alt-lite alt-right antifeminism entitled babies evil fat fatties evil SJWs homophobia men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA reactionary bullshit return of kings transphobia woman's suffrage

Internet lady haters furious that a “fat” girl car wins the race in Cars 3

Cruz Ramirez: Fat girl car takes the lead!

By David Futrelle

The ridiculous misogynists who hang out on internet garbage site Return of Kings are pig-biting mad at yet another female character in an action movie. Only this time she’s a talking car.

The Return of King-ists were furious about Furiosa in Max Max: Fury Road; they railed against Rey in Star Wars: The Force Awakens as a fake Jedi girl.

Now they’re mad about Cruz Ramirez, the talking racecar in Cars 3 who steps in for aging racer Lightning McQueen and (SPOILER ALERT) wins the big race. Despite being a girl, and kind of a fatty to boot.

Call it the fat and the furious.

In a post on the site today, regular RoK contributor “Kyle Trouble” complains that “Cars 3 is the latest movie to brainwash young boys into being subservient to females.”

In Cars 3, Trouble explains, former hotshot McQueen is an aging racer who enlists the help of personal trainer Ramirez to whip him back into shape. But then, coming in for a pit stop during his big comeback race, McQueen decides to step aside and let Ramirez race instead of him. And she wins.

Trouble is outraged. I mean, this cartoon talking girl car had never even been in a cartoon talking car race before! And even worse, she’s a fat cartoon talking girl car.

I’m not sure how one even determines that a cartoon talking girl car is fat, exactly, but apparently Trouble is more of an expert on car BMI than I am.

Ramirez’ success on the race track “sends the message to young girls of, ‘You’re beautiful no matter what,‘” Trouble laments.

And it says to the young boys, “This is the way that life is. No matter what, you are going to be upstaged by girls because you are inferior.” Unlike the first Cars movie, there was no mentorship … There was no sign of guts and hard work on her part … The girl car just came in the race, took over, and that was that. The irony is made even greater by the fact that it’s the land whale Cruz who is playing the personal trainer.

The film, Trouble complains,

sends a poor message regarding body image to both boys and girls.

Cars 3 says that ultimately your physical looks don’t matter—you’ll still win at life, despite this. Even if you’re fat and out of shape, you can still win races. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Naturally, RoK’s commenters are equally outraged by the fat girl talking car as Trouble is.

“I took my kids,” commenter Seth Falconer laments.

At the end, Cruz Ramirez wins. By trash-talking the insecure male race winner … A woman tears a man down, and then gets glorified for it, recognized by fame, and celebrated by her friends. Then she gets to dismiss her (male) boss after she directly disobeys him, because Lightning (a man) digs her out of her problem.

Her win was literally … a pussy pass.

At least they didn’t make the cars gay.

“The worse women do in real life, the better they have to do in the movies,” complains someone calling himself michaelmobius1. “Art isn’t about representing reality – realism of any kind – any more.”

Roger Berens thinks films like this are corrupting the young women of today.

Feminism is giving women unrealistic expectations. I’m hearing stories about young SJW women screwing up jobs, being reprimanded, and quitting in a huff because their “feelings” were hurt. Guuurrll power is complete bullocks. There are feminist/Marxists who really believe that they shouldn’t have to compete with other people, and that their bosses should be happy with whatever crappy work they are turning out.

Bob Smith imagines a weirdly transphobic sequel:

I can’t wait for Cars 4 – the transmissions in the cars will all be actual, living, breathing trannies who yammer about SJW ideals at the lead characters as they drive; the lead characters will laugh at every word uttered by the trannies, and they will be empowered feminists who ridicule men throughout the film; and all of the lesser characters will be idiotic, subservient white men wearing hipster glasses and skinny jeans.

The appallingly named Iloveduterte proclaims:

My children will NEVER be aloud to watch Disney products. EVER. I will punish them if I ever see them watching Disney products.

One can only hope his children are entirely hypothetical, less because of the Disney thing than the Duterte thing,

PepeTheShort has an even more restrictive notion of what children should be allowed to watch:

The only acceptable movies for children were made in Germany between about 1933 and 1938

Englishbob thinks the real “take away from this movie” is that “[g]irls only win because guys let them.”

Boothe agrees:

Quite right Bob! Who granted women suffrage? Who allowed them to burn their bras? Who let them have unfettered access to breeding age males in coed colleges? Who granted them preferential treatment by lowering the physical standards to be police, fire fighters, military, etc.? Men, of course. I understand why, for pussy. But that denotes a serious lack of strength and self control on the part of our gender to have allowed this to happen and puts the lie to the whole rape culture schtick. It’s past time to take back lost ground…

Or you could just spend your time complaining on the internet about fat girl cars winning races in cartoon talking car movies.

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History Nerd
History Nerd
7 years ago


The studies just show a statistical trend across cultures, they don’t explain everything about attractiveness or prove that those traits are related to a biological component.

History Nerd
History Nerd
7 years ago

Evo psych doesn’t back up Red Pill views, unless you only rely on the interpretations of fringe people like Satoshi Kawazawa (who normally express their opinions somewhere like a Psychology Today blog and not peer reviewed journals).

Paradoxical Intention - Leader of the Deathclaw Damsels

Tosca; Chaos made Flesh, Servant of the Purring Jew | July 5, 2017 at 10:43 pm
Although these losers have presented me, a woman, with a painful choice. On principle, I make a point of supporting movies which piss off the Manosphere. I may have to pay money to watch Cars 3 and this gives me a sad.

abars01 | July 6, 2017 at 4:25 am
Awww, geez. On one hand, I have absolutely zippo interest in seeing this. On the other, I have a personal rule of seeing every movie and TV show that conservatives/MRAs/alt-righters rant about*. What do people think I should do?

Or, or, hear me out: You pay money for small children who might like the movie to go see it instead.

A family member, or maybe a group of school kids/less fortunate kids if you can afford it.

Still supporting the movie, AND pissing off manospherians! With the added bonus of doing a good deed and making kids happy!

*Sooner or later, I might have to amend this rule, considering that conservatives/MRAs/alt-righters rant about close to every movie and TV show these days…

Same. Though, I’ve noticed something with these properties: They were always ones I never really had any interest in.

I had no interest in Mad Max before Fury Road got “boycotted”. I had no interest in FarCry before 5, and no interest in Wolfenstein before II was announced. (I mean, the nazi-shooting was becoming more of something I wanted, but there were lots of other games before that that did the same thing.)

And I’ve almost always found them to be either to my liking and something I wanted to get into (like with Fury Road), or something I can still support from the sidelines, even if the whole fandom still wasn’t my thing (like with SW:TFW).

Moral of the story: If a bigot hates something, it’s very likely going to be at least decent.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I rewatched Sex and the City mainly because the manosphere was always whining about it. It didn’t age well and there are plenty of reasons to hate it, but the manosphere hates it for all the wrong reasons.

Romi [drive by commenter] (*●⁰ꈊ⁰●)ノ
Romi [drive by commenter] (*●⁰ꈊ⁰●)ノ
7 years ago

@Steven Dutch

Tricycles, Ox Carts, Rubber Rafts, Hot Air Balloons, Gliders, Submarines, Sailboats, Pogo Sticks or Unicycles

If it was a steam punk animated movie that included a race around the world which defeats colonial powers and uplifts the lower classes and destroys patriarchy? I’d totally watch that… Or even a three minute short of them having a pot-luck raving about the wonders of mass transit.

Hambeast, disorderly she-tornado and breaker of windows
Hambeast, disorderly she-tornado and breaker of windows
7 years ago

As a former Art major who took a fair few Art History courses; Art has never been about reality or realism. Not in the main, anyhow. Sure, there have always portraiture and landscapes, but even the most mundane of these are generally idealized to some extent.

7 years ago

In Cars 3, Trouble explains, former hotshot McQueen is an aging racer who enlists the help of personal trainer Ramirez to whip him back into shape. But then, coming in for a pit stop during his big comeback race, McQueen decides to step aside and let Ramirez race instead of him. And she wins.

My biggest issue with that is I’m pretty sure that’s against the rules.

7 years ago

Late as usual, and likely to come across as annoyingly pedantic, so feel free to ignore…

Gallifreyan popcorn is just popcorn, because whereas all Time Lords are Gallifreyan, all Gallifreyans are not Time Lords. It’s bugged me since episode 2 of Eccleston’s era that ‘Time Lord’ is classed as a species, and not a particular society on a particular planet.

If you like an argument about canon, and let’s face it all Whovers do, try and find ‘Lungbarrow’ by Marc Platt (which suggests a very different sort of origin to Time Lords than the TV show might lead you to expect); and then ‘The Ancestor Cell’ by Paul Anghelides and Stephen Cole, which rewrites Gallifreyan history several times over.

*exhales slowly* I feel better now.

RE Cars – I have had to watch both 1 and 2 with my nephew about 1000 times, and they’ve grown on me. I hate real life cars, and never learned to drive (I’m 40 now), but I like the retro design of Radiator Springs. But if the RoK crowd are finding Cars 3 difficult, they must have lost their shit over Moana (I watched that for the first time this week and, cultural appropriation aside, thought it was by far one of the best Disney films I’ve seen in a while).*

*The caveat being that my all time favourite Disney film is ‘Basil The Great Mouse Detective’, so my opinions are obviously suspect.

7 years ago

How to put this?
THEY ARE CARS! They don’t have a BMI! And to me, all of the Nascars look exactly the same! Yes, I am a automobilophobe! Put them all down and replace them with bicycles!

Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
7 years ago

Now NASCAR. That’s a hot bed of sexism if ever I saw one. They routinely harass female rally drivers off the circuit. Plus they like the models in tight little leotards swanning about like something to eat.,_sexism_and_speed%3A_can_nascar_be_saved_from_itself

And Bernie Eccleston’s something of a Hitler lover too. Nice.

7 years ago

This is just too funny. They seriously think a car can be fat? MGTOWs have lashed out at me a couple of times for posting my opinions of them, but when they come out with stuff like this, it justifies everything I’ve claimed. This is just misogynistic rubbish, from start to finish.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ virgin mary

I know bugger all about NASCAR (and care even less), but I get sent a lot of stuff about this lass from a vegan friends.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I just realized that there isn’t going to be a new episode of Doctor Who tomorrow. 🙁

At least Orphan Black is still going and then next weekend GAME OF THRONES!!!

7 years ago


In Cars 3, Trouble explains, former hotshot McQueen is an aging racer who enlists the help of personal trainer Ramirez to whip him back into shape. But then, coming in for a pit stop during his big comeback race, McQueen decides to step aside and let Ramirez race instead of him. And she wins.

My biggest issue with that is I’m pretty sure that’s against the rules.

That was my first reaction, but then I remembered that you can switch out drivers in NASCAR. The main driver has to complete a certain amount of the race and then if someone else subs in for the rest of the race the original driver still gets the points. I’ve seen it happen when drivers are sick or injured. Although I don’t know what would happen if the sub actually won the race.

I liked the original Cars but the sequel was so widely panned and looked like it made no sense so I didn’t bother. Because of that I hadn’t even thought about seeing the 3rd one but now I might have to.

Kyle Trouble
7 years ago

Nice to know you’re still around and as pathetic as ever, David. Keep enjoying the lonely life.

The guy who hates Cars

Bonnie McDaniel
7 years ago

@Kyle Trouble

Hey, he’s not lonely! He has all us commenters!

Also, said commentariat, including me, did a pretty good job of pointing out how stupid your article is.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I don’t think anyone who complains about a cartoon car being too fat is in any kind of position to call someone else pathetic.

Makroth - wild west firecracker window-smashing soap-averse unionized cowboy Jacobin from Hell
Makroth - wild west firecracker window-smashing soap-averse unionized cowboy Jacobin from Hell
7 years ago

@Kyle Trouble

Here are a few fat women that are more successful and happy than you will ever be in your entire worthless life:

comment image

comment image

Paradoxical Intention - Mobile
Paradoxical Intention - Mobile
7 years ago

Wait, wasn’t Kyle Trouble also the Pancake Guy? I mean, I’m on mobile so I can’t really check, and I don’t really care to, but the name sounds familiar.

LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo

Kyle Trouble just wants us to look at his website.

7 years ago

@Kyle Trouble

The guy who hates Cars

How can you hate someone like this? comment image

El Oh El
El Oh El
7 years ago

Grown men getting worked up over kids shitty movie about talking cars. Now I’ve seen everything.

Scildfreja Unnyðnes
Scildfreja Unnyðnes
7 years ago

The most boring trolls are the ones who roll up with a smattering of sarcasm before disappearing off into the aether. Come on, @Kyle Trouble, you can do better than that!

PaganReader - Misandrist Spinster

Aww, how cute! The dude whinging about cartoon cars thinks Dave is pathetic.