By David Futrelle
The ridiculous misogynists who hang out on internet garbage site Return of Kings are pig-biting mad at yet another female character in an action movie. Only this time she’s a talking car.
The Return of King-ists were furious about Furiosa in Max Max: Fury Road; they railed against Rey in Star Wars: The Force Awakens as a fake Jedi girl.
Now they’re mad about Cruz Ramirez, the talking racecar in Cars 3 who steps in for aging racer Lightning McQueen and (SPOILER ALERT) wins the big race. Despite being a girl, and kind of a fatty to boot.
Call it the fat and the furious.
In a post on the site today, regular RoK contributor “Kyle Trouble” complains that “Cars 3 is the latest movie to brainwash young boys into being subservient to females.”
In Cars 3, Trouble explains, former hotshot McQueen is an aging racer who enlists the help of personal trainer Ramirez to whip him back into shape. But then, coming in for a pit stop during his big comeback race, McQueen decides to step aside and let Ramirez race instead of him. And she wins.
Trouble is outraged. I mean, this cartoon talking girl car had never even been in a cartoon talking car race before! And even worse, she’s a fat cartoon talking girl car.
I’m not sure how one even determines that a cartoon talking girl car is fat, exactly, but apparently Trouble is more of an expert on car BMI than I am.
Ramirez’ success on the race track “sends the message to young girls of, ‘You’re beautiful no matter what,‘” Trouble laments.
And it says to the young boys, “This is the way that life is. No matter what, you are going to be upstaged by girls because you are inferior.” Unlike the first Cars movie, there was no mentorship … There was no sign of guts and hard work on her part … The girl car just came in the race, took over, and that was that. The irony is made even greater by the fact that it’s the land whale Cruz who is playing the personal trainer.
The film, Trouble complains,
sends a poor message regarding body image to both boys and girls.
Cars 3 says that ultimately your physical looks don’t matter—you’ll still win at life, despite this. Even if you’re fat and out of shape, you can still win races. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Naturally, RoK’s commenters are equally outraged by the fat girl talking car as Trouble is.
“I took my kids,” commenter Seth Falconer laments.
At the end, Cruz Ramirez wins. By trash-talking the insecure male race winner … A woman tears a man down, and then gets glorified for it, recognized by fame, and celebrated by her friends. Then she gets to dismiss her (male) boss after she directly disobeys him, because Lightning (a man) digs her out of her problem.
Her win was literally … a pussy pass.
At least they didn’t make the cars gay.
“The worse women do in real life, the better they have to do in the movies,” complains someone calling himself michaelmobius1. “Art isn’t about representing reality – realism of any kind – any more.”
Roger Berens thinks films like this are corrupting the young women of today.
Feminism is giving women unrealistic expectations. I’m hearing stories about young SJW women screwing up jobs, being reprimanded, and quitting in a huff because their “feelings” were hurt. Guuurrll power is complete bullocks. There are feminist/Marxists who really believe that they shouldn’t have to compete with other people, and that their bosses should be happy with whatever crappy work they are turning out.
Bob Smith imagines a weirdly transphobic sequel:
I can’t wait for Cars 4 – the transmissions in the cars will all be actual, living, breathing trannies who yammer about SJW ideals at the lead characters as they drive; the lead characters will laugh at every word uttered by the trannies, and they will be empowered feminists who ridicule men throughout the film; and all of the lesser characters will be idiotic, subservient white men wearing hipster glasses and skinny jeans.
The appallingly named Iloveduterte proclaims:
My children will NEVER be aloud to watch Disney products. EVER. I will punish them if I ever see them watching Disney products.
One can only hope his children are entirely hypothetical, less because of the Disney thing than the Duterte thing,
PepeTheShort has an even more restrictive notion of what children should be allowed to watch:
The only acceptable movies for children were made in Germany between about 1933 and 1938
Englishbob thinks the real “take away from this movie” is that “[g]irls only win because guys let them.”
Boothe agrees:
Quite right Bob! Who granted women suffrage? Who allowed them to burn their bras? Who let them have unfettered access to breeding age males in coed colleges? Who granted them preferential treatment by lowering the physical standards to be police, fire fighters, military, etc.? Men, of course. I understand why, for pussy. But that denotes a serious lack of strength and self control on the part of our gender to have allowed this to happen and puts the lie to the whole rape culture schtick. It’s past time to take back lost ground…
Or you could just spend your time complaining on the internet about fat girl cars winning races in cartoon talking car movies.
Hey, I’ve just seen the movie tonight, and wanted to make a few comments now I’ve seen it. It was pretty enjoyable viewing, I liked Cars, but didn’t bother with Cars 2 as it seemed trashy and a cash in. This is a much better sequal, with a good inspirational storyline for young girls. Cars was fun, but it was pretty sexist, because the only female car in the story was the attorney and Lightning’s love interest. This has two female racers in it, one of which is a badass school bus. I liked Cruz, she reminded me a bit of Dory, quite clueless and asexual, not a sexualised object. It was interesting how they handled casual sexism, I think Cruz gave up her dream of becoming a racer as she was made to feel unworthy. Even the elderly female race car says that she was not allowed a race number in her day, and had to steal one. Storm is a nasty MRA type character, he is abusive to Cruz and dismisses her as a fan in fancy dress. He tries proper PUA negging tactics with her to intimidate her out of the race. Lightning does not see Cruz as a sex object or a fan, but as a protege he’s happy to pass the baton to, he even gives her Doc’s racing number in the end. This movie is a lot more female friendly than the original, I don’t know if this will effect toy sales, I hope not, because little boys should play with toy Cruz cars. That’s my review, oh, and I think Dusty and Rusty might be a gay couple, which is cool too. Good on you, Disney. 🙂
I’m a Marxist Feminist and I don’t have a clue what this Roger Berens is talking about. I have never turned out crappy work and expected my boss to just accept it. In the UK, (and presumably elsewhere) that’s how you get fired. If I wanted a promotion, I expected to compete for it because I only wanted the promotion if I was the best person for the job.
In fact, I had ‘an exit interview’ at one company where the general manager first asked if he could take me on a date to the West End (I politely declined), then offered me any position in the company I wanted. I smiled innocently at him and said, “But I’m neither qualified nor experienced enough for any position in the company.” He actually said, “Don’t you worry your pretty little head about that.” I continued to smile at him, put my head on one side coquettishly and said, “I only want promotion if I’ve worked hard and earned that promotion, not because I’ve sucked your cock.” My smile was full on sarcastic at this point and I fluttered my eyelashes for good measure. I have a really warped sense of humour lol.
He fell back in his seat in surprise. I stopped the faux flirting and braced myself. I was expecting him to shout at me, but he stared for a moment, then started to laugh. He said, “Well, you don’t sugar coat it do you? But you know what, kid? (I was 31), I respect ya for it.” He put his hand out and shook my hand. There was genuine warmth in that handshake. For the first time since the interview he conducted that led to me joining the company, he looked at my face and not my chest. (PS, My neckline was up to my throat. I just happen to be more blessed than average and he was a lecherous old pervert).
I know a lot and I mean A LOT of Marxist Feminists. Not one of them bears any resemblance to the travesty that is the description by that stupid little man. They make this shit up as they go along, clearly.
While I’m here, I’d like to express my gratitude to men for ‘allowing’ my feminist foremothers to burn their bras and for me to have ‘unfettered access to breeding age males’. I’m sure the guys I studied with would be delighted to hear themselves described with the same terminology used for livestock on farms .
All joking aside now, I expect to read on here some shitty things said by some shitty men. But this made me gasp out loud.
I am afraid, I am very afraid.
It’s just portraying a “realistic body image”
@Virgin Mary,
Re: Cruz merchandise: You may be waiting a while to see some. So far all the merchandise I’ve seen for Cars 3 involve Lighting McQueen and Storm Jackson, I haven’t yet seen anything with Cruz on it – or any other character, tbh.
Then again, I haven’t really been looking for it either, so it may just be hiding in plain sight, too. Like anything Avengers-related that has Black Widow by herself instead of as part of the team portrait. You’d think she’d be as marketable as the male Avengers….
She’s not marketable, so they don’t market her. And cos she’s not marketed, she’s not marketable. Shhh, nobody ask where we came to the conclusion that she wasn’t marketable in the first place
Even that’s hard to find. Saw a shirt with little chibi versions of all 6 MCU!Avengers. Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Hawkeye, and Nick Fury…
I mean, are any of you going to bang him?
He’s just sitting here hoping someone will pity him enough to do it.
@Kyle Trouble
There are easier ways to get laid dude. Kind of hard to pity a guy like you who writes this, thinks it is internet worthy and posts it online.
Kyle. Fucking debil. Thinks he knows about Ukraine. Fuck off.
Is that a new photo? Very nice ?
Mish )))) thank you! I made today. Veiw from my cabin window. We left from Melbourne now, going to New Zealand. Also we recieve news – will be joining a female third officer in 10 days from now!
Edit: i put in back and white because i wear my company boilersuit to hide logo/colour. ?
Valya, you were so close to me – I hope you waved as you went past!
Female third officer huh? Cool. What’s your rank if I’m permitted to ask?
You live in Australia? I am sorry – i didnt wave. Night time, I went in seamans mission for good internet))) and eaten some food in the train station. Some restaurant there and things. I cant remember what name – victoria or something? I also bought boomerangs ? one for my girlfriend and one for my dad.
I am second officer. One rank above from third officer. ?
Well, you can’t wave to someone if you don’t know they’re there, can you? So no problems 🙂
I’m a bit north of the wonderful city of Melbourne but I used to live there.
You bought boomerangs, huh? Well at least you didn’t buy a stuffed koala – that’s even more of a cliche! It’s technically winter here so it must be pretty cold on the ship?
Why do so many trolls accuse David of doing this blog to try and hit on us? I can see learning to play the guitar or joining a sports team with that goal in mind, but this? Blogging for 7 years and never once hitting on the women in the comment section, most of whom live in other states or other countries seems just terribly inefficient. There are lots of IRL progressive groups and plenty of hedonism goes on when you throw lots of progressives together. Why pull such an excruciatingly long con when there are such easier ways?
I guess when you don’t have any kind of rational argument to make and can’t defend your position, all you have left is “LOL. Futrelle just wants a pity fuck.” That and projection. Misogynists think the world revolves around their boner and assume that every man is the same.
It could also be that Nazi gatherings are sausage fests and they don’t realize that progressive gatherings are very mixed gender for the most part. So they don’t realize that unlike Nazis, progressive men can meet women organically just by participating in their interests. Perhaps if you’ve chosen a movement that single or non-monogamous women avoid like the plague, you don’t really have room to mock other men for their perceived lack of sexual prowess.
I visited Australia in winter about 20 years ago and it was waaaay hotter than the Seattle summer I came from and returned to, up until we got down to NSW.
Mish, it is not cold like winter in my home but i think it is more cold than i expect. Also because they turn heat on inside accomodation but only one aircondition unit running it very dry inside and my lips have already gone red and dry like it is real winter. ?? i dont have warm clothes with me because i thought Australia/new zealand will be warm even in winter. I worked on ships here now already since 2015…every time i forget.
I bought one boomerange for my dad then later my girlfriend give me instructions that i must buy one for her. So then i bought 2 pieces )
I’ve had a look on Amazon.co.uk and there seems to be loads of Cruz Ramirez stuff out there which kids of any gender would enjoy.
What’s more worrying is that I went in The Entertainer yesterday, and there is no Cars 3 stuff at all. I wondered if they were up to their old tricks again, re biblical stuff. The Entertainer is owned by (what is not a subsidiary of Tesco) a religious right corporation, which banned Harry Potter and Monster High. They have other stuff which they consider less occult, which is weird they stock Ben 10 and Power Rangers, which in terms of black Magic is just as bad.
Maybe I’m just jumping to conclusions, not sure if the movie is even out in the UK yet because I streamed it.