It’s that time again! Actually, it’s so far past that time that I’m combining what would normally be two quarterly pledge drives into one GIANT PLEDGE DRIVE.
We Hunted the Mammoth wouldn’t and couldn’t survive without the financial support of you, the readers. If you like this blog’s unique voice, please give what you can by clicking the “donate” button below!
Donating, as always. is easy. You don’t need a PayPal account; credit cards are accepted, and there are other options as well. If you’re outside the US, PayPal will automatically convert your non-American money into American bucks.You can also set up recurring payments through PayPal if that’s more convenient to you.
Since this pledge drive is effectively two pledge drives rolled into one, I need to raise more money than I usually do. Some of you have set up subscriptions to the blog or otherwise donated in the more than six months since the last pledge drive, and for that I am greatly appreciative — particularly to the extraordinarily generous donor who gave enough to enable me to get rid of the most intrusive ads that used to deface these pages.
But if you haven’t donated since the last pledge drive, please consider digging a bit deeper this time.
In the current and hopefully brief Age of Trump it’s more crucial than ever to support independent media voices reporting on the reactionary movements — from antifeminists to the Nazi-inflected alt-right — that underpin the ugliest aspects of politics today. Because I produce this blog myself, sitting on the couch tapping away on my laptop, the money you donate to WHTM will go further than money sent to most other independent media outlets. Also I post more cat gifs.
I appreciate donations of all sizes. And if you can’t swing a donation at the moment, for whatever reason, you can support this blog in any number of non financial ways as well, from sending along tips for posts, to publicizing WHTM on social media, to using my Amazon Affiliate link in the sidebar whenever you order from Amazon. All these things help a lot, so big thanks to everyone who contributes in these ways.
Thanks, and thanks, and thanks again to you all! And now back to your regularly scheduled posts.
I used to have a cat that would steal money from my bag if I left it unzipped. I think he just liked the smell of it, hard to know. We said he was headed to the milk bar.
Friday is my payday, I can chip in then.
Scout’s honor, Dave.
He’s got his paws on his money and his money on his paws.
It’s nice to know what my daughter’s cat is doing when we aren’t watching her. (That cat looks exactly like her.)
I donated, but can’t figure out how to set up a recurring donation.
The email thing was bad. She’d get fired if she was an ordinary federal employee. But it’s normal bad behavior as far as federal cabinet secretaries are concerned, so it’s a nothingburger (plus I wonder how many journalists know what an “email server” is).
The Bush administration reported a few thousand emails as “lost,” but nobody was even disciplined for violating his or her security clearance or ethics regulations.
@defiant, couldn’t figure out how to do recurring donation either, it might only be for “registered” charities now.
Thanks to everyone who’s donated so far! And anticipatory thanks to everyone who will donate!
Not sure what the issue is with the recurring payments thing; there are a number of people who have been able to set them up. Maybe they’re restricted in certain areas?
That black kitty, swiping the money…I used to have a coal-black female cat just like that, except she had tufts on her ears. She had a great deal of charisma, besides. One of her idiosyncrasies was how she liked to sit on top of our (then) new all-white, gleaming stove. Cajun blackened cat, anyone?
I set up my recurring donation through PayPal, just FYI.
Has anyone else seen Drumpf’s speech in Poland where he goes on and on about “The West” “Western Culture and Traditions” etc. etc.? Did the Daily Stormer write his speech? Gross.
Apparently Drumpf thinks the U.S. is (white) Europe.
I saw it. I saw him talking about Germany invading and Russia invading and him EVADING going to the Warsaw Ghetto.
I am more and more mortified by this guy every day. He revolts me on an almost cellular level.
Yes, apparently “The West” has been fighting the (so-called Islamic) State for much longer than Europe, who should pay their financial “fair share” or something. I didn’t quite understand what he was trying to say, though I did get a clear sign of something like, “I don’t understand international diplomacy yet”.
Happy to contribute. Also happy to finally figure out how to whitelist sites from Adblock again.
Technically, that was a few months ago, but I’ve been too embarrassed to admit, because it turned out to be far easier than I remembered. >_>
I’ll chip in later 🙂
Weird! I’m in the US, and have had recent success setting up recurring donations for other organizations.
@dreemr, PeeVee & JS
Did you see the part where he called the uprising against the Nazis “Evil”?
PeeVee – I’m right there with you on being repulsed on a cellular level by Trumpenstein! I would love to not see him anymore.
@SFHC, not sure where that is in the speech, can you give context?
@ Makroth, that baby was PURRING at that cat. I don’t think the parents even realized it.
So here’s a purring cat simulator with sliders to adjust the purr.
Just thought I’d throw that out there.
You had me at “more cat gifs”
Just wanted to follow up on my donation with a brief note of support. I am a frequent reader of your site, but have not commented. I think the work that you do is fantastic, and I admire the strength of your stomach as you wade through all that you summarize for us here. Keep up the good work, and know that you have a supporter here. I’ll lend a hand anytime you need it.