us would call indoctrination, not education. I think that’s the sort of conflict we’re dealing with here: traditionalists want their children to learn how to do things, but without having their cultural values challenged. And you can’t teach people to think without bringing received wisdom into question.
Unrelatedly, I just had to spend half an hour listening to my Republican sister rant about “The gays” and “The SJWs” (she has no idea that I’m a gay “SJW”). Who wants to get drunk with me?
In Ursula K LeGuin’s “The Dispossessed”, in the anarchist moon of Anarres it is considered as bad manners to snog in front of the unpaired as it would be to eat in front of hungry people (in private, anything goes). -In Teen Vogue recently there was a case of a boy wearing make-up which riled up the Christianists into cries of Western doom. I took a copy of the photo to show my (mixed) English class of high-schoolers in Taiwan- they were all concentrating on what the girls in the picture were wearing; when I pointed out the boy they replied “Of course he’s wearing make-up; he’s getting his picture taken.” Which was pretty sensible but left me to fill in a forty-minute discussion class.
@Stainless Steve:
What makes you sure? The subreddit’s first rule is “no trolling”, but the post has been up for days and not deleted. Only last week, another of these incels was demanding that the government “step in” to ensure he has a girlfriend.
Have you … read that reddit? At all? If this is “satire” or a “joke” then the entire reddit incel community is constantly making failed satire and failed jokes with nobody ever breaking character.
I really urge you to read the reddit for a couple of hours and then come back and tell us again how we’ve been skillfully trolled. I understand the urge to think that nobody could ever seriously suggest something like this, but I assure you that there is stuff in that reddit that is 100x more toxic than this. Y’know, do the minimal research before you tell us that we’re all doofuses, for instance.
This reminds me of that episode of American Dad where Steve Smith basically becomes a school dictator and bans all public displays of affection.
New Album Reviews
Sarkeesian Slingshot, Sad Boner Sharia
These days it’s getting difficult to find a genre which hasn’t been crossed with dubstep. Sarkeesian Slingshot, the first album from newcomers Sad Boner Sharia, marks the new high-water mark of that movement. How the hell do you combine laptop dubstep with old-school girl punk?
The answer, according to this album, is “very well.”
From the very first track, Mangry, I was awed by the sheer aggression of the album. Compared to the polished ennui of so much of modern punk, this was a shot of pure unpolished anger of a sort that we haven’t heard since Black Flag. The drop is hard enough to break bones, the guitars take no prisoners, and I didn’t catch a single word of the lyrics. Amazing.
Having nailed its colours to the mast with the first track, the rest of the album is now free to take its time exploring musical themes. Elevator 4am is almost straight-up dubstep complete with sampled lyrics, while More Rational Than You and We Hunted The Mammoth are fun throwbacks to old-school underground punk, and No More Time For You shows signs of what might almost be a djent influence. At times it almost feels as if they’re breaking out and exploring a wider space, and then a hammer like Public Display of Correction hits to remind that isn’t some fucking prog album. Sad Boner Sharia are angry and they’re here to make you angry too.
I was going to give the album a solid four stars, but then I heard the hidden track The Ballad Of Richard Spencer Getting Punched In The Fucking Face. Five stars. Buy it. Buy it now.
A band named Sad Boner Sharia…
The Sharia riffers on The Engineer19’s comments might think they are being funny, but in fact they have identified exactly what drives ISIS, Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and all the rest. It has absolutely nothing to do with Islam and absolutely everything to do with their sexual frustration. The sad irony is they need to attack the people who have created the society that makes them so frustrated: their family elders and imams, not the West.
But even if they do, and create a sexually free society, it will still have its incels and they will be angrier than ever.
One idea that has scared me for some time is our fascists might eventually figure out just how much they have in common with Islamic extremists.
@Stainless Steve
I don’t believe that for a moment and I’m not sure why you do, but let’s say it is a “wind-up.” What would be the goal of that wind-up? Who is it supposed to upset, and why is it targeting those people?
Honestly, does this surprise you? Rush Limbaugh has been referring to college as “liberal indoctrination” for decades. If anything now that Trump is president they feel entitled to speak their mind without filter.