aggrieved entitlement creepy cuck cuckolding empathy deficit incel misogyny rape rape culture reddit

Incel Redditor unapologetically admits to raping an unconscious woman

Knajjd11: “Men are predators by nature and it’s, quite frankly, mostly your fault if you get piss drunk and pass out”

By David Futrelle

This is appalling, but unfortunately not even slightly surprising: An “involuntarily celibate” Redditor has openly admitted to raping an unconscious woman.

Naturally, he is completely unapologetic about it, declaring that “[r]eproduction is objectively the point of living. You can’t expect someone to let such an opportunity to slide.”

Knajjd11, a regular poster in the Incels subreddit, made the comments in a discussion in r/Drama, a subreddit devoted to, well, Reddit drama. He has since removed the comments in question but not before someone archived them here.

Here’s a screenshot of the relevant portion of the discussion. It starts with Knajjd11 declaring that, contrary to the insinuations of others in the thread, he has in fact “touched a woman.” And then it gets very ugly, very fast:

knajjd11 -8 points 13 days ago I have touched one, funnily enough. I'm incel because I've never had someone want to have sex with me, but I have stuck my penis into a vagina. permalinkparent [–]knajjd11IsARapist 34 points 13 days ago I have stuck my penis into a vagina I think you mean rape, fuckface. permalinkparent [–]knajjd11 1 point 13 days ago I have already replied to these allegations in a previous comment. "I haven't overpowered anyone and it wasn't rape, either, unless you're the "omg i drank so much by my own volution but it was rape!!!" SJW types. permalinkparent [–]knajjd11IsARapist 37 points 13 days ago Also, there's a huge difference between stupid drunk sex and I-put-my-dick-inside-an-unconscious-broad sex. You are a rapist. An unpunished rapist. permalinkparent [–]knajjd11 1 point 13 days ago Have I forced someone to drink? Have I spiked someone's drink? No. Men are predators by nature and it's, quite frankly, mostly your fault if you get piss drunk and pass out. permalinkparent [–]bigblackkittie 38 points 13 days ago Men are predators by nature and it's, quite frankly, mostly your fault if you get piss drunk and pass out. what the fuck permalinkparent [–]knajjd11 1 point 13 days ago Reproduction is objectively the point of living. You can't expect someone to let such an opportunity to slide.

In a later comment (screenshotted here), he further excused his alleged actions on the grounds that the victim wasn’t a virgin, so it didn’t count.

A look at knajjd11’s user profile on Reddit reveals that he’s replaced most of his past comments with spam urging people to go to the Pizzagate forum on would-be Reddit replacement Voat. But his previous posts (which remain up at the moment) suggest that (if the pictures he’s posted are indeed of him) he’s a young man with a perfectly pleasant face (that he thinks is repulsive) and some thoroughly unpleasant opinions that he thinks are perfectly fine.

In one post he declares that incels “lose” when and if they ever end up having mutually pleasurable sex.

Having Mutually Pleasurable Sex as an Incel: Losing, In a Way? (self.Incels) submitted 4 months ago * by knajjd1114, 2/10 PSL - 5'2", ugliest incel, got lucky with alcohol Think about it: the females persecuted me, shunned me, doomed me to a lifetime of suffering and I'm to work hard, "self improve" as much as I can and all that stuff for years only to end up validating and pleasing a female, the thing that made me suffer for all my life and mocked me. Going up and down as that useless worm lays there like the sack of shit it is, making me work for her pleasure. I wouldn't, and cannot ever afford to turn down sex as an incel, of course, but I sure as Hell won't try to please a female if I get thrown into an alternate universe and finally do have sex. I have been thinking of this for quite a bit now and thoughts on this matter would be appreciated.

In another equally unpleasant post, he suggests that “having a ‘modern’ daughter” is essentially the equivalent of being cuckolded. In the post, he imagines, in sexually explicit detail, a young woman becoming “a worthless slag being pumped and dumped by Chads.” He ends with a series of questions:

[H]ow can so many of you normies be happy having a “western”, a “modern” daughter after so many years of raising and caring for her selflessly? How can you not get sick seeing her turn into a slut for public use? How can you sit still and say “this is fine” while she’s nothing more than a object for Chads to use and throw away like a ***rag? How can you accept her serial “monogamy”, watching her jump from cock to cock? It makes me sick to my stomach. Answers are welcomed.

While we don’t know for sure that knajjd11’s apparent confession of rape is for real and not just internet braggadocio, it’s not exactly hard to see how someone with beliefs like these — a volatile mix of misogyny, aggrieved sexual entitlement and bitter self-loathing — could rape a woman and think of it merely as his due, an “opportunity” to reproduce that he shouldn’t “let … slide.”

If the last few years have taught us anything about the internet it’s that we cannot separate online behavior from the real world. We can’t dismiss the vile opinions we so often see online as mere trolling, or somehow unimportant or unreal because they are posted online. Trolls more often than not end up believing the nonsense they post. And they often act upon these beliefs in the real world.

Incel ideology is horrendous enough to read online; it’s even more sickening to realize that some men are acting out these beliefs in real life. If Knajjd11’s confession is true, his incel beliefs have provided him with what  he sees as a legitimate justification for real-world rape.

EDIT: Added an additional comment from Knajjd11 justifying his alleged rape.

H/T – Thanks to tracertong322 on Reddit who brought this to my attention as well as to sys34 on Reddit, who posted the screenshot that enabled me to find Knajjd11’s comments.

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7 years ago

His argument, boiled down to its essentials:

“Any man would have done what I did, so it’s okay.”

Multiple points of failure here. First, clearly not any man would. Second, just because everyone else is doing something doesn’t make it okay.

Tangentially related story.

When I was much younger, like, 17 or so, long before I had any clarity in my life whatsoever, a girl about my own age and I were talking about sex. Like, not sexting or whatever, just chatting a bit about the mechanics of it cause I was completely clueless at the time.

She asked me what “Blue balls” were, so I told her…not the truth. I told her it was very painful for guys. Even in that moment, I knew I was lying. Even in that moment, I knew I was trying to manipulate her. She was kind, and very few other people in my life were. It crossed the wires in a brain which had been conditioned to expect hostility, and I made bad choices.

Let’s be clear. Even in my darkness, even cloaking myself in toxic bullshit, even unable to think or see straight from how much my conflicted emotions were fucking up my reasoning, I knew right from wrong. I chose wrong.

Fortunately for everyone near me, I never went further than painfully obvious, pathetic attempts at manipulation. I regret every second of those days, and I’ll never be able to make up for it.

The poster knows right from wrong. He knows that even if every person in the universe was a rapist, it’d still be wrong to commit rape. Never believe a terrible person who tells you he didn’t know better. He did, and chose to do evil.

This is why I have no sympathy for misogynists or rapists of any stripe.

Godzilla Roberts
Godzilla Roberts
7 years ago

Well, that was objectively terrible in every feasible way shape and form. I really hope the kid isn’t 14 like he could be… at 14 you are not an Incel. You’re barely even dating. Where the fuck are his parents? o.O

7 years ago

It could be a reference to that “14 Words” white supremacist bullshit:

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Agent of the FemiNest Collective; Keeper of a Hell Toupee, and all-around Intergalactic Meanie
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Agent of the FemiNest Collective; Keeper of a Hell Toupee, and all-around Intergalactic Meanie
7 years ago


So do certain species of duck (mallards, I think). Though with those ducks, they created a system where the female befriends a friendly male to defend her from the rape gangs, and the friendly male later (more than likely) mates with her when she’s ready.

Katie's Elderly Minion
Katie's Elderly Minion
7 years ago

Blue balls aren’t at least mildly uncomfortable? Well, shit, I’m old and I didn’t know that!

Luckily, no one ever tried using that to guilt me, or I’d be hunting them down about now, in order to strew Legos about their carpet.

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago
PaganReader - Misandrist Spinster

Men are predators by nature

But remember, it’s feminists who hate men

7 years ago

You know that any comment following a username that has a swastika in it is bound to be a real class act.

I’m actually a bit surprised that the rapist got called out for being a rapist on the reddit forum. Especially for a rape that wasn’t the generally accepted ‘thin white virgin woman is dragged screaming into the bushes by a non-white stranger” standard for rape.

7 years ago

Redsilkphoenix, I love knowing that ducks get boyfriends that protect them from rape gangs. This almost makes up for the roosters. (Seriously folks, eat more coq au vin, only YOU can stop the rooster menace.)

7 years ago

@Redsilkphoenix Ducks have an even better reason than other animals to hate being raped– corkscrew dicks. Which the female duck anatomy is cruelly mis-structured to accommodate. So even consensual sex would be ridiculously painful and kind of invalidates intelligent design theory.

7 years ago

(Totally off-topic here, sorry)
Possible reason why Trump expected the press to be nicer to him when he was President…

He truly thought Obama was getting a “pass” from the press for all the nasty things Trump thought Obama had done, and so, of course, he’d get the same consideration as President. Obama’s “press pass” was basically “not being an ass about things”, not attacking the press at every opportunity, and well, not being Trump.

As Gomer Pyle liked to say, “Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!”

7 years ago

@JS: Eminently plausible, fits established behaviour, and entertaining to imagine. All the criteria I look for in a Trump Theory!

7 years ago

Clever For A Girl: True Story Time:

A buddy of mine and his wife were, for a time, keeping about a half dozen chickens for the eggs. Of course, they had a rooster around to encourage laying.

Roosters, however, are not nice creatures. As it got larger, it grew increasingly aggressive. Finally, one day, it decided to try to attack the wife while she was feeding them all, leaping up on her back and battering her with its wings, trying to peck her scalp.

Shortly thereafter, she emerged from the coop with what my friend described as the most frightening expression he’d ever seen on her. Three words, she uttered: “Get the axe.”

The chicken chili was rather tasty.


If that’s truly this guy’s photo, he’s seriously only incel because of how vile and repugnant his personality is. I can’t think of a time in my life when a guy with those looks, even a short one, wouldn’t be reasonably successful getting date, etc.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

Nazi Boy says this:

Have I forced someone to drink? No. Have I spiked someone’s drink? No. Men are predators by nature blah, blah, blah.

So if men are predators by nature, why haven’t you forced someone to drink? Or spiked someone’s drink? And why have you removed your comment?

Are you trying to make us believe that you’re a predator who doesn’t belong in prison?

Althea Claire Duffy
7 years ago

If he’s 14… I hope his parents find this ASAP and ban him from ever using the Internet again. Or ever interacting with other human beings unsupervised.

History Nerd
History Nerd
7 years ago

It’s possible that his post is just trolling (I hope it is). On 4chan, people would post Nazi insignia and use slurs casually as a type of in-joke. Common anti-gay and anti-black slurs were used as general insults that supposedly had nothing to do with the target’s sexuality or race. Supposedly nobody is seriously a Nazi, so (trolls reasoned) using Nazi symbolism casually will only offend the most gullible or emotionally weak people. There was also some serious pedophile apologia, of course.

Researchers who studied (pre-Age of Kek) trolls found that trolls have a higher level of Dark Triad personality traits compared to the general population. There’s a spectrum of how seriously trolls take other trolls and whether they mean what they say, but all trolls have high Dark Triad traits (at least high narcissism and Machiavellianism). Some of them are genuinely radicalized into their “in-joke” ideology.

If you look at the politics of 4chan, 4chan has always (obviously) been fringe, but the primary focus wasn’t on far right politics or race or gender (apart from the casual slurs discussed above). Trolls got some level of support from groups like the ACLU and EFF, but no major social or political movement sided with them (even the Libertarian Party was lukewarm about defending 4chan trolls). Then Breitbart and the alt-right came along and gave them IRL political legitimacy by defending their causes, so 4chan reciprocated and started promoting Breitbart/Infowars/RT and far right ideology. They’re Machiavellian, so they don’t care what the far right does as long as it’s allied with them and they’re not personally hurt by far right policies.

So yeah, the GOP’s strategy for reaching millennials was to have literal fascists recruit the worst people they could find on the Internet.

7 years ago

I wasn’t saying that no non-human animals rape, or that rape is not found in nature. I know that some do, and that it therefore is. I just find “men are predators/women are prey” an especially noxious bit of misogyny.

When someone like Knajjd11 calls himself and all men predators, he’s saying “I can’t help it, I have to do rape women!” This is plainly false. An actual predator will die if it doesn’t eat; Knajjd11 won’t wither away and die if he doesn’t stick his dick in someone. Further, he obviously can help it. Someone truly pathological wouldn’t have raped only once.

The ones who make this argument often seem to want to claim the mantle of monsters for themselves, helpless before their natures. Bullshit. They can’t have it both ways. Either they don’t know that what they do is wrong, and thus they have no reason to throw out these flimsy justifications, or they do know it’s wrong, and therefore have no call to get so defensive.

If we did not trespass knowingly and willingly, we would not be monsters. Someone who whines so very much, who goes on and on about how they’re really not doing anything wrong, has no claim to the term monster either. He’s nothing but a wretched little caitiff.

(As an aside, even if he owns his wickedness, he still won’t be welcome in my circle. Monsters we may be, but we still have no tolerance for rapists.)

Dr. Thang
Dr. Thang
7 years ago

If it weren’t for, you know, the rape, it would be kinda hilarious how transparently desperate this thing is to convince itself that it didn’t do anything wrong. This has nothing to do with what other people think, it responded to a comment that only said “what the fuck” with another pathetic attempt at a justification, as if it’s literally talking to itself! I can just picture this thing sitting at the breakfast table in the morning, audibly making excuses to nobody in between sips of coffee.
It’s also brilliantly fitting that the thing looks ok but calls itself ugly, because that’s not insecurity right there, that’s a scapegoat. It blames it’s looks so it doesn’t have to accept the fact that it’s shitty personality is to blame. Because there’s not much you can do about your looks, but you can change your personality, it’s just hard and not fun. And if this slimy cretin’s actions prove anything, it’s that IT is a weak coward.

7 years ago

Freemage, my friend had chickens and they would always bully this one hen, so my friend took her inside and named her “sweetie”

All I remember is that sweetie would make the cutest little cooing noise when you said her name.

7 years ago

CW: Some profanity. Everything else is already in this ultra-cringy news story so nothing else to really warn about I don’t think.

So a few serious questions come to mind.

1.) What the fuck?
2.) How has this child gotten to be like this? Does he literally have no role models at all?
3.) What the fuck????
4.) Please, for the love of Space Jesus, would somebody start prosecuting these people? Have we notified the police about this user’s post? Is there a way to do that easily? Does anybody know a way to check the IP to see what state or precinct it might come from?
5.) Has Reddit Corporate been contacted about this post and this subreddit?
6.) More broadly, what can we do as individual citizens to organize and mobilize support for dramatically increasing the incidence and severity of rape prosecution? I’m sick to death of this “Tee hee, I did stuff to a passed out girl but it’s not rape” nonsense. Bodily autonomy is not okay to violate. Ever. *EVER*.

7 years ago

The part about him considering mutually pleasurable sex to be “losing” really stuck out to me because that says it all. He simply wants revenge on “females” for his aggrieved entitlement. So if he is to have sex, he wants it to be awful for the woman. His pleasure is supposed to be at her expense.

7 years ago

I’ve had quite a few roosters and hens, and they’re a bit different personality-wise, but basically roosters should have about four or eight hens each. Some roosters are aggressive, and those go in the pot here, pretty much straight away.

Others are passive and gentle, but too passive is also bad, as they won’t effectively defend from predators. You sort of need a balance of…medium assholery.

None of which means anything about humans. Chickens are tiny little dinosaur descendants.

(Always find it kind of interesting that when aggressive people talk about humans as animals, they want to chat about things like violent chimps rather than friendly bonobos.)

Aulma Frendzar Dèdd
Aulma Frendzar Dèdd
7 years ago

@Nequam @PeeVee Oh, so he’s 20? My bad. But that still doesn’t change much of what I said. He’s still young and decent looking. He is making excuses for voluntary toxic behaviour.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
7 years ago

I just got banned from whyevolutionistrue, by Freeze Peach Warrior Jerry Coyne himself, for calling him gullible to fall for the Medusa Magazine hoax. Such thin skin, these FPWs.