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By David Futrelle
Never let it be said that Reddit’s incels lack a sense of civic engagement. Indeed, some of them seem to spend a lot of time thinking about things they would like to make illegal. Mostly things that make other people happy.
One brave “involuntarily celibate” fellow recently put forth several thoughtful legislative proposals: Immediate bans on public displays of affection, high heels, and makeup.
Naturally, TheEngineer19’s colleagues in the incels subreddit concurred, and several suggested new laws of their own.
I’m astonished that public-minded fellows like this continue to have trouble finding dates.
It doesn’t sound like a “parody” to me. What makes it sound “parody”-like to you?
I wish I could see it as a parody. I’ve long since been disabused of that notion.
Sad Boner Sharia is now my girl punk band name.
On the one hand, I want to roll my eyes at this guy for deciding that he’s never ever going to experience love in his entire life. On the other hand, given that he wants to control women’s sexuality in order to manage his pathetic insecurities, I hope that he’s right.
Sad Boner Sharia’s first album, Sarkeesian’s Slingshot
Incel Repellent
Public Display of Correction
We Hunted The Mammoth
Elevator at 4 AM
Tunnel Vision
More Rational Than You
Big Boy Bulldozer
No Time For You
I kinda want this to be a thing now :s
*squeaks* I NEED this
This would be a good incel enraging song
lovehate how the first thing is gender neutral (which is meant to not only punish women, but the people who would dare sleep with them), but the other things would punish women and gender-nonconforming/feminine-presenting people specifically.Like, it’s really fucking obvious who they hate the most here. It’s not the men who they assume are getting laid (with women), it’s the fucking women who they assume won’t sleep with them. (And of course, queer people don’t fucking exist in their little worlds.)
It’s all projections and assumptions all the way down.
Women wear high heels and “fake up” to deceive THEM SPECIFICALLY.
Women fuck with other men to spite THEM SPECIFICALLY.
Women wear revealing clothes to get THEIR SPECIFIC HOPES UP.
Women act like “sluts” to taunt THEM SPECIFICALLY.
Everything feminine-presenting people do is apparently AT THEM. We exist AT them, not alongside them, and that’s part of the fucking problem. They are so CONVINCED that everything women do is either to spite them or to make THEM (or their boners) feel bad, and this makes them feel like they’re being targeted, so now they feel like their only option at this point is to just FORCE WOMEN TO FUCK THEM so they no longer FEEL BAD, instead of maybe looking inside themselves for the fucking problem???
I know I’m preaching to the choir here, but
I can empathize a little bit, with the public display of affection stuff. When I was an acne-ridden 15 or 16 year old, I really resented seeing my peers “sucking face” in public. But, not enough to fantasize changing the entire culture, just to accommodate my feelings.
The make-up, or “fake-up”, as they call it…I’ve felt for a long time, that men have been deprived because they couldn’t publicly wear makeup…at least, not without raising eyebrows, or worse. I love the stuff! How awful it must be, to have to go out in public bare-faced, with nothing to boost your ego, not even a little bit.
I digress, but I’ve got some uneven skin tone/blotchiness on my face, and it’s hard to cover, or at least mask it, without the makeup looking too heavy, especially in the summer. If anyone has any suggestions, I’d appreciate it. Laser removal of brown spots is just too expensive.
Isn’t ALL make up fake? But yes, I know what he means is that it is fine to wear that ‘natural looking’ make up because without it women are hideous trolls.
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
That is brilliant. Somebody needs to write those songs and then record them.
In other news, “Sad Boner Sharia” is the name of my new dubstep trio.
I have nothing new or interesting to say about these losers or their self-inflicted losses. I’ve had a lovely evening with friends and food and conversation.
Of course now I wish I’d indulged in some PDA just on the off chance, but… eh.
Hrm, looks like we’re going to have to collaborate.
The “ban high heels” thing is a bit amusing, as some women would probably cheer if they were banned.
I’m not a big fan of public displays of affection either. Viewing them as a personal affront, however, is a level of narcissism I don’t quite get.
I think we may have hit upon one of their problems: how they view themselves.
adorable orange cat that’s up for adoption, if anyone in the Tacoma area is looking.
two adorable tripod kitties helped by the Special Needs fund
This guy is calling himself ‘the engineer’? He appears to be sorely lacking in the logic department.
Ban makeup and high heels? Both are things that are engineered.
I am reminded of a friend of mine who told me about a professor she had in school who was also either the head chemist or plant manager at Avon. “Brilliant guy, excellent teacher” – that I remember.
Yes, but go ahead and ban yourselves out of all sorts of potential jobs.
Sounds logical. I wonder what sales and management will have to say about this? In all kinds of biz. Oh, we should stop production entirely and put ourselves out of jobs too?
I’m sure all kinds of people will be lining up to get on board with such profound thinking!
Wow, this guy should call himself The Economist, too!
This guy is calling himself ‘The Engineer’? He appears to be sorely lacking in the logic department.
Ban makeup and high heels? Both are things that are engineered.
I am reminded of a friend of mine who told me about a professor she had in school who was also either the head chemist or plant manager at Avon. “Brilliant guy, excellent teacher” – that I remember.
Yes, but go ahead and ban yourselves out of all sorts of potential jobs.
Sounds logical. I wonder what sales and management will have to say about this? In all kinds of biz. Oh, we should stop production entirely and put ourselves out of jobs too?
I’m sure all kinds of people will be lining up to get on board with such profound thinking!
Wow, this guy should call himself The Economist, too!
But for Incel God’s sake, don’t ever let it be known that you’re wearing “natural looking” makeup. As we all know, it is a blasphemy against the Tribe of Men that women don’t naturally have flawless skin and thick eyelashes.
@Scildfreja, Otrame
I’d be willing to play songwriter, though I’d have to work backwards from the titles–which isn’t oft recommended.
I get this. When I was about 20 I had a really bad breakup with this guy I was about 1200% more into than he was into me. For a while, seeing strangers kissing hurt so badly. How can anyone experience love when my one great romance is no more???? I thought. But yeah, like you, it didn’t occur to me that they should all be forced to change to accomodate me. Instead I handled my own feelings by looking away and thinking about other things.
When I see a couple holding hands or kissing in the park: “Oh, how adorable! A moment of joy in a world of sadness. I’m really happy for them. Hope they are happy!”
When they see a couple holding hands or kissing in the park: “WHAT ABOUT ME!!!!!! YOU DO THIS TO SPITE ME!”
Nobody cares about your Bona, Juvenal.
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