By David Futrelle
Let’s just call this Friday Frthrowback. I know I’ve posted both of these videos before, multiple times even, but have I ever posted them together? Possibly?
Anyway, here they are again. One is a scene from a really creepy horror movie involving a bunch of men who are truly going their own way, mostly because no women want to get anywhere near them. The other is a candid video of a Men’s Rights “retreat.” Can you figure out which is which?
Try to avoid reading the titles of the videos which might sort of give the answer away.
I remain unimpressed.
Oh, no! However will Jessica Valenti go on?
I’ve already seen the first one. But now i’m curious to see Calvaire. All i could think of was “WTF”.
Elam’s shindig is a horror cult classic tho. Best watched when about as drunk as he is, with something punchable conveniently placed nearby like you normally would pop-corn. No, that’s not enough to make it bearable.
The most MRA horror movie is Doghouse
British Shaun of the Dead ripoff in which a group of guy friends leave town for a weekend getaway to escape their evil harpy significant others. The women aren’t actually unreasonable nags as the men are the ones behaving like assholes, but that’s how they’re presented. They go to a small town in the woods to find that the town has been infected with a virus that turns women into man hating zombies that have killed the town’s men and now have their sights set on the tourists.
Oh, and the town is called Moodley. Get it?
If it was satirizing the way misogynistic men view women, it could have possibly worked, but if it is a satire, it doesn’t come across that way. I’m about 90% sure it’s actual misogyny and not failed satire.
Makroth, Calvaire is kind of a brilliant movie but pretty brutal; the main character really goes through the wringer, to put it mildly.
OMG. I started reading the reviews for Doghouse and it got a positive review that the user titled MGTOW: The Movie. I should have known the miggy toes would find it and approve.
How can I let those creeps know that I don’t want to suck their ****s without their pretending that they’re the ones who turned me down?
wwth, sounds like I need to see Doghouse! Sounds like an MRA comment section in movie form. Or an upside-down version of this.
edit: sorta ninjaed with that mgtow the movie comment!
Wow! I wonder how feminists are going to respond to those amazing arguments!
(This post is sarcasm)
hbomberguy uploaded a new vid taking apart the arguments of some youtube guy that – among other things – gender expression is a fad and fashion and not a real thing.
I didn’t watch the video, but looking at the start image…
I see a group of men who aren’t ugly, but aren’t that physically impressive either. There are guts. There are receding hairlines and unkempt facial hair. There are scrawny bodies and questionable fashion choices. Not to mention men well past their 20s. But still, I’d give them all a solid 4-6 on the Physical Hotness scale. They look exactly like plenty of men who are in healthy, satisfying relationships with women.
And yet I am willing to bet real money that every single one of them (a) thinks that women won’t fuck him because he’s not hot enough, and (b) owns a “No Fat Chicks” tshirt. Ugh.
I guess I need to make up for that by watching Dave Rubin self-righteously lecture me about freedom of speech and the importance of a speaker’s “intent.”
Was just thinking of the latest ‘white genocide’ thread, as well as about something my usual drinking buddy was just telling me about…
Why did I not know about this? I watch, if anything, too much news. But it seems that now Chicago now has giant flying black* people**
*might be grey, rather than black. Conversely, might be blacker than black.
**might not be a person. A new creature, from the beyond.
The most common name I’m seeing is – The Mothman.
If you search “Chicago Mothman” there is plenty of info.
One example:
How do I not know about this? Why don’t they have this on the news? (And there’s a Michigan Triangle? ) Why do I not know about this??? To hell with all this political garbage, we need to know about the Mothman!
Enough of (drawing type) pix to be seen, some look like a kind of owl guy too.
If I come upon one – I’m going to try converse. Put yourself in this creature’s position – everyone runs in fear? How would you feel? 🙁
They might just want a friend. Or bum a smoke or something.
We will invite it in to have a beer.
LOOK HERE! Manospherians! The Mothman is doing better than you are!
Dear Paulie & Co.:
Women invented beer, and agriculture too (in order to have enough grains to brew with). Please enjoy responsibly.
And by “responsibly”, we mean don’t project any of your gross fantasies about violating feminists when you’ve had a whiff of the bartender’s apron.
i’ll admit i read the titles but
there’s no way a room full of the biggest loudmouths on the internet would be that quiet
Oh god, Doghouse! I watched it with a bud who was really excited because he thought it was supposed to be a joke. If it was, i didn’t get it, it wasn’t funny, or both. Still had a better view of women than Las Vegas Bloodbath, sadly.
Re: Friday Frthrowback
“Do you know any other words that start with F?”
I wonder how much of these guys’ worldview descends from them considering fat women and ugly women to be invisible? Like, to the point that they seem to forget that women who aren’t stunning exist? Then they get turned down by a few potential fashion models and assume they were rejected by every last woman on Earth.
I mean, I’m assuming they act like fat women are invisible, as I’ve heard women describe experiences like that.
I would pay good money to see the people from the first video reenact the second unironically.
AND has Danny Dyer in it – London’s most mockable Cockney. I watch LOADS of horror, and like to see British films as much as possible, so the fact this has passed me by completely (I have never even heard of it) is testament to its failings.
I briefly went on sluthate ages ago to see what the menz were moaning about, and one thing they do when not savaging girls/ women is rate each other. And some of them ARE men, not boys! There was a photo of a man – short and bald, not fat, not attractive, but perfectly average. He called himself ‘genetic trash’! He seemed completely sincere. I see men like him with women every single bloody day. Maybe to him only 20yo tall thin pretty white women count.
And it is obvious to everyone that Eliot Rodger was physically attractive, AND young and rich. And yet they keep on going on about how it is the way they look that is key to the hot babes.
@ ellesar
You spelled ‘punchable’ wrong.
Actually he’s grown on me a bit. He’s in a film called ‘The Business’. Seemingly typical gangster flick but with a fantastic soundtrack. But then a mate told me:”You do realise that film is a gay love story.”
“Eh? What you on about?”
A still of the Elam & Co video looks eerily like a shot from One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.
And not in a good way.
Hmm… the second video has an element of humour, and the first one has NONE. Except for the Douglas Adams reference*, and that was just funny because of how weird and misplaced it was.
*In The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, dolphins, who are smarter than humans, mysteriously leave Earth before aliens blow the planet up. The dolphins leave a message before going, which translates to “So long and thanks for all the fish”.