aggrieved entitlement creepy cuck cuckolding empathy deficit incel misogyny rape rape culture reddit

Incel Redditor unapologetically admits to raping an unconscious woman

Knajjd11: “Men are predators by nature and it’s, quite frankly, mostly your fault if you get piss drunk and pass out”

By David Futrelle

This is appalling, but unfortunately not even slightly surprising: An “involuntarily celibate” Redditor has openly admitted to raping an unconscious woman.

Naturally, he is completely unapologetic about it, declaring that “[r]eproduction is objectively the point of living. You can’t expect someone to let such an opportunity to slide.”

Knajjd11, a regular poster in the Incels subreddit, made the comments in a discussion in r/Drama, a subreddit devoted to, well, Reddit drama. He has since removed the comments in question but not before someone archived them here.

Here’s a screenshot of the relevant portion of the discussion. It starts with Knajjd11 declaring that, contrary to the insinuations of others in the thread, he has in fact “touched a woman.” And then it gets very ugly, very fast:

knajjd11 -8 points 13 days ago I have touched one, funnily enough. I'm incel because I've never had someone want to have sex with me, but I have stuck my penis into a vagina. permalinkparent [–]knajjd11IsARapist 34 points 13 days ago I have stuck my penis into a vagina I think you mean rape, fuckface. permalinkparent [–]knajjd11 1 point 13 days ago I have already replied to these allegations in a previous comment. "I haven't overpowered anyone and it wasn't rape, either, unless you're the "omg i drank so much by my own volution but it was rape!!!" SJW types. permalinkparent [–]knajjd11IsARapist 37 points 13 days ago Also, there's a huge difference between stupid drunk sex and I-put-my-dick-inside-an-unconscious-broad sex. You are a rapist. An unpunished rapist. permalinkparent [–]knajjd11 1 point 13 days ago Have I forced someone to drink? Have I spiked someone's drink? No. Men are predators by nature and it's, quite frankly, mostly your fault if you get piss drunk and pass out. permalinkparent [–]bigblackkittie 38 points 13 days ago Men are predators by nature and it's, quite frankly, mostly your fault if you get piss drunk and pass out. what the fuck permalinkparent [–]knajjd11 1 point 13 days ago Reproduction is objectively the point of living. You can't expect someone to let such an opportunity to slide.

In a later comment (screenshotted here), he further excused his alleged actions on the grounds that the victim wasn’t a virgin, so it didn’t count.

A look at knajjd11’s user profile on Reddit reveals that he’s replaced most of his past comments with spam urging people to go to the Pizzagate forum on would-be Reddit replacement Voat. But his previous posts (which remain up at the moment) suggest that (if the pictures he’s posted are indeed of him) he’s a young man with a perfectly pleasant face (that he thinks is repulsive) and some thoroughly unpleasant opinions that he thinks are perfectly fine.

In one post he declares that incels “lose” when and if they ever end up having mutually pleasurable sex.

Having Mutually Pleasurable Sex as an Incel: Losing, In a Way? (self.Incels) submitted 4 months ago * by knajjd1114, 2/10 PSL - 5'2", ugliest incel, got lucky with alcohol Think about it: the females persecuted me, shunned me, doomed me to a lifetime of suffering and I'm to work hard, "self improve" as much as I can and all that stuff for years only to end up validating and pleasing a female, the thing that made me suffer for all my life and mocked me. Going up and down as that useless worm lays there like the sack of shit it is, making me work for her pleasure. I wouldn't, and cannot ever afford to turn down sex as an incel, of course, but I sure as Hell won't try to please a female if I get thrown into an alternate universe and finally do have sex. I have been thinking of this for quite a bit now and thoughts on this matter would be appreciated.

In another equally unpleasant post, he suggests that “having a ‘modern’ daughter” is essentially the equivalent of being cuckolded. In the post, he imagines, in sexually explicit detail, a young woman becoming “a worthless slag being pumped and dumped by Chads.” He ends with a series of questions:

[H]ow can so many of you normies be happy having a “western”, a “modern” daughter after so many years of raising and caring for her selflessly? How can you not get sick seeing her turn into a slut for public use? How can you sit still and say “this is fine” while she’s nothing more than a object for Chads to use and throw away like a ***rag? How can you accept her serial “monogamy”, watching her jump from cock to cock? It makes me sick to my stomach. Answers are welcomed.

While we don’t know for sure that knajjd11’s apparent confession of rape is for real and not just internet braggadocio, it’s not exactly hard to see how someone with beliefs like these — a volatile mix of misogyny, aggrieved sexual entitlement and bitter self-loathing — could rape a woman and think of it merely as his due, an “opportunity” to reproduce that he shouldn’t “let … slide.”

If the last few years have taught us anything about the internet it’s that we cannot separate online behavior from the real world. We can’t dismiss the vile opinions we so often see online as mere trolling, or somehow unimportant or unreal because they are posted online. Trolls more often than not end up believing the nonsense they post. And they often act upon these beliefs in the real world.

Incel ideology is horrendous enough to read online; it’s even more sickening to realize that some men are acting out these beliefs in real life. If Knajjd11’s confession is true, his incel beliefs have provided him with what  he sees as a legitimate justification for real-world rape.

EDIT: Added an additional comment from Knajjd11 justifying his alleged rape.

H/T – Thanks to tracertong322 on Reddit who brought this to my attention as well as to sys34 on Reddit, who posted the screenshot that enabled me to find Knajjd11’s comments.

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7 years ago

I think blaming it on the internet being bad these days veers dangerously into “poor troubled guys are sad and they stumble onto these sites and are corrupted” territory. Even teenagers should be plenty old enough to know that bigotry, violence and wishing violence upon others for simply existing are wrong.

I’m done with that kind of sentimentality. It’s the same as the people who say “hurting people hurt people” like my first reaction should be sympathy. No. They have control over their emotions. Chances are they’ve been taught what right and wrong is and what boundaries are. Bear in mind I’m still talking about criminal acts and not social drama or relationship issues. The answer to acts of violence is to get the predators away from the public and THEN we can start rehabilitation – if they’re willing to accept they’re wrong.

Weird (Encouraged by the RESISTANCE!!!!) Eddie
Weird (Encouraged by the RESISTANCE!!!!) Eddie
7 years ago

gender egalitarianism has absolutely no empirical research supporting it and “treat everyone the same” policies have never led to measurably better outcomes

Sounds like a solution white men come up with. Especially when the white men aren’t concerned with empirical research…. Any “treat everyone the same” solution is going to lead to measurably better outcomes for whomever is in the lead already, because the idea assumes an equal start point for “everyone”.

History Nerd
History Nerd
7 years ago

@Faerie Bard

The district attorney can’t charge him because there’s no evidence that he did it or was even in a situation in which he had the opportunity. They’d need to have a specific time and place for the crime (at least usually) and he’d need to confess to the police or plead guilty in court.

The posts are good enough evidence to ban him from Reddit, though.

7 years ago


I voted for Obama twice, and I do respect him, but I hardly worship him.

I wanted Guantanamo closed because such a thing is a taint on my country, and an insult to the rule of law, to the laws of our land. I felt that when Congress voted not to provide money to do the necessary things to close it that he gave up too quickly. He should have still been bitching about it when he left office.

But he spent all his political capital on getting the ACA passed, and I’ll give him that. That was worth ignoring a bunch of other things. It was a step on the way to modern health care (single payer). It needed to happen.

The drones… I think he wanted to do something about those evil people, but didn’t want American kids getting slaughtered. I don’t approve, in general, because bombing is too general, too likely to hit innocents, but if you ask me “So what would you do instead?” I have to admit I don’t know.

So, my take on Obama is: very smart, approaching wise at times; did the best he could, given the political realities; has a great sense of humor including laughing at himself; he and his whole family maintained enormous dignity in the face of blatant and not-so-blatant racism*; he pushed to get DADT appealed and marriage equality.

We’ve had much worse presidents.

In fact, we are having one right now.

* I think he must have imagined showing up at the door of someone who called his wife a chimp or gorilla in public and asking them to say that to his face. And then punching them. A lot. But he kept to the high road and I do admire that, enormously.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ history nerd

there’s no evidence that he did it

There’s his unsolicited admission that he did.

There’s plenty of jurisdictions (including US states) where that’s enough. People are convicted on that basis all the time. Just depends on whether they have a corroboration requirement where he lives.

I have been thinking a bit about the legalities. Anyone know where he’s actually located? Could be a bit more definitive then.

The lack of identity for the victim isn’t a problem (if you don’t believe me just try being caught with a load of car stereos). Neither is the uncertainty of the date. “On a date between x and y” (or “before”) is a pretty common formula on indictments/charge sheets.

Of course the “only joking” defence might be hard to rebut on the ‘reasonable doubt’ test; but there’s no inherent bar on actually prosecuting.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago

This “Oh, sure, Obama did 95% right, but what about that last 5%? Argle bargle perfect or bust!” purity test nonsense annoys me so damn much. Nobody is perfect, especially when they’re pushing against a tide of obstruction like nothing the world had ever seen before. I’m not going to overlook everything he managed despite the monumental odds, everything from health care to same sex marriage, just because a bunch of whiny racists threw a tantrum and refused to let him close Guantanamo; fuck’s sake, he was president, not emperor.

Aulma Frendzar Dèdd
Aulma Frendzar Dèdd
7 years ago

@SFHC true. No president in history has been perfect. None of them managed to do everything they had in mind. A lot of politicians tried to get in his way. He did his best. His wife also did her best.

EJ (the Scheming Liberal Race-Traitor)


I believe him. I believe that this fuckknuckle is a rapist. If he isn’t, it’s because of a lack of suitable opportunity rather than because he has anything like morality or self-control left in the shrivelled little bag of pus that was once his heart. These aren’t the actions of a person with either self-control or self-respect. These are the actions of someone who mistakes self for universe, self-interest for philosophy, and loathing for approval. These are the actions of someone who’s handed in his human card, and is now puzzled that it’s alienated others.

Look at him, posting a “hey everyone I’m a rapist” thread on /r/Drama where he knows people will see it. Look at him with his swastika flair; it’s even properly diagonal, indicating that he takes his Nazism more seriously than he takes his morals or his personal hygiene. Look at him Sargonning at the responses, insisting that because he didn’t use the word rape, it’s unacceptable for anyone to read that into what he said, as if inference is a worse crime than rape. Look at him when he’s annoyed, reaching for the worst word he can think of and accusing people of being “SJWs” when they object to his pathetic behaviour.

Look at him, demanding a spotlight from the world, thrusting himself into other people’s vision without their consent, growing ever more extreme when they don’t fawn over him. Look at him coming up with worse things to say, relishing the genuine human pain that his words can cause, giving him a sense of strength. Look at him, dancing in that spotlight, enjoying the outrage that his actions cause. Look at the way that his braggadocio-filled hatred turns to genuine anger the moment people really look at him, discussing him as a person rather than as a maligned hero. Look at the fear that lies behind it: the fear that he might not be a monster, might be nothing more than a pitiful wretch.

Look at him and laugh.

He will never be a monster. He will never be a hero, an evil genius, a sinister mastermind. No matter how many people he hurts he’ll always be condemned to be himself: a man as devoid of human empathy as he is of recently-washed underwear, puzzled by the behaviour of “normies” who care about one another and love their children.

Look at him fleeing to Voat because of his fear that “normies” are taking over reddit and stealing his frozen peaches. Look at the way that Voat has emphasised that they won’t be any different, and wonder how long it’ll take him to realise that the 4chan parts of the web are shrinking. Look at him, slowly losing his world and everything he cares about, alienating everyone who isn’t as unpleasant as he is. Look at him thrashing around in entitled anger, demanding that people give him what he demands. Look at him building a personal hell for himself.

I have no sympathy. He can get the fuck out of my gender. He can get the fuck out of my species, too. Violence against him would be wrong; but simply condemning him to live the rest of his life as himself is the worst thing I could wish upon him.

Look at him and laugh.

7 years ago

This “Oh, sure, Obama did 95% right, but what about that last 5%? Argle bargle perfect or bust!” purity test nonsense annoys me so damn much.

Amen to this. My particular bugbear is how everyone, even supporters of the ACA, feels the need to reflexively add the caveat “The ACA isn’t perfect.” Of course it isn’t! Nothing is! But it cut the uninsured rate in half. In any other universe we’d call that a runaway success.

Imagine if a new traffic safety initiative cut car accidents in half, for example. We’d be dancing in the streets! But it is Obama legislation, so even Democrats are contractually required to say “Yes, we all know the ACA sucks, but…”

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago


My particular bugbear is how everyone, even supporters of the ACA, feels the need to reflexively add the caveat “The ACA isn’t perfect.” Of course it isn’t! Nothing is!

Nobody says the same thing about Medicare. Medicare is terribly imperfect in a lotta ways. But old people aren’t sentenced to a quick death upon retirement anymore. That’s a good thing! And anyone who says anything untoward about it is given the side eye they deserve. It and Social Security are treated with almost unquestionable deference

The ‘Obamacare’ branding is really fuckin powerful tho, so it gets shit from the purity people on all sides. Guarantee it wouldn’t be nearly as hated (even by ‘lefties’) were it called Bushcare. It didn’t when it was called Romneycare anyway…

History Nerd
History Nerd
7 years ago


Yeah. A jury could hypothetically convict him based solely on the statements. But the DA likely won’t file charges without a time and place window and corroboration.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ history nerd

Yeah. And there’s still that general perception that the Internet isn’t ‘real’ somehow anyway.

Hambeast, disorderly she-tornado and breaker of windows
Hambeast, disorderly she-tornado and breaker of windows
7 years ago

As usual, Buttercup and wwth have said what I wanted to and much better than I could have.

Валя – I will always be dissapoint about the drone attacks, but the other two things you mentioned Obama either tried to do (gitmo, as Otrame mentioned) or did actually sign a bill for (a $10 billion water infrastructure bill in Dec. 2016, $170 million of which went to Flint, MI.)

History Nerd
History Nerd
7 years ago

Plus what he describes is Common Law felony rape, so it’s probably rape or sexual assault in almost every jurisdiction.

7 years ago

Obamacare (née Romneycare) is the reason I can go to the doctor at all. Before that was…not a great time for me. Thanks, Obama!

Of course, my eyes and teeth are my main dr needs and not covered by general medical insurance for reasons I cannot fathom, but that’s a different issue.

I just wish someone would address the ridiculous price gouging going on, but that would require Congresspeople having a smart plan, a spine, and coffers not filled with corporate dollars/”speech”. Doesn’t seem all three can exist in the same politician at the same time, at least not on a larger scale. :/

You know what’s funny though is my insurance premium actually went down this year. But my senator doesn’t want to hear that. I’m not trying to dismiss the people who saw premiums go up, I just don’t like being dismissed myself.

Nanny Ogg's Bosum
Nanny Ogg's Bosum
7 years ago

Huh, this is a coincidence? Just been reading the MUH Men’s Right Activism page on Facebook and the same reddit post was being discussed – the one calling feeeeeemales sacks of sh*t, not the admitting to rape one.

The posting mod decided to say incels are mentally ill. When i asked them not to armchair diagnose or be ableist by lumping mentally ill people in with incels, because while they are clearly entitled arseholes we shouldn’t say they’re mentally ill without a professional saying ‘yes, this specific person who is also an incel, has this specific mental illness’, they had a go at me and accused me of concern trolling and misrepresented my comments. They kept saying i was ‘trying to be offended’ and ‘lumping myself in with them’, and that i was saying they were saying ‘all mentally ill people act and think like incels’. Which wasn’t what i said at all. Much rolling of eyes on my part. I gave up trying to explain my position eventually, because i ran out of spoons.

This is why i like it here. The commentariate don’t indulge in that stuff. It’s refreshing.


Oh gods above, i hope it’s just a fantasy on the part of kndjj11 or whatever he calls himself. And if it isn’t, I hope his victim is okay and getting all the support they need.

History Nerd
History Nerd
7 years ago

Jurisdictions vary on issues of intoxication and consent, but if someone’s unconscious it’s pretty much always rape.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago

but if someone’s unconscious it’s pretty much always rape.

Too bad juries frequently don’t agree with your assessment.

7 years ago

See, my first thought after seeing the swastika and hearing the number “14” is that the latter must be a reference to the 14 words, but in context it sure does look like an age. Also, usually 14 is coupled with 88 (for “H*il H*tler”). I guess he hasn’t updated his banner for six or more years. Probably he’s taller than 5’2″ now.

Also, no person that slimy has any business having a better complexion than I.

Finally, yes, you have to watch roosters. One of them spurred my mom when she was a girl, and it didn’t go better for him than for any of the other roosters in this thread.

7 years ago


or did actually sign a bill for (a $10 billion water infrastructure bill in Dec. 2016, $170 million of which went to Flint, MI.)

Wow, a mere two and a half years after the crisis began!

7 years ago

If your rooster won’t behave, you need the turkey police.

7 years ago

When “SJW” and “white knight” have come to mean “person who thinks that rape is wrong”, that bar can’t get much lower.

7 years ago

Katz, notice how that turkey cop focused on the black rooster? Fucking typical! I think the chicken police are more even-handed.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

Poor chickens; they just want some love…
comment image

History Nerd
History Nerd
7 years ago

@Weird Eddie

We actually have data on gender egalitarian-ish policies. Men tend to have lower college graduation rates than women, so a number of colleges hired specialists in male adolescent and young adult psychology specifically to give men services and help them do better (they will usually help anyone regardless of sex or gender). Men’s graduation rates didn’t go up and nobody used the services, but colleges still pay those staff to sit around.