alt-right creepy evil fat fatties grandiosity heartiste men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA racism

And the Incomprehensible Racist Gibberish award for this week goes to …

Once upon a time creepy white dudes tried to encourage women to GAIN weight

The Summer 2017 WHTM pledge drive is on! Donate generously to enable our continuing coverage of creepy Nazi dickweasels! Thanks! 

By David Futrelle

The former-pickup-artist-turned-racist-shitgibbon James “Heartiste” Weidmann has long been a reliable producer of nearly incomprehensible gibberish. But he’s outdone himself with a little rant he recently appended to a post attacking a dude for coming to the defense of his overweight girlfriend online.

The gist of it, as far as I can tell, is that white dudes should continue fat shaming white women mercilessly, lest our glorious white race split in two. But somehow he makes this awful idea even awfuller by stretching it out over two gloriously incoherent paragraphs. You may need a stiff drink after reading this:

What we are witnessing is the rapid evolutionary split of White America into two racial classes, the El-Aloi (pure White and jewish-hybrid globorace) and the Mudlocks (LSMV fat White chicks slapping a saggital-headed horde of mystery meatballs from the comfort of their Walmart cruisers). Some argue this is best for the White race, because a culling of the dregs further purifies and focuses the minds of the milky cream at the top. I disagree. Allowing and even celebrating the racial jettisoning of our worst kin instead of resisting the broken society that encourages their defiant retreat into depravity will have upstream effects that will reverberate for generations, infecting every member of the race from bottom to top.

The best solution is ending the female obesity epidemic so that a vast blight-wing enstupidation doesn’t take hold in our homeland and despoil the natural beauty. Maybe the day will come when we have no choice but to sever ties with our unlucky kin and kith, but for now there’s still time left to ennoble our worst to aspire to something better. But it won’t happen if our currently operative noblesse malice isn’t replaced soon by a return to noblesse oblige.

Yes, he did just say that harassing white women about their weight is a form of noblesse oblige.

I’m sure he said even worse elsewhere in the rant, but with prose this terrible it’s hard to tell.

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Paradoxical Intention - Leader of the Deathclaw Damsels

You may need a stiff drink after reading this:

Well, ironically: it’s my day off, so I cracked open a hard lemonade to go with my lunch of baked french fries. Then I opened up WHTM to see what you posted. XD

History Nerd | July 9, 2017 at 7:52 pm
Advertisement for advice from Heartiste:

You leave Wheatley alone! He was at least amusing and was actually trying to do cool things!

Lea | July 10, 2017 at 10:45 am
I listened to an episode of The Hilarious World of Depression this morning and the man being interviewed said he had put off medication for years because it made him gain weight. That is so sad. That there are people who would rather endure suicidal ideation and debilitating depression rather than be fat tells us just how fatphobic our culture is.

This. And that hurts me to say it.

Hambeast, disorderly she-tornado and breaker of windows
Hambeast, disorderly she-tornado and breaker of windows
7 years ago

Vucodlak said

culling- So they’re “culling” by having sex and/or babies? No. Stop that. There lies the language, broken and bleeding upon the floor, and you just reach in a yank out a spleen and put it on your head? SPLEENS ARE NOT HATS.

That whole comment was a treasure, but the above? Split mah sides, lol!!

Violet – I love your idea! We could still set up other colonies, too, since they’d have to be pretty much limited as to how far they could roam because no oxygen in the atmosphere and all.

re: Feeeeemale obesity epidemic – Since MEN are a separate species (they believe) mens have their own epidemic, which will be cured with shots or pills. These will not work on feeeemales, obviously, so the only cure for them is fat shaming and discipline, ofc. /s (if needed)

Nanny Ogg's Bosom (Formerly LostInLindsey)
Nanny Ogg's Bosom (Formerly LostInLindsey)
7 years ago

None of this makes sense. I’m not even sure some of those words are real words, except in Shitiest’s personal dictionary.

Also, stop fat shaming, another person’s weight is none of your (general you, non-specific) business. Weight and health aren’t necessarily correlated, and condescending ‘support’ is as bad as out and out fat shaming.

@kupo, my thanks also, because, limited spoons are limited.

History Nerd
History Nerd
7 years ago

Yes. That’s unfair to Wheatley. 🙂

Aulma Frendzar Dèdd
Aulma Frendzar Dèdd
7 years ago

Judging from manosphere “thought” you’d think that only women are getting fatter. There isn’t a female obesity epidemic. Humans of all genders are getting fatter. As are pets, lab animals and wild animals that live near human populations. I doubt this has anything to do with feminism or racial diversity but instead is related to what’s in our food.

Spot on. I just saw a post on instagram that compared the ingredients and calories of home made peanut butter to the store bought one and the latter had so much processed crap in it and almost no peanuts. Let’s not forget that most food products out there have “flavor bomb” additives that will make them addictive.
Sometimes I make nachos at home and they’re definitely not addictive. I wouldn’t be able to eat a bag of those even if I forced myself. But give me a bag of Doritos and I’ll finish it in half an hour.

7 years ago

No problem! I do it when I have the energy, myself.

7 years ago

I always “knew” this tidbit but recently it really came home to me in a different way: that being “white” is a mutation.

Of course, we all descend from Africans, and the theory goes that as some of us moved into colder climates, it turns certain genes (such as, for melanin) off and on, resulting in our different shades (among many other things – I’m sure other posters here are far more knowledgeable about it than I am).

“Race” really doesn’t mean anything scientifically, as everyone here knows well. As for “skin color”, it’s highly variable and all just variation on our original dark skin.

These guys are fighting to retain something that isn’t even a real thing.

Victorious Parasol
7 years ago

My best friend from college does homeschooling in what I think is a sensible way. She’s coordinating with a larger group of parents, and each parent is responsible for a subject or subjects. The kids get to meet people they aren’t related to, both in terms of a peer group and authority figures. And religion isn’t a factor. They even arranged for the kids to have a prom.

But I know she’d just as soon send the kids to a good public school like she attended.

7 years ago

These guys are fighting to retain something that isn’t even a real thing.

This sums up everything they fight for.

7 years ago


By no means am I supporting unbalanced diets, or the idea that overweight people are lazy or bad.

If someone is concerned about their friend’s or loved one’s physical or emotional health, I’d encourage them to express their concerns in a loving way and support their friend or loved one while respecting that person’s autonomy. If they want their friend or loved one to be skinny because People Are Supposed To Be Skinny, I’d suggest that they reexamine their priorities.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago

Of course, we all descend from Africans, and the theory goes that as some of us moved into colder climates, it turns certain genes (such as, for melanin) off and on, resulting in our different shades (among many other things – I’m sure other posters here are far more knowledgeable about it than I am).

*pokes head in* You called?

One adaption that racist fuckwits like to harp on is nose shapes – “Black people (generally) have wider, flatter noses because they’re closer to monkeys than us almighty white people!” – but, uhm, not even close. White people (generally) have thinner, longer noses because they help to warm up the air as it’s breathed in. Nothing more, nothing less.

The same adaption, albeit in a much more extreme form, as seen in the saiga antelope.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
7 years ago

I enjoy the noisy sounds made by milky cream from bovine cows as it liquidly pours into my cupular mug.


Medically speaking, the saggital suture runs back to front along the top of the skull. So we’re all saggital-headed. It’s like saying “spine-backed” or “tibia-legged”. Nice own-goal insult, though.

so that a vast blight-wing enstupidation doesn’t take hold in our homeland

Sorry, that barn has already sailed.

7 years ago

@SFHC – thank you! I knew someone here would know more about it!

And that’s interesting about noses, too – I really hadn’t thought about that part of it. I learn quite a bit here.

7 years ago


I guess I’m in it now. . .

Fat shaming doesn’t even work most of the time. If anything, it causes people to gain a few pounds.


If you want people to lose weight and keep it off,

That’s an impossibility for most people, I’ve seen the number vary from study to study but the gist of it is 95-98% of people gain the weight back in 5 years. Most of those gain it back with interest, and yo-yo dieting creates risk factors forall kinds of charming illnesses.

the best way is to actively support them – being their workout buddy, eating healthy food with them, letting them know you’re their friend no matter their size, etc. –

1. Unless you’re on someone’s ass 24/7 You can’t look at someone and know what they’re eating or their activity level.

2. What may be healthy for you could *kill* or injure another person.

3. People tend to want to make fat people do, what would be diagnosible as an ED in thin people.

but that would require compassion, which Heartise and his Nazi friends aren’t capable of. But it’s much easier to make fat girls feel bad than to actually fix their problems.=-

Concern trolling isn’t compassion, and fat girls don’t need a thin savior to “fix” them.

GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
7 years ago

I never considered home-schooling my children (even when for the second pair I was a SAHD) because I thought that learning how to deal with the world as it is is an important skill. I tried to teach them good values and help them develop into good people (which they mainly are with a few glitches — they are now 47 to 29 in age) but I didn’t want them to turn out to be snowflakes who were not prepared for dealing with the difficulties everyone encounters in life. Sure, I would have been able to “mold” them better by schooling them myself, but … I wanted them to be able to flourish in the world as it is, not to be metaphorical potted plants that could only flourish on a kitchen windowsill, not capable of dealing with wind, sun, snow and rain.

I don’t think home-schooling per se is bad, but it does require a lot of effort to do it well — particularly in regard to the life outside of class that schools provide. I probably could have a better job in teaching them, particularly in the lower grades, than the public schools. But I think that I would have had a very difficult time giving them an adequate social life — I’m not very sociably apt myself, and as an agnostic man in a world where most primary home-schoolers are fundamentalist women, it would have been difficult to find a convenient parents’ group. From what I’ve seen, most home-schoolers are not trying to do better teaching, they are mostly trying to keep their children from being “corrupted” by the outside world, and I don’t think that works. The solution is to raise children with a strong sense of who they are and an ability to meet the challenges of the real world without losing who they are. The world isn’t likely to become kinder and gentler in the short run, so kids need to be stronger. You can certainly do this in a home-school environment — I just think it’s harder.

7 years ago

I never considered home-schooling for the plain fact that I am not even close to temperamentally suited for it. It would make me miserable, and would make my kid miserable.

This doesn’t mean home is a No Learning Zone. We do a lot of learning at home, I just don’t do the bulk of the academic stuff.

7 years ago


Thank you, sincerely. Believe me, I’m not skinny or very fit myself and I know what it’s like to be pressured to lose weight in unhealthy ways, so I’m not trying to do that to others.

But clearly there’s some problem with the way I’m thinking or communicating my ideas. The why of it isn’t the most important thing (though I’ll probably want to figure that out at some point) – what I do for/with other people is. So I apologize for concern trolling.

(FWIW, I’m trying to be healthier not so I can get a bikini body, but because I’m sick of getting winded when I climb more than a couple flights of stairs. I’m trying to make a series of small changes to my life – cooking at home more, eating fewer sweets, walking instead of taking the car, etc – over time. Even if I believed an extreme diet-and-exercise routine would work for me, I know myself well enough to realize I couldn’t sustain that for very long.)

Hambeast, disorderly she-tornado and breaker of windows
Hambeast, disorderly she-tornado and breaker of windows
7 years ago

CleverForAGirl – Thanks for that.

The only reason I’d really like to lose 50lb. or so is that I’d like to fit on some of the rides at Disneyland and Universal Studios that I can’t go on now.

That will happen as soon as someone invents a cure for obesity that doesn’t have bad side effects or involve mutilating my innards and will keep the weight off. IOW, probably not in my lifetime.

7 years ago

Hypothetical question:
If X+2=sqrt(-4), what would Heartiste claim X was?

History Nerd
History Nerd
7 years ago

It’s pretty difficult to find a secular or progressive homeschooling support group from what I hear. There are a few “lefty” social justice homeschool curricula, but I’m not aware of any that have a good reputation for being academically rigorous and preparing students to do well in college (though that doesn’t mean graduates are not well prepared for college).

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
7 years ago

People tend to want to make fat people do, what would be diagnosible as an ED in thin people.

See that horror show The Biggest Loser. I’m not sure if it’s still on because I haven’t seen promos for it in a while. I hope it’s cancelled!

CN: Disorder eating
They put contestants on near starvation rations, make them work out past the point it’s safe to do so, like when they’re sick or injured and they supposedly encourage them behind the scenes to dehydrate themselves before weigh ins.

I saw in episode in which a contestant broke down and binged on some junk food. They gratuitously showed the shame she was feeling afterwards and then they shamed her for the binge and told her she only ate that “bad” food because she had psychological issues. As a former ED sufferer it looked to me more like a physiological reaction to starvation. Starve yourself enough and your body will just make you eat. It’s your body’s way of saving itself. There was a famous study where physically and mentally healthy college aged men were put on a heavily restricted diet. They started obsessing about and hoarding food, feeling shame when they ate, all sorts of behaviors associated with EDs.

I’m getting into rambling and incoherent territory here, but tl;dr version. Being fat does not magically make a person’s brain immune to the detrimental effects of starvation and it really pisses me off that if someone is overweight, they will likely be encouraged by thin people to starve themselves.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
7 years ago

@JS, the answer is 2i-2 though, which is way more interesting than anything he’d come up with. No doubt he’d say “white genocide” or something shitty like that.

@WWTH et. al., the way that society badgers and mistreats overweight people is miserable and nauseating. Frankly, I’m well prepared to bulldoze the whole frustrating, bilious mass of modern society into the ocean. I might be sort of cranky today, though. Humans are the worst animals.

GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
7 years ago

@Axe: I was somewhat disappointed by the mildness of your rant. I was expecting something a bit more incendiary, with a few of the sort of intemperate things I say when I rant. Oh, well.

Cos the racism that intermarriage is supposed to solve is the thing making intermarriage a poor solution!

I would quarrel a bit with the word “poor” — I might say “relatively ineffective” — because it’s happening and it’s going to happen more and more. I think it’s inevitable, in part because I think there is a natural tendency to genetic diversity — which is part of the reason why white supremacists think they need extreme measures to keep “white genocide” from happening. Strict laws against micegenation wouldn’t have been needed if it wasn’t something that would have naturally happened without the prohibition.

I grew up in a majority Catholic town, and when I was young “mixed marriages” meant Catholic-Protestant ones, and they were side-eyed almost as much as racially-mixed marriages today. My grandfather, who came from the North of Ireland, hated Catholics with a bright-red passion. Five of his eight grandchildren married Catholics. I think that racial animus needs constant stoking — and right now we have a political party that is more or less dedicated to that stroking, but is dependent on people whose childhood was in the Jim Crow era.

Yes, racism is still going to be bad for some time. One of the big problems is that the class of beliefs that include racism are normally acquired in childhood, because as a species we have a long period of time in which we are pretty much totally dependent on what our elders teach us, and it is very difficult for many people to admit that what they were taught as children was wrong and has to be identified and eradicated. Unfortunately the only cure for a lot of racism is for the people infected by it to succumb to nature’s solution of death. I was (fortunately) taught a rather mild form of racism, and hopefully I’ve managed to get rid of most of it and not pass on more than a small fraction to my children, who will hopefully pass on only a small fraction of what they got from me to their children, and so on. I think that’s the only way for racism to be eliminated, and it will take more time than any of us wants. But I think I see it happening, slowly but surely — at least I have to hope it does.

When I was young — I turned 21 shortly after Dr. King was assisinated and a few days before Bobby Kennedy was assasinated — I thought I would live to see racism eliminated, because all it would take was a general admission that racism was wrong and the will to consign it to history. Unlike evils like cancer, racism was completely within the power of humans to defeat. Now that the end of my life is coming into sight, I have to admit that I’m not going to see it happen, and that’s very frustrating — in part because racism is so purely irrational that it makes my teeth hurt. Of course the damage it does is far worse that my aching teeth. Unfortunately, the only real cure for racism is to somehow keep it from being taught to children, and that’s the answer I don’t have. (In my non-religion, the greatest Sin is teaching bigotry to a child.)

7 years ago

I actually scratch cook 90% of our meals at home since the mr is on a renal diet. (Ok, I cook twice as much as I need and freeze a bunch for days when I have no fucks left to give) If someone were to tell me that they were concerned for my health they would get the blankest of blank stares.

Things people “concerned for my health” have told me to do:

1.Eat 500-700 calories a day
2. Stop jogging and start walking instead (my calves had gotten bigger you see)
3. Eat super low fat (been there, done that, I get super twitchy)
4. Eat a high protein breakfast (this is an excellent way to make me hurl)
5. Grapefruit and dairy (So I can be trapped on the shitter *while* having seratonin syndrome, two for one wtfuckery)

and it just goes on and on. Mind you, none of these people are my doctor who just said, “keep doing what you’re doing”

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
7 years ago

Scratch cooking is the best way to eat right. When you make it all yourself you respect what you’re eating! Also, super delicious. Keep doin what you doin, @Clever!