By David Futrelle
It’s been a while since we checked in on the BIGGEST JEWSPIRACY OF OUR AGE, that being WHITE GENOCIDE, the evil plot to rid the world of white people through devious tricks like running ads for sweatpants featuring interracial couples.
So I thought Id take another peek at the #WhiteGenocide hashtag on Twitter to see what else the white-haters have up their Jew-sleeves in their ongoing quest to destroy the white race. Here are a few of the things that I discovered are actually WHITE GENOCIDE.
Diaper boxes featuring babies that aren’t white
A black Miss Helsinki
Black people shoplifting, which is apparently legal now?
People who think Donald Trump sort of acted like a creepy uncle with a female reporter from Ireland recently, calling her over to his desk apropos of nothing at a photo op to tell her she has a “nice smile.”
Majority is still white!
White smiles = potentially more white babies.
That doesn't fit the #WhiteGenocide agenda .. ? https://t.co/v50E8oECTt— Deplorable Toast (@DeplorableToast) June 29, 2017
The lack of a purely white continent
Well they gave away that city, no defence, so no crying. White have no continent anymore thats for them. #WhiteGenocide
— K 212 (@K212Utr) June 29, 2017
The lack of government issued hazmat suits to protect white Europeans from refugee cooties
The centuries-old practice of identifying children with one black parent as black
People who are insufficiently enthusiastic about Hitler
Stay alert, fellow white people! You can never tell what might be genociding you next!
Just want to say, the “pre chewed banana” comment reminded my of one of creationists formerly favorite fruit.
The banana. Because it’s such a perfect fruit for humans and apes, has tiny seeds, tastes good, and has an easy to open outer covering, it must have been intelligent design!
Evolutionists then point out the obvious. It was intelligent design, but not that way. It has no seeds, and was created by human agriculture selecting for traits we enjoy, like… no seeds, soft flesh, and sweet taste.
Oh, yeah, Ray Comfort, with his helpful assistant, Kiek Cameron.
For anybody who’s never seen a wild banana, they look like this:
Also, they’re completely inedible.
Why’s everyone gotta poo-poo gluten free diets? 🙁
There’s no reason to eat gluten free unless you have a medical issue that makes you unable to tolerate it. I’m not saying that doesn’t exist, but let’s not pretend that there isn’t a subset of people who just jumping on a fad diet. I’m pretty against fad diets and the people who push them. There’s no evidence that gluten free diets are healthier.
At the risk of being repetitive, I will once again proudly boast that I am a white person (glow-in-the-dark-pale-blue, with English/Scottish/Irish ancestry) with a Sikh partner and a son who is therefore … mixed-race. Awww, yeah, doin’ my bit for the white genocide.
Also, my 3 cats are all of indeterminate breed. Shiro is the closest to a purebred; white and silver with Norwegian Forest Cat background. We neutered him 😀
Re the beauty pageant stuff (ye gods, when will these things die out?) – I just saw a story this morning on the national finals for Miss Universe. I’m sorry to report that white genocide has not caught on in this case:
Italians eat wheat with gluten (pasta) all the time, and there was some study about them having better blood pressure.
(joke incoming, apologies to anyone suffering from real gluten issues)
Why’s eveyone gotta poo-poo gluten free diets?
Because otherwise they’re just poo-poo’ing.
One thing can be said about the gluten-free fad: people with celiac disease have an easier time now finding gluten-free foods.
I get what you’re saying, absolutely. But seconding WWTH’s response. One of my students last semester had coeliac disease; she found it extremely frustrating that gluten free diets had become such a fad. They don’t benefit anyone except people who need them – and they also end up tarring real sufferers with the ‘loopy health fad’ label.
tl;dr – poo-pooing non-coeliac people who adopt/tout gluten free? 🙂
My mom was told gluten-free also helps diverticulitis, but I don’t know how much evidence there is of that.
So, back on topic.
Things that might also be white genocide:
Rye bread
Black bread
Oreo cookies, 2 blacks surrounding a white so it can be bitten.
Black swastikas… (sorry if you see this again, some posts got stuck)
And just to clarify, I don’t make it my business to police what other people do and don’t eat. My only issue is when people push fad diets. Especially when they push them on children. It’s only a hop, skip and a jump from following the latest fad diet to developing an eating disorder. The thinking that certain food groups are evil and therefore forbidden is super toxic and can lead to some bad places. So I side eye anyone who advises everyone to cut out a food group not eat “toxins” and “chemicals.” *ahem* Food Babe.
[****TW: Sexual assault, sexual violence, rape, slavery, general terrible****]
*pinches bridge of nose*
Alright. So. Two things.
1.) Barack Obama SELF-IDENTIFIES as the Black son of a White mom.* Like, in his autobiography. And speeches. And probably tweets.
2.) I generally avoid the #WhiteGenocide tag unless it’s for work (I freelance for a living). For so many reasons, but the overwhelming one is that I’m an American product of the African diaspora. I and millions of others are alive and various shades because White folks quite literally raped our Black African ancestors yellow. It happened ALL. THE. TIME. From pre-slavery through the Civil Rights Era, the specter of miscegenation has been raised, over and over and over, by White supremacists, as if it hadn’t been part and parcel of the violence committed upon Black bodies for centuries. Their hypocrisy and irony and unspoken fear of some manner of comeuppance is insufferable to me. That said, their paranoia ONLY makes sense within the historical context I laid out – and by “makes sense” I mean “has a sort of logic, albeit a twisted one.”
*Barack Obama, our first Black POTUS, is a descendant of the first recorded enslaved Black African in the English-speaking colonies – through his White mother. This is such an incredible story, and it’s not common knowledge at all. I think because even Nice White Folks are deeply uncomfortable with not-obvious Black ancestry. I’ve seen White people researching their own ancestry stop dead in their tracks if it SEEMS like someone way back when may not have been White. It’s a thing. United Statesians are really, really, REALLY not as evolved as we like to pretend we are.
I’ve always wondered why racists talk about a Jewish conspiracy to cause white women to have mixed-race children, but they never talk about Jewish/white Christian interfaith relationships. I really want to know if I’m white genocide too.
I mean I agree 100% that there’s no good reason outside of health reasons to eat gluten free, but there are a ton of people out there who think that because only 1 in 133 people have coeliac disease that everyone they witness eating gluten free is making it up. That causes people to not take me seriously when I order gluten free even when I tell them it’s because of an “allergy” (it’s not, but it’s the easiest way to convey the severity in a way that the majority of people are likely to understand). That plus I’ve seen servers go on about how they served someone food with gluten and the patron didn’t have a reaction (note: the reaction takes at least an hour and can take days), and now those servers are convinced that most people are faking liars. I’ve also seen servers say that because someone ordered gluten free but also ordered [insert thing here]* that this is evidence that gluten free is bs and they shouldn’t have to treat those orders any differently (like avoiding cross contamination).
So this anti-gluten-free sentiment has real consequences for me. I’ve had a burger and salad sent back twice to me with crumbs still on them because the kitchen staff would not take my medical needs seriously. I took a bite the second time before I noticed. It could have made me very sick, and a few days prior I was very sick, though that was more likely unintentional.
Add to that, no one should need a reason to eat something, period. I don’t have a good reason for eating those Swedish fish I had at lunch. Why should I need a good reason to eat the gluten free chicken nuggets I had?
Forgot to finish my thought on the asterisked item.
*Some gluten intolerant people are okay with fermented products like beer or soy sauce. The fermentation process hydrolyzes the proteins and causes antibody tests for gluten to give false negative results. The coeliac foundation recommends against consuming these products because not enough research has been done to show if it’s safe, but some people are asymptomatic when consuming them, so they do. They still get symptoms when even a small amount of gluten gets in their food, so they still need allergy precautions for their food.
I’m not saying anyone needs to justify what they eat. I’m saying pushing gluten free as something everyone should because gluten is inherently bad is bullshit. I’m really not seeing where anyone is saying that it’s not okay to eat gluten free if you need to.
I’ll say it again. My issue is only with people who are pushing restrictive diets when they aren’t medically necessary – especially for children – because deeming food groups or ingredients inherently good or evil is seriously a recipe for disordered eating at worst, unhealthy yo-yo dieting at best. Attaching morality to food may seem harmless but it isn’t.
Holy crap, I was joking and it turns out I was more serious than I knew! FWIW, I knew about the Chinese custom of putting babies in split pants until they’re fully toilet-trained (and simply mopping them up at regular intervals, which is what those pants were made to facilitate).
As for the white folks adopting that custom and making elaborate claims about self-regulating babies: I’m pretty sure that newborn babies don’t give any signals when they’re about to go…as witness all the doting, attentive parents who’ve been sprayed in the eye by their newborns, or had to deal with a sudden case of Teh Projectile Poopy (always at the most convenient moments, natch). I swear, some of the little buggers do it on purpose, because they always seem to laugh with glee when they’ve scored a direct hit.
Aaaaaand now I’m remembering that idiotic column by Gavin Fucking McInnes, about how all excuses for remaining child-free are BS, white people gots to make baybeez, and how he supposedly cried like a total maudlin moron after tossing out his last kid’s last diaper. Something smells there, as I’m also pretty sure nobody knows exactly which diaper will be the last that Junior ever needs, either. This guy is probably about as hands-on a parent as his idol, Donnie Drumpf.
And as the oldest of six kids, I’m pretty sure I’ve seen all I needed to see of white babies to know that making them is NOT for me, no matter what any Nazi neckbeard says.
I agree that putting kids on restrictive diets who don’t need it is a very bad thing. It gave me an eating disorder that I’m still not over.
But don’t you see how throwing gluten free diets out as something that rich white women do to shame poor people is harmful to people like me who are taken less seriously when we just want to eat some food without getting sick because people assume we’re just rich wite women glomming onto the latest fad?
Let me put it this way: if your issue is with fad diets, why specifically call out gluten free diets? Why not say fad diets, and then everyone can understand what you mean and there’s no collateral damage to people with autoimmune disorders or food intolerances?
My wife and I tried to adopt this beautiful, friendly all white cat, but the shelter screwed up and gave him to someone else just as we were leaving to pick him up.
So we got a tuxedo kitten and a brown tabby (the kitten’s mom) from a different shelter. #whitecatgenocide
My grandmother lived until she was 60 before she discover that she has coeliac disease. That was 1970 when she discovered. Before she very skinny, always tired but still did many amazing things. When she discover and start not to eat gluten she became a new person. Her whole life became better. This is what my mum told to me. And i know because when she die she 104 years.. She wanted to live because finally she felt better.
And my other friend recently discover he is gluten free age 23. Much better. Because everyone is talking now about it. He will not live almost his whole life suffer and not know why he suffer. Well he suffer now because no more beer ever again – but that can be ok ?? he healthy now and good.
I was just throwing out examples. Since gluten free has been the trendy diet for these past few years it’s the first to come to mind. If it was 10-15 years ago, I would have gone with raw food or macrobiotic.
I wasn’t trying to say a gf diet in and of itself was something rich white women do to shame others. I was trying to say when they push it as the only healthy diet and anything else is bad, that there’s an element of classism to it, because as you obviously know, it’s a more expensive diet.
I don’t know how many more ways I can clarify what I meant and I certainly didn’t mean to imply that people with celiac’s are lying or exaggerating. I’d rather just drop the conversation at this point because I think we’re just talking past each other.
Oh, yeah. One of my friends talked about her son’s “volcanic diaper” phase. I think he had started a new food or something. And I well remember my baby brother getting both Mom and Dad full in the face when he was a couple months old. Good times. If the open pants work for people, hey, cool. I can’t see myself putting any baby in them, though, not without having Stanley Steemer on retainer.
I don’t think we’re talking past each other. I think I’ve pointed out how you’re perpetuating an idea that actively harms me and you’re trying to mitigate it by pointing out your intention. But if you want to drop it, I’ll drop it.
You laugh at these people, but may I point out that right now the United States is controlled by an Orange Skinned man who repeatedly speaks favorably of murderous and even genocidal tyrants and is currently trying to prevent tens of millions of impoverished and sick white people from receiving health care.
If that’s not proof of White Genocide I don’t know what is.