By David Futrelle
See correction at end of post.
The neo-Nazi internet tip sheet The Daily Stormer is warning CNN employees that itstroll army will “track down” their parents, siblings, spouses and children in an act of revenge against the network for its reporting on the racist and anti-Semitic Reddit memester who made a gif depicting Donald Trump body-slamming a man with a CNN logo for a head that achieved internet infamy after Trump himself retweeted it a few days ago.
What’s pissing off the Stormers, and the all-too-familiar assortment of internet deplorables (and bots) behind the #CNNBlackmail hashtag, is that CNN, which hasn’t publicly named the memester, says that as a news organization it retains the right to publicly identify him in the future.
Yep, that’s right: a bunch of dudes who have no problem doxxing or threatening to dox people they don’t like is mad at CNN for not actually doxxing someone. And neo-Nazi hacker Andrew Auernheimer, aka weev, seems to be the angriest of the bunch, his fury initially driven in part by false reports that the memester was 15 years old. (He is in fact an adult.) And so in a post on the Daily Stormer he rallied the troops for what he sees as a righteous campaign to force CNN “to taste their own medicine.” Although it isn’t the “same medicine” at all.
After presenting CNN with a list of ridiculous demands that no real news organization would ever meet — including firing all the journalists vaguely connected to the CNN story and setting up a $50,000 college scholarship for the racist memester — weev declares
If you do not do this, we are going to be tracking you down just like you tracked him down.
You are fake news, and we are the real media. As journalists, we have the right to track people down and seek comment on your criminal associations. We now have jackboots on the ground in every major metro area in the world.
We are going to track down your parents.
We are going to track down your siblings.
We are going to track down your spouses.
We are going to track down your children. Because hey, that’s what you guys get to do, right? We’re going to see how you like it when our reporters are hunting down your children.We are going to seek comment from them all, because you are fake news terrorists engaged in a seditious plot to undermine our President and the 63 million people who voted for him. HanAssholeSolo was a private citizen, but none of you are. We are going to see you brought to account for this, because that’s what real media does: expose criminals.
The difference being that when real real reporters “seek comment” from someone, they literally seek comment from them. When Stormers and their alt-right pals “seek comment” from people it usually means the targets of their “questioning” get sent a lot of death threats and oven memes, an impression Daily Stormer publisher Andrew Anglin doesn’t exactly dispel with his own post filled with an assortment of violent anti-CNN memes, including one featuring the heads of assorted CNN journalists pasted onto photos of Jews in a concentration camp and another one of CNN’s Andrew Kaczynski, the author of the offending story, warning him to “sleep with one eye open.”
Weev goes on to inform
Any CNN employee that does not want to be tracked down alongside their families will have one additional week to quit CNN and denounce their act of blackmail against a private citizen. After that, it is game on.
Do you understand what is coming? This is going to be ironic punishment. You are going to have the exact thing done to you that you’ve been doing to us for ages. You have an easy chance to stop this, so don’t say that we don’t play fair, and don’t pretend you didn’t have it coming.
We didn’t make these rules – you did – and now we’re going to force you to play by them. Hope you enjoy what is coming, you filthy rat kike bastards.
Kill yourselves, kike news fakers. You deserve every single bit of what you are about to get.
CORRECTION: This story originally attributed a Daily Stormer post to the site’s publisher Andrew Anglin; it was actually written for the Daily Stormer by neo-Nazi hacker Andrew Auernheimer, aka weev. Anglin posted his own threatening post later.
oop, and also @hambeast, thank you!
@Bina: Attributing his finding Hitler to “the grace of God” just…I mean. Also I gotta see if that psych profile is available in full online. I maintain that Anglin’s fat-shaming is tied directly to his emotional issues around his height. It’s not uncommon – the idea is that while height is immutable, fat people can lose weight and become skinny people, so fat people (must) simply “choose” to be fat by being undisciplined and weak. *shrugs* It’s the least of his problems, but it makes sense.
🙂 🙂 🙂
EJ – Thanks for the update; I was missing Fran’s posts. KatieKitten, too. I do hope they’re having a marvelous time!
Still Fiqah – I pretty much did decide to be fat; it was a side effect of going back to school in my 30s. Losing weight and keeping it off took up a LOT of time and so did school, plus, I also had to work so something had to give! I consciously opted for a 3.8 GPA over being a size 12.
@Still Fiqah:
I think you’re onto something there…I came to the same conclusion when I learned he was just five-two and 140 lbs soaking wet. Gee, why doesn’t he have the self-discipline to grow a few? I mean, those Nazis are so big on all that Triumph of the Will shit in every other respect… /s
Seeing you back is very uplifting, which is something I sorely needed after the past 24 hours I’ve spent getting hounded by morons on another website because I said that people who don’t care about someone being racist are probably racist themselves.
I’m glad Scildfreja’s return made you feel better! It’s not always feasible, but make sure you have time away from people like those who were hounding you. Bad for the soul!*
*I don’t actually believe in souls, but I like the expression 🙂
Re Francesca: Empress, if you are indeed off having fun, enjoy yourself to your heart’s content. If you’re AWOL for some other reason, I hope that you’re ok and PLEASE COME BACK SOON I MISS YOU.
(it’s all good, I’m fine…)
Just here to join the “Scildfrja’s back!” happy dance.
Oop, there are those “welcome back”‘s I missed! Hello! Thank you! I’m happy to be back!
Spend some time focusing on nice things after such a harrowing. People are jerks, so you should spend some time balancing out their negativity with something positive!