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Internet lady haters furious that a “fat” girl car wins the race in Cars 3

Cruz Ramirez: Fat girl car takes the lead!

By David Futrelle

The ridiculous misogynists who hang out on internet garbage site Return of Kings are pig-biting mad at yet another female character in an action movie. Only this time she’s a talking car.

The Return of King-ists were furious about Furiosa in Max Max: Fury Road; they railed against Rey in Star Wars: The Force Awakens as a fake Jedi girl.

Now they’re mad about Cruz Ramirez, the talking racecar in Cars 3 who steps in for aging racer Lightning McQueen and (SPOILER ALERT) wins the big race. Despite being a girl, and kind of a fatty to boot.

Call it the fat and the furious.

In a post on the site today, regular RoK contributor “Kyle Trouble” complains that “Cars 3 is the latest movie to brainwash young boys into being subservient to females.”

In Cars 3, Trouble explains, former hotshot McQueen is an aging racer who enlists the help of personal trainer Ramirez to whip him back into shape. But then, coming in for a pit stop during his big comeback race, McQueen decides to step aside and let Ramirez race instead of him. And she wins.

Trouble is outraged. I mean, this cartoon talking girl car had never even been in a cartoon talking car race before! And even worse, she’s a fat cartoon talking girl car.

I’m not sure how one even determines that a cartoon talking girl car is fat, exactly, but apparently Trouble is more of an expert on car BMI than I am.

Ramirez’ success on the race track “sends the message to young girls of, ‘You’re beautiful no matter what,‘” Trouble laments.

And it says to the young boys, “This is the way that life is. No matter what, you are going to be upstaged by girls because you are inferior.” Unlike the first Cars movie, there was no mentorship … There was no sign of guts and hard work on her part … The girl car just came in the race, took over, and that was that. The irony is made even greater by the fact that it’s the land whale Cruz who is playing the personal trainer.

The film, Trouble complains,

sends a poor message regarding body image to both boys and girls.

Cars 3 says that ultimately your physical looks don’t matter—you’ll still win at life, despite this. Even if you’re fat and out of shape, you can still win races. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Naturally, RoK’s commenters are equally outraged by the fat girl talking car as Trouble is.

“I took my kids,” commenter Seth Falconer laments.

At the end, Cruz Ramirez wins. By trash-talking the insecure male race winner … A woman tears a man down, and then gets glorified for it, recognized by fame, and celebrated by her friends. Then she gets to dismiss her (male) boss after she directly disobeys him, because Lightning (a man) digs her out of her problem.

Her win was literally … a pussy pass.

At least they didn’t make the cars gay.

“The worse women do in real life, the better they have to do in the movies,” complains someone calling himself michaelmobius1. “Art isn’t about representing reality – realism of any kind – any more.”

Roger Berens thinks films like this are corrupting the young women of today.

Feminism is giving women unrealistic expectations. I’m hearing stories about young SJW women screwing up jobs, being reprimanded, and quitting in a huff because their “feelings” were hurt. Guuurrll power is complete bullocks. There are feminist/Marxists who really believe that they shouldn’t have to compete with other people, and that their bosses should be happy with whatever crappy work they are turning out.

Bob Smith imagines a weirdly transphobic sequel:

I can’t wait for Cars 4 – the transmissions in the cars will all be actual, living, breathing trannies who yammer about SJW ideals at the lead characters as they drive; the lead characters will laugh at every word uttered by the trannies, and they will be empowered feminists who ridicule men throughout the film; and all of the lesser characters will be idiotic, subservient white men wearing hipster glasses and skinny jeans.

The appallingly named Iloveduterte proclaims:

My children will NEVER be aloud to watch Disney products. EVER. I will punish them if I ever see them watching Disney products.

One can only hope his children are entirely hypothetical, less because of the Disney thing than the Duterte thing,

PepeTheShort has an even more restrictive notion of what children should be allowed to watch:

The only acceptable movies for children were made in Germany between about 1933 and 1938

Englishbob thinks the real “take away from this movie” is that “[g]irls only win because guys let them.”

Boothe agrees:

Quite right Bob! Who granted women suffrage? Who allowed them to burn their bras? Who let them have unfettered access to breeding age males in coed colleges? Who granted them preferential treatment by lowering the physical standards to be police, fire fighters, military, etc.? Men, of course. I understand why, for pussy. But that denotes a serious lack of strength and self control on the part of our gender to have allowed this to happen and puts the lie to the whole rape culture schtick. It’s past time to take back lost ground…

Or you could just spend your time complaining on the internet about fat girl cars winning races in cartoon talking car movies.

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Austin Loomis
7 years ago

There was no sign of guts and hard work on her part

Dear Kyle Trouble, it’s okay to review a movie you obviously didn’t watch, just as long as you know that you thereby set me free from any lingering feeling I might have had that I should take your review for anything other than the buttered rat-fart it is.

Dan Kasteray
Dan Kasteray
7 years ago

My first thought is that I’m beggared and floored by how much these guys are threatened by a kid’s movie.

My second thought is that this female car was a trainer and she was allowed to step into the place of an aging wreck past his prime. That . . . actually kinda makes sense.

She was actually a trainer for cars in universe. Now I haven’t personally seen the film, but I’ll just jump to the conclusion that she’s got to be “fit.” to train other cars.

I actually hate myself for stooping so low as to point out the non-logic and mean spirit in these migtow posts.

Dan Kasteray
Dan Kasteray
7 years ago

Clarifying my earlier point, pointing out the non-logic and nonsense of these posts is like shooting fish in a barrel.

7 years ago

So, for “pussy”, men granted women suffrage? Really? And, allowed us to burn our bras? (I’ve read that the bra-burning business never really happened, but that’s another story.)

I didn’t realize there was such a lack of access to pussy, pre- women’s suffrage.

BTW, should women’s suffrage ever be revoked, I’ll be DAMNED if I’ll abide by laws I had no say in passing. To hell with that.

7 years ago

Jesus fucking christ these guys’ masculinities are fragile. It takes a fucking special kind of special to read into a movie, assume that because there’s a woman with any kind of power whatsoever that this must be an attack on all men everywhere. It also takes a special kind of fatphobic piece of shit to make fat jokes about a kids movie.

[edited for violation of comment policy –DF]

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago

… On the other hand, I’m slightly impressed that none of ’em have devolved into ranting about a Latina car taking the job of a REAL ‘MERICAN car.


weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I’m really not seeing how the car is fat either. It just looks like a regular car.

And it says to the young boys, “This is the way that life is. No matter what, you are going to be upstaged by girls because you are inferior.”

That’s funny. Because whenever anyone who isn’t a cishet white male talks about wanting more representation is movies we hear about how that’s not important. We shouldn’t feel affected by the media because it’s just a movie. It’s a sign of weakness to feel harmed by lack of representation. The media doesn’t effect attitudes and the wider culture at all. And why don’t you just make your own movies? Yet the second someone makes a movie that’s not about them, they throw a damn tantrum.

Art isn’t about representing reality – realism of any kind – any more

This guy was expecting realism from a cartoon about anthropomorphic cars?

But that denotes a serious lack of strength and self control on the part of our gender to have allowed this to happen and puts the lie to the whole rape culture schtick. It’s past time to take back lost ground…

Is it just me, or does it seem like he’s saying that men should go out an rape women to put us back in our place?

7 years ago

It’s as if everything that feminism criticizes about men and masculinity is amped up to eleven on Return of Kings

7 years ago

> … On the other hand, I’m slightly impressed that none of ’em have devolved into ranting about a Latina car taking the job of a REAL ‘MERICAN car.

Fat-shaming and woman-hating takes precedence over racism, largely because most don’t want to offend the Latinos for Trump crowd.

Austin Loomis
7 years ago

the Latinos for Trump crowd

In the words of a great American poet: “it don’t compute (does not compute) somethin’ don’t compute”

7 years ago

This is the type of car that Cruz is supposed to be:

Yep, that car is clearly fat. That is definitely the first thing a person would think upon seeing that car.

7 years ago

Guys guys guys, they’re not complaining because Cruz Ramirez is fat, because she’s obviously not (shots of her side-by-side with Lightning McQueen show that they are the same size and almost the same shape), they’re complaining because they think that Cristela Alonzo, her VA, is “too fat” to play a character who is supposed to be a personal trainer. Because Patrick Warburton looks exactly like Brock Samson, and is equally as capable of overwhelming violence.

Makroth - wild west firecracker window-smashing soap-averse unionized cowboy Jacobin from Hell
Makroth - wild west firecracker window-smashing soap-averse unionized cowboy Jacobin from Hell
7 years ago

There’s a Cars 3? Why?

It pisses off these wastes of biomass, so i’ll give it credit for that.

7 years ago

“Oh, I can buy into a universe with sentient, talking vehicles, but you throw in a FEEEEEMALE that does anything other than suffer and you take me right out of the film!!!”

Guys, c’mon. This is just unseemly.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
7 years ago

There’s a Cars 3? Why?

Because Cars 2 made money?

Latte Cat
Latte Cat
7 years ago


Do these guys not realise that this is a fictional animated children’s film? Do they not realise cars can’t actually be female or male? Do they not realise that cars are not living organisms capable of storing fat?
Poor sods. All you can do is laugh, really.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago

There’s a Cars 3? Why?

Honestly, I think the first one was really underrated and doesn’t deserve the hate it gets – I mean, it was just a remake of Doc Hollywood. The second one was a friggin’ fever dream, though (what the hell do magical flying super-spies have to do with, well, anything?). o_O

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago


Fuck you, Futrelle

Kyle Trouble

How many times must I tell you, ‘Trouble’ is supposed to be your middle name…

sends the message to young girls of, ‘You’re beautiful no matter what,‘

The car drove a race. She didn’t win a pageant

Nothing could be further from the truth

I can think of a few dozen things in just your one piece

Her win was literally … a pussy pass

The car… Got a pass… Cos of her vagina… The car did… Someone spends a little too much time in rule34…

At least they didn’t make the cars gay

Bullet dodged for sure

Art isn’t about representing reality – realism of any kind – any more

Fake cinephile boys

Feminism is giving women unrealistic expectations

You’re salty that a female coded object succeeded at something

transmissions in the cars will all be actual, living, breathing t******s

First, fuck off. Second, that doesn’t even make sense within the diegesis. The car parts aren’t alive, the whole car is. Did nobody watch this thing?

I will punish them if I ever see them watching Disney products

Well, at this rate, Disney’s gonna own all of cinema in a few decades. So, I doubt they’ll care for your boycott

The only acceptable movies for children were made in Germany between about 1933 and 1938

So, no Birth of a Nation then? The racist one or the rapist’s one? Cos I woulda assumed you’d be all over those

a serious lack of strength and self control on the part of our gender

Hey, you said it, not me

7 years ago

Jiminy willickers this is just pathetic, have some dignity.

7 years ago

@Makroth: The Cars franchise is like the Disney Princesses for boys (or at least parents of boys who would never buy them princess stuff), ie practically a license to print money.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
7 years ago

While I’ve heard plenty of shit about Cars 3 for good reason (people working on it were banging on about millennials vs. the good ol’ days), this is more than a little stupid. I’d drive that car.

7 years ago

I’m hearing stories about young SJW women screwing up jobs, being reprimanded, and quitting in a huff because their “feelings” were hurt.

CITATION NEEDED. Every feminist I know has gritted her teeth through all kinds of job discrimination (and in many cases, sexual assault and life-threatening sabotage) to prove herself in a man’s world. Literally NO ONE quits because of “hurt feelings” unless they’re a dude who can’t handle a female boss. Them I’ve heard of. Or at least from, via all the appalling quotes David pulls for this site.

The only acceptable movies for children were made in Germany between about 1933 and 1938

And which ones might THOSE be? Because I haven’t seen any, and I happen to be German. Even my parents, who were born in 1933 and 1938 respectively, can’t name any, much less any worth watching.

Gawd, these barbarians. So cultureless, it actually makes my eyes bleed to read their maunderings.

PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

I am continuously staggered at how very petty these broflakes are.

OMG, grow up.

You know what? I can’t even read this stupid shit today.

7 years ago

Had to fix two of the RoK quotes.

and all of the lesser characters will be idiotic, subservient white men wearing MAGA caps and “Fuck Your Feelings” T-shirts.

And it says to the young boys, “This is the way that life is. No matter what, you are going to be upstaged by girls because you are inferior. Unless you run for President.”

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