advocacy of violence alt-right hypocrisy immigrants irony alert Islamophobia men who should not ever be with women ever racism twitter

Last week: Outraged by Kathy Griffin. Today: Wants London mayor impaled on a pike

Underneath the mask, the alt-right is still the alt-right

Here’s a little case study in alt-right hypocrisy.

Last week, like a lot of people, the wannabe self-help guru and alt-right opinion-haver who calls himself “DarkTriadMan” professed to be outraged by Kathy Griffin posing for photos with a stylized severed head of Donald Trump.

men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit women shouldn't work women's suffrage

“Are Women Really Human?” asks the MGTOW meme of the day

Click to see this full size

MGTOW Friday continues with this lovely meme, found in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit.

boobs creepy evil sexy ladies evil ugly women men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit vaginas

MGTOWs agree: Women are objectively ugly; only male lust makes them seem sorta hot

Area man discovers that women are secretly unattractive and vaginas are weird

Ladies! The jig is up! Men are discovering that even though some of you seem, like, really hot, you’re actually all quite unattractive!

creepy evil sexy ladies evil smelly women irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW MGTOW of the Day misogyny sex vaginas

Overcome lust by imagining women as chopped-up body parts, MGTOW of the Day recommends

This technique does not work for everyone

One of the little stumbling blocks faced by would-be Men Going Their Own Way is that it’s hard for straight dudes to free themselves from the influence of evil women if all they do is think about how much they want to have sex with said evil women.

open thread trump

Trump Open Thread: June 2017 End of the World Edition

Say hello to a soggier world!

With Trump pulling the US out of the Paris Climate Agreement like the huge idiot he is, today seems like a good time for another Trump open thread.

Have at it! No trolls or Trump fans.