By David Futrelle
It’s been a while since we checked in on the BIGGEST JEWSPIRACY OF OUR AGE, that being WHITE GENOCIDE, the evil plot to rid the world of white people through devious tricks like running ads for sweatpants featuring interracial couples.
So I thought Id take another peek at the #WhiteGenocide hashtag on Twitter to see what else the white-haters have up their Jew-sleeves in their ongoing quest to destroy the white race. Here are a few of the things that I discovered are actually WHITE GENOCIDE.
Diaper boxes featuring babies that aren’t white
A black Miss Helsinki
Black people shoplifting, which is apparently legal now?
People who think Donald Trump sort of acted like a creepy uncle with a female reporter from Ireland recently, calling her over to his desk apropos of nothing at a photo op to tell her she has a “nice smile.”
Majority is still white!
White smiles = potentially more white babies.
That doesn't fit the #WhiteGenocide agenda .. ? https://t.co/v50E8oECTt— Deplorable Toast (@DeplorableToast) June 29, 2017
The lack of a purely white continent
Well they gave away that city, no defence, so no crying. White have no continent anymore thats for them. #WhiteGenocide
— K 212 (@K212Utr) June 29, 2017
The lack of government issued hazmat suits to protect white Europeans from refugee cooties
The centuries-old practice of identifying children with one black parent as black
People who are insufficiently enthusiastic about Hitler
Stay alert, fellow white people! You can never tell what might be genociding you next!
Dear Mr. We hunted the mammoth
I’m outraged, outraged I say, that Miss Helsinki 2017 has ebony skin. The very sight of her in her black stockings and lingerie has made me stiff with indignation. I was so overwhelmed by my feelings that I had to retire to my bedroom to hammer out this complaint. I hope that this letter will bring me rapid release from this rigid apoplexy that overcame me when I laid my eyes on her scantily covered form.
Mr. GI Joel. MR(A), Mgotow, B. Arts (Wibbles)
I used to live next door to a white cat. I moved away.
Drive a non-white car?
Is your mouse black?
Wait, I just realized something…
THIS WHOLE SITE, is white genocide! The bars on either side of the post are black! How could you!
Also, the text appears black. *sigh* It never ends!
I’ve seen this happen in YouTube comments. It was an argument between a Finnish ethnic nationalist crank, and a white nationalist crank who mistook Finns for “Nordic”. That’s a serious faux pas 🙂
I committed WHITE GENOCIDE!!! earlier this evening when I ate a large bowl of Breyer’s chocolate ice cream. I also took part in it several years ago when my white uterus was taken out, preventing me from having Superior White Babies. Complete with inherited depression, anxiety, and clotting disorders …yeah.
Though at least one of my mom’s ancestors was Creole, so anybody’s guess who or what got in my DNA that way. I wouldn’t be at all surprised to find out there was a black or Native ancestor in there. So gosh, isn’t it good I *didn’t* reproduce, Neo-Nazis?
(Same with the cat getting spayed. She was deceptively white as a kitten but she’s become dark brown in her dotage. CONSPIRACY.)
More White Genocide Proof:
The number of Polar Bears has dwindled to just 20-25 000. Yet Polar Bears are increasing being found to have been mating with racial inferior Grizzly Bears entering their territory and producing hybrid offspring. http://sciencenordic.com/grizzly-polar-bear-hybrids-spotted-canadian-arctic
Clearly this is the work of Jewish Sloth Bears trying to genocide Polar bears.
Anti-Speciesist is a code word for Anti-Ursus Maritimus.
Hey Valentine, yes I am a UKnian (with half my ancestry from “somewhere-near-Kiev”, or so they tell me 🙂 ). You probably have a very good idea via your parents of what has been happening to the NHS in recent years (thank you, Tory party). Mental healthcare is particularly badly underfunded, so this person I was mentioning has only been getting a fraction of the actual mental health support they need.
But in this case it’s more of a welfare issue really – until now they have been getting a small amount of welfare to help with managing everyday life; now the government has changed the system and gradually everybody across the country who was on the old welfare benefit has to go for re-assessment. The new assessment rules are designed to eliminate a large proportion of people from the list, so I went with them to try and support them through the “interview”.
It’s also very galling that the whole interview procedure has been given to private companies to run, who make a profit out of it.
(I’m leaving for the march in an hour or so, so will disappear at some point this morning). Good morning WHTM!
We are all mix-up! This is why i love Europe ???????
I have some idea yes but i dont know about this private companies or that people have to be ‘re-assess’ now ((( i always thought NHS is very good, almost best of all Europe because taxes still ok (not high like Denmark/norway) but good healthcare available for all. Even from 1990s my parents already planning for move to UK or France because of this. My mum wanted better care for her parents.
I never believe strongly in UK government but i thought NHS would never be touch – even by conservative gvt.
But you must be on your march already – now already afternoon in UK i think? Good luck. ))
Have a white cat, which we took in and spayed. Doing my bit for White Genocide!
She’s a strange little thing, but she sleeps next to the husband, which makes him happy. And she responds to the call of “cheese”. She has a loud, raucous, rusty meow and the quietest purr I’ve ever heard.
Carrots are white genocide. If you have too many you turn orange, not fake orange like the Trumpet, but REALLY orange. And even more outrageous: carrots used to be white!
Is it the quiet purr where you have to actually put your hand under the chin to feel it? Out of my last trio of cats, one of them – Wilkie – was like that, until my son was old enough to make proper friends with her. Then she started loud purrs <3
I will post here since this comments are active – anyone read about shooting in another night club in US?
In here they just saying 17 people injured because of ‘quarrel’ between visitors…but not much information…
Blue’s Clues is hella white genocide. Remember Mr Salt, Mrs Pepper and their children Paprika and Cinnamon? Mixing the spices. Scandalous. Smh…
You know what’s not white genocide? Rubik’s cube. You start with all the colours mixed, and work to separate them into their own homelands. This is described as “finding the solution”. Rubik’s cube is racist propaganda.
“White genocide” – good grief. It’s Canada’s 150th birthday today, and some (mostly white) people are saying we shouldn’t call Canada’s treatment of indigenous people “cultural genocide” because genocide is too extreme a word or something. (As if the things that happened – wars, forced assimilation policies, Indian residential schools – weren’t extreme.)
And then, in comparison – we bring you White Genocide!!! As evidenced by black babies on a diaper box. So horribly genocidal.
On gluten-free things: I think @kupo and @wwth are both right – the people pushing it as a trendy diet are partly responsible for the stigma against it. I’m so glad the tests I had turned out negative. An aunt and cousin of mine are gluten intolerant, not to the same level as those with celiac disease, but it’s tough to be treated as “just trying to be trendy”. 🙁
@Mish: This one was so quiet that sometimes you couldn’t feel it, and had to put your head gently to her side to be sure. She has gotten a bit louder. Sometimes you can even hear her purr now.
A bit late for this but i think it’s relevant to the topic:
“My issue is only with people who are pushing restrictive diets when they aren’t medically necessary – especially for children – because deeming food groups or ingredients inherently good or evil is seriously a recipe for disordered eating at worst, unhealthy yo-yo dieting at best.”
Is there any evidence that restricting certain foods leads to eating disorders though? I’ve read that preteens dieting can lead to disordered eating, but I’ve always assumed that it was the focus on calories/weight that did it, not the restrictions on food choices. I have a hard time seeing how saying gluten is “bad” or “unhealthy” is more likely to lead to disordered eating than saying soda is “bad” or “unhealthy”. But maybe it does.
I know you said you don’t want to argue about this, and I’m honestly not trying to argue. I’m asking because I’m a parent, and I help my kids make food choices, and I’m curious/interested. (And no, none of us are on any kind of diet, fad or otherwise.)
” I think that a lot of parenting techniques popular among upper class white women are only popular because they’re unattainable for less privileged parents.”
I agree, up to an extent. That extent is because most of those things that upper-class moms have grabbed onto were not meant to be done perfectly.
Take attachment parenting. Attachment parenting was meant to be somewhat flexible to the circumstances. You can attachment parent even when you work, because you can wear your baby when you’re with them, co sleep when you’re home, and etc. It’s the “purists” who demand 100% that are elistist assholes.
“unless they’re a couple with enough money for one to stay home”
Perhaps I’m reading it wrong, but I’ll just come out and say it. Quit it with the myth that SAHMs are mostly relatively well off, privileged, white women. Honestly your whole argument reads of it.
1. “Stay-at-home moms are poorer, less educated than working moms:
Stay-at-home mothers are younger, poorer and less educated than their working counterparts. For example, 34% of stay-at-home mothers are poor, compared with 12% of working mothers. They are also less likely to be white and more likely to be immigrants.”
2. “The share of stay-at-home moms in poverty has doubled since 1970:
While more stay-at-home moms are in poverty — 34% in 2012, compared with 14% in 1970 — those with working husbands generally are better off than those without. But stay-at-home moms with working husbands are not as well off financially as married mothers who work outside the home.”
3. “Home by choice or necessity?:
…Overall, a growing share of stay-at-home mothers say they are home because they cannot find a job: 6% in 2012, versus 1% in 2000.c
They didn’t give raw percentages for moms who stayed home for illness or disability, just that they were more likely to be unmarried than married. (Well duh). Since I’m feeling too lazy to go digging, I’ll just point out that “many” SAHMs are physically unable to work.
Source: Pew Research.
Let me requote something for the people in the back;
“stay-at-home moms with working husbands are not as well off financially as married mothers who work outside the home.”
Believe it.
Speaking generally, this whole privileged SAHM myth needs to go die in a fire. You would think it’s popularity with misogynists would be a good clue as to it’s accuracy. But then, mommy envy is just another way to get women to bash one another.
I expressed a desire to drop this conversation already. Are you trying to pick a fight or something?
No, I’m not trying to pick a fight. I thought you were referring specifically to arguments over the GF diet.
As I said, I was only interested as a parent. I would rather not have my adolescent daughter develop disordered eating. But I’m assuming you’re asking to drop everything. Fair enough.
Like this one?
CW: naked baby, poop
There’s a bunch more here link NSFW
CWs for link: more naked babies, more poop, pee, baby testicles (I think they’re testicles anyway), vomit, and babies peeing on themselves
Fair enough. I’ll go into a little without mentioning gf or any other specific diet.
I don’t know if there have been studies so feel free to take my anecdata with some grains of salt. In my experience, people with eating disorders obsess over types of food just as much as calorie count. They tend to have food fads, safe foods, and bad foods. Most of the people I’ve talked to with an ed history had tried various fad diets and read a lot of mainstream diet tips in books and magazines that advise eating certain food groups and avoiding others.
To me, the diet industry and an uncritical media really normalize disordered eating. I won’t blame the media entirely since there’s plenty of evidence that there’s a physiological component to it, but at the same time, cultures that prize thinness are more likely to breed eds so there is a cultural component too.
I know that I feel way more triggered when people talk about diets where certain food is forbidden than when people talk about their weight or trying to lose weight. Although it’s only triggering when people do it in the name of weight loss or cleansing oneself. Not when someone has to alter their diet for religious, medical or pregnancy reasons. I don’t know if other people with ed histories feel that way though.
@PaganReader: Ahhhhahahahahahaha! Priceless. The best part is how beautifully photographed it all is. Very artistic. ?
Hi again Valentine and everybody. The march and rally were pretty good – decent number of people (not sure how many tens of thousands – haven’t seen any official (or unofficial) estimates of the numbers, but the BBC called it “possibly one of the biggest of the recent marches” and I know some of them have been very substantial) and speakers including Dianne Abbot (whose speech I unfortunately didn’t get to hear) John McDonnell and Jeremy Corbyn.
The NHS is still brilliant, and the Tories have never yet dared attack it openly (well not quite openly) but they have adopted the tactic of severely underfunding it and “stealth” privatising it in parts, forcing the NHS to use private services; one of the latest things is the Nayler report: a move to oblige NHS “trusts” (sort of local divisions) to sell off part of their land, for example.
However, the use of private companies (mainly Capita and Atos) to “assess” the health of people with disabilities is a whole other problem and is being run by the Department of Work and Pensions. It’s nothing to do with people’s health, in fact! It’s purely about money. It’s essentially just a system designed to “prove” that people are well enough to be refused disability benefits.
Now, off back up the page to read the thread(s) that I have missed 🙂
mrex, food moralizing has reached such an extreme that we’ve managed to create a new eating disorder. (go team?) Orthoexia Nervosa, not in the dsm last I checked, but coming soon to a dsm near you!
It’s a pretty extreme obsession with healthy eating that can lead to types of food being so limited that the diet becomes unhealthy.
My big problem with food moralizing is that it seems to lead to making moral judgments about people based on what they happen to be eating at the time. (Seriously, ask any fat woman about eating in public)
I hope this makes sense I’m trying to get this typed up while working.
OMG I AM LITERALLY LISTENING TO T.REX RIGHT NOW AFTER SEEING BABY DRIVER. Then I check this blog and see Marc Bolan! Cosmic coincidences 😀
By the way, racists suck.