By David Futrelle
Today’s MGTOW of the Day is a doozy, even by MGTOW standards. He truly has gone above and beyond the call of duty, by which I mean some of his opinions might cause you to literally throw up in your mouth a little.
I discovered him in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, in a thread discussing a Daily Mail piece attacking writer Clementine Ford for jokingly signing a book “have you killed any men today?”
Naturally, he and his fellow MGTOWs responded to this provocation with sweet, sweet reason.
After noticing ADDDDT’s central role in this thoughtful debate, I poked around a bit in his comment history. I learned that he has many other interesting opinions as well!
For example, he likes to fantasize about men getting so collectively mad about women that they decide to genocide them all:
He hopes that women will soon start dying of cancer en masse due to their allegedly excessive use of cell phones:
He thinks men have shown remarkable restraint when it comes to the whole murdering women in large numbers thing.
While he barely even thinks about race, he really hates it when white women have kids with black dudes.
No fatties!
He thinks the Wonder Woman movie is overrated, because vagina.
He has similar feelings about the Virgin Mary, or as he sees her, the “virgin” Mary.
He thinks stalking laws are too darn strict!
He also thinks the courts are biased against good men like him in custody hearings.
Alas, ladies, I regret to have to inform you that he is not interested in having sex with you.
Sorry, gals! I know how disappointed you must be.
Iron, or metal? Cos you can do plenty with bronze, just at a somewhat higher cost (full body armour is probably rightout, but for reasons of cost, not feasibility )
Stone tips are gonna help a lot. Even bone will hold a better point than wood. Also consider slings as a possibility. Or spears/darts (small spears, not the barroom sort) propelled with an atlatl.
Spear? Macuahuitl? Stone mace?
I found in an advice column for GMs years ago and loved it.
My last game I did both; There was evil afoot in the town already, but I also added in stuff specifically appropriate to each character. I took advantage to lay false trails that weren’t red herrings, they were just part of a different plotline (E.g., they were very suspicious that one NPC was in league with the big bads because he was acting very suspicious, but that turned out to be because he was hiding hos true identity as an exiled faerie knight, and also the fact that some fo the dogs in his kennel were in fact a PCs family under his curse. Thry hadn’t worked out the second bit when it ended, and most of the party was working for him.) It did get very complex, but since it was very local, as lkng as I kept my notes on what each NPC was up to it worked out. Also as long as I remembered to write down the shit I made up on the spot when they did something unexpected so I’d remember next session who they were talking to, drinking with, and/or shooting at, and hopefully why. Also some retcons of information they hadn’t found yet.
But, let’s be honest. Anybody who says stuff like that doesn’t really care that women are driven to shave their legs or buy expensive bath salts.
They care – I mean, REALLY, REALLY care – that women are biologically driven to make sandwiches, clean toilets, care for children and submit to the greater force of masculine will whenever a man wants sex*. Or in other words, become co-operative domestic drones fulfilling male needs.
It’s just that saying this out loud sounds so shitty and sexist in this day & age that they use polite euphemisms.
* Many have commented that the PUA/MGTOW crowd can’t seem to figure out if women are oversexed sluts who enjoy sex or undersexed sluts who get nothing out of it.
I think a lot of them think that sex, for women, is merely a Pavlovian responsive reflex to a man’s sexual overture. Like the startle reflex when you hear a loud sound – you feel no like or dislike, pleasure or pain, but just a reflexive reaction you cannot control.
Iron. That’s an excellent point with bronze. I don’t know how I feel about the concept of her people doing metalworking at all, but she could definitely seek out bronze once she learns the difference.
And this really isn’t the sort of character who wears armor, so no full-body armor is just fine.
Stone/bone tips also mean she could replenish her specialty weapons in the field with a piece of flint, a crafting skill, and some time. Which, if her people don’t settle down, logically she should have. Much like she should have a food-production related skill, since hunter-gatherer societies are an all-hands kind of deal. Atlatls are also an excellent idea, substantially better than bows in honesty. Well, Atlatls or spears intended for throwing.
Honestly, the backup melee weapon is probably going to be a stone-tipped spear. For the reach advantage. Although macuahuitls are also a good idea. This gets me thinking.
I was considering a tribe of hobgoblins who don’t do the settling down thing in the light of the Picts and Celts and Gauls, but why would they be that familiar? Could definitely draw more influences from the Aztec and Maya civilizations. Though I am white, so I’d need to be very careful about doing that respectfully.
The GMs life. Got to constantly correct and control information they aren’t supposed to have yet so it makes sense in the light of what they do have.
I did much the same as you for my game – I kept everything in this one town, and it still got out of my control. Probably cause I kept bad notes. I remember things too well for my own good, so I get used to remembering always, so I forget to take notes, so everything falls apart. It’s a problem.
It was a weird superhero game. It started off with ridiculous parodies and sci-fi references and an obviously evil reporter, and it ended with alien invasions, orbital weapons stations, and all-out war between the city and the United States of America. I think I misjudged either my abilities as a GM or the kind of game my players wanted.
I had to store a bunch of A-line maxi dresses in my size and a color I liked at work last night. I swear it just made me sad. I need to get a dress like that sometime.
@IgnoreSandra: That’s why I’m trying to use the bow for less serious things. My DM was really excited to give it to me, and he wants me to think up ridiculous ways to use it.
But you’re right, maybe the next time I fail a roll, Ashe is going to react badly. I have other cool bows. Also some sweet swords! I didn’t really want to be the distance character, actually. XD
@PoM: Re: min/maxing – I’m more thinking about how I would level up a character, or feats I would take, or whatever.
As an example, I have one character in a star wars game who is average on charisma type rolls, but who winds up needing to do all the talky-talking because she wound being the leader of our little Rebellion cell.
We’ve failed a bunch.
But, since she’s now practiced, it makes sense to buy the next die in lying. I think she’s spent some time talking with our resident smuggler, and learned a little bit about a poker face.
I’m not a fan of min/maxing, getting the super optimised build seems like less fun than having the messy results of poor stats. Games are a lot less fun for me when you’ve figured out a way to trick the mechanics and succeed with no effort. I recognise that some people like that, but I’m not a huge fan.
omg this is great. One of my favourite things was when a friend and I had characters that were best friends in the game, and then had a lot of stuff to RP about.
It was sort of a thing you did in the Dungeon World game. I think that’s a great house rule I’ll also snag. 😀
@all: I’m loving reading about all the different games people have been in! Thank you for sharing!
Regardless of if they settle or not, really.
I have a writeup I did of a culture of (mostly) orcs influenced heavily by Cossacks. The rode about on semi-domesticated war bison.
I was running it on Roll20, in text chat mode, so I had archives to refer to 🙂
You should, they’re great.
Yeah. Honestly, most adventurers should have some reason to actually survive. Even hardened mercenaries at one point were not mercenaries.
Plus, actually having things like “Crafting (Stoneworking)” allows for interesting ways to approach the stone wall between you and your destination, as opposed to just climbing it or blowing it up.
Hell, examining the cathedral to themselves the big bad is building might lead to something interesting. Like, say the stones themselves were clearly cut with a pressurized fluid, and there were a bunch of empty tanks that once held blood behind the villain’s house…and perhaps there’s some evil magic still remaining in the stones that could be brought out…
Ah. I did not 🙂 That’s probably a lot of the reason, tbh. I really need to get into roll20. The text archive ALONE is an awesome innovation I severely need in my life.
Yes. I need a dress like that. But not this paycheck. This paycheck is for dying my hair blood red. Cause I can actually take that to work.
On stealing: I was cured of stealing when my first DM told me I had found both fake vomit and real vomit in a random person’s pockets. It really depends on how much your DM wants you not to own the world like you clearly deserve.
I used to daydream about playing a star wars roleplaying game. I never found others that wanted to. I actually made a sith lord and came up with a half-dozen campaign concepts I wanted to use.
I forget his name, but basically he’d appeared out of nowhere one day, took control of one world in a cluster of worlds so poor they don’t really have blasters or do much space flight – in star wars – super techno-industrialized that world up and was on a spree of conquering the sector, with the goal of isolating it all from the Republic and living like a goddamn king forever. He had these cool custom starships made from the useless crap the sector was abundant in, and since this was before Episode II, the Republic had no army to intervene.
There was another idea about a lost star system. It’s supposed to be there, but it isn’t. Go solve this, heroes.
Yup. I’ve never been a fan of the ‘murder-hobo’ school of gaming; kinda defeats the purpose IMO.
That as well
Murder-hobo is fine for some things. At one point, I was in a game where the GM was basically just running a war with two groups of PCs – one on each side. We were all soldiers and it was really focused on action.
I remember winning the decisive battle by actually thinking. See, I’d added some character to my generic soldier by saying he was originally from the enemy faction, but he and some of his unit had defected because they figured the other side was better. But they had still kept their old uniforms.
So during the decisive battle, when the enemy team leader PC was in a tank having an evil-gasm, I managed to get my character, with a rocket launcher, near the tank. He assumed I was an NPC on his side cause the GM was doing a fancy double-blind thing, and he kept that assumption right until I moved out of position, shouted our true identity, and then blowing his tank up.
Although…I defeated my own point, because the fact that I was actually playing a character is the entire reason I was able to pull that off. Talk about a circumstance bonus to disguise checks.
Well seeing as men routinely “cave women’s faces in” and then bawl in court about how they’re mentally ill and besides she said words to them, provoking them, I’d say domestic violence laws already aren’t worth a shit.