alpha males beta males boner rage citation needed drama kings empathy deficit entitled babies grandiosity hypocrisy incel irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA rape rape culture rape is good actually red pill rhymes with roosh virginity

Ex-incel demands compensation for the years society “conspired” to keep him a virgin

Note to male incels: Women don’t necessarily enjoy being virgins either

By David Futrelle

You might not think there would be much of an ideological overlap between dateless incels (so-called “involuntary celibates”) and swashbuckling pickup artists who claim to bed hot babes with alacrity. But they’re really two sides of the same shitty coin.

Both are suffused with an overblown sense of sexual entitlement — a feeling that they not only deserve sex but deserve it with virginal or near-virginal hotties who will have few former partners to compare them to, if any at all. (Many of even the most self-pitying and sexually pessimistic incels will turn up their noses at the thought of having sex with fat girls and/or “sluts.”)

But they’re also convinced that they won’t be able to score the women they see as their due without, well, a bit of trickery or force.

That’s why pickup guides like Roosh Valizadeh’s Bang books so often read like date rape manuals, with Roosh himself cheerfully admitting not only to deception but also to using “muscle” to get what he wants from women.

And that’s why incels so often appeal to a sort of deus ex machina solution to their ongoing celibacy, fantasizing about a world in which some unfortunate women would be more or less forced to have sex with them. (You remember the Government Get Girlfriends guy, right?)

This is all a somewhat long-winded preface to a discussion of a truly frightening post  (archived here) that I was recently alerted to on Roosh V’s forum. It’s by a regular commenter there who calls himself Mercenary — a (de facto) incel turned pickup artist who still feels not only bitterness but rage over the years he spent as a virgin.

In a lengthy comment in a thread on the sadness of sexual “dry spells,” he makes clear he’s still hanging on to the central tenets of incel ideology. It’s scary stuff:

[T]he many years I spent as a virgin seem like a real and true CRIME against my happiness and sexuality. I say the word CRIME in the most literal sense. I feel like the whole system or society or way of life needs to be put on trial for making me frustrated and angry and miserable for so many years, and I should be paid compensation for all the years I missed on sexual experiences because I intentionally kept a clueless beta by everyone and everything.

That is not how the world works, dude. This is the sort of thing you go to therapy to process, not the sort of thing the government sends you a check for.

Everyone and everything was conspiring against me getting any sex or female affection, and only teaching me things that were always leading me to failure over and over. I’m talking about movies, television, books, my elders, my parents, teachers, school, university, work colleagues, government legislation, law courts, the police, male friends, and especially girls all giving misleading, totally false and downright dangerous information on interacting with women.

This is essentially a conspirified reworking of the standard pickup artist pitch: Society tells guys that the way to a woman’s heart is to be a “nice guy,” but being nice doesn’t work; you can only “get laid” by projecting a flawless, aloof “alpha” vibe.

The pickup artists are right that “nice guys” finish last, but only because the “niceness” in question is fundamentally manipulative and off-putting to most women. (See here for my numerous previous takes on the notorious “nice guy,” or start with one or two of these posts. Or this Nice Guy primer from Dr. Nerdlove ) The real solution for straight guys isn’t to learn to act like an alpha — and to turn your whole life into a performance — but to, you know, develop some genuine confidence in yourself that’s not dependent on manipulative PUA garbage.

But, alas, Mercenary’s rant gets darker.

I’m not just thinking of myself, but of all you guys here and I’m also thinking of every frustrated virgin who has never been laid, every man who has spent years as an incel, every man who has been cheated on, and every man whose wife left him, destroyed all he built, and took his money and children. If you really think about it, how many male suicides worldwide, or murders across the globe could have been prevented just from teaching men game and getting them laid with some female affection ? Contemplated this way what we have had for the last 50 to 80 years is a crime of epic proportions.

To Mercenary, what’s happening is a virtual Virgin-ocaust. And he believes this quite sincerely. In his mind, the people who criticize pickup artistry are basically guilty of mass murder. (Unfortunately, he’s hardly the first guy to compare his lack of sex to literal genocide.)

And now we come to the Very Bad History portion of Mercenary’s rant.

In my grandfathers time every man was guaranteed at least 1 virgin woman in his life and some sex and affection from her provided he got married to her. Back then, even if your if your wife eventually became a total cold bitch or got fat, you still had a family, a home and affection from your children. The men who didn’t get married became monks or priests…this is how old society dealt with the MGTOWS and few gays back in the day. Sluts who had children out of wedlock usually were reformed by … putting them into convents and making them nuns.

Literally none of this is true.

Yes, in midcentury America, people tended to get married earlier than they do today, when more people wait to get married or don’t get married at all. And yes, given the youth of many of those getting married and the endless strictures against premarital sex in those days, men were more likely to marry virgins than they are now (and more likely to be virgins themselves). But no man was “guaranteed at least 1 virgin woman in his life.”

Also: WHO FUCKING CARES IF YOUR WIFE IS A VIRGIN, ESPECIALLY IF YOU’RE NOT ONE YOURSELF? Why are supposed PICKUP ARTISTS so obsessed with MARRYING VIRGINS I mean don’t they usually get mad at women who don’t want to have sex with them, do they even know what virgins are? 

But here’s the thing: when people get married very young, their marriages tend to be shitty. A lot of those who married young in the 1950s got divorced in the 1960s and 1970s, Not that Mercenary cares: he seems to think a shitty marriage isn’t a big deal so long as your wife started her life with you as a virgin bride.

Also, though I hardly need to say this, the stuff about monks and nuns is just plain delusional, and not just because only about a fifth of Americans at midcentury were Catholic. It’s true that “sluts who had children out of wedlock” were often sent away against their will to live in “maternity homes” until they gave birth and surrendered their babies for adoption, but they weren’t forced to become nuns.

Even more appalling than Mercenary’s historical ignorance on this issue, of course, is his belief that forcing “sluts” to become nuns would be a good thing for them.

Society was stable, families were strong, children were plentiful, divorce was rare. Being single and living alone was really frowned upon. The old system ensured that in one way or another, both men and women had some form of company and satisfaction in their lives.

But society wasn’t stable. The 50s were a historical aberration, and led directly to the cultural explosion of the 1960s as those who chafed at the restrictiveness of 50s roles and 50s rules tried to figure out more authentic ways of living their lives.

Nowadays the only thing keeping men “sane” is endless online porn.

Speak for yourself, buddy.

Except that it isn’t really….it’s just keeping them weak and demotivated. In those countries where porn is still banned men act very, very differently.

Probably because they live in theocracies and totalitarian regimes?

I wish I could pin the blame on all my sexless years on one group of people or one thing….but the endless cockblocking information was coming from so many different angles and sources that all I can call it is “the system” or “modern society”.

I think this is the reason so many of us get deeply political once we start to master game. We see that the way the world around us has been structured since we got our first boners has been always been totally against our happiness and satisfaction, and also taking most of our money in the process.

Yes, he thinks the world is a vast conspiracy against his boner.

This is the real reason we have the system we have now….it simply produces more much money at the expense of everything else, while keeping most men physically and mentally weak and frustrated & unhappy at the same time.

This is also the reason why today we are considered politically subversive and dangerous by those who want to keep the current system in place at all costs.

No, it’s because you’re raging misogynists who think women exist only for your pleasure.

Game makes men feel and act like real men.
Game keeps your body and mind satisfied, healthy and strong

Game saves lives.
Game is power.

Literally none of this is true. Incel is poison. “Game” is poison too.

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7 years ago

In my grandfathers time every man was guaranteed at least 1 virgin woman in his life and some sex and affection from her provided he got married to her. 

I guess he’s too dumb to realize that that is mathematically impossible and a large percentage of guys will never have sex with a virgin.

7 years ago

I intend to sue society for leading me to believe I could have a cloak of invisibility, a time machine, and a Babel fish, all of which would definitely exist by the time I was ready.

Or at least that I would be able to spend some years as a Viking.

I am OWED.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ vicky p

Tripods trilogy?

Oh I love those. Just to be nerdy there’s now a fourth book. It’s one of the few prequels I’ve ever read that enhanced what you had in your imagination rather than left you disappointed.

But as well as all the films like Silent Running and Soylent Green, British kids TV basically gave you the impression that fascist government and/or the apocalypse was just around the corner. Things like The Changes and Noah’s Castle.

ETA: I have a slight connection with John Christopher’s son through a mutual friend. He now owns the rights and I keep pestering to let me try a sequel. So far that’s been a resounding no. 🙂

Robert Walker-Smith
Robert Walker-Smith
7 years ago

I remember my husband telling me that one of the things that made me appealing when we met and began dating was that I seemed to be enjoying my life, rather than looking for someone to ‘complete’ or ‘fix’ it. I was, however, open to sharing it with him.

Gosh, I was such a beta. /s

I agree with the observation that certain aspects of popular culture promote the idea of woman-as-trophy, which, while it doesn’t actually cause the overweening sense of entitlement, certainly exacerbates the problem. Also the trope of schlubby manchild/conventionally attractive successful woman. Some of the incels seem to believe that they deserve a woman they deem desirable simply by virtue of existing and being male. And yet they deride the concept of participation trophies.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
7 years ago


I loved the Tripods trilogy when I read them way back in the day. I never saw the TV version of The Changes, but our local library had all the books, and I devoured ’em.

7 years ago

I wish I could pin the blame on all my sexless years on one group of people or one thing

I’ve got some good news: You can blame it on you.

But isn’t it odd that these guys–who are almost all free market absolutists–are deep red Communists when it comes to sex?

7 years ago

Welcome! You know, it really is terrible how society expects us to educate our fish, but bettas are so dense it’s hard to get them to do anything but attack their own reflection.

7 years ago


I guess he’s too dumb to realize that that is mathematically impossible and a large percentage of guys will never have sex with a virgin.

Wait till he finds out that a lot of the guys who thought they WERE having sex with a virgin were lied to. Possibly by some of those same “sluts” who got sent away to houses of slut-shaming — oh sorry, CHARITABLE MATERNITY HOMES — to have and give up a baby they didn’t want but couldn’t deal with any other way because abortion was (a) illegal, and (b) inaccessible to a young woman of limited means (it WAS, however, accessible to the rich, even if illegally…and for extortionate rates if you wanted a safe one. If money was an object but your own safety wasn’t, you went to the back alley and took your chances.)

Oh yeah, and (c) even those who DID want to keep their out-of-wedlock offspring were usually coerced or tricked into giving them up anyway, because the rich and married are just so much morally better than the poor and single at raising them. There was a booming baby-selling industry in those “golden” days. Babies even got stolen from married women* all the time, simply because those women were poor and already had at least one other child and so, the theory goes, wouldn’t miss it if one were taken from them and used to line a profiteer’s pocket instead.

But of course, the ironically-named Mercenary wouldn’t know shit about that.

*applies only to perfect little white babies, of course. Brown and black ones? Not deemed desirable, because the Golden Age was extremely racist.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ vicky p

See if you can track down the prequel. It’s very good. It also addresses some of the criticisms of the originals by Brian Aldiss in very clever ways.

My sequel idea had the major flaw that there aren’t any actual Tripods in it; just recordings of Ruki’s interrogation (Beanpole was clever at re-inventing stuff).

The main problem though was the theme. It’s set sometime after the originals, by which time humanity has fragmented into aggressive nationalism, as predicted in the last book. It’s an examination of the ethics of the Tripods plan. Is there inherently anything wrong with taking over a planet that humans would have destroyed anyway? We actually got an extra hundred years of life, and at least their way someone gets some use out of it. Might capping be the solution to mankind’s innate self destructive tendencies? Etc.

Also nothing exciting happens, it’s mainly just people talking. He was right to say no.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
7 years ago

@ Alan

I’ll have to see if I can track it down – thanks!

Erm, yeah. Your sequel idea sounds like it would’ve been better off as an essay.

7 years ago


He doesn’t have to face those consequences so he doesn’t care. Getting his dick wet is a human right according to him.

7 years ago

The “guaranteed life partner” came with a host obligations this guy couldn’t even fathom.

It might have been more socially acceptable for men to cheat but life-long monogamy was still expected, and the single income household norm often required men work multiple monotonous jobs to make ends meet (my grandfather had to delivier frozen goods in the evenings).

No time of gaming or other hobbies, nor extended online whinging. Still interested?

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago
Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ vicky p

Heh, it practically was. Maybe Plato and Asimov can make people having a discussion into an exciting narrative; me not so much. 🙂

You ever see the BBC version of the Tripods? Does depart somewhat from the books. Still worth a watch though. And the design for the Masters still, I think, stands up today as one of the best ‘alien’ depictions.

7 years ago


He doesn’t have to face those consequences so he doesn’t care. Getting his dick wet is a human right according to him.


Meanwhile, this shirt applies:

comment image

Paradoxical Intention - Leader of the Deathclaw Damsels

Of course the idea that there are women out there who might be just as sexually frustrated as he was/is (but not nearly as fucking entitled) completely eludes him.

Because women only exist to be fucked, not to do the fucking, or, heaven forbid, enjoy it.

7 years ago

I wish there were some way to make being this much of an ignorant, whiny, entitled, misogynist asshole painful.

Maybe then guys like this would at least have some frame of reference for what suffering really is.

7 years ago


Some of the incels seem to believe that they deserve a woman they deem desirable simply by virtue of existing and being male. And yet they deride the concept of participation trophies.

I think it’s because they, like just about everyone, think of themselves as the heroes of their own stories. (I don’t care if you live in a prison or a palace – it feels like you have to make a heroic effort just to get through your day at least some of the time.) And if the hero always gets the girl, well …

7 years ago

When he says movies misled him all I could think was, “You thought the hero got the girl because you saw it in movies and couldn’t figure out that wasn’t reality because people aren’t prizes, but you also missed the fact you are not, never have been nor ever will be a hero.”
I’m sure he was marginally nice-ish once and when no super models jumped on his dick he was horribly disappointed.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I’m pretty mad at the government and Hollywood because I never got to go to Oz.

But I’m glad that all my childhood movie plots didn’t come to pass. I don’t particularly want to get sucked into the TV by the ghosts of a doomsday cult. Or have dreams about a guy with knife fingers who can kill me in my sleep. So maybe I should thank the government for not making movies real?

Ikarikid the Dumb
Ikarikid the Dumb
7 years ago

Offtopic but related to the general mission of this site:

ABC Australia had a panel last week on male privilege. The lone MRA actually used a fake name.

You can read about it here:

7 years ago




I’m sorry to hear that you managed to trick some poor woman into thinking you actually liked her. Or maybe she just wanted some no strings nookie too.

I’d also like to say that, contrary to what you apparently believe, You are not entitled to sex. Well, with anyone but yourself. Nobody is entitled to sex. In fact, if you were an even half-way decent human being getting laid would not be a problem. Hell, if you could even just get it into you head that “relationship” does not equal “sex” you could have gotten laid a long time ago and you could maybe even have a happy relationship with a woman who actually likes you–not your game-face, but who you really are.

But that won’t happen now. Enjoy your lonely old age.

Herbert West
Herbert West
7 years ago

The many years I spent not having a billion dollar seem like a real and true CRIME against my happiness and capability to own and maintain a real WWII destroyer. I say the word CRIME in the most literal sense. I feel like the whole system or society or way of life needs to be put on trial for making me frustrated and angry and miserable for so many years, and I should be paid compensation for all the years I missed on having a billion dollar because I intentionally kept a clueless petit bourgeois by everyone and everything.

7 years ago

@Herbert West
A society that says that I should not have the ability to teleport anywhere in the universe with utmost precision and safety is even more corrupt, vile and sick than the worlds in The Stars My Destination. Even a simple Jaunt is impossible all thanks to their impudent natures.

7 years ago

My parents married at the midcentury, in 1956 or ’57. Neither one of them was a virgin (which was understandable seeing that my Mom was in her mid-20’s and my Dad was in his mid-30’s). Neither one was very young; both of them had some experience of life; both of them had been employed for many years; my father had been to war. Each of them had been single for a significant block of time, and though my mother had been under some pressure to marry, the pressure was never overwhelming.

They had what I would call a satisfactory marriage, and a faithful one so far as I know; certainly it had its ups and downs, but it lasted until my father’s death. I’m pretty certain they ended up being closer to one another than either one of them was to anyone else. In spite of that (however) both of them suffered from personal woes for which their marriage was not the cure: IOW, both of them found that marriage, even satisfactory marriage, was not an antidote to unhappiness, or frustration, or angst, or any of the predicaments connected with being human and alive. And theirs, I repeat, was a marriage which worked.

I’m happy that Mercenary has found a solution to his problem(s), but most of what he thinks he knows is wrong; what he has not done is Discover The Truth. It occurs to me that he’s (probably) still a young man with a lot to learn, and I hope for his sake that when his teachable moments arise, he’s still in a frame of mind which permits him to find a few things out (is all).

So, good luck, Mercenary. You may still need it.