By David Futrelle
It’s been a while since we checked in on the BIGGEST JEWSPIRACY OF OUR AGE, that being WHITE GENOCIDE, the evil plot to rid the world of white people through devious tricks like running ads for sweatpants featuring interracial couples.
So I thought Id take another peek at the #WhiteGenocide hashtag on Twitter to see what else the white-haters have up their Jew-sleeves in their ongoing quest to destroy the white race. Here are a few of the things that I discovered are actually WHITE GENOCIDE.
Diaper boxes featuring babies that aren’t white
A black Miss Helsinki
Black people shoplifting, which is apparently legal now?
People who think Donald Trump sort of acted like a creepy uncle with a female reporter from Ireland recently, calling her over to his desk apropos of nothing at a photo op to tell her she has a “nice smile.”
Majority is still white!
White smiles = potentially more white babies.
That doesn't fit the #WhiteGenocide agenda .. ? https://t.co/v50E8oECTt— Deplorable Toast (@DeplorableToast) June 29, 2017
The lack of a purely white continent
Well they gave away that city, no defence, so no crying. White have no continent anymore thats for them. #WhiteGenocide
— K 212 (@K212Utr) June 29, 2017
The lack of government issued hazmat suits to protect white Europeans from refugee cooties
The centuries-old practice of identifying children with one black parent as black
People who are insufficiently enthusiastic about Hitler
Stay alert, fellow white people! You can never tell what might be genociding you next!
I … I’m pretty sure that’s not where babies come from. Not even potentially.
Can any German speaking Mammotheers translate this for me? Might be peripherally relevant to David’s post. Ta.
Or just the gist would be cool.
There is already an all white continent, it’s called Antarctica. Ice and snow as far as the eye can see. Maybe we can send all the MGTOES and other acronyms there.
That mans hair is very beautiful. I want my hair like that.
First one about diapers- how does she live when she always so angry about every small thing? So because the baby is black there (i think, little bit too small for me to see) then only diapers for black babies? So with white baby only for white babies? If baby has blue yes, it means that brown eyes are prohibit? I dont understand how can her brain works like that.
Ok, so small things make me angry – for example if somone don’t take staples out of scrap paper and i have to do. And i know its stupid to be angry so i count 10. Also i dont say after that leaving staples in scrap paper is white genocide or something. ?
@Alan to the Googles!
Wait. They’re mad that Obama is thought of as black now? White supremacists are so desperate to be outraged at something that they’re railing against the one drop rule that they created?
@ iseult
Cheers. I tried Google but for some reason the text comes out huge and all over the place. Was just curious about the purported Churchill quote and someone directed me to that. So it wasn’t him then. Quelle surprise. Who’d have thought Nazis couldn’t be trusted?
And @Valentine, that man is Marc Bolan of T Rex fame:
Smile, Nazis! Every time you smile, a white baby is born!
I cant watch it ((( network blocked.
I’m surprised they haven’t figured out that colored underwear is White Genocide©…and non-vanilla ice cream.
Chocolate cake is murder!
@Valentine – It’s the song Get It On (Bang a Gong) by T-Rex. 🙂
*chair dances to ear worm at work*
@Gaebolga OMG!! I’m wearing all black clothes at work!!!! WHITE GENOCIDE ARGLEBLARGLE!&)&@_!!!
Wait, now I have a serious question:
Do you support White Genocide© if you eat impure non-white meat (by ingesting inferior “mudmeat”), or do you support White Genocide© if you eat white meat, thus destroying the essential whiteness so prized by Nazi Fuckmaggots by devouring it?
And what about tofu, which is both furrin and white?
WTF, reality? Why do you hate racist morons so?
I think I’ve figured out the white smiles = white babies thing.
It’s a woman’s job to be friendly and subservient to white men. Therefore, a smiling white woman makes white boners happy. A non-smiling white woman is not complying with her gender role so a non-smiling white woman makes white boners sad. You need happy white boners to have white babies. So white smiles = white babies. It makes perfect sense!
Also, drinking black coffee is white genocide.
Rainbow flags that don’t include a white stripe.
Swastikas that aren’t … black? Wait.
@Gaebolga “Dulce de Leche” ice cream is WHITE VANILLA made impure by SWEET MEXICAN (AND BROWN-COLORED) CANDY! I’m having a few spoonfuls tonight in support of race-mixing vanilla.
Who am I kidding? I’m eating the whole quart! For White Genodice!
Not only did Marc Bolan have a child with a black woman he was a Jew! And Valentine is right – he had gorgeous hair, AND was born less than 2 miles from where I live. I am a huge fan.
@Citizen Rat:
Ooo! Fear of both race-mixing and immigration in a single, delicious bite!
…and “For White Genocide!” may have to replace “For great justice!” as my go-to battle-cry for stupid shit.
Valentine, I hope you might not mind my making an unsolicited personal comment … you are hilarious and brilliant and you just made me smile so wide (smiling for the first time in a horrible day, THANK YOU).
When I saw that I did think WHAT?
I have also had a dig around, and on the CODOH site there is this comment:
I saw a Jess’s stupid tweet and an answering one that had her avatar photoshopped onto the the boxes with the caption “There! A white baby! Happy now?” (Paraphrased)
Honest to God, people are so fucking childish.
Never has been a “purely white continent” and there never will be, you stupid fucking POS.
“The Force is strong about this one”-James T Kirk
“Some shall pass”-Professor Snape
I’ve seen it. They don’t! They just run around with their little, lily-white bare bums hanging out, peeing and pooping everywhere! It’s a scandal!
Calm down, fucko, it’s just a local beauty pageant. And it’s not her fault if she’s prettier than you.
Legal4RacistIdiots2Tweet…waste of internet space…
There’s an “agenda” there, too? And here I thought sinister “agendas” were only limited to gay people trying to get equal marriage rights and be allowed to live without getting curb stomped or having some self-hating freak-scene gunning them down in nightclubs…wow. All these secret horrible things I never knew!
No, they’ve only just gone out and colonized ALL THE FUCKIN’ CONTINENTS. Including Antarctica, which was previously inhabited only by penguins.
And for someone who says “no crying”, you sure seem to be doing a lot of it. All over spilled milk.
Wow. The gibberish is strong with this one! Literally none of these things exist.
Because that’s what color he is, not what ethnicity? Just a random guess. (I bet this person refers to him as a Kenyan immigrant, too.)
Again with the Jewish porn canard. Oy vey.
Dude with the Irish monicker, I will thank you not to try to speak for us Germans. We learned our lessons from history. You clearly have not.
Or, to put it as an Irishwoman would: Pogue mahone.
Long time lurker, first time commenter. I just wanted to ask that you refer to the annihilation of the white race by its proper name: the honkeycaust.