By David Futrelle
So over in the Men Going Their Way subreddit, the fellas are talking about what to do with “leftover” — i.e. unmarried — women after men finally step up and take the vote away from women, who are always voting for the wrong things anyway.
Apparently unable to understand that most women have jobs, the MGTOWs naturally conclude that in their version of utopia the single ladies — deprived not only of husbands and their resources but of Big Daddy government as well — won’t be able to support themselves. But the MGTOWs, kind ghouls souls all, don’t want to let them starve!
One brave MGTOW has a solution:
(Note: in the preceding quote “CC Rider” refers not to the famous song but to the infamous “cock carousel.”)
Naturally, other MGTOWs are enthusiastic about Mr. BCPrepper’s ingenious proposal.
BCPrepper goes on to praise himself for his “humanitarian” solution to the Leftover Woman Problem.
Such thoughtful fellows these MGTOWs are!
@ kupo
We were just talking about that this morning. That lead on to a discussion about who was doing the exiting. Which in turn lead on to our usual (every time we discuss this) conversation about how really it was a fight between English people on the American side and Hannoverian mercenaries on the ‘German’ side. ?
America! We’re the oldest sibling and we had a tremendous fight with our parents when we left home! Our younger siblings managed it with zero drama.
We emancipated our slaves and had a big fight over it! Our younger siblings and even our parents accomplished it without drama.
We punched a Nazi and it’s all we ever talk about anymore. Our younger siblings and even our parents got on with it and went home.
America! Land of the drama, home of the extra!
America, where even our earliest national stories are about whinging about the taxes needed to provide necessary services.
America, where people went to war over lack of representation, and then proceeded to codify it in the Constitution.
I can’t find the source now, but someone smarter than me once pointed out that the so-called Founding Fathers were “the 1% in breeches”, which explains a lot, really.
Explains such things as “Law-abiding white man of age, with real estate property” was the criteria to be allowed to vote.
I’ve just come across a Christian conservative website called ‘The Stream’ and I’m not sure if it’s satire. It looks like satire, but it’s getting really hard to tell these days. Look at this as an example.
Almost definitely not satire. mediabiasfactcheck.org labels it “Conspiracy-pseudoscience”. The American Enterprise Institute (neocon) is involved.
It works that way in the United States also, at least in most states. If, for example, someone gets punched after calling someone a slur (or an insult or extreme disrespect) to that person’s face, the courts might decide that the face-puncher isn’t guilty of any crime.
@ history nerd
I wonder what gave Buzz Aldrin the most satisfaction; walking on the Moon or punching Apollo hoax advocate Bart Sibrel?
As a descendant of (among other things) German Palatines who fought on the United Empire Loyalist side… yeah, I can see that. Yes, I could legally use the ‘U.E.’ title.
Of course, things get mixed up a lot later. My great-grandfather with the German surname was a priest in the Church of England. My great-grandfather with the Irish surname was also a priest… but he was Presbyterian. (And his first church was actually with the United Church of Canada, because few towns had enough Presbyterians to justify a church of their own, so the Presbyterians, Methodists, and a lot of the individual Congregationalist churches got together and formed their own ‘umbrella’ church so that together they could found churches out in smaller towns.)
Virgin Mary,
It doesn’t seem to be a satirical site.
ETA: Ninja’d by JS.
This stuff is beyond ridiculous, it’s hard to imagine people get paid to write this kind of hogwash. It makes The Onion look believable.
Or, to paraphrase one of our regulars (I don’t recall exactly who said it, but I know they’re a reg): “You can fuck a goat ‘ironically’ or ‘for the lulz’, but at the end of the day, you’re still a goat fucker.”
There’s a song about that somewhere.
Bart Sibrel didn’t leave even after Aldrin asked him to, then Aldrin punched him. A few years later Sibrel was found guilty of vandalism for damaging someone’s car because she refused to pull out of a parking space he was waiting for.
@Alan Robertshaw
Are you guys STILL bitter about that whole tea thing?
@ shnookums
Hey, it was practically cost price anyway!!! 🙂
Funnily enough it was actually less of a tax increase and more of a reduction in a tax rebate that lead to the price increase. There’s also a long standing rumour that Twinings may have been involved or at least paid the protesters off (none of their tea was thrown overboard).
Virgin Mary:
As a veteran sarcastic myself, I’m… awfully tempted ?
@Troubelle from a little while ago, about game development: I don’t know if you know this, but Unity is free! The full featured thing, you can even make games that you sell in it. I think there’s a cut off if you raise or make more than 100k$ in business revenue, but you’d have to actually look in to it.
Here’s the link to unity. There are lots of tutorials in it, as well as assets you could use as placeholders if you didn’t want to model your own.
I really enjoyed Night In The Woods, which is a video game made by people who didn’t even live in the same city. While it’s hard to work remotely like that, if there is a will, there is a way!
If you’d like to try your hand at smaller games, or if your main interest in making games is story, there are a few options to make Visual Novel style games. They don’t have to be just dating sims! The more I play bioware games, the more I realise that they are just super elaborate Visual Novels, really.
There’s Ren’Py, which has a pretty nice forum attached to it.
I wrote down more things to make visual novels, but that’s at home. Argh! Sorry! I think you could use twine. Yep, you can! And it can be simple, or get more complicated with variables and stuff if you’d like.
Here’s an interesting book on game design. It’s called ‘The Art of Game Design: Book of Lenses’.
One anecdote I really enjoyed from it was about how the author was making a Pirates of the Caribbean ride for Disney. One of the construction people came to him and said “Where do you want the air vent?” And he was like “Why do I care?” Then he paused, and was like “Have it blowing in their faces! It will reinforce the feeling of being on a ship.”
And I was like A) That’s really neat, using small things to reinforce the experience. Things people won’t even notice consciously, but will make a big impact on how they feel in the moment.
B) You have never been on a SAILING SHIP. The wind should be coming from behind. XD So be creative, but check your sources I guess haha.
Good luck doing whatever it is you want to do!
OH I have one more story here, that might help. I was working in a studio, and my department had some down time. (I’m not in gaming though, sorry.) Anyway, another department was SLAMMED, so I was volunteered to help out.
It was not a glorious department. Everybody is always on it, and they have to pull everything together while assets aren’t ready yet. No one knows what you do, so you can’t tell people and have them go “oh, that’s cool” even though you are *essential*.
But it was my job, so I did it, and did it the way I was told to do it. I took notes. I made a document that had the answers to questions I asked.
Later, when the fella who was heading up that department moved to a much cooler one, he needed help again. He asked me if I wanted to transfer over, since he knew I was a hard working and could follow instructions when doing things that were not fun.
So now I’m in a much cooler department at work! So even if you get a job that doesn’t directly tie into where you want to be, the connections might help you get there.
And if they won’t, the experience will be excellent material to make games out of.
SORRY TEEEEEL DEEEER. Hope this helps, Troubelle! You seem to have a good head on your shoulders, so I’m sure you’ll figure it all out.
TW: Extreme violence
You made me cry — but it’s better to know than to be ignorant.
I feel particularly upset about this because I have two brothers who are twins.
Yeah, sometimes you’ve just got to leave. That is, after all, why the feminist government is in exile.
Sometimes you’ve gotta do what you’ve gotta do — in this case, in the name of self-defense.
TW: Extreme violence
One person’s treason is another person’s love of country.
And now our countries are BFF.