open thread

Open Thread for Personal Stuff: June 2017 Flexicat Edition

We all feel like this sometimes

An open thread for personal stuff. As always, no trolls, no Trump fans, no MRAs, etc.

misogyny open thread racism rape rape culture

Injustice System Open Thread

Philando Castile and his mother Valerie

In the wake of the outrageous if not exactly surprising acquittal of a police officer for the murder of Philando Castile and the mistrial in the Bill Cosby rape case here’s an open thread in which to discuss and vent. No trolls, MRAs, Trump fans.


The Daily Stormer notices the profile of me in the New York Times, declares victory

Woody Guthrie’s true successor

By David Futrelle

Truly, there is nothing that the alt-right won’t declare a victory. Like, for example, the profile of me that ran this week in the New York Times, which Daily Stormer writer Eric Striker insists is a sign that he and his Nazi pals are “winning the culture war.”

entitled babies funny misandry misogyny MRA parody red pill

A Handmaid’s Tale, but for dudes, courtesy of Funny or Die

By David Futrelle

Funny or Die pretty much nails it with this video, which is even better if you’ve been watching the real Handmaid’s Tale on Hulu.

empathy deficit entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW MGTOW of the Day misogyny

The “literal only value” of women “is that they can carry seed,” MGTOW of the Day explains

I don’t know what’s going on here but frankly it scares the hell out of me

By David Futrelle

Today’s MGTOW of the Day, fresh from the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, has a rather unique perspective on the relative values of men and women. As he sees it, women are vastly inferior creatures whose only value stems from the fact that they can er, carry seed.

a near for men a voice for men a woman is always to blame antifeminism entitled babies grandiosity gynocracy irony alert lying liars men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA paul elam

Mission Accomplished Mk II: Paul Elam retakes his failing site, declares victory again

But will there be punch and pie?

By David Futrelle

A little over a year ago, with traffic at the preeminent Men’s Rights website A Voice for Men plunging as its old-school MRA “activism” was eclipsed by a younger and in many ways nastier breed of antifeminism, AVFM head boy Paul Elam made a dramatic announcement (which I wrote about here): AVFM had won the cultural war, so he was retiring from Men’s Rights activism altogether to take up a new life as a $90 an hour Skype life coach for bitter men.

antifeminism misogyny rape rape culture

The worst take? Columnist argues that Bill Cosby is “taking the hit for men who’ve wronged women”

Is it fair to convict someone who was so charming playing Cliff Huxtable?

By David Futrelle

UPDATE: 6/17 Mistrial

As I write this, I am awaiting what I hope will be a guilty verdict in Bill Cosby’s sexual assault trial.

Meanwhile, on, columnist Christine M. Flowers is wishing “we’d never come to verdict on this case.” Because, in her mind,

4chan advocacy of violence aggrieved entitlement alpha males alt-right anti-Semitism antifeminism daily stormer empathy deficit entitled babies evo psych fairy tales irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA oppressed white men racism vaginas

“Gina tingles” and the Elders of Zion: Do Alt-Rightists hate women as much as they hate Jews?

Women: Generally not big fans of neo-Nazis either

By David Futrelle

The original Nazis were not exactly what you’d call progressive thinkers on the “female question.” As Adolf Hitler saw it, the “world” of the German woman should be largely confined to “her husband, her family, her children, and her home.”

dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW MGTOW of the Day misogyny reddit

Women are secret uggoes who lure men to their doom with their hair, MGTOW explains

Never doubt the power of lady hair

By David Futrelle

Fellas! Be careful around ladies lest they hypnotize you into liking them with their hair. Yes, that’s right. I said hair.

Absorb this hard-won wisdom, coming to you from one very wise fellow in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit who is today’s MGTOW of the Day:

announcements cerno lying liars paul elam self-promotion straw futrelle

Check out the profile of We Hunted the Mammoth in the New York Times today!

Please do not poke the mammoth with sharp sticks

By David Futrelle

So this little blog of mine (and yours!) got a nice writeup in the New York Times today by fellow Illinois writer Peter C. Baker. Check it out! Nice to see the Paper of Record take note of what we’re doing here.