alt-right creepy evil fat fatties grandiosity heartiste men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA racism

And the Incomprehensible Racist Gibberish award for this week goes to …

Once upon a time creepy white dudes tried to encourage women to GAIN weight

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By David Futrelle

The former-pickup-artist-turned-racist-shitgibbon James “Heartiste” Weidmann has long been a reliable producer of nearly incomprehensible gibberish. But he’s outdone himself with a little rant he recently appended to a post attacking a dude for coming to the defense of his overweight girlfriend online.

The gist of it, as far as I can tell, is that white dudes should continue fat shaming white women mercilessly, lest our glorious white race split in two. But somehow he makes this awful idea even awfuller by stretching it out over two gloriously incoherent paragraphs. You may need a stiff drink after reading this:

What we are witnessing is the rapid evolutionary split of White America into two racial classes, the El-Aloi (pure White and jewish-hybrid globorace) and the Mudlocks (LSMV fat White chicks slapping a saggital-headed horde of mystery meatballs from the comfort of their Walmart cruisers). Some argue this is best for the White race, because a culling of the dregs further purifies and focuses the minds of the milky cream at the top. I disagree. Allowing and even celebrating the racial jettisoning of our worst kin instead of resisting the broken society that encourages their defiant retreat into depravity will have upstream effects that will reverberate for generations, infecting every member of the race from bottom to top.

The best solution is ending the female obesity epidemic so that a vast blight-wing enstupidation doesn’t take hold in our homeland and despoil the natural beauty. Maybe the day will come when we have no choice but to sever ties with our unlucky kin and kith, but for now there’s still time left to ennoble our worst to aspire to something better. But it won’t happen if our currently operative noblesse malice isn’t replaced soon by a return to noblesse oblige.

Yes, he did just say that harassing white women about their weight is a form of noblesse oblige.

I’m sure he said even worse elsewhere in the rant, but with prose this terrible it’s hard to tell.

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GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
7 years ago

My wife is 50 lbs. overweight by her own standards — she was quite fit when I met her (which was on a 20-mile dayhike across the central White Mountains), but she was never thin. Her biggest problem is that she doesn’t particularly like hiking alone, and when my feet started to go bad she was collateral damage. My concern is that she has a history of back and knee problems, and extra weight doesn’t help. Her problem is NOT overeating, it’s just that she doesn’t get enough exercise. She’s retiring from her sedentary job next week, so hopefully I’ll be able to get her out in the yard and onto the trails next door.

We were talking a couple of days ago about the physical demands on the women in farm families, and I think the key issue is that we evolved as a species in circumstances where most people of both sexes did a lot of physical labor but had little access to the sorts of highly processed foods with concentrated calories that we have today. In additon, until the last century or two in developed countries, famines were a more or less common fact of life, so the ability to store calories as fat against the day when food might not be available was important to survival. Naturally skinny folks would have been at a serious disadvantage in a famine — perhaps victims of natural selection.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe there is a point where a woman stops ovulating when her body fat falls below a certain level. That would be another reason why women in particular have a tendency to gain weight — a potential pregnancy that might kill her if she didn’t have a built-in supply of calories.

So the real problem is that we are designed to get fat if we have the opportunity, but that turns out to be a disadvantage in the world we live in now. And evolution isn’t going to change that anytime soon.

7 years ago

Grumpy, I think it would be great if we could all find movement we like and won’t murder us. When I was living with my ed in high school my period stopped, which was frankly the least worrisome side effect for me.

I am all about eating healthy and getting some movement. (Even if it’s baking bread and puttering around the garden) It’s just really been driven home, as a fat person who exists in public, that a lot of people want to suggest stuff that could straight corpse a person up, so I just tend to keep my nose out of other people’s eating and movement unless I have a valid reason to ask. (Like dietary restrictions, accommodations for my chronically ill friends, that sort of thing. )

Violet The Vile
Violet The Vile
7 years ago

re race mixing and eventually everyone will look the same: that isn’t what would happen. It’s really fascinating actually [*HONK* genetics nerd alert]

Basically, because of individual genetic variation you will still get dark-skinned and light-skinned people. You can see it in places that are fairly racially homogenous, ie if you are looking at white people you get some people who are blonde and some who are very dark. The same goes if you are looking at black people. There are even cases of mixed-race twins where you have one twin who looks “white” and one who looks “black”, even though theoretically they have the same genetic makeup. Skin colour is controlled by a number of factors and there are many different genes involved. We’re never all going to be the same colour. Not that it would make any difference to anyone at all if we were.

In other news, I enjoyed this first dog on the moon cartoon today.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ cleverforagirl

Eat 500-700 calories a day

Unsurprisingly you’ve lived up to your nym and, along with others here, said all that needs to be said. But perhaps I might be forgiven for pointing out that those ‘recommendations’ are actually lower than the calorific intake of inmates at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

*Warning for medical reports on concentration camp prisoners*

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago


I was somewhat disappointed by the mildness of your rant…

Spoons are limited, not every rant is angry, and, regardless of temper, I try to start relatively civil with non (or unconfirmed) trolls. Say some more bullshit tho, and you may get what ask for…

How’s that?

Strict laws against micegenation wouldn’t have been needed if it wasn’t something that would have naturally happened without the prohibition

There’s laws in Kansas against establishing ‘Sharia law’. Bigotry is not a means, it’s the end. Racism for racism’s sake is more than strong enough to outlaw something that ain’t happening

Also, those laws started as prohibitions against marrying slaves. Cos, if you married a slave, you’d be less likely whip your wife to death in a cotton field. Something which was very much encouraged. It was spread to free blacks later. The goal is to keep black (and indigenous and Asian and…) people as second class citizens. Fuck it, black folk couldn’t even marry each other. So, nope, don’t at all buy the ‘anti miscegenation laws were enacted due to actual fear of mixed babies being born’ hypothesis. Especially cos you don’t hafta marry your slave to make her have your children. Marriage is a civilized institution, they’re uncivilized, ipso facto. Simple as that

7 years ago

I was told 800 a day for auschwitz, lol believe me that wasn’t lost on me. My poor love had to listen to me rant about it after the incident. At my *most* disfunction I managed 900 cal/day.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
7 years ago

I have friends who do a diet that involves 500 calories per day for a 2-week “starvation” phase, followed by ~800-1000 per day for three weeks after. They were warned to not do any exercise for that period of time because they would pass out, and by the fact that they would get light-headed from exertions like standing up or walking more than a few feet, I believe it. They also take progesterone, under the impression that a tiny drop taken orally twice a day is enough to convince the body to burn fat.

They started this diet maybe five years ago, and of course it worked – you lose weight when you starve yourself so drastically. They put the weight on after a few months, though, and have now settled into “doing the diet” twice a year or so. (He does the full diet, she just does the “third stage”, which is basically avoiding processed sugars and lots of carbs)

I’ve tried to suggest to them that they’re destroying their livers and ruining their metabolisms, and that progesterone is metabolized in the digestive tract so it’s impossible for a couple of oral drops to have any meaningful effect, but he’s a Highly Rational Person and can’t be convinced that he might be wrong for love or money. She at least has been pretty sensible about it all.

I worry for their health! But at the same time I’m coming to realize that he’s gone well down the red-pill rabbit hole, and there’s not a lot I can do to convince him otherwise. My worry is for his wife and newborn child.

That’s my story! Sorry for the diversion. So many diets are horribly damaging. The best diet is one my brother and sister-in-law are on. There’s a food plan involved, but it’s basically just instructions for people who don’t know how to cook. There’s no regimen of eating, exercise or whatnot. Instead? There’s a counseling session every week with someone who’ll listen to you and help you meet your goals. They’ll keep you motivated and positive as you go for it. It’s so darn good. I wish that was the typical model for diets, not this snake oil that’s everywhere.

(I myself am skinny as a rail to the point of being unhealthy, so my dietary problems are sort of inverse, but I can still be upset for the sheer inhumanity of it all!)

7 years ago

Loathsome sentiment amplified by writing style so painfully florid and pseudo intellectual. It might be funny if I could actually read it – but it is rendered unreadable by the mangling of the English language.

I am pretty sure he doesn’t WANT fat white women to be less fat. Extra reasons to hate us are always sought after at Chateau Fartiste.

That he is fat himself is no surprise. I was first fat shamed by a fat boy at the age of 12. I wasn’t even fat – just some belly fat on my developing body.

GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
7 years ago

The traditional Japanese diet is quite healthful, and food has never been all that abundant, so few older Japanese are fat. But with the growing popularity of the Western eating habits, you see progressively more fat people in younger age groups. But what about sumo wrestlers? Sure, they eat a lot, but that’s not the whole story.

According to this article – here is what a sumo wrestler does to get fat:
Skip breakfast. By depriving their bodies of food after eight hours of sleep, their metabolic rates stay low.
Exercise on an empty stomach. …
Take a nap after eating. …
Eat late in the day. …
Always eat with others in a social atmosphere.

If you are on a very low calorie diet, you might end up doing some of the things that help sumo wrestlers get fat.

Diego Duarte
Diego Duarte
7 years ago

(He does the full diet, she just does the “third stage”, which is basically avoiding processed sugars and lots of carbs)

This is pretty much how I lost 66 Lbs. All you have to do to drop weight is stop taking processed sugars and replace rice with potatoes. That’s about it.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago

All you have to do to drop weight is stop taking processed sugars and replace rice with potatoes. That’s about it.

That’s a pretty universal statement you’ve made there. I’m sure you have data to back up that this is all anyone has to do.

7 years ago

@Alan, Clever
There was talk of starvation studies earlier. I had remembered the Ancel Keys study being 1400 Calories per day but looked it up just now and it was 1560. I remember reading at one point that such studies are no longer able to be conducted because of the psychological damage done to the participants causing it to be inhumane. I can’t find a reference now, though.

History Nerd
History Nerd
7 years ago

Awhile ago, Donald Trump started a Multi-Level Marketing company that promoted a pseudoscientific weight loss diet. You eat one “light” meal per day and 5 food packets throughout the day at 2-3 hour intervals. Each packet is around 70 calories to 150 calories, so 5 packets plus 1 meal is probably closer to starvation than a healthy caloric intake for weight loss. The starter kit has 8 weeks of packets for $1,325 and then you pay $29.50 for each box of 7 packets, which means you’re paying $4+ for each 70-150 calorie snack (definitely not a good deal for the amount of energy, plus spending over $600 per month to buy food for one person, and similar diet food is probably much cheaper at drugstores).

Besides that, The Trump Network sold a service in which a clinic analyzed your pee (for $140 the first time, $100 for additional tests every 6 months) and sold you customized vitamins based on your pee analysis ($70 for a month’s supply of custom vitamins). Needless to say, you can probably get a 6 month supply of vitamins at a drugstore for $20 or less.

Viscaria the Cheese Hog
Viscaria the Cheese Hog
7 years ago

All you have to do to drop weight is stop taking processed sugars and replace rice with potatoes. That’s about it.

Well that’s just magnificent. I’m sure everyone who has ever wanted to lose some weight will be so happy to learn that you’ve found the magic bullet. ?

7 years ago

Ok folks, deep breath. Great! Repeat after me

“Long term weight loss is impossible most people. It is not a failure to not be a statistical outlier”

7 years ago

Now why am I not surprised that Donnie even tried to rip off people with a stupid fad diet scheme?

Oh yeah. It’s because the man can’t even fart without trying to turn an obscene profit off it.

MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
7 years ago

GrumpyOldSocialJusticeMangina- You are 100% correct about having too little body fat causing ovulation to stop. In fact, it causes periods to stop altogether. This is called amenorrhea. It is like temporary menopause. It happened to me. I over exercised and under ate to the point where I did not have periods for over a year. I have osteopenia as result (a very mild case, thank goodness. Just on the borderline between healthy bone density and osteopenia). I have to take daily calcium and vitamin D supplements now.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

Somehow missed your delurk (redelurk?) a few threads back. Obligatory, but heartfelt, anime hug gif:
Welcome back! 😀

Croquembouche, poorly-dressed vandal
Croquembouche, poorly-dressed vandal
7 years ago

All you have to do to drop weight is stop taking processed sugars and replace rice with potatoes. That’s about it.

Oh good, we’ve reached the ONE WEIRD TRICK TO MELT YOUR FAT!!! bit.

From personal experience, chemotherapy that makes you unable to hold food down long enough to digest it works, too.

And for stubborn areas, radiation therapy can atrophy your fat and muscle till it is wafer thin.

Not everyone’s metabolism is the same, Diego. Calories are not the only nutrients in food, ability to absorb nutrients differs between people and over time, and metabolisms adjust to changing inputs.

7 years ago

@MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
comment image

Welcome back to the comment threads!

Viscaria the Cheese Hog
Viscaria the Cheese Hog
7 years ago

The bit about the rice and potatoes confused me. Is rice a Bad Food now, and potatoes a Good Food?

There was a period when my former aunt wouldn’t eat rice or let her children eat it, but that was when she declared that white foods were Bad Foods, so she wouldn’t have had potatoes either. Or cauliflower.

7 years ago

“No white food” is meant to prevent cannibalism of the white race! or something.

ETA: time to turn back on the spell-checker. Forgot how to spell cannonball

7 years ago

Replacing all starches with potatoes is actually a really great way to make me a young widow, but um. . .thanks?

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
7 years ago

There was a centipede in my bedroom again tonight.

7 years ago

@wwth, nuke it from orbit, it’s the only way to be sure