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MGTOWs reinvent the Handmaid’s Tale, with bonus creepy incest overtones

Happily, there’s a place for women in the coming MGTOW utopia

By David Futrelle

So over in the Men Going Their Way subreddit, the fellas are talking about what to do with “leftover” — i.e. unmarried — women after men finally step up and take the vote away from women, who are always voting for the wrong things anyway.

Apparently unable to understand that most women have jobs, the MGTOWs naturally conclude that in their version of utopia the single ladies — deprived not only of husbands and their resources but of Big Daddy government as well — won’t be able to support themselves. But the MGTOWs, kind ghouls souls all, don’t want to let them starve!

One brave MGTOW has a solution:

BCPrepper 2 points 5 hours ago* All the unmarried women are going to be a serious drain on the system. Rather than using socialism to take care of them like the globalists are hoping for, and since no man wants to be a tradcuck for some CC rider --- I think a better solution is for men to "adopt" one of these leftover women, not as a wife, but as an incubator for a wife. Essentially she'll be impregnated by someone else, and any daughters will be raised to become the man's wives. In return all the women receive shelter, security, and provisioning. Not this perverted materialist provisioning they receive today, which consists of handbags, shoes, McMansions etc. We're talking modest clothes, food. And they will have to pull their weight. This will essentially be a post-collapse society.

(Note: in the preceding quote “CC Rider” refers not to the famous song but to the infamous “cock carousel.”)

Naturally, other MGTOWs are enthusiastic about Mr. BCPrepper’s ingenious proposal.

ZCnegan 4 points 4 hours ago Oh my god. You are a fucking genius. That would actually work. But for that to work, all the pro women laws would have to be abolished, which will happen in case of colapse. Then women without daddy gov to protect them would have to sell themselves very cheap, and still men would not want them. But if I could have a woman raised to by a wife, with 100% loyalty and efficient, and without brainwashing bullshit, then i would maybe consider giving part of my resources, in case i wanted a family/kids and needed a womb. Sex is all they have to offer, and men are becoming tired of it, more and more we see sex for what it is, just sex. And whores are better for it

BCPrepper goes on to praise himself for his “humanitarian” solution to the Leftover Woman Problem.

BCPrepper 1 point 3 hours ago Yup it's the only solution as I see it. Socialism won't work, especially when men don't get good women in return for serving the state. The globalists overplayed their hand, thinking men would just accept their fate as a slave class. Now our biggest concern is Islam taking over. Really not interested in that happening. Artificial wombs might help catalyze the rebirth of western civilization, but it's not a long term solution. There's a humanitarian aspect to caring for the women that made bad choices and are no longer fit for pair bonding. The solution I outlined above gives them safety and purpose.

Such thoughtful fellows these MGTOWs are!

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PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

What AS actually said:

“If you Google my name on YouTube, you get shitheads like this dude, [gestures in the direction of the front row] who are making these dumbass videos that just say the same shit over and over again. It’s like, I hate to give you attention, because you’re a garbage human.”

“But the fact that these dudes are making endless videos that just go after every feminist, over and over and over again, I think is part of the issue of why we have to have these conversations.”

She never actually called him out by name, but because he’s as thin skinned as he makes fun of others being, well. Minds exploded.

Women: We constantly get rape and death threats and abusive harassment

Man babies: Meh.

Women: Fuck off assholes


(Ty, B, ?)

7 years ago

It’s even more annoying because chances are they didn’t even bother to curate the ads. Every time you visit those sites you risk getting into contact with a malware riddled ad that will do its damnedest to be as obnoxious as possible.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
7 years ago

I’m trying to imagine how this works logistically.

I’m a 34 yo single “beta” man, so I can sort of imagine theoretically benefiting from the Manocalypse, if it happened now.

In the current society, I’d presumably be soon marrying Katie, a woman roughly my own age who’s been nearly ruined by old age, previous sex partners and feminist indoctrination. Maybe she already has a young daughter (named, say, Stacey) whose father is Katie’s ex-boyfriend Chad.

In this brave new society, I’d hire Katie as my housekeeper, with a provision for raising Stacey as my foster daughter. Then, I’d expect to marry Stacey when I’m about 50 and she’s about 20.

Economically, Katie and Stacey would be like my wife and daughter. But if I can afford that, why not marry someone right now? In a patriarchal utopia, I could marry some 18 yo virgin, because her male peers wouldn’t be in position to support a family yet (I’m not really either, but let’s not dwell on that). I’d like to have sex now, and besides I might largely loose my sex drive and potency by age 50. Is there Viagra in post-apocalypse society?

And when Stacey grows up, why would she marry me specifically? Because I own her as an accessory to Katie? I thought Katie was just an underpaid servant, not a slave. Why would I want to arrange my future marriage with Stacey before seeing how she grows up? Presumably there are other young women I could choose from, and they’d be raised equally without feminist indoctrination. I just need to appear respectable to their fathers…oh wait.

7 years ago

I just need to appear respectable to their fathers…oh wait.

People forget that parents tend to protect and prefer their own children. Back in the bad old days that these clowns think would advantage them in a return post-apocalypse, it’s true that fathers (brothers, uncles, etc) who were poor had little other than violence/ vigilantism to protect their daughters, sisters, wives, mothers.

However, men who were rich, or at least well-off, found many creative ways to protect the interests of their daughters and other female relatives. (The concept of a male “guardian” can have good consequences as well as bad.) Instead of leaving their daughters a direct inheritance of money or property – which could, and often did, end up being wasted by feckless husbands, they set up trust funds where neither the woman concerned nor anyone she might marry had any access to the cash or other assets which produced the income.

It meant that daughters who didn’t want to marry anyone could live reasonably comfortably. Any daughter whose husband turned out to be a cad-tyrant-wastrel-abuser would not be reduced to penury by his abandonment or forced to stay with him because of the lack of other options.

Nowadays we often lament these trust-based strategies used by rich people to hang on to assets without death duties and to play silly buggers with income tax. However, these financial instruments can be a great boon to ensure families and their descendants aren’t destroyed financially by a crook marriage or other misfortune.

Any dimwit who thinks that not. one. single. man. in his imagined dystopia would act in all possible ways to protect his female relatives from the worst this or any other world would offer doesn’t know many men. (The ignorance of women and their likely range of behaviours we take as a given.)

EDIT: Sorry. Didn’t mean to take a turn into an extended discourse of interest usually only to tax and accounting people.

7 years ago

But if I can afford that, why not marry someone right now? In a patriarchal utopia, I could marry some 18 yo virgin, because her male peers wouldn’t be in position to support a family yet (I’m not really either, but let’s not dwell on that).

Ah, but that 18yo is probably already riding the cock carousel! The only way to guarantee that she’s unspoiled is to raise her from birth and marry her before she has a chance to…BRB, vomiting everywhere.

mz emoji riesling
mz emoji riesling
7 years ago

Actually, you touched on some of the issues I was thinking of. What has me scratching my head is the idea that any child raised in his household would be interested in sex with him. Wouldn’t the instinctive incest taboo that keeps us from inbreeding kick in? This whole thing is creepy, seriously creepy.

Knitting Cat Lady
Knitting Cat Lady
7 years ago

Even though I’m fat, near sighted, mentally ill and autistic I’d have a pretty good chance at post apocalyptic survival.

Because I can make myself useful.

I can make clothing, starting with the sheep.

I can weave baskets.

I know the knight sky of the northern hemisphere and can tell you, according to which constellations are visible, when spring is coming.

I can build a fire!

I know some edible wild plants and mushrooms!

So, I would be a net benefit for a group of survivors.

MGTOWS? Not so much.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago


Death before slavery to a MGTOW.

Death before marriage to a MGTOW.

Aren’t those the same thing, though?

Yes. Yes, they are.

And death is preferable to being a slave-wife to a MGTOW.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

@Knitting Cat Lady
In addition to the skills you’ve already claimed, you seem to know a thing or two about cats.

Come the apocalypse (should there be one), we’ll need cats, both for companionship and to prevent the Bubonic plague.

7 years ago

How many of these dudebros:

(1) Know any armed or unarmed combat skills worth mentioning?

(2) Know how to grow any food crops?

(3) Know how to raise livestock?

(4) Know even basic first aid and low-tech hygienic skills?

(5) Know how to use basic hand tools (forget power tools in a P-A world)?

Probably not many – but they’re counting on the fact that their superamazing manbrains can immediately figure out all necessary applications for such things, and their superamazing manbodies can carry out their manbrain’s plan perfectly. All while women uselessly whimper and twitch with smartphone withdrawal, obviously.

Sister Bat'leth of Rational Discussion
Sister Bat'leth of Rational Discussion
7 years ago

@ Ethan: I know you realize it’s just a fantasy, but even so, what you’re missing is that without the structures of civilization to support you, living on your own and taking care of yourself is impossible. You can’t grow crops and raise animals when the bandit gangs may descend on you any minute, take what you’ve worked for, and either kill or enslave you. You’d have to throw in with some group or other to have any chance of survival at all.

If you want a good, clear-eyed look at what a real post-apocalyptic society might develop into, check out the Changed World series by S.M. Stirling. (Fair warning: it’s genuinely fantasy, because the triggering event he postulates is literally impossible. But all the rest is very well thought out.)

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

IIRC, last I checked you were near Cincinnati somewhere? The living wage
(simplistic measure ofc, but it’s a starting point) over there is about $10/hr alone or under $8 with a roommate. If you can manage it, a roomie would be a good plan. Finding a decent one is the rub tho…

As far as making ends meet as easily as possible, this is something I’ve also been concerned with. Currently living with mom, 25yo only just now started making enough to think about moving out (big raise, yay me). My advice, don’t wait as long as I did to get organizing and planning. Stay with your folks as long as you can (as long as they let you and as long as you feel personally comfortable being there), but asking around here is a good thing

No real advice in the specifics unfortunately. Goodwill is bomb ass if you can find one near you. You should have hella Krogers thereabouts. The plus card works wonders (disclaimer: I work at Kroger. I hate that damn company tho, so, if it weren’t legit a pretty nice deal, I definitely wouldn’t be telling you to give the fuckers money). Speaking of waitressing or anything in food service, discounted/comped/free food/meals on the job is worth a lot

Mostly spitballing here. Hope that helps in the abstract at least 🙂

7 years ago


She never actually called him out by name, but because he’s as thin skinned as he makes fun of others being, well. Minds exploded.

Carl Benjamin is such a massively hypocritical piece of shit. His name should be pointed out as much as possible…

I mean, for fuck’s sake, he has a series called “This Week in Stupid” where he often (inaccurately) reads articles and belittles others unapologetically – but he nonetheless has the gall to self-victimize for being called out by someone who had to suffer from his enabling harassment. What goddamn right does he have to condemn anyone for calling him a “garbage human,” especially when he’s intentionally going to a Q&A to “troll” (i.e. a euphemism for serial harassment) them?

As far as BoogieWhateverNumber goes, I remember him being a middle-of-the-road sort and, as much as I empathize with his issue with depression and anxiety (I deal with it a lot as well), I find that to be a cowardly position that doesn’t warrant much respect. False equivalency has poisoned a lot of discourse in recent years and a falsely moderate position only enables the worst behavior, under the absurd notion harassment is “as bad” as legitimate criticism of certain popular attitudes.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
7 years ago


Thanks for the information…though as it turns out, it seems like around here I don’t have a horrible deal.

-Kroger’s been my family’s mainstay for over a decade now by this point
-Fine with living with a room/smallhousemate (and I have a few ideas already…though irony of ironies, one’s agoraphobic)
-Definitely plan to get my financial shit together around 20, latest
-Could in theory walk to a Goodwill from where I am–hills and traffic, though
-Work part-time at Chick-Fil-A; get $8.00 worth comped every day I work, and they seem to like me (minimum wage tho).

If I stick around here, I could get lucky.

On the flip side, I want to get into video game development (as mentioned before), and I don’t know what opportunities there are around here…

7 years ago

So if ZCnegan had a girl who was literally raised from birth to be his ideal wife, totally loyal and efficient (efficient at what isn’t said) he would maybe consider giving her a share of his resources. Sounds like a person with reasonable standards for life. Even his ridiculous fantasy utterly loyal sex slave isn’t good enough for him.

And the really, really crazy part is they seem to think they’re being magnanimous with their bizarre, warped… I don’t even know what to call it. It’s not Paternalism, because parents don’t want to marry their children.

7 years ago

…The ability to bear a child is not everything. Such fucking asshats.

The whole “I wanna raise a child to fuck me” thing establishes exactly what these jackholes really want. They want a woman who is completely disempowered who they can abuse without relenting and without her having any recourse whatsoever.

But then we already knew that.

Of course, these are also the fools who will sleep near women after they abuse us.

7 years ago

I find it interesting that MGTOW often fantasise about a future world where women have no power , and it nearly always involves women being raised/ forced to be their wives or girlfriends. It’s like even in their fantasies they know women would have to be forced to go anywhere near them.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

OT: The Yazidi religion, which once banished survivors of rape, has changed its stance

Sexual violence
Women’s rights and gender equality
‘I was sold seven times’: the Yazidi women welcomed back into the faith

Captured and raped by Isis fighters, Yazidi women fear rejection on their release. Now they are learning to heal thanks to a revolution in their religion

7 years ago

Something which hasn’t been mentioned yet is what happens in polygamous societies, which is basically what is proposed here.

Take a look at the FLDS towns in Arizona and Utah. Young men are cast out and banished, because guess what? The sex split is still pretty much 50/50. Any guy who takes an extra woman deprives someone else, and who do you think is going to get the shaft among the MGTOWs?

7 years ago

Educated Redneck: “What’s with these radical traditionalist types and being RPG nerds? I swear everyone who espouses these views are fans of some variation of the role playing game genre (usually post-apocalyptic or fantasy).

I am guessing they think they’ll be like Conan or Dovakhiin or the Lone Wanderer. You can tell these people have some disconnect with reality.”

They don’t even get those stories. The vast majority of current RPGs boil down to “how do you stop the big bad? By making friends with everyone and making society work!” Conan was fine going out on his own in the big bad world, but the Dovahkiin had to mediate a civil war and ally with the jarls of various holdings, and the Lone Wanderer worked with people to rebuild civilisation – not quite so much as the Courier or the Sole Survivor, but Fallout does tend to have a bit of “you know what happens when you decide that you owe no one anything and you go out on your own? best case, you become a raider, and look what happens to raiders whenever you go into VATS; worst case, raiders happen to you”.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago

Thank you for calling him by his actual name. Generally I don’t really care either way; quite happy to refer to someone by their handle or whatever – but in this case, no. He’s Carl of Swindon for me, which perfectly reflects his pathetic character.

Does… does your nym mean what I think it means?
Yes, I am an adult human who can’t wait for the next Skulduggery book – why? 😀

7 years ago

@Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy : Indeed it does! I love finding other Skulduggery fans in the wild 😀 Need to reread them all before the next one!

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago

best case, you become a raider, and look what happens to raiders whenever you go into VATS; worst case, raiders happen to you”.

They decide to go back to their home planet?

Ivory Bill Woodpecker
Ivory Bill Woodpecker
7 years ago

What’s with these radical traditionalist types and being RPG nerds? I swear everyone who espouses these views are fans of some variation of the role playing game genre (usually post-apocalyptic or fantasy).

I am guessing they think they’ll be like Conan or Dovakhiin or the Lone Wanderer. You can tell these people have some disconnect with reality.

Thank you. I don’t play any video games (I recently completed my 54th solar orbit), and I’ve never owned a home video game system, so I didn’t think about this.

They probably are legitimate masters of video games with post-apocalyptic settings, so they think they would thrive in a PA situation in the real world. They fail to understand the difference between video games and real life.

7 years ago

Have any of these guys thought

I doubt it.