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Today’s MGTOW hero wants to bash women with a lead pipe, thinks Wonder Woman is overrated

Our boy also thinks the so-called “virgin” Mary was up to no good

By David Futrelle

Today’s MGTOW of the Day is a doozy, even by MGTOW standards. He truly has gone above and beyond the call of duty, by which I mean some of his opinions might cause you to literally throw up in your mouth a little.

I discovered him in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, in a thread discussing a Daily Mail piece attacking writer Clementine Ford for jokingly signing a book “have you killed any men today?”

Naturally, he and his fellow MGTOWs responded to this provocation with sweet, sweet reason.

ADDDDT 19 points 5 hours ago  I say bring it on. You really want warfare between the sexes I'm happy to oblige. Let's see how glib she is when a man is caving her face in with a lead pipe. Equality bitch! permalinkembedsavereportgive goldreply [–]realChebz 7 points 5 hours ago  You underestimate the power of thirst among white knights. They would just flog to female side the moment shit hits the fan and bum rush you. permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]Trump_is_the_savior 3 points an hour ago  I've seen the type of person "white knights" are and I would be embarrassed to high hell if anyone of those neckbeards could kick my ass permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]rebuildingMyself 8 points 5 hours ago  All you would have to do to win such a hypothetical war is cut the government-enforced pussy privileges out. I guarantee a lot of women would break ranks and suck/fuck their way out of any hardships. The only reason women TODAY act like they do is because of all the glass floors beneath them. The hardcore feminazis (read: unattractive bitter women) would be easy pickins after that permalinkembedunsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]ADDDDT 4 points 5 hours ago  Domestic violence laws should be gutted. What ever happens in a private home between two adults is their business. Women would then have the choice of leaving or behaving like decent human beings. permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]SJHammer 5 points 2 hours ago  Would probably encourage better behavior and women being more selective. permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]kyledontcare 2 points an hour ago  Women don't understand how to behave like basic human beings. permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]ADDDDT 2 points an hour ago  But they understand consequences. When you remove consequences there is nothing inhibiting their shitty nature.

After noticing ADDDDT’s central role in this thoughtful debate, I poked around a bit in his comment history. I learned that he has many other interesting opinions as well!

For example, he likes to fantasize about men getting so collectively mad about women that they decide to genocide them all:

He hopes that women will soon start dying of cancer en masse due to their allegedly excessive use of cell phones:

ADDDDT 2 points 23 hours ago I pray to my lord Jesus Christ that 10 years from now they discover increased contact with smart phones causes Cancer.

He thinks men have shown remarkable restraint when it comes to the whole murdering women in large numbers thing.

While he barely even thinks about race, he really hates it when white women have kids with black dudes.

No fatties!

He thinks the Wonder Woman movie is overrated, because vagina.

ADDDDT -5 points 9 days ago The critics have been falling all over themselves to praise this movie. I think the reason for that is pretty clear. permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]EngelbertHerpaderp 5 points 9 days ago Yeah, it's a great film. permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]ADDDDT -6 points 9 days ago The fact that you are deliberately avoiding the real reason only serves to reinforce my original point.

He has similar feelings about the Virgin Mary, or as he sees her, the “virgin” Mary.

ADDDDT[S] 1 point 23 days ago The lies of a woman created a cult that has resulted in endless conflict and the deaths of millions of people.

He thinks stalking laws are too darn strict!

ADDDDT 3 points 6 days ago Where I'm from they've already done it. In Minnesota they've managed to make the stalking laws so incredibly vague that it is actually a crime if you do or say something that makes them "feel" threatened or uncomfortable. The best part is the law used to say actions that would make any "reasonable" person feel threatened but apparently that was setting the bar too high so they removed it.

He also thinks the courts are biased against good men like him in custody hearings.

ADDDDT 0 points 1 day ago Joint legal custody is essentially meaningless. That's the bone that gets tossed to fathers because it amounts to almost nothing. Source: Myself after spending thousands of dollars in an attempt to keep my children from being legally kidnapped by their mother. And yes it has everything to do with the original point because THEY ARE THE ONES IN CONTROL OF THE CHILDREN. They have greater opportunity and incentive to emotionally and financially exploit their children. Single mothers are truly despicable human beings.

Alas, ladies, I regret to have to inform you that he is not interested in having sex with you.

ADDDDT 45 points 6 days ago I always remind myself of a woman I heard talking about having her period and diarrhea at the same time. I just picture what that toilet bowl must have looked like and I suddenly no longer want to fuck them.

Sorry, gals! I know how disappointed you must be.

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7 years ago


if you like food based anime you might want to check out ‘Sweetness and lighting’ if you haven’t already done so. Its about a Single Dad who starts to learn how to Cook for himself and young daughter with the help of a Student from the school he teaches at.

Feral Crone
Feral Crone
7 years ago

Bless his heart, pontificating on a topic he has zero knowledge of.

7 years ago


This is a monthly occurrence for me. My cycle triggers my IBS, so it’s rare not to have at least one day (typically the heaviest bleeding day, because of course it is) where I’m dealing with diarrhea and menses at the same time.

Same here. Second day of my period is the worst…that’s when I’m bleeding and pooping the most, and simultaneously. I’m used to it, but it’s still an antisocial condition; I don’t want to be around anyone or anything when I’m like that. If there is one part of menopause that I truly look forward to, it’s not having to deal with the Terrible Twos anymore.

tim gueguen
7 years ago

I suspect ADDDT is the kind of guy who’d call his ex “b*tch” in front of the divorce court judge, and then be complete unable to understand why the judge might not consider his custody request favourably. Not that I’m convinced he has an ex. The MRA et al. crowd strike me as the kind of people who will make up tall tales about their exploits and problems with women to one up each other.

7 years ago

Some migtoe:

“Would probably encourage better behavior and women being more selective.”

On the contrary, this would encourage murder/suicide on a massive scale. Also, isn’t part of the supposed problem that women are TOO selective? We’re stuck-up bitches who ignore Nice Guys(TM), right?

“We could eliminate every last one of them within a matter of weeks and have society back on track and functioning better than ever within a matter of months.”

Yeah, great, until the human race goes extinct because there’s no women. Dumbass.

7 years ago

CW: Religion, mental illness Tricky to figure out how to mention this without hitting something in the content policy, but I hope I managed it.

Dichotomy in just 23 days. “pray to [his] lord Jesus Christ” who was also “probably as mentally ill as his mother”. So, praying to something you believe to be all-knowing invisible mentally ill bastard (in the MGTOW technical sense), while desiring nasty illnesses on other people. What a shining example!


7 years ago

@ Fabe:

THANK YOU!! I just took a peek at Sweetness and Lightning through a review by Glass Reflection and it looks promising. I’m gonna start watching it on the Crunchy Roll link!

7 years ago

kupo and bina: let me guess. That day, you’re generally not particularly interested in sex. So your interests are aligned with those of the mgtow !

7 years ago

A little further research into this guy:
From MN, but is apparently now living on an island in the Pacific (which I’m not specifying because the post has been removed from “r/news”) according to a reddit post in which he claims that he’s “not an MRA”. The post includes the wonderful line: “Your complete lack of self awareness is impressive but not surprising.” Pot, meet Kettle! This post also shows up only in his user overview, has been removed from “r/news” already.

He’s been attacked by an “alcoholic narcissist roommate” whose “enabler” was OK with the attack. I don’t quite believe his description of the attacker somehow.

Loves to use the word narcissist as a description of his enemies.

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Agent of the FemiNest Collective; Keeper of a Hell Toupee, and all-around Intergalactic Meanie
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Agent of the FemiNest Collective; Keeper of a Hell Toupee, and all-around Intergalactic Meanie
7 years ago


Mary Magdalene and the Virgin Mary are actually two separate women. I think the former was the Mary in the Mary and Martha story, if I recall things correctly. And she was not the unnamed prostitute that anointed Jesus’ feet with the tears and expensive perfume, then dried His feet with her hair, though more than a few people think Mary Magdalene was that woman. Not real sure why historically she got assigned that role in the overall story, tbh.

7 years ago

OK, this is a bit longer than I thought it would be.

Mary Magdalene may have been the Mary in the Mary (sister of Martha who listened to Jesus talk) and Martha (hard-working woman) story, though I’m not sure that’s settled (well, of course it’s not settled, there are Christians who aren’t positive the Virgin Birth is factual). I think it’s generally recognized that the anointing prostitute may have been Mary Magdalene. But of course it might not.

The arguments over which Mary was which could probably fill a whole seminary. This is one of the reasons for “doctrine”, to reduce the time spent on arguing about things that really are hard to be certain of. The other is to oppress groups that disagree with the group that wrote the doctrine.

(Warning possible heresy) The bible is only partly historical. It’s part translation problems, part political, part Divine Right of Kings (thanks King James), part metaphor (moo), part hygiene rules for camping safely in the desert in biblical times, part rules for how many doves have to die in Israel for each sin, part excuse for priests to be given special treatment, part morality tale, part hallucination (Revelation), and a whole heap of myth and legend. I still like reading it occasionally, but I know the plot twists now.

Ray of Rays
Ray of Rays
7 years ago

@ redsilkphoenix

Not real sure why historically she got assigned that role in the overall story, tbh.

If I had to hazard a guess, I’d assume it was an attempt to either

A) Tarnish the reputation of Mary Magdalene. Which would be consistent with early Christian internal power struggles, especially involving Peter or Paul’s ghostwriter.
B) Provide a rationalization for why Jesus would associate with a prostitute (she was already a friend) without involving his demonstrated philosophy of all-inclusiveness and refusal to dismiss people as unclean. This would allow people to treat that prostitute as an allowed exception while still demonizing prostitutes (and would be consistent with further centuries of male religious dominance). Or
C) Simply to cut down on the number of women represented in the bible (consistent with either of the previous perspectives).

I’m not a religious scholar, though, so…

7 years ago

I think Ray of Rays got it. Churches still love to look down on prostitutes and other sex workers. This adds to the “excuse to shun/ignore the problem” pile.

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Agent of the FemiNest Collective; Keeper of a Hell Toupee, and all-around Intergalactic Meanie
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Agent of the FemiNest Collective; Keeper of a Hell Toupee, and all-around Intergalactic Meanie
7 years ago


I thought Revelations was actually a bunch of critical letters sent to various churches that existed at the time, but disguised as an acid trip to keep the Roman authorities from surpressing them. Or to keep the authorities from tracking down more Christians to feed to the lions.

And then later included in the Bible because that acid-trip imagery was too good to not pass down to future generations to enjoy.

7 years ago

I don’t even know where to begin with this shit.

Probably with “This woman is bigger than you and won’t take a lead pipe laying down.”

And then going all the way to “What a fucking shame you won’t fuck me. It’s clearly your sad attempt to avoid me, who looks like a swamp demon in my considered opinion, rejecting you.”

That’s why these people say they won’t have sex with women, or invent ridiculous standards for women to meet first. It’s so they don’t have to admit that literally no one wants them solely due to their repulsive personality.

Unrelated note:

I dreamed up a character I want to play the next time I do Dungeons and Dragons. A transgender ranger raised by hobgoblins who will later multiclass to Wizard. Not the most effective, but I think it’d be interesting. And a break from my usual Paladin spam.

Of course, that’d require finding a gaming group that isn’t horrifically transmisogynistic.

Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
7 years ago


Where I live a similar thing happened last year. The father killed his little girl, also drowned both of their dogs then hanged himself.
Guess this makes him some kind of MRA martyr. Disgusting.

Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
7 years ago

I didn’t love Wonder Woman, I thought it was an OK film, maybe I should give it another chance? I wasn’t a massive fan of any of the recent DC comics films, except perhaps Lego Batman. Suicide Squad was a real wasted opportunity, it would have been better if the Joker hadn’t been in it at all. It says a lot that Harley Quinn still has to be defined by ‘her puddin’.
Wonder if the MRA / White supremacist types were upset that Gal Gadot is from Israel? I can imagine that would really get their blood boiling.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago

Mary Magdalene may have been the Mary in the Mary (sister of Martha who listened to Jesus talk) and Martha (hard-working woman) story, though I’m not sure that’s settled (well, of course it’s not settled, there are Christians who aren’t positive the Virgin Birth is factual). I think it’s generally recognized that the anointing prostitute may have been Mary Magdalene. But of course it might not.

One possible motive for conflating Mary Magdalene with other women in the NT is the desire to reduce the number of women in it to the bare minimum. I don’t have the reference at hand and don’t have time right now to look it up, but there is a female apostle mentioned in Paul’s letters whose name was masculinized by the early Church, because Paul speaks of her very highly and she was a leader and teacher, and the Church couldn’t have that, so they turned her into a man. In the Gospels Jesus interacts with a significant number of women, and the Church didn’t like that either, so it would make sense for them to collapse as many of them into a single person as they could, to reduce their number.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago

@Policy of Madness,

Did you mean Junia? I had a vague memory of that, so I went and googled.

Re the Multiple Marys: as far as I recall from my involuntary involvement in the church (Protestant tho), there are at least three distinct women:
Mary the mother of Jesus (not worshipped in most Protestant religions)
Mary Magdalene; much debate over her relationship with Jesus, especially since the Da Vinci Code (jk)
Mary, Martha’s sister, who had her priorities right, according to Jesus; Mary sat at Jesus’ feet, and also used the best oils to wash his feet. She then dried his feet with her hair. No, this is not erotically charged at all – how dare you?

Nanny Ogg's Bosom (Formerly LostInLindsey)
Nanny Ogg's Bosom (Formerly LostInLindsey)
7 years ago

I think when I get moved and settled somewhere else, and my money sorted out, I’ll have to buy me a Clem Ford book, because that woman deserves support.

May the Daily Heil always Fail.

7 years ago

As an attorney I was curious so I just looked up the Minnesota stalking laws. It requires that the behavior be “intended to cause the victim to feel frightened, threatened, oppressed, persecuted, or intimidated” and to actually cause the victim to feel those things.

By including a mens rea of intent, that is actually a higher standard than just any action a reasonable person would find frightening, threatening, etc. It shouldn’t surprise me that his claim was factually garbage.

Additionally, and more importantly, he seems to think a reasonable person is a man who tends to be skeptical of the claims women make. Which, to be fair, is how a lot of police treat stalking victims: by dismissing their concerns as unreasonable. With the Minnesota statute police can easily question victims by saying, ‘Did he really intend to scare you? Shouldn’t you find his interest flattering?’

In contrast, a reasonable person standard that is properly applied (big caveat) should incorporate societal consensus on whether a given behavior is threatening. This guy (and too many others who don’t consider themselves misogynists) routinely assume that women’s voices won’t count in that consensus.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I’m going to go ahead and assume that he was actually stalking his ex and that’s a big part of why he lost custody. In his mind, that means the family courts are biased against men and the stalking laws are unreasonably broad because it couldn’t have possibly been his behavior that’s the root of his problems.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ Jennifer

By including a mens rea of intent

Our courts have managed to get round the problem of intent being subjective (thus providing a defence for the oblivious) by introducing a ‘logical consequence’ element.

To perhaps over simplify, you can be deemed to have intended something if it’s a virtual certainty/logical consequence* of your voluntary actions. That’s even if it’s something you personally didn’t foresee or it was the last thing you wanted. So effectively ‘intent’ is now an objective test.

(* it’s still not totally settled what the standard is)

That’s for mens rea generally. As it happens our harassment offences have an objective test baked in anyway (“reasonable person” again).

Citizen Rat
Citizen Rat
7 years ago

I dreamed up a character I want to play the next time I do Dungeons and Dragons. A transgender ranger raised by hobgoblins who will later multiclass to Wizard. Not the most effective, but I think it’d be interesting. And a break from my usual Paladin spam.


As a huge fan of all three goblinoid races, especially in 5e, I urge you to play this character. Hobgoblins and Wizards make a great combo (+2 CON, +1 INT and proficiency in light armor), especially if you take the Evocation school.