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Some dumb things that are #WhiteGenocide, according to idiots

Gloria Jones, Marc Bolan and Rolan Bolan: Making White Genocide glam!

By David Futrelle

It’s been a while since we checked in on the BIGGEST JEWSPIRACY OF OUR AGE, that being WHITE GENOCIDE, the evil plot to rid the world of white people through devious tricks like running ads for sweatpants featuring interracial couples.

So I thought Id take another peek at the #WhiteGenocide hashtag on Twitter to see what else the white-haters have up their Jew-sleeves in their ongoing quest to destroy the white race. Here are a few of the things that I discovered are actually WHITE GENOCIDE.

Diaper boxes featuring babies that aren’t white

A black Miss Helsinki

Black people shoplifting, which is apparently legal now?

People who think Donald Trump sort of acted like a creepy uncle with a female reporter from Ireland recently, calling her over to his desk apropos of nothing at a photo op to tell her she has a “nice smile.”

The lack of a purely white continent

The lack of government issued hazmat suits to protect white Europeans from refugee cooties

The centuries-old practice of identifying children with one black parent as black


People who are insufficiently enthusiastic about Hitler

Stay alert, fellow white people! You can never tell what might be genociding you next!

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7 years ago

Here’s the response to the diaper one:

Viscaria the Cheese Hog
Viscaria the Cheese Hog
7 years ago


Wait. They’re mad that Obama is thought of as black now? White supremacists are so desperate to be outraged at something that they’re railing against the one drop rule that they created?

My first thought also. “If #WhiteGenocide isn’t real then why is #Obama referred to as black and not mixed race?” asks the white supremacist. Um, because of you and people like you.

7 years ago

There is already an all white continent, it’s called Antarctica. Ice and snow as far as the eye can see.

And it’s disappearing! WHITE GENOCIDE!

Andy Cooper
Andy Cooper
7 years ago

Marmite ads = White Genocide

Chocolate Labradors = White Genocide

The Black Sea = White Genocide

Arròs negre = White Genocide

Guinness = White Genocide

Sticky Toffee Pudding = White Genocide

Tom Brown’s Schooldays = White Genocide

Etc, etc, etc…

7 years ago


No, they’ve only just gone out and colonized ALL THE FUCKIN’ CONTINENTS. Including Antarctica, which was previously inhabited only by penguins.

Slutty, slutty penguins. And notice how they are both black and white? Even the penguins are white genociding!

As for the Miss Helsinki thing, I’m always mildly surprised when I’m reminded that beauty contests are still a thing. Most people don’t care about them, surely? It’s not like this is a decree from the Finnish government.

7 years ago

Finnish Mammotheer here. I have to admit that I didn’t even know that there is a Miss Helsinki competition (and I have lived in the city for 35 years!), but having checked things out, yes it does seem that there is such a contest and the lovely young lady pictured has won it this year. The thing is, we have had a WOC crowned Miss Finland in 1995 when miss Lola Odusoga became miss Finland (her mother is Finnish and her father Nigerian, so she’s technically biracial). I would have thought that most people got over their hangups at that point, but apparently not. 🙁

7 years ago

Truly, a black Miss Helsinki is a clear sign that someone out there is white-genociding the heck out of Finland. So much so that I was not only unaware that she is black, but also had no idea there is a Helsinki beauty pageant, even though I live so close I can get to Helsinki in twenty minutes by train.

It’s like Lola Odusoga was never Miss Finland. I mean, it’s either that or these people have no idea what they’re talking about, which simply can’t be the case. /s

Gussie Jives
Gussie Jives
7 years ago

At what point does this whole white identity crisis thing collapse in on itself? I only ask because I seem to recall that in the not-too-distant past that a lot of the ethnic groups currently marching under the “White Pride” banner were at each other’s throats for similar divisions.

I mean, just here in Toronto, almost (the exception being the Jewish Nathan Phillips) every mayor was an Orangeman until David Crombie in 1972. The divisions of Protestant vs. Catholic in just the Irish population of one Canadian city were big enough to put a stranglehold on politics within the lifetimes of many of its residents!

Any now just anybody who burns slightly under the sun is what you’re holding up with pride? Are you that disconnected from your ancestral culture? Or has “American/Canadian/British/Insert European country here culture” become too inclusive? Is that why “white” is now the baseline?

Not only is my city no longer run by the Orange Order (we’ll politely look past a certain crack mayor), but it’s a haven of multicultural festivals and events. The Polish festival on Roncesvalles, the Portuguese Parade at Landsdowne, the Greek celebrations on the Danforth, Caribana, Oktoberfest, Chinese New Year, amongst numerous aboriginal events. If anything, this is the kind of cultural celebration that should have you getting more interested in discovering and taking pride in your ancestry.

Basically, why are you marching underneath a Celtic Cross (the White Pride Worldwide emblem) when there’s plenty of Scottish/Irish associations and events taking place near where you live? Moreover, why are you marching under a Celtic Cross if you don’t happen to be Celtic? None of it makes a lick of sense.

7 years ago

Ninja’d by Monzach.

I was really young back when Odusoga was Miss Finland, but I remember hearing some stuff about people thinking that she’d have great chances at the Miss Universum pageant since she’s so exotic.

That was twenty years ago and people in my family circle where already going, “Um, how is ‘not white’ internationally exotic?” but apparently white=normal for some people.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
7 years ago

I just took the dog for a walk and I saw an all white squirrel. It really made me think. Squirrels are huge perpetrators of white genocide! Usually everywhere you go it’s grey squirrels and brown squirrels. They’re all over the place. You hardly ever even see a white squirrel anymore! It’s a really travesty.




7 years ago

If white supremacists think white people are fragile enough that seeing a black person threatens their existence, I don’t think they’re very superior.

7 years ago

@Gussie Jives: White supremacists have a way of snatching up different cultural things and reusing them for their own purposes even though it doesn’t make sense and they’re doing it wrong.

7 years ago

I just took the dog for a walk and I saw an all white squirrel. It really made me think. Squirrels are huge perpetrators of white genocide! Usually everywhere you go it’s grey squirrels and brown squirrels. They’re all over the place. You hardly ever even see a white squirrel anymore! It’s a really travesty.

Not to mention Canada’s notorious population of BLACK squirrels. Look at that moocher!

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ Andy Cooper

Marmite ads = White Genocide

They did actually sell white Marmite for a while but it didn’t really take off. Possibly because you can turn regular Marmite white by tapping the jar.

But Marmite nearly managed to bankrupt the far right BNP when they sued them for featuring a jar of Marmite in one of their party political broadcasts.

The irony is the BNP said it was in retaliation for a Marmite advert that featured a spoof “Hate Party”; which the BNP said “Must have been based on us”!!!

Well, if the cap fits I guess.

PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago


YES! That’s the one!

It made me laugh so hard when I first saw it!

7 years ago

My first two dogs were a samoyed* and a black lab. Does that qualify me for a #WhiteGenocide lifetime achievement badge, or just an honorable mention?

*husky-like but three times as fluffy, with white** fur

**actually more cream-colored against snow

7 years ago

@Subtract Hominem, the Renegade Misandroid, I only just now got the joke in your nym. I’m slow.


First one about diapers- how does she live when she always so angry about every small thing? So because the baby is black there (i think, little bit too small for me to see) then only diapers for black babies?

That’s right! But I bought ’em and slapped ’em on my white babies’ bottoms anyhow! I snap my fingers at the law! CAN’T STOP ME COPPER !! /joking


I think I’ve figured out the white smiles = white babies thing.

That’s exactly what I was thinking, myself, that it’s basically Kinder, Küche, Kirche.

7 years ago

I should mention that their favorite public activity was oral sex . . .

7 years ago

My cat is a torbie. She’s pretty much all colors of cat rolled up in one. Even has a little white on her muzzle. Are white cats dying out because of her?

7 years ago



Yes, they are.

7 years ago

Smile, Nazis! Every time you smile, a white baby is born!

As the punchline to a joke my grandfather told, “Hotsy totsy! Another Nazi!”

Strictly speaking, don’t all people have white smiles? Barring tooth decay and staining, I mean.

“[Hitler] created 6,000,000 jobs in 2 years…” Pretty sure imprisoning people and using them as slaves doesn’t count as job creation. And attributing that quote to Churchill? Fuck ’em. It both amazes and discourages me how incurious most people seem to be about the things they see and read. Or else they’re just looking for confirmation of their prejudices. Maybe both?

7 years ago

Slutty GAY penguins who dare to be both black and white, dontcha know?

Nathan Hevenstone
7 years ago

Wait a minute… Dave… how did you miss the best one?


Cats are white genocide

The globalists are using cats to depopulate whites. Because cats act as surrogate babies they cause white women to not want to have kids. Cats are like a parasite that sucks the maternal instinct from white women.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
7 years ago

Hopping on quickly, I just learned that Simone Veil died today.

It’s kind of a double shock, cos I’m ashamed to admit it but for some reason I thought she was already dead. At any rate she was and remains one of my heroes.

Now for the anger-inducing shit…

The Front National is asking for her to be buried in the Pantheon, because these bastards have no shame and will splash their mud over everything and everyone. (she totally deserves it though, but they have no business even pronouncing her name)

7 years ago


I’ve seen it. They don’t! They just run around with their little, lily-white bare bums hanging out, peeing and pooping everywhere! It’s a scandal!

Some Chinese babies wear buttless pants and do pee and poop (almost) everywhere.

I had some Chinese neighbors for a few years (grandparents, parents, and two kids), and the baby toddled around in open pants. The first time I saw him, I was sure the pants were just unsnapped at the crotch, but on laundry day I saw a few pair of the pants hanging on the line, and they were made like that. I never saw him go potty outside or anything. Some American parents have adopted the pants and hold their little ones over the toilet. I’ve read that even tiny babies send signals that they’re about to go.