By David Futrelle
An Australian man was just convicted of maliciously burning down the house he had handed over to his ex-wife in a divorce settlement. Naturally, the regulars on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit are embracing him as a hero.
Last August, Krste Kovacevski poured kerosene throughout his ex’s house in Wollongong, near Sydney, before setting it on fire. The elderly arsonist, who quickly confessed to police, was arrested nearby watching the house burn. His excuse? He told police “I lost everything so I’ve got nothing to worry [about].”
Kovacevski seems to be quite the charmer indeed. In May, he was caught on tape attacking a reporter covering the trial, repeatedly punching and kicking the man and trying to put out a cigarette on his shirt. After the guilty verdict, he grabbed a microphone from another reporter and threw it on the ground.
In the MGTOW subreddit, the regulars saw his malicious act of arson as an attempt to symbolically even the score, as it were, for men “raped” by divorce. And as a blow against male homelessness, sort of.
“It’s a sad reality that there are more homeless men than women,” wrote the OP.
Fortunately this fellow tried to even the gender ratio. After being rendered homeless by divorce, he decided that his ex-wife should enjoy the same privilege. Because equality!
Most of the other commenters were similarly enthusiastic about the arson. Someone called DangZagnut wrote
I completely am on board with this. “If I can’t have it, no one can” Burning shit to the ground is completely justified when things you have are being taken away.
Slash and burn.
iamlikethewindbaby hoped that the arson would help men get better settlements in divorce cases.
The more often this happens, the less often unfair divorce settlements happens. Everyone wants to be part of a revolution, no one wants to start one.
Good for this guy. If I’m on the jury I’m not writing down anything other than not guilty.
newMGTOW was happy Kovacevski was able to put his ex-wife, from whom he had been separated since 1991, in her place.
Yep, if you’re 75 and just lost everything you worked your entire life for you’re gonna say fuck it, statistically he only has 5 more years of life left. I love what he did, it showed what a joke the system is and he showed that bitch who is really boss
For those itching to tell their own personal bitches who the boss is, but too timid to go the arson route, neutron_ had some other suggestions:
Try doing sneaky things like pest infestations, wood eating bugs to weaken the foundation, etc.
cheesymold suggested raising money for Kovacevski in hopes that this would encourage more men to burn down their ex’s homes.
Anybody want to start a kickstarter for this hero? We need to incentivize this kind of thing. Obviosuly not advocating violence but justice for men.
Dberp had a similar idea.
I’m thinking of starting something like a Divorced Men’s Relief Fund. A non-profit charity designed to swoop in and assist with special cases.
In this example, NOT giving him money (because the ex could turn around and sue him again for it) but perhaps renting out a nice place under the organization name for him to live his remaining few years stress free and rent free as a thank you for making an example that brings unfair divorces into public conversation.
Or at least makes it the subject of a Saturday circle-jerk amongst some of the worst human beings on planet earth.
If you told me back in 2006 that 4chan was going to be a white supremacist platform that would cause damage to society, I would have told you that I expected exactly such a thing to happen, really.
I perceived that the racism they perpetuated under the guise of ‘ironic humor’ was, in fact, deadly serious, and I had suggested this to other internet dwellers, but they brushed off my suspicions as being mere paranoia.
Flash forward to now and everything I suspected has been proven to be correct.
@Sir Alan
I would make a jocular remark about how I never asked for this, but then I remember, with a stab of bitter amusement, that I did, actually, ask for this.
I just imagined that it was going to be somewhat more glamorous and interesting than this.
Francesca skrev:
Actually, real time ceased on August 31, 1986. Everything you think has happened since is just a dream I’ve been having as I lie in a bed in Garden Park hospital after an epileptiform fit. The last 31 years have been me hallucinating my growth to (emotionally ruined) adulthood in a world run by and for the kind of assholes who give me shit every day at Long Beach High School, with just enough good people in it to keep me from waking myself up the hard way. (The movie Jacob’s Ladder was my subconscious dropping a hint; The Matrix was another.) Any day now, I’ll wake up in that hospital bed, 16½ years old again, ready to find out whether I’ll live or die, and this perfect spurious interpolation we call history will flee as if it had not been. I apologize in advance for any convenience this may cause.
Hate to be That Guy, and drop in out of the blue, but can we please cool it with the “fuckt*rd” please? What is this, 6th grade? The alt-right isn’t the alt-right because they’re neurodivergent.
Fire is fucking terrifying and lethal. These guys joking about it, so soon after Grenfell Tower, just shows – yet again – how divorced from reality they are.
And WWTH is so on point re fires in Australia. No-one with half a brain cell thinks fire or arson is ‘cool’. The last major bushfires here killed over 170 people and destroyed entire towns. So these idiots can fuck right off.
*retreats to quiet corner, tries to calm down*
ETA: @Alan: BEST. PUN. EVER. I feel much better now 😀
You’re absolutely right, that was amazingly stupid of me and I apologize for that. Don’t feel bad, you should be taking every effort to maintain my awareness of these things.
That poor wife. All she can do is collect all the insurance money and find a great little place and then sue him for burning down her house and collect more. Yeah, he’s a hero. LOL.
Geez, these MGTOWS. Where I live, it’s not illegal to burn garbage, debris, leaves, etc, on your own property. When I first moved here, I was incredulous about it. How could this possibly be true, my thinking went, when we’re in the middle of the woods?
Anyway, my neighbors living next to me seem to have a “scorched earth” policy, when it comes to their lot. They’ve removed all the underbrush from their front yard, and left most of the mature trees. Well, when the leaves start to fall in the autumn, and sometimes earlier than that, they rake up huge piles of these leaves, and commence burning them en masse. Thick, choking smoke ensues, especially since some of the leaves are a little damp. I want so badly to try and talk some sense into them…we’re surrounded by heavy forest…the trees are going to win!!
I can’t open my windows due to their stupid burning fetish. Even if I have the AC on, which is possible in early fall, the smoke odor gets into my house. I can’t hang up clothes to dry outside.
But the worst of it is…I’m downwind from them. If one of these fires gets out of control, it’ll be headed for MY house. And then, to the people to the east of me.
OK, one last anecdote related to fire. When I was 10 years old or so, I was playing with matches with my younger sister and another little kid. We had a real scare, when we briefly lost control of a fire. I remember how FAST it happened…there was a gust of wind, and a big tuft of dead weeds went up in flames. We were able to get the fire put out. The two other kiddies were just about in hysterics.
@Fran, dreemr Same, here, too. A garage went up across the street from us a few years ago. It wasn’t that close, but it was still hot as hell. Very scary. (Fortunately it was not attached to their house.)
That’s why they think that feminism is out to “subjugate” them. Women having the same rights as them mean they’re no longer getting the lion’s share of everything, and thus, that’s not fair, and no one should have anything.
It’s pretty much the
GOPmanosphere in a nutshell, honestly.@Mish
Same way with fire down here in Southern California. Dry for months at a time, lots of brush… combine that with 90F+ temperatures and roaring Santa Ana winds with single-percent humidity, you have a pre-made tinder box waiting to happen. Hell, fires can start even unintentionally with something as innocent as a spark from a car passing on the road, and can turn into furnaces in no time at all. This is the reality people live with here. (And frankly one I’m still not comfy with even after 10+ years of residency here.)
And yet there’s always some sweaty-palmed freak that’s willing to use a lighter to send half of Orange County up in a blaze and destroy property and lives so they can feel important. If that isn’t the same mindset as these turd-brained dipshits, it can sure see it without binoculars.
I remember, half the State of Tennessee was on fire the week we as a nation chose the blowhard, sexual abuser, and Putin patsy to be president (because apparently we were sick of being well regarded by everyone else), and the smoke haze made me feel really out of place all week. Gatlinburg got toasted so bad it’s going to take 20 years to recover.
I’m more scared of tornadoes, but I feel everyone who’s scared of forest fires.
@Fran, no worries! Thanks for listening.
Grew up and spent most of my life in the Midwest, and tornadoes are definitely something worth being scared of. One passed within a couple miles of my father’s and cousin’s houses a few years ago in Central Illinois. I still have nightmares of tornadoes sometimes.
The thing is, terrifying as they are, you get some warning of tornadoes coming and they leave a relatively narrow path of damage. Fires, though, burn for miles. And there’s nearly NO warning of an impending earthquake.
I’m still not sure which is worse, though. Sucked up and drowned or shake and bake, they’re both sucky ways to go.
@Francesca Torpedo
RE: Lousy emergency services. That’s a very good point. In my county, there’s no police departments, and only volunteer fire departments. There are groups of volunteers called the Fire Police (for some reason), who are the first to respond to the scene of a car accident, and direct the traffic around it, until the professionals arrive.
How i understand this is that poor woman finally got freedom from her husband after being married for years and years – very unlikely that divorc at 75 from the happy marriage, more likely she finally making her escape. And this evil fucker take away everything from her. How can she help herself now? I just really hoping she has some children or friends who can help her. But even then, she must have memories inside there – all destroyed.
@Banananana dakry: Fat, Short-Haired, and Deranged
I’m still not okay with the fact that we live in a premade firepit even if it’s where I have lived all my life. Nothing like being a kid in Orange County and wondering why the sky turned black and a thick smell of ash is permeating the air. Or knowing that just one jerk with a spark on a hot day can set everything around you ablaze.
The good news at least is the fact that generally speaking most people aren’t horrid enough to burns countless acres near other people and the vast majority of earthquakes are so minor only the seismographs can detect them.
Here’s to hoping that this event won’t stop her from living the life that she deserves.
It is hard to hope for her… If this is what her husband does now, what is their marriage like? ((( can she recover from this at all?
“if I can’t have it no one can” is how we get men doing murder-suicides of their whole families.
I live in Alberta, and our wildfire last year made international news, destroyed over 10% of one of our cities (Fort McMurray), and an unfathomable amount of land. It smoldered well into 2017 and was the costliest disaster in Canadian history. They still don’t know what started it, but given it began so close to the city, there is rampant speculation that somebody started it accidentally.
Given there are active MRAs/MGTOWs here, the thought of encouraging them to revenge arson isn’t just dangerous to their former partners, it’s potentially disastrous for entire communities. Fuck these guys.
Valentine, I had the same reaction until I read that they have been living apart for 21 years – so although he has robbed her of the house, and furnishings etc she may well have left behind when she left him, at least she hasn’t lost whatever roof over her head, and clothing, memorabilia, etc she has accumulated in the meantime.
A fire that left her only with what she was wearing, none of her documentation, etc, would have been even more horrific. I hope she’s doing OK (and that the press doesn’t drag her into the limelight unless she wants to tell us about her perspective).
Oh, thank you )) that is better then. But her husband is fucking obsessed. After 21 years he is still going to burn her house? Fuck this guy needs to go in prison.
A few years ago there was a huge wildfire in Canada and it made the air hazy for several days in the Twin Cities. That’s about 300 + miles away.
Not sure i believe this assertion that men are more likely homeless than women. Even still, it’s important to recognize that, to these types, leaving everyone with less is just as valid as providing everyone with more. Men’s rights…
These guys are such assholes…how is making more women homeless by burning their houses alleviate the number of men that are homeless?
Oh, I forgot. It’s not about anything except making women suffer.
Further reading shows he didn’t immediately make her homeless, but he did have a dog – I wonder what’s become of that dog.
He’s technically correct that more homeless people are men than women. Of course, MRAs and MGTOW don’t actually want to get homeless men off the street, because then they won’t be able to use them as a rhetorical shield when they’re arguing with feminists.
Go ahead, MRA and MGTOW lurkers. Prove me wrong and show me some concrete things you’re doing to fight male homelessness.