By David Futrelle
So over in the Men Going Their Way subreddit, the fellas are talking about what to do with “leftover” — i.e. unmarried — women after men finally step up and take the vote away from women, who are always voting for the wrong things anyway.
Apparently unable to understand that most women have jobs, the MGTOWs naturally conclude that in their version of utopia the single ladies — deprived not only of husbands and their resources but of Big Daddy government as well — won’t be able to support themselves. But the MGTOWs, kind ghouls souls all, don’t want to let them starve!
One brave MGTOW has a solution:
(Note: in the preceding quote “CC Rider” refers not to the famous song but to the infamous “cock carousel.”)
Naturally, other MGTOWs are enthusiastic about Mr. BCPrepper’s ingenious proposal.
BCPrepper goes on to praise himself for his “humanitarian” solution to the Leftover Woman Problem.
Such thoughtful fellows these MGTOWs are!
@katz …And if you make mistakes in life, just turn them into
birdsscabs and parasites.@Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Yep. Also the urge to stalk. They stalk all of womankind, hot on our heels with their hateful messages. I suppose their motive is power — and I suspect they have little of it.
Yeah. It comes down entirely to how many hairs you’re willing to split to support the conclusion you’ve reached before you even begin studying.
The implication in the Original Trilogy is that the Rebels are restoring the Republic, else why would Tarkin talk about sweeping the Senate away?
And even if they aren’t, the Rebellion are strictly better people than the Empire even solely by the film standards, because the Rebels have yet to commit genocide.
Arguing that the Galactic Empire isn’t evil is solely an exercise in trying to excuse fantastic fascism.
And yes, I include the Expanded Universe in this. Some authors tried to imply Palpatine was building the Empire in order to resist the Yuuzhan Vong, but that’s just trying to overlay a new motivation onto an old character who works better as a power-hungry dickbag. Grand Admiral Thrawn, I can believe as having that motivation. Not Palpatine.
Oh yes, Palpatine has been clearly shown in the movies so far to be purely motivated by acquisition of power and absolutely adoring manipulation by any means available. (After several minutes thinking that sentence now looks better.) He may not have given GM Tarkin direct orders to use the Death Star that particular way, but he certainly had many opportunities to stop him. On the “Evil Emperor” scale from 1 to 10, he’s a Death Star.
Zahn has also show Thrawn to be a manipulator, and according to “Choices of One” he knew that there was a menace from further out than Chiss space, that neither the Empire nor the Republic knew about.
I’d have been much more impressed if JJ Abrams had managed to maintain continuity with the Expanded Universe, but I can understand the desire to just say “Not canon” and run with it.
This guy is a dick, but he’s totally right about Dave Rubin and Alex Jones’s views on free speech. The libertarian position (and indeed what US courts say) is that the First Amendment only means the government can’t punish you or enforce civil lawsuits against you for your speech. You can’t force people to listen to you or avoid moral judgment. You don’t have a right to use Twitter or Reddit, for example.
Note: ableist language and misogynistic slurs
@Buttercup: Back when I was writing hiking accident reports for the Appalachian Mountain Club magazine, I wrote up an incident in the Adirondacks where a couple of young dudes got lost in winter and went down the side of Mt. Marcy away from civilization. They tried to start a fire with the only kindling they had — $150 in paper money. The “fire” smoldered for less than 15 minutes.
I had a hiking buddy who was an expert in building fires. (Unfortunately she died a couple of years ago.) She could get one going in the rain in winter with what she could find around wherever she happened to be. The dudes could have used her skills. There’s a message here about survival in the post apocalypse world …
See, I’ve heard this before…but I’ve never met someone who treated Warhammer like satire, ie, found it intentionally funny, like a Steve Jackson game or something. Virtually everyone I know who plays this game takes it and its mythos extremely seriously. And not just internet Nazis, but intelligent people who find it very deep that this universe is such a terrible place.
So if it’s satire, it’s unsuccessful satire, because nobody takes away from it what was apparently intended.
@Katz : I did not have find people who take the Imperium as a satire, but I have seen plenty of people taking it as a bleak dystopy.
That being said, it’s at least ten or fifteen years that the writers aren’t writing it as a satire. They tend to portray it as a “necessary evil” at best, which clearly it isn’t.
Ork are pretty much people genetically programmed to be authoritarian and enjoy it, that’s my turn off with them. Also, it’s a society that find a purpose for you, and your own goal are irrelevant in that. At least, most of them enjoy it, but weirdboyz, or anyone that a doc get his jand on, aren’t all that likely to like that.
Chaos is for the most part not too terrifying to me because they are inherently evil, not evil by choice. That being said, I find each of the chaos god to embody a specific way to be an abusive partner, and that’s more terrifying to me than the fact they send diseases and demons and what not. I prefer to die from the pox than suffer while thinking I deserve that suffering and that it will change one day.
This idea never fails to boggle my mind. The 40K universe is a terrible place because it’s a fucking wargame, so factions that aren’t part of an endless war are useless. In the grimdark futurem there is only war, because the setting is designed to allow an infinite number of battles between any two factions, because that’s why people buy all those fucking miniatures. I cannot fathom why people (including the creators ) would look for, let alone find or add, any kind of meaning at all to anything in that setting.
One big annoying thing about discussing fictional stuff is that often times people forget that they’re talking about tv, books and games, not historical events.
Ah, Warhammer and it’s future counterpart WH40K. Hell, in the first edition, there were rules which allow you to mix bit of them (but this was kind of exagerated, as a single laspistol with a S3 in 40K become a powerful S10 artifact in WHB), and as i was playing Chaos (even Chaos Dwarves), there was the fact that standard blisters of Chaos Warriors had some of them with more… technological features. They were also books for chaos which were more developped than current Army Books, with big mutation tables (which were also usable in the Pen and paper RPG too), better background, well, all in all better customization.
Many of this things had disappear now, and the light tendancy to be a dice bucket throw game has been turned up to eleven if what i have heard from recent editions are to be believed.
About the Squats. When i began WH40K, they were already on the sleeping slope (i began in a time where they were beginning to shift the IG from an “everybody has almost strictly the same uniform and stuff” to a “each planet has its specificities”. Was it a bad thing ? A good thing ? The variety of models was certainly attractive (and fucking expensive), but you were loosing the idea of strictly enforced military dictature and the anonimity of the individual that often goes with it). Althought, there were an smaller scale version of the game, called Epic 40K, where they were still existing. If i judge by the way they were, i think they were discarded because they were like the combination of two other armies : Imperial Gard and Orks. Standard Squats troups weared the same equipment as the IG (flak vest, lasrifle, and so on), they had huge vehicules (Train, Leviathans, a Dirigeable, …) and were following a stern and strict discipline. On the other side, the Squats Leaders were Squats in big armors (like the Nobz), they have units of fast vehicules (motos, trials, quads… Think Speed Cult for the Orks), some… variable effect weapons (the small atomic bomb which was quite… uncertain), some bloody close-combats troops (Berserkers, who were nothing less than some kind of exportation of Troll Slayers, applied to WH40K universe. And to note, in Epic, Chaos armies could have beastmen, trolls and minotaurs)… The only thing Squat did not have was psykers (like in Warhammer, with the no magician way). So, i think they find them too redundants. A pity, because they were fun to play too.
In term of violent and dystopian universe, there is also the Mutant Chronicles universe. It was a TRPG first, then it has a CCG version and then a Wargame version (and some Board games too).
Have a nice day.
Happy Treason Day!!! 🙂
As a french, I I think betraying english is a civic duty.
They *are* the hereditary ennemy, when we aren’t fighting germans, russians, spaniards, italians, or all of the above at the same time.
Apparently, they cope by cooking up fantasies where you can adopt a homeless woman and breed her for family-less girls you can then train to be your perfect wife, instead of just marrying the normal way.
I heard modern paper money is made highly nonflammable, which makes perfect sense.
You mean, “betraying the English”? At first I thought you meant betraying English, as in the language 🙂
@ arctic ape
The Bank of England used to run their heating system by burning old banknotes. But they’re moving to plastic ones now (that for some reason are made with cow fat, much to the annoyance of vegans and Hindus)
This is one of the things which pisses me off about so called ‘free speech’. Americans want to defend their first amendment rights, just so they can insult and troll people with impunity?! In the UK we have laws against hate speech, and several hate preachers / professional trolls have been banned from speaking here, or even deported. That includes PUA rape apologist Julian Le Blanc, who Theresa May banned from speaking here several years ago, plus Abu Hamza and Pastor Steven Anderson. The UK doesn’t have a problem with free speech per se, but has no first amendment so we don’t see it as a constitutional right to panda to these people. There are still controversial speakers on the circuit, but these are people who tread the fine line and do not cross over into ableist, homophobic, sexist and racist rhetoric. There are a few who do, they get in with the uni crowds, but very soon the protesters turn up and call them out.
I wonder about these guys, don’t they have sisters and cousins? They sure as hell have mothers. It’s hard to imagine the sheer hatred they have for women. Do they make exceptions for their immediate family? You would expect more matricide, boys killing the mothers who are ‘oppressing them’ by making them wash and tidy their rooms. This MRA wormhole / echo chamber must have tapped into something deep in their psyche and made them lose touch with reality. Is it porn addiction which makes them view women as disposable sex objects, or hatred for their mums?
Actual issue that men face being reported on, but you won’t see MRAs actually doing anything about it.
@GrumpyOldSocialJusticeMangina – that sounds like a macabrely fascinating job. It’s easy enough to get into trouble on the AT even when you’re adequately prepared.
Besides kindling, paper currency could also substitute for toilet paper. Not that manospherians are suddenly going to discover hygiene after the deluge. As Roosh explained, they only grudgingly wipe their butts now because they think it’s part of the magic incantation that unlocks Poon Level.
When the apocalypse comes, may they perish quickly from diseases of the asshole.
@Alan – Every day is Treason Day, here in Trumplandia. 🙁
@ virgin mary
I like the fact that English law recognises sometimes people are just asking to be punched. 🙂
The law has moved on a bit now in that you can’t be pre-emptively arrested for your own safety or to prevent a breach of the peace.
I couldn’t use out new five pound notes as toilet paper, because they’re made of plastic, although since they put a war criminal on them it sure is tempting.
I heard someone call today the anniversary of Brexit 1776.
@ Kat
In Thailand in the 90s I met some women who had run away from their ethnic minority group because they had given birth to twins – considered a terrible disgrace and more or less trafficking with evil. The community response was for the village to watch as the parents killed the babies, using the communal rice-pounder, and then tear their house down to the ground.
Rather than that, some couples, and more women, decided they didn’t want to be in that community any more. Some of them got their twins out with them but not all.
I was thinking also of the Classical Greek and Roman assumption that of course the father can have the child exposed if he feels like it.
Brrr, I love history but it’s a nightmare from which not everyone has awoken.
Such schools have been reported! Italy in the 16th and 17th centuries was supposed to be a very, um, educated place.
(Though actually the practice of merchants making their money before they could marry, and then marrying a 15-year old straight from a convent, and if she died in childbirth marrying another 15-year old – and repeat – led to a fair few family feuds where the adult stepchildren were annoyed by their widowed stepmother being far their junior, but – due to local inheritance laws – taking control of the entire fortune for the rest of her life…)
@ kupo
We were just talking about that this morning. That lead on to a discussion about who was doing the exiting. Which in turn lead on to our usual (every time we discuss this) conversation about how really it was a fight between English people on the American side and Hannoverian mercenaries on the ‘German’ side. ?