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Today’s MGTOW hero wants to bash women with a lead pipe, thinks Wonder Woman is overrated

Our boy also thinks the so-called “virgin” Mary was up to no good

By David Futrelle

Today’s MGTOW of the Day is a doozy, even by MGTOW standards. He truly has gone above and beyond the call of duty, by which I mean some of his opinions might cause you to literally throw up in your mouth a little.

I discovered him in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, in a thread discussing a Daily Mail piece attacking writer Clementine Ford for jokingly signing a book “have you killed any men today?”

Naturally, he and his fellow MGTOWs responded to this provocation with sweet, sweet reason.

ADDDDT 19 points 5 hours ago  I say bring it on. You really want warfare between the sexes I'm happy to oblige. Let's see how glib she is when a man is caving her face in with a lead pipe. Equality bitch! permalinkembedsavereportgive goldreply [–]realChebz 7 points 5 hours ago  You underestimate the power of thirst among white knights. They would just flog to female side the moment shit hits the fan and bum rush you. permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]Trump_is_the_savior 3 points an hour ago  I've seen the type of person "white knights" are and I would be embarrassed to high hell if anyone of those neckbeards could kick my ass permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]rebuildingMyself 8 points 5 hours ago  All you would have to do to win such a hypothetical war is cut the government-enforced pussy privileges out. I guarantee a lot of women would break ranks and suck/fuck their way out of any hardships. The only reason women TODAY act like they do is because of all the glass floors beneath them. The hardcore feminazis (read: unattractive bitter women) would be easy pickins after that permalinkembedunsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]ADDDDT 4 points 5 hours ago  Domestic violence laws should be gutted. What ever happens in a private home between two adults is their business. Women would then have the choice of leaving or behaving like decent human beings. permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]SJHammer 5 points 2 hours ago  Would probably encourage better behavior and women being more selective. permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]kyledontcare 2 points an hour ago  Women don't understand how to behave like basic human beings. permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]ADDDDT 2 points an hour ago  But they understand consequences. When you remove consequences there is nothing inhibiting their shitty nature.

After noticing ADDDDT’s central role in this thoughtful debate, I poked around a bit in his comment history. I learned that he has many other interesting opinions as well!

For example, he likes to fantasize about men getting so collectively mad about women that they decide to genocide them all:

He hopes that women will soon start dying of cancer en masse due to their allegedly excessive use of cell phones:

ADDDDT 2 points 23 hours ago I pray to my lord Jesus Christ that 10 years from now they discover increased contact with smart phones causes Cancer.

He thinks men have shown remarkable restraint when it comes to the whole murdering women in large numbers thing.

While he barely even thinks about race, he really hates it when white women have kids with black dudes.

No fatties!

He thinks the Wonder Woman movie is overrated, because vagina.

ADDDDT -5 points 9 days ago The critics have been falling all over themselves to praise this movie. I think the reason for that is pretty clear. permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]EngelbertHerpaderp 5 points 9 days ago Yeah, it's a great film. permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]ADDDDT -6 points 9 days ago The fact that you are deliberately avoiding the real reason only serves to reinforce my original point.

He has similar feelings about the Virgin Mary, or as he sees her, the “virgin” Mary.

ADDDDT[S] 1 point 23 days ago The lies of a woman created a cult that has resulted in endless conflict and the deaths of millions of people.

He thinks stalking laws are too darn strict!

ADDDDT 3 points 6 days ago Where I'm from they've already done it. In Minnesota they've managed to make the stalking laws so incredibly vague that it is actually a crime if you do or say something that makes them "feel" threatened or uncomfortable. The best part is the law used to say actions that would make any "reasonable" person feel threatened but apparently that was setting the bar too high so they removed it.

He also thinks the courts are biased against good men like him in custody hearings.

ADDDDT 0 points 1 day ago Joint legal custody is essentially meaningless. That's the bone that gets tossed to fathers because it amounts to almost nothing. Source: Myself after spending thousands of dollars in an attempt to keep my children from being legally kidnapped by their mother. And yes it has everything to do with the original point because THEY ARE THE ONES IN CONTROL OF THE CHILDREN. They have greater opportunity and incentive to emotionally and financially exploit their children. Single mothers are truly despicable human beings.

Alas, ladies, I regret to have to inform you that he is not interested in having sex with you.

ADDDDT 45 points 6 days ago I always remind myself of a woman I heard talking about having her period and diarrhea at the same time. I just picture what that toilet bowl must have looked like and I suddenly no longer want to fuck them.

Sorry, gals! I know how disappointed you must be.

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Austin Loomis
7 years ago

So, did you forget to include the “men who should not ever be with women ever” tag, or did you just figure it was redundant?

7 years ago


I think he needs anew tag called ‘should not be allowed around other living things”

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

I believe very little of his “history”.

I do believe every word of his desire to kill women, though.

If he indeed has an ex wife and children, I can see why she is fighting so hard to keep the influence on the kids minimal.

His posting history should help with that, should it ever come down to that.

Words actually do have consequences, asshole.

Violeta Chinaski
Violeta Chinaski
7 years ago

Is it just me or does anyone else find it disturbing that these lovely examples of humanity always see themselves as “nice guys” and “good men”? Things that guy writes are among the most disgusting things I have ever read.

Aulma Frendzar Dèdd
Aulma Frendzar Dèdd
7 years ago

He hopes that women will soon start dying of cancer en masse due to their allegedly excessive use of cell phones

If women start dying en masse the balance between male population and female population will be gone. Less women “on the market” (sorry for using their language) more competition among men to get one. Not that it matters to this guy, he’s a man going his own way, he has no interest in women. /s

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago

I feel like I’m repeating myself here, but I’ve been assured (assured) that MGTOW is just a self-improvement system in which men cease to pursue relationships to focus on themselves, and there’s nothing woman-hating about it. MGTOWs wouldn’t lie about this to me, so clearly No True Scotsman, QED.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I just pictured what that toilet bowl must’ve looked like

Your opinions?

Since he’s complaining about stalking laws in MN, does that mean he lives here? I really hope not.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago

Well, that alternated between hilariously pathetic and ohmygodplsifeelsick – I feel downright dizzy.

I love how in one comment he notes that he prays to his “lord Jesus Christ” and then in another decides that Jesus was clearly mentally ill like his mum. That’s faith!
Also, mig-dude? Mary being “knocked up by someone other than her husband” is kinda the whole point of the story. Learn to express thyself, son.

7 years ago

For a man supposed to be Going His Own Way, he sure didn’t get very far.

And nowhere near as far from civilization as he should.

7 years ago

Nothing he is saying is ground breaking but what upsets me are the people who dismiss his kind as harmless. Or make excuses for them that would certainly not be applied to women.

TW: domestic violence and murder

In my town just this past Father’s Day a man murdered his 6 year old daughter and 18 month old son before killing himself. The couple had been fighting over custody but they had joint custody. However like the man above that wasn’t enough. He also wanted to inflict maximum emotional damage on his ex thus why he left her alive. But of course there was a neighbor who excused his actions. “He was a real hands-on dad who loved his kids. It’s shocking. I don’t think he was a bad man even though what happened was horrible. He must have been suffering serious anguish. He must have felt hopeless.” Just nope to that.

Add on to the fact when I commented on Senator Harris post about health care these types told me that 80% of what I mentioned health wise was a) psychosomatic and/or b) not a big deal because they’re not fatal. Both statements are false. While typically what I deal with isn’t fatal it can be. I almost died at 6 and 12. Not counting almost bleeding out on the operating table. Another man informed be I was just lazy, fat, faking, opiate addict who was an example of everything wrong with liberals. That I should just shut the hell up and get a job.

But we women are the ones who have no humanity?

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago

And, sorry for the double post, but: speaking of Clem Ford (tangentially), the MRA resistance to bookshops stocking her books continues…

…to fail, wonderfully and beautifully 😀

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I don’t think he was a bad man even though what happened was horrible.

This kind of statement pisses me off so much. Murdering your family is not something that happens to you. Like cancer or a flood. It’s a choice that he made.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

They forgot the word “consenting” before “adults”. Cos if some women, brown women no less, were to do a violence on em in their houses, these muffugas would have shit to say about it guaranteed

Cue the ketchup gifs!

7 years ago

“He was a real hands-on dad who loved his kids. It’s shocking. I don’t think he was a bad man even though what happened was horrible. He must have been suffering serious anguish. He must have felt hopeless.”

Hopeless? No, he was hopeful of something, all right. That something was that his ex would suffer while he got out of jail (and life) free.

The fucking coward. He WAS a bad man. This neighbor obviously only saw what the bad man wanted him to see.


Been following that! May the Fail be ever with them.

Haise, the husky puppy
Haise, the husky puppy
7 years ago

I’m such a GOOD NICE GUY
Says the man in a seemingly constant state of genocidal rage.

Everything else he’s said is expected of those mgtows.. I’m not shocked anymore.

7 years ago

I love the idea that “white knights” are the sad neckbeards, especially since to these guys a white knight is any man who doesn’t treat women like they’re a kleenex.
The most physical effort this guy is likely to have done in the last 6 months is when he carried a 24 can cube of mountain dew from the shelf to his cart.

Here’s the thing, this is stochastic terrorism. These guys spew their shit into the ether, and eventually sometime unbalanced enough to act on it finds and reads it. That’s how we got that MRA shooter (I don’t say shooter’s names).
The right wing has done it for decades.

Sylvia Daniella Foxglove
Sylvia Daniella Foxglove
7 years ago

After having argued with a stealth Redpiller today… Garbage in, Garbage out. Their “philosophy” is ad hoc, made up of stupid things people said thousands of years ago. Their ignorance is astounding. They want to be treated like they are special… But just aren’t. I’ve been on the internet for 25 years, and like the Creationists everything they say is just regurgitated nonsense. Honestly they sound like four year olds. They view the whole world in this warped subjective viewpoint, and ignore even the most common uncontroversial facts if someone tells them to. It’s not even that fun to poke holes in their garbage views. Because they will never learn. They are incapable of it. And yet they want to sit at the big kids table. I wish we could give them their own island to govern… That at least would be hilarious.

Paradoxical Intention - Leader of the Deathclaw Damsels

I have to have a bit of a bitter giggle at how they seem to think that if DV laws were lifted, then women would somehow “learn their place or leave” out of fear of being beaten. (As if these shitheads would ever let their abuse targets just leave them.)

As if some of those women aren’t fully capable of beating the shit out of you.

And if the DV laws were lifted, you couldn’t go running to the police if she retaliated against you for laying hands on her. Because there’s no laws against it, and after all, “what happens in a private home is the business of the couple who lives there”, right?

I mean, of course this particular fuckwhizzle wouldn’t think of that being a thing. Nah, he’s too busy beating off to the idea of getting to abuse some poor woman in his life. The idea wouldn’t occur to him that some women won’t take that shit lying down, or would play possum until he got complacent and then have at it.

Fun story: My grandma always has been a waif of a woman. She’s short, she’s pretty thin. But, she takes no shit.

She told my grandfather when they got married that she couldn’t fight him back if he hit her since he was bigger and stronger, but if he ever laid hands on her he better not fall asleep around her after that.

And, to his credit, my grandfather was always an absolute gentleman to her until the day he died, even though they bickered sometimes as loved ones do.

7 years ago

TW for grossness:

ADDDDT: “…a woman I heard talking about having her period and diarrhea at the same time.”

When I was 3 years old, I had a bad flu, and I managed to have diarrhea and throw up, at the same time, WHILE STANDING UP. Sorry.

I just don’t know where to begin, with this MGTOW. I do hope he finally does go his own way, and never returns.

He’s managed to blame religious fuckery on a single woman, Mary Magdalene.

And, single mothers. I’m sick of reading criticism of them. What if a woman is widowed? I know the Catholic organization, The Knights of Columbus, was originally set up to assist widowed women, including their children.

(,One of these days, I’ll learn how to do block quotes on WordPress, I promise.)

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

Each one attempts to be more abusive and ignorant than the one before him.

And each one succeeds.

They inspire each other.

Good job, guys!

Sadly, there are no trophies for vicious idiocy. If there were, you guys would win them all.

PaganReader - Misandrist Spinster

This prince among men can’t get custody? Misandry! Foul, Vile Misandry!
I wonder if the judge looked at his comment history. (Assuming he’s not making that part up, anyway.)

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

@Sylvia Daniella Foxglove

It’s not even that fun to poke holes in their garbage views. Because they will never learn. They are incapable of it. And yet they want to sit at the big kids table.

Yep. Even worse, they want to vote along with the big kids. And we have to let them.

Our only winning strategy is to convince those people disaffected by current policies to actually get out there and vote. Having candidates worth voting for would make that easier.

7 years ago

It always baffles me (well actually, not so much) that folks like this will voice a desire to abuse others, yet still think of themselves as “good” people who deserve to have what they want.

Off topic, but may provide some brain bleach for those into it. Others may find it boring, though:

I love seeing anime food, but had some trouble finding anime series centered around food porn that I didn’t have to look past or ignore certain parts of. Then I discovered a series of shorts called “Wakako Zake” that is a non-problematic food-centered anime I can relax with.

(Well, there is a brief moment where Wakako pictures herself being fat-shamed while eating the food of the episode, but then she just resumes enjoying it.)

Unlike Food Wars and Koufuku Graffiti, instead of food porn with sexualized teenage girls, Wakako Zake is food porn with a non-sexualized 26-year-old working woman! This must be what that person meant when they said seeing Wonder Woman was like having glasses on for the first time, about not noticing that you had to put up with the male gaze until you suddenly didn’t have to! This is why I’m more excited about it than I probably should be.

The series is apparently popular enough to have a live-action drama with at least 3 seasons. There don’t seem to be any versions on youtube with English subtitles, but if you’re focusing on the food you probably don’t have to understand everything unless you want to know what the foods are.

7 years ago


…a woman I heard talking about having her period and diarrhea at the same time.

This is a monthly occurrence for me. My cycle triggers my IBS, so it’s rare not to have at least one day (typically the heaviest bleeding day, because of course it is) where I’m dealing with diarrhea and menses at the same time.

Sylvia Daniella Foxglove
Sylvia Daniella Foxglove
7 years ago

@Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile

Definitely the most important thing right now. And always… Our Voter Count is truly terrible.

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