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Incels demand a ban on public displays of affection, also high heels, makeup and female autonomy

Gangsters of love

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By David Futrelle

Never let it be said that Reddit’s incels lack a sense of civic engagement. Indeed, some of them seem to spend a lot of time thinking about things they would like to make illegal. Mostly things that make other people happy.

One brave “involuntarily celibate” fellow recently put forth several thoughtful legislative proposals: Immediate bans on public displays of affection, high heels, and makeup.

Public Displays of Affection should be illegal (self.Incels) submitted 4 days ago by TheEngineer19Truecel, Oxygen Thief and Monster They are truly disgusting, and it is absolutely degenerate to sit there sucking someone's face off in front of the general public. It is also just rubbing the fact that I will never experience love in my face. It's basically the equivalent of dangling a juicy steak in front of a starving Ethiopian kid. Anyone who engages in PDA should be called out on their disgusting behaviour and should be separated from each other for the rest of their lives. It is not fair to torture Incels with the fact that they are so subhuman they will never experience that. If I ever had the oppurtunity to make the laws of my country I would outlaw any public displays of affection, along with high heels and fake-up.

Naturally, TheEngineer19’s colleagues in the incels subreddit concurred, and several suggested new laws of their own.

[deleted] 3 points 4 days ago Women should also have a male escorts who drives for her and watches her When she shops, women should have no contact with men unsupervised.

cheffromgtaV 1 point 3 days ago hell yeah and we'll also encourage forced marriages so that there are no more incels we will rise


I’m astonished that public-minded fellows like this continue to have trouble finding dates.

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7 years ago

What a sad lot they are. They’d be laughable if they weren’t all Elliot Rodgers in the making.

7 years ago

When you’re so insecure and self loathing you tremble in anger when a couples, triples, quadruples are together…

Banananana dakry: Fat, Short-Haired, and Deranged
Banananana dakry: Fat, Short-Haired, and Deranged
7 years ago

Because it all makes their boners sad, and they musn’t have sad boners. Boners Uber Alles.

Blaming other people is easier for them than possibly coming to the conclusion it’s their detestable personalities that keep them from getting their dicks wet.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

It is also just rubbing the fact that I will never experience love in my face

1)you really need to work on your wording there, pal
2)’don’t remind me of my crushing loneliness’ says the guy on the incel subreddit

we will rise

Nobody wants to hear about your boners, incel dudes…

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago

women should have no contact with men unsupervised.

Unsupervised by … whom? He can’t mean “by other men” because the woman would have contact with the chaperon unsupervised by a second chaperon …???

It is not fair to torture Incels with the fact that they are so subhuman they will never experience that.

But it’s totally fair to expect the entire rest of the world to revolve around incels.

7 years ago

I feel like if women stopped prettiying themselves, these dudes would just complain about how ugly we are and why don’t we do something about that?

E: Also, I hope all these incels are rich or well-connected, ’cause otherwise why would family patriarchs want to marry their daughters to them?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

because the woman would have contact with the chaperon unsupervised by a second chaperon

You probably all already know this, but that’s the exact origin of the “who watches the watchmen” phrase.

It’s from a poem by Juvenal. He comments that his friends’ advice to get a chaperon for his wife is pretty pointless cos she’ll just cop off with the chaperon.

audio quid ueteres olim moneatis amici, “pone seram, cohibe.” sed quis custodiet ipsos custodes? cauta est et ab illis incipit uxor.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago

Women should also have a male escorts who drives for her and watches her When she shops, women should have no contact with men unsupervised.

I bet $20 that this guy’s used both “Women in Saudi Arabia aren’t allowed to drive!” and “Women in ISIS-controlled countries aren’t allowed unsupervised contact!” as arguments as to why his inevitable Islamophobia is totally justified and “Leftists” are the real misogynists.

7 years ago

I bet $20 that this guy’s used both “Women in Saudi Arabia aren’t allowed to drive!” and “Women in ISIS-controlled countries aren’t allowed unsupervised contact!” as arguments as to why his inevitable Islamophobia is totally justified and “Leftists” are the real misogynists.

No bet.

7 years ago

“we should have male escorts”
“islam is harming women with male escorts”
It’s always projection.

Strawberry Wizard
Strawberry Wizard
7 years ago

It’s from a poem by Juvenal. He comments that his friends’ advice to get a chaperon for his wife is pretty pointless cos she’ll just cop off with the chaperon.

That’s where that quote comes from?

7 years ago

Once more, with feeling: And these guys all wonder why they’re single???

Srsly, that much repulsive repugnant regurgitation cannot be good for one’s ability to relate to others.

7 years ago

I do like the creative mash-up of “dangling a juicy steak in front of a dog” with “there are children starving in Ethiopia.”

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ strawberry wizard

Yup. It’s from ‘Satire #6’ who’s title ironically enough is usually translated as something like “Against Women” because it’s pretty much an Ur-example of all the standard MRA misogyny covered in David’s blog. Nothing new under the Sun I guess.

7 years ago

@Strawberry Wizard,

Yeah, when we use it to say, “Law enforcement agents are unaccountable to the public,” we’re taking it out of context.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

ETA: just check out these chapter headings 🙂

Satire VI: Don’t Marry
SatVI:1-24 Chastity Has Vanished
SatVI:25-59 You’re Mad To Marry!
SatVI:60-81 Look At Them In The Theatre
SatVI:82-113 What About Eppia?
SatVI:114-135 Or Messalina?
SatVI:136-160 The Rich and Beautiful
SatVI:161-199 Who Could Stand A Perfect Wife?
SatVI:200-230 The Way They Lord It Over You!
SatVI:231-285 They Do As They Wish
SatVI:286-313 What Brought All This About?
SatVI:314-345 The Rites of Bona Dea
SatVI:Ox1-34 and 346-379 And Those Eunuchs!
SatVI:380-397 There Are Those Who Fancy Musicians
SatVI:398-456 And There Are Worse
SatVI:457-507 Endless Beautification
SatVI:508-591 And They’re So Superstitious
SatVI:592-661 It’s Tragic!

Strawberry Wizard
Strawberry Wizard
7 years ago

@ Alan Robertshaw

And he thought that was satire?

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
7 years ago

You know what, incels? Separating couples from each other is not going to make women want to be with you. If an r/incel regular was the last man on earth, I’d go live on an island alone with the seagulls.

Seriously. Is there anything anyone does that doesn’t make them mangry?

7 years ago

Dear lord…. It’s Sad Boner Sharia, isn’t it?

Tosca; Chaos made Flesh, Servant of the Purring Jew
Tosca; Chaos made Flesh, Servant of the Purring Jew
7 years ago

So a man who complains endlessly about not having a girlfriend…wants all couples* separated permanently…so that, in the unlikely event of him ever getting a girlfriend, he will be permanently separated from her…so that he will not make the boners of Incels sad…because they don’t have a girlfriend…

My head hurts.

*I suspect he means “straight couples”, but this is not clear from the text.

Victorious Parasol
7 years ago

The incels’ complaints make me want to snog Mr. Parasol in public more often, but that would probably embarrass Mr. Parasol when we’re grocery shopping.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ strawberry wizard

I’m afraid I don’t know how serious he was. 1980s Catholic school wasn’t exactly a hotbed for feminist critique of Latin poetry; we just had to translate the bloody things. 🙂

If I remember correctly though (doubtful), Juvenal, like Catullus, was writing in response to some of the more respectable poets of the day. The traditional stuff was all about how Roman men were the pinnacle of civilisation and Roman women models of virtue and propiety. So their stance was basically “Fuck off, we’re a right bunch of degenerates, and our women are just as bad”.

I guess all the same arguments about ‘satire’ we have today were just as applicable then. But there are some actual classicists on this site so they’re probably the people to ask rather than my waffling.

7 years ago

“And while we’re at it, let’s ban compassion and empathy since I’ll never experience those either–not that I care.”

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
7 years ago

Oh my gosh. Mangry. Marry me, WWTH, that little word is beautiful.

I was gonna comment on the whole “We want to implement the most barbaric interpretation of Sharia law, but also we think Sharia law is barbaric and evil” thing, but… well, there it is.

What I will comment on is how frickin’ awful that “dangling a steak in front of an Ethiopian” line is. It’s a knowledge of Ethiopia sourced entirely from skipping through television channels of charity infomercials for companies that squeeze as much cash from the wallets of the generous to drop the minimum dribbly-drabs into actual charity work, and the maximum cash into the wallets of the charity shareholders. And it angers me so much.

What do people here think when they hear the word “Ethiopia”? I think of lush rainforest, magnificent high plains, incredible natural wonders. I think of a people struggling to harness real collaboration and industry in the face of foreign colonial powers. I think of Addis Ababa, a bustling metropolis that’s poor but practically vibrating with potential.

There are starving kids in Ethiopia, certainly. And they’re starving because of their economic overlords. The same system that lets that dude stuff his gob with steak while seething about women into the digital void of Reddit is the one that keeps that kid from a good meal. It’s that asshole that’s dangling the steak in front of that proverbial child’s face.

Rgh. I do love Africa, though. I’m increasingly convinced that the future belongs to India and Africa, and am increasingly happy about that fact.

7 years ago

The “forced marriages” comment really sounds like a parody, but you never know with these people.

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