By David Futrelle
So over in the Men Going Their Way subreddit, the fellas are talking about what to do with “leftover” — i.e. unmarried — women after men finally step up and take the vote away from women, who are always voting for the wrong things anyway.
Apparently unable to understand that most women have jobs, the MGTOWs naturally conclude that in their version of utopia the single ladies — deprived not only of husbands and their resources but of Big Daddy government as well — won’t be able to support themselves. But the MGTOWs, kind ghouls souls all, don’t want to let them starve!
One brave MGTOW has a solution:
(Note: in the preceding quote “CC Rider” refers not to the famous song but to the infamous “cock carousel.”)
Naturally, other MGTOWs are enthusiastic about Mr. BCPrepper’s ingenious proposal.
BCPrepper goes on to praise himself for his “humanitarian” solution to the Leftover Woman Problem.
Such thoughtful fellows these MGTOWs are!
Hey. You have good taste, dude.
@Krasnaya Koshka (if I were to shorten this, what would you prefer?)
I’ll admit that I have a tendency to slack on things that need to be done within a week’s timespan or longer, but hopefully I can mostly circumvent it before I’m kicked out on my ass.
I’ll admit the only roomie I’ve had so far used to be a friend and isn’t anymore, though part of this was down to physical differences: she was skinny and set the thermostat up high even in the summer (and STILL wore a winter coat!!), and then complained when my deodorant gave out (and complained further if i turned down the temp–let alone took my shirt [but not my bra] off). Hopefully, I can circumvent this with future roomies–especially if it’s a two-bedroom residence.
And it’s a thing that I saw a while back and wanted to do, eventually. I’ll need a lot of help, but I’m pretty sure there’s instructions online!
*many fist bumps* Honestly more excited for Extra History episodes than Credits these days. Especially the Lies. So good!
I’ve been slacking on History, I’ll admit, but I like how they cover things that aren’t usually covered too well, if at all, in schools. It actually helped back when I did Quick Recall (pretty much a school-sponsored trivia game). Helped me answer a tricky question.
…and yes, it was Walpole.
@A God of Darkness
It seems to have been a thing even among some earlier radical traditionalists/reactionaries. Take Varg Vikerenes of Burzum and church burning fame for example. He used to play a lot of DOS and table top fantasy RPGs and read J.R.R. Tolkein books. Though his post-apocalypse dream seems to be “reconstructing” Nordic Jarldom.
Can we not conflate video game/RPG fans with violent reactionaries, please? That’s not any different than all of the Doom panic back in the ’90s, and it’s not any more relevant now than it was then. Yes, a lot of them happen to like video games or tabletop RPGs or fantasy/post-apocalypse fiction, but that isn’t what causes them to become hateful, violent bigots.
FFS! As usual, “nuke it from orbit” seems too mild of a solution when dealing with MGTOWs.
How the hell does someone end up *so fucked* that they advocate literal removal of legal rights and protection – oh, and *enslavement and rape* on a large scale… and still manage to convince themselves that *they* are the “nice guys” and that *others* are worthless, inhuman savages???
Evil isn’t just banal, it’s utterly pathetic.
– dslucia
Agreed. I played D&D some years ago, and I still enjoy fantasy books, movies and games.
Currently banging my head against Dark Souls 2, trying to get through it without throwing my PC out the window. Something likely to make me *more* able to keep my patience (and thus makes me *less* likely to violently strangle one of these entitled manbrats, should I ever meet one irl).
Some of us are almost 40 and still play tabletop.
Lots of ppl specifically play D&D nowadays, it’s the most popular it’s ever been since the early 80s.
What does correlate to mass shooters is domestic violence.
Oh, and D&D panic, for that matter. That was before my time, but I’ve certainly heard all of the tall tales about the things that D&D apparently teaches to kids or makes them do.
I need to return to Dark Souls III, as it happens. I’ve hit the same roadblock that I did with the first Dark Souls, where I’m about halfway through the game or so and now I’m at a point where I feel my spirit a little drained when I think about trying to get past the next obstacle. I put the first game on hold for like, two years before I finally returned to it and beat it, thanks in large part to feeling inspired because I was co-commentating on an LP for it.
one of the most famous ones was build on a lie to protect a family’s reputation so so the public at the time won’t find out their son was gay.
D&D panic, you say?
I’m told there’s certain D&D players that consider owning a physical copy of that tract to be an accomplishment.
And bizarrely enough, someone actually made a movie based on that tract:
Based on that link, that looks like something that’d be interesting to watch at least once.
Violent reactionaries using fantasy/sf as figurative (or maybe literal) jack-off material has been going on for quite some time now.
Went to an impeachment rally in Knoxville today and saw some actual 4channers, lads.
There were like 12 of us and 4 of them. We stood under a tree, and they would occasionally amble by with a Trump/Pence flag and a Kek flag modeled on a Nazi one. It had crossing lines
symbolizing the quartering of the universe into active and passive principlesbehind a rondel with a symmetrical Kek logo, all colored in green.More people came up to us than to them, though. Eventually the two oldest guys agreed that Jimi was the best guitarist ever and fell to arguing over No. 2, so I wandered off and caught a Venusaur.
Re: The Iron Dream. It wasn’t pro-Nazi…. Not only was that book dripping with irony in the last 2 sections (critiquing the novel ‘written by Hitler’), according to Wikipedia it was added to the American Nazi Party reading list at one point.
Trump wrestles CNN to the ground in recent tweet. We do have a troll in the White House
I’ve always wanted to study herbalism.
The Iron Dream was written by Norman Spinrad to satirise the disturbingly common fascist themes in fantasy writing of the era. It pretends to be a novel written in an alt-history where Hitler was a somewhat successful writer, rather than a failed artist, & the story parallels the rise of Nazi Germany. And of course the whole thing is just overflowing with phalli & other homoerotic material.
The MGTOWs, MRAs & Alt-Right fucks would undoubtedly love it completely unironically.
The best way to read Trump tweets is via @RealPressSecBot, which reposts them as press releases on White House letterhead, nicely exposing their inanity. This does mean you don’t get to see GIFs of Trump beating people up, though.
When I see these sorts of attitudes toward women, I cringe at these “men” (I put that in quotation marks because they have in no way earned that title by their words and probable behaviors) and the lack of value they have for their own mothers, sisters, etc. What hell it must already be for the women in their families. To have birthed such driveling animals, when I would think they would want to have birthed gentlemen of honor, would be an everlasting grief.
It’s never specified what “resources” these Redditors will possess after civilization collapses. Ore? Brick? Mall katanas?
For some reason an ‘age of shitlords’ thing about Carl of Benjamin popped up on my Facebook (presumably there’s some sort of algorithm based on conversations I’ve been having with other people about the vidcom thing). I couldn’t resist the temptation to comment in a critical way. Now they’re posting screenshots of my Facebook feed. I’m not sure what republicising stuff about ju-jitsu Suffragettes is supposed to achieve. Hopefully though they’ll also do the donkey stuff (which some of you know comprises about 90% of my output). I’m always up for promoting donkey awareness.
I will see your wikipedia link and raise you Schlock Value:
@JS: I knew Spinrad was being satirical. Nop made it clearer, though– and yes, the American Nazi Party (among others) didn’t get it.
Speaking of facist fantasy tropes, does anyone know where a good list of those are at? One of these days I’ll stop procrastinating and write some of these story ideas in my head down, and a list of which SF/fantasy tropes are actually that in disguise would be nice. If only so I know which ones need an adjustment or emphasized, depending on the needs of my story(ies).
Also, a post on the difference between research and appropriations would be good, too. So I know what to watch out for when I try for a setting that’s not a faux-Medieval Europe one.
My thanks in advance.
I always prefer referring to someone by their real name, if I know it and it’s been put out there – at least as far as prominent individuals go.
Calling him “Sargon of Akkad” feels like talking to a shield that he hides behind than him as a person. Speaking of which…
I fucking despise that excuse. It’s just as cowardly as taking the middle-of-the-road position.
It’s something a lot of stand-up comedians do as well, as a way to defend against criticism. They’ll claim their stage persona is a fictionalized version of themselves…which still means they’re just acting as they usually would, albeit less restrained. So, of course, if someone points out how racist or sexist a joke of theirs’ is – they or their fans can disingenuously claim that, hey, that’s just their on-stage persona! Though I’d argue that doesn’t make the joke any less racist or sexist. They aren’t even coming up with a character who is disparate from them the same way Andy Kaufman had Tony Clifton, where that kind of defense might fly.
With YouTubers, it’s even worse. It’s not only expected to view how they portray themselves in their videos as separate from their actual personality – though the two are often indistinguishable from one another – but, even when showing their face on camera quite regularly, to be given anonymity.
While not all anonymity is unwarranted, the fact is that a lot of YouTubers use anonymity to try and avoid responsibility for their actions than as protection against harassment (which is a legitimate use of anonymity).
Unrelatedly, can I just say that I really hate people?
“You are challenged by Pokemon Trainer Pepe1488!”
Ugh. But hey, on the bright side, my Arceus is now officially a Nazi puncher.