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MGTOWs reinvent the Handmaid’s Tale, with bonus creepy incest overtones

Happily, there’s a place for women in the coming MGTOW utopia

By David Futrelle

So over in the Men Going Their Way subreddit, the fellas are talking about what to do with “leftover” — i.e. unmarried — women after men finally step up and take the vote away from women, who are always voting for the wrong things anyway.

Apparently unable to understand that most women have jobs, the MGTOWs naturally conclude that in their version of utopia the single ladies — deprived not only of husbands and their resources but of Big Daddy government as well — won’t be able to support themselves. But the MGTOWs, kind ghouls souls all, don’t want to let them starve!

One brave MGTOW has a solution:

BCPrepper 2 points 5 hours ago* All the unmarried women are going to be a serious drain on the system. Rather than using socialism to take care of them like the globalists are hoping for, and since no man wants to be a tradcuck for some CC rider --- I think a better solution is for men to "adopt" one of these leftover women, not as a wife, but as an incubator for a wife. Essentially she'll be impregnated by someone else, and any daughters will be raised to become the man's wives. In return all the women receive shelter, security, and provisioning. Not this perverted materialist provisioning they receive today, which consists of handbags, shoes, McMansions etc. We're talking modest clothes, food. And they will have to pull their weight. This will essentially be a post-collapse society.

(Note: in the preceding quote “CC Rider” refers not to the famous song but to the infamous “cock carousel.”)

Naturally, other MGTOWs are enthusiastic about Mr. BCPrepper’s ingenious proposal.

ZCnegan 4 points 4 hours ago Oh my god. You are a fucking genius. That would actually work. But for that to work, all the pro women laws would have to be abolished, which will happen in case of colapse. Then women without daddy gov to protect them would have to sell themselves very cheap, and still men would not want them. But if I could have a woman raised to by a wife, with 100% loyalty and efficient, and without brainwashing bullshit, then i would maybe consider giving part of my resources, in case i wanted a family/kids and needed a womb. Sex is all they have to offer, and men are becoming tired of it, more and more we see sex for what it is, just sex. And whores are better for it

BCPrepper goes on to praise himself for his “humanitarian” solution to the Leftover Woman Problem.

BCPrepper 1 point 3 hours ago Yup it's the only solution as I see it. Socialism won't work, especially when men don't get good women in return for serving the state. The globalists overplayed their hand, thinking men would just accept their fate as a slave class. Now our biggest concern is Islam taking over. Really not interested in that happening. Artificial wombs might help catalyze the rebirth of western civilization, but it's not a long term solution. There's a humanitarian aspect to caring for the women that made bad choices and are no longer fit for pair bonding. The solution I outlined above gives them safety and purpose.

Such thoughtful fellows these MGTOWs are!

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Ivory Bill Woodpecker
Ivory Bill Woodpecker
7 years ago

I also marvel at how these vacuum-skulled knuckle-walkers think a lifetime spent in Mommy’s basement, munching Cheetos, guzzling Mountain Dew, and shitposting on Da Intertoobz, is going to prepare them not only to survive in, but to dominate, a post-apocalyptic world.

How many of these dudebros:

(1) Know any armed or unarmed combat skills worth mentioning?

(2) Know how to grow any food crops?

(3) Know how to raise livestock?

(4) Know even basic first aid and low-tech hygienic skills?

(5) Know how to use basic hand tools (forget power tools in a P-A world)?

I could probably think of others, but you get the idea.

Holy Ascended Madoka, I marvel that some of them have reached physical adulthood without a firmer grasp of reality.

Ray of Rays
Ray of Rays
7 years ago

@ Policy of Madness

Do they not understand that unmarried women existed prior to women getting the franchise, and that those women didn’t need to rent themselves out as axlotl tanks to survive?

Because I haven’t read those books in so long, my mind immediately read “axolotl” tanks, instead. I can’t tell if that would be more or less horrifying.

7 years ago


So these guys want a dystopian-like lifestyle for everyone else except them. All women dehumanized as ‘wombs’ and a collapse of all cities across the planet.

Right? Funny how their idea of utopia always involves breaking everything beyond repair first. The world isn’t “whole” to them until they’ve wrecked it. I find that very, VERY telling.

7 years ago

So, basically he wants a live-in slave who in exchange for meagre rations and housing would be birthing and raising a kid to also be his live-in slave except the kid would be legally married to him?

Fuck that. I’d kill myself first.

7 years ago

I also marvel at how these vacuum-skulled knuckle-walkers think a lifetime spent in Mommy’s basement, munching Cheetos, guzzling Mountain Dew, and shitposting on Da Intertoobz, is going to prepare them not only to survive in, but to dominate, a post-apocalyptic world.

Precisely, Ivory Bill Woodpecker. Why do they think that women will need men to provide for them anyway? Most gardeners and crafty-type people of my acquaintance (makers of soap, clothing, etc.) are women. I think if women team up, we’d be just fine.

7 years ago

Well, if you make a net to catch seagulls with, you won’t need women any more. Also, who needs to brainwash women, when you’ve specified the new baby will be 100% loyal.

What original logic they have.

7 years ago


Do MGTOW really think that single women on welfare live in mcmansions?

Probably because they never received welfare themselves and erroneously assume people who do must get a ridiculous amount of money to be able to purchase such things, instead of given the barest minimum and needing to supplement their income in other ways.

Also, I again wonder why these people consider themselves “Men Going Their Own Way” when they seem to spend their time doing nothing but bitterly ranting about how awful women are. If I swore off something like, say, drinking alcohol – I wouldn’t then spend the rest of my time talking about alcohol. I’d, y’know, do other more constructive things with my time.

@Ivory Bill Woodpecker:

I also marvel at how these vacuum-skulled knuckle-walkers think a lifetime spent in Mommy’s basement, munching Cheetos, guzzling Mountain Dew, and shitposting on Da Intertoobz, is going to prepare them not only to survive in, but to dominate, a post-apocalyptic world.

I’m slowly becoming convinced that most post-apocalyptic fiction is basically a male power fantasy where, with the end of society as we currently know it, the clock is wound backwards to that mythical time where “men were men and women were women.” It is quite nice when a movie like Mad Max: Fury Road points out that it’d be a living nightmare for just about everyone save for warlords and their lieutenants.

The only people I ever see wishing for a post-apocalyptic scenario in real life are often straight white guys who act no different than members of Project Mayhem from Fight Club, all of whom are both naive and delusional enough to think such a situation would embolden them as people than leaving them powerless and ultimately doomed like everyone else.

Viscaria the Cheese Hog
Viscaria the Cheese Hog
7 years ago

The fact that this would give men “wives” that would be decades their junior is, I think, not an accident.

7 years ago

if I could have a woman raised to be my wife, with 100% loyalty and efficient, and without brainwashing bullshit

I… What? This guy seems to not understand words. How can “raised to be my wife, with 100% loyalty” and “without brainwashing” be compatible??

Dude, you literally want a person to be brainwashed from birth into not finding you repulsive.

Laugher at Bigots, Low-T Inbetweener Weener


Do MGTOW really think that single women on welfare live in mcmansions?

If they’re anything like I was when I was conservative, then yes. It’s part of the “welfare queens” meme.

OT: Apparently Helmut Kohl, a former chancellor of Germany, is dead.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago


Fuck that. I’d kill myself first.

All alternative plans failing, I’d form a line right behind you.

Death before slavery to a MGTOW.

Death before marriage to a MGTOW.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago


Dude, you literally want a person to be brainwashed from birth into not finding you repulsive.

A MGTOW would see no downside to this.

7 years ago

Well, I mean clearly they believe that the only reason you gals aren’t down with their program to your dying breath is feminsitz brainswashers. Just get rid of them and wimminz are perfectly happy to be robots indentured to creaky old men.

7 years ago

@PeeVee alas that site is infested with anti-adblock. So I didn’t bother looking that hard

7 years ago

What’s with these radical traditionalist types and being RPG nerds? I swear everyone who espouses these views are fans of some variation of the role playing game genre (usually post-apocalyptic or fantasy).

I am guessing they think they’ll be like Conan or Dovakhiin or the Lone Wanderer. You can tell these people have some disconnect with reality.

tim gueguen
7 years ago

I hope the BC in BCprepper’s name doesn’t stand for British Columbia.

This Handle is a Test
This Handle is a Test
7 years ago

This is off topic but does anyone know the specifics of what went on at Vidcon between Anita Sarkesian, Sargon, and Boogie2988? I know there has been things that Sargon contributed to Gamergate but I can’t recall Boogie ever really having been identified with Gamergate in general.

7 years ago


Death before slavery to a MGTOW.

Death before marriage to a MGTOW.

Aren’t those the same thing, though?

7 years ago

@This Handle:

Boogie never really necessarily identified with the Gribbles, but from what I remember he took a “maybe both sides are being meanypants'” stance on it, and he was leaning toward being sympathetic to the Grotters at least back near the beginning of the whole mess.

EDIT: Oh, and as for the Vidcon thing, I didn’t actually watch it or anything but from what I’ve read from other people, there was an awkward exchange between Anita and Boogie which they both apparently talked through, and Sargon was there to partycrash, because what other reason would he have for being there?

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago

@This Handle is a Test

The story I have heard is that AS was on a panel and Sargon and about two dozen of his followers got there early to take up the first few rows explicitly to intimidate her. She called him out and in the process called him a “garbage human.” The Vidcon organizers later apologized to her for putting her into that situation in the first place, but also didn’t like her calling out specific audience members. Of course GGers are framing this in the predictable way.

PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Gijoel, oh, sorry. I read it on my phone with no problems, so I didn’t know.

7 years ago

@This Handle is a Test
Sargon was at front seats at a panel, Anita called him out for being a garbage person and then Sargon decided to be the professional victim he kept claiming Anita was for the views. Boogie and Anita didn’t have much beef, they were pretty civil during a q and a panel. Boogie was dealing with alot of anxiety and did not want to offend Anita in any way and even made multiple videos on how he doesn’t want people to demonize Anita. After the awkward exchange at the finale of the q n a they talked to each other afterwards and pretty much left with no animosity. Unless you count Anita not wanting to be in a selfie with Boogie because she didn’t know whose side Boogie was on & didn’t want any more ammo to be used against her.

Seriously Anita Sarkeesian is my rolemodel for being able to persevere through years and years of this bs. And the fact that a malicious bigot is re-inciting even more harassment for his benefit is nothing less than disgusting.

7 years ago

You know what irritates me, other than the obvious repugnant views on women and the world in general? It’s that I often find myself daydreaming about some form of apocalyptic aftermath with me being able to finally be self-sufficient without having to purchase land and pay some soulless bank for it. A chance for me to be on my own and not have to pay lip-service to a capitalist hellscape like the United States. It has nothing to do with subjugating women or minorities, and I also acknowledge that if something as horrible as this happened it would be, you know, horrible and would cause a great amount of suffering. I don’t want this. Really the idea is just the easiest path to me having property to grow crops and raise animals on. It always strikes me as hilarious that these witless fuckers honestly believe they would be the lone-wolf ubermensch from their fevered imaginations in this scenario, and not the woefully unprepared, wheezing losers that can’t figure out how to get out of their own metropolitan area, let alone setting up a legitimate rural base camp that can be defended and expanded. I guess I am irritated that in some oblique way they are connected to my daydreams of having the space to provide for myself while also minimizing the amount of human interaction I’m forced to perform. The difference being that they fantasize about this as a way to justify their perverse attitudes towards women, rather than just wanting to not have to engage with people anymore. It taints my dream, dammit!

This Handle is a Test
This Handle is a Test
7 years ago


I came across a Boogie vid (I periodically view him as he generally comes off as a nice guy and can occasionally be pretty funny) in which he discussed a portion of it as it applies to him, as apparently a lot of the usual MRA fellows came out for blood in that he was apparently “too nice to her” to which he more or less said he could live with that. Said video is being bombarded by a lot of MRA commenting exactly how you’d expect them to comment. I just wanted to get some context.

Sorry for detracting from the main post.

7 years ago

I use anti-anti-adblock plugins on some sites now. ’tis getting ridiculous.

“You came to my website, so you must want to support my speech by viewing these marvelous ads for freeze-dried seagull (or whatever).
In fact, you must also want your browsing experience controlled by this script I picked up off the net that supposedly stops adblockers, I don’t know for sure that’s all that it does. But since I love control, you must enjoy it.”
