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Some dumb things that are #WhiteGenocide, according to idiots

Gloria Jones, Marc Bolan and Rolan Bolan: Making White Genocide glam!

By David Futrelle

It’s been a while since we checked in on the BIGGEST JEWSPIRACY OF OUR AGE, that being WHITE GENOCIDE, the evil plot to rid the world of white people through devious tricks like running ads for sweatpants featuring interracial couples.

So I thought Id take another peek at the #WhiteGenocide hashtag on Twitter to see what else the white-haters have up their Jew-sleeves in their ongoing quest to destroy the white race. Here are a few of the things that I discovered are actually WHITE GENOCIDE.

Diaper boxes featuring babies that aren’t white

A black Miss Helsinki

Black people shoplifting, which is apparently legal now?

People who think Donald Trump sort of acted like a creepy uncle with a female reporter from Ireland recently, calling her over to his desk apropos of nothing at a photo op to tell her she has a “nice smile.”

The lack of a purely white continent

The lack of government issued hazmat suits to protect white Europeans from refugee cooties

The centuries-old practice of identifying children with one black parent as black


People who are insufficiently enthusiastic about Hitler

Stay alert, fellow white people! You can never tell what might be genociding you next!

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PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago


David did a post on that.


My chihuahua is white.


Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
7 years ago

@weirwoodtreehugger, Katz:
There’s actually a few white squirrels down in Trinity-Bellwoods park. Heck, there’s a road down there called ‘White Squirrel Way’.

PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago


I cannot imagine that actually catching on in the US, where people freak out over mothers nursing their babies in public and refuse to pick up after their pets…

Not to mention the people who just toss poopy diapers in parking lots after changing diapers…

What am I saying? Some people are awful. Never mind. Prolly won’t catch on.

7 years ago

D’aww. There’s a baby squirrel that’s been running along a fence with us on our morning walks. ๐Ÿ˜€


That mans hair is very beautiful. I want my hair like that.

Don’t cut it for a year and invest in some Aquanet. ๐Ÿ˜‰

7 years ago

Not to mention the people who just toss poopy diapers in parking lots after changing diapersโ€ฆ

Ugh, no kidding. On my run a few days ago, I almost stomped one that was left in the middle of the sidewalk. I saw it in time to place my foot to the side, but it was a close call.

I find the different attitude towards babies’, um, products interesting. It’s like, if a grownup threw up on me, I’d be disgusted and maybe throw up, too, but a nursing baby’s spit-up doesn’t gross me out.

Dan Hoan
7 years ago

If my dog is part Australian Cattle Dog –

and Cattle Dogs were created by breeding English herding dogs and domesticated Dingoes –

Is my baby perpetrating white genocide?!?!

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago

re: diaperless babies

Who ends up having to watch their little one closely to see when she’s going to pee? Let’s be straight: it’s going to be Mom glued to the baby. This is only ideal if you think Mom is without value except for tending to her offspring.

I’m also super-skeptical of encouraging poop in the streets like we did during the halcyon days of cholera. That shit doesn’t magically disappear when it rains. It gets washed into streams, into rivers, enters the water supply and our recreational facilities. We’re spending billions in Louisville trying to end the dumping of sewage into water bodies. I don’t care how they do things in China. I don’t want baby poop in my creek.

7 years ago


Iโ€™ve read that even tiny babies send signals that theyโ€™re about to go.

Well I never noticed any, at least not in any sort of good time.

Of course, nowadays, there’s plenty. There’s crotch-holding and dancing around, not to mention the perennial favorite, I GOTTA GO POOP!!

7 years ago

Lake Union has a lot of house boats (like the one in Sleepless in Seattle) because at one point of time it was cheaper than building a house on land, plus there was no requirement that boats dispose of their sewage appropriately, so you could just dump it right in the lake and avoid the sewage hassles of land ownership. I remember how big of a deal it was when the lake was finally clean again, I believe decades after the regulations were put into place. Now they have a boat that goes around and pumps the sewage from houseboats that the owners pay a fee for (IIRC it’s called the SS Head). But yeah, that was nasty, no one could swim or fish in the lake for a very long time. It was not safe.

Edit: @Falconer
I don’t think my mom will forget when my niece told her she had to pee and my mom insisted she didn’t because she had gone less than an hour before. You can predict what happened, I’m sure.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago


Basically, when it rains in Louisville, you’re advised to stay out of the creeks due to “pollution” which actually means sewage.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
7 years ago

Monzach and Masse Mysteria,

I didn’t know about Miss Helsinki contest either, and I live here too (but I don’t get out much).

Or rather, I didn’t know until a few months ago when I saw this woman in question being berated on Return Of Kings. The author was an American Dudebro expat living in Helsinki. It’s pretty likely he’s the sole channel of how this “scandal” got to the attention of English-speaking white supremacists. Generally speaking, it makes perfect sense that nobody outside of Finland has heard of Lola Odusoga and whatever was the name of that more recent non-white Miss Finland.

7 years ago

Not that these jackasses are that good at knowing anything at all but about the Italian Navy:
1) Gloves, surgical mask, and coveralls do not a hazmat suit make. That is fairly standard medical precaution wear.
2) That gear isn’t to protect the wearer (especially masks) it’s to protect the patients who may be injured from infection. Also you can tell it was for that purpose because the rest of the Navy guys were wearing wetsuits.

7 years ago


Who ends up having to watch their little one closely to see when sheโ€™s going to pee? Letโ€™s be straight: itโ€™s going to be Mom glued to the baby.

I mostly saw my Chinese neighbor baby with his grandparents, but that’s an exceptional circumstance for American kids; we don’t live in extended family groups anymore, for the most part. Grandpa even carried the baby on his shoulders, with his little butt hanging out. I never saw him have an accident, though. I never saw him pee or poop outside, either, or ever saw any “evidence” in the yard of our building.

The only signal I remember seeing from little babies that they’re about to need fresh pants is a very thoughtful or concerned look, as if they have to pay very close attention to what their bodies are doing. There are entire websites devoted to “elimination communication,” and I read a couple of them when I was trying to figure out the buttless pants thing. There’s a lot to be said for living more naturally, but there’s a lot more to be said for modern hygiene and sanitation. I grew up near Detroit, and when I was a kid, a guy fell into the Rouge River and died a week later of rat fever. Happily, the river has been cleaned up and is much healthier today.

7 years ago

Churchill was an awful racist himself, of course. ‘Not as bad as Hitler’ is a seriously low bar.

7 years ago

you just made me smile so wide (smiling for the first time in a horrible day, THANK YOU)

I am glad i can help only! ? i am sorry your day so horrible ((( yesterday i went in ship gym and for first time tried this punch-bag. I dont know boxing but i felt much better after simply hitting it. Maybe you can try this also? It doesnt make your problem go away but fuck, after you will feel very good ?

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
7 years ago


My first two dogs were a samoyed* and a black lab. Does that qualify me for a #WhiteGenocide lifetime achievement badge, or just an honorable mention?

Apparently, Samoyed dogs are named after indigenous Siberian people, despite looking deceptively white.

Speaking of looking deceptively white, Finns were historically thought to be not truly white because Uralic languages (including Finnic and Samoyedic languages) originated near Siberia. This was a national insecurity issue for Finns in the early 20th century, back then it was a truly big deal to have white Finns succeeding in international beauty contests, just to get the world see our whiteness.

(Not that you still wouldn’t get some racist harassment for being a non-white Miss Finland, unfortunately)

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

The diaperless baby thing was a minor trend a few years ago. Some celebrities and mommy bloggers were into it. Surprise, surprise these were mostly wealthy women endorsing it. It doesn’t seem like a realistic option for people unless they’re a couple with enough money for one to stay home or people who live with extended families. Neither of those are that typical in the US. The trend seemed to me to be one of those things that privileged moms use as a beatstick against less privileged moms.

PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Some celebrities and mommy bloggers were into it. Surprise, surprise these were mostly wealthy women endorsing it

In other words, those that can afford live-in nannies or au pairs.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I think that a lot of parenting techniques popular among upper class white women are only popular because they’re unattainable for less privileged parents. Things like attachment parenting, homeschooling your kids to keep them from having to get vaccines and 100% organic and gluten free diets.

PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago


“Thanks for the parenting tip, Helen, but my son doesn’t like his bananas pre-chewed.”

7 years ago

I feel like you could give these folks a dose of their own medicine by claiming to be Irish or something and then telling all these white supremacists to stop diluting Irish genes with their filthy English/Scandinavian/German/French genes, aka “RedHairedGenocide”. How quickly would they tell you that you were ridiculous, that there’s no difference between Irish and English genes, how the cultures are similar, blah blah blah, as if you can’t use those same exact arguments for any other kind of race mingling. After all, in the 1800s, the Irish weren’t considered an acceptable race, and they only assimilated into “white” once they focused on being as racist against black people as other white people. It’s always about moving goal posts.

7 years ago

Good news, everybody!

The non-white diaper packages are anomalies. It’s possible that the photographer had to go to a dozen different stores to find those two displays.

If you search for “diapers” on Amazon, then the first page has 26 packages with white kids, 1 package with a non-white kid (the “Huggies” package in the display), and 3 packages with no kids pictured.

Also – I’m not sure what the significance is, but there seem to be a lot more boys than girls. I’d do an exact count, but I can’t determine the gender of most of the younger ones, and anyway I feel like I’ve done enough work already.

7 years ago

Not necessarily a punching-bag, but you are quite right Valentine – I could definitely do with a visit to the gym ๐Ÿ™‚
Hopefully the horrible morning I had today was a one-off, and I won’t have to do it again (I mentioned the reason over on the “Facebook is recruiting” thread; I had to accompany someone to a disability support “interview”, which is part of a system essentially designed to justify taking support away from people with disabilities).

In fact I came here to WHTM as soon as I could afterwards, because although of course the conversations here often cover many awful things, I knew just “visiting” the brilliant and lovely mammotheers would make me feel better ๐Ÿ™‚

Tomorrow, however, has got something else happening – the (hopefully big) People’s Assembly anti-austerity and NHS defence march! My comfy shoes await ๐Ÿ˜€

7 years ago

Peopleโ€™s Assembly anti-austerity and NHS defence march!

Wait you live in UK? I thought from your story, you are in america! I didnt know that health care in UK has become so terrible ((( one of my friend is living near with my parents near manchester. She is having treatment for brain tumour – 2 year already passed. And she is going for disability allowance. I did not see her for more than one year since last time i visit to my parents. I did not know it is so bad now (( you must be very distressed for your friend.

Good luck for your march. ??

7 years ago

It seems that everything is out to harm us “poor” white people somehow, even things that are clearly harmless, like chocolate bars. Hey if you eat any kind of chocolate other than white chocolate, you’re committing genocide against the white race. Scientific fact, and if you tell me otherwise you just hate white people.

Do these guys have any idea how ridiculous they look to just about everyone else around them? Even creationists like Ken Ham, and Kirk Crocoduck Cameron don’t sound silly as them when they open their mouths and that says a lot.