By David Futrelle
An Australian man was just convicted of maliciously burning down the house he had handed over to his ex-wife in a divorce settlement. Naturally, the regulars on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit are embracing him as a hero.
Last August, Krste Kovacevski poured kerosene throughout his ex’s house in Wollongong, near Sydney, before setting it on fire. The elderly arsonist, who quickly confessed to police, was arrested nearby watching the house burn. His excuse? He told police “I lost everything so I’ve got nothing to worry [about].”
Kovacevski seems to be quite the charmer indeed. In May, he was caught on tape attacking a reporter covering the trial, repeatedly punching and kicking the man and trying to put out a cigarette on his shirt. After the guilty verdict, he grabbed a microphone from another reporter and threw it on the ground.
In the MGTOW subreddit, the regulars saw his malicious act of arson as an attempt to symbolically even the score, as it were, for men “raped” by divorce. And as a blow against male homelessness, sort of.
“It’s a sad reality that there are more homeless men than women,” wrote the OP.
Fortunately this fellow tried to even the gender ratio. After being rendered homeless by divorce, he decided that his ex-wife should enjoy the same privilege. Because equality!
Most of the other commenters were similarly enthusiastic about the arson. Someone called DangZagnut wrote
I completely am on board with this. “If I can’t have it, no one can” Burning shit to the ground is completely justified when things you have are being taken away.
Slash and burn.
iamlikethewindbaby hoped that the arson would help men get better settlements in divorce cases.
The more often this happens, the less often unfair divorce settlements happens. Everyone wants to be part of a revolution, no one wants to start one.
Good for this guy. If I’m on the jury I’m not writing down anything other than not guilty.
newMGTOW was happy Kovacevski was able to put his ex-wife, from whom he had been separated since 1991, in her place.
Yep, if you’re 75 and just lost everything you worked your entire life for you’re gonna say fuck it, statistically he only has 5 more years of life left. I love what he did, it showed what a joke the system is and he showed that bitch who is really boss
For those itching to tell their own personal bitches who the boss is, but too timid to go the arson route, neutron_ had some other suggestions:
Try doing sneaky things like pest infestations, wood eating bugs to weaken the foundation, etc.
cheesymold suggested raising money for Kovacevski in hopes that this would encourage more men to burn down their ex’s homes.
Anybody want to start a kickstarter for this hero? We need to incentivize this kind of thing. Obviosuly not advocating violence but justice for men.
Dberp had a similar idea.
I’m thinking of starting something like a Divorced Men’s Relief Fund. A non-profit charity designed to swoop in and assist with special cases.
In this example, NOT giving him money (because the ex could turn around and sue him again for it) but perhaps renting out a nice place under the organization name for him to live his remaining few years stress free and rent free as a thank you for making an example that brings unfair divorces into public conversation.
Or at least makes it the subject of a Saturday circle-jerk amongst some of the worst human beings on planet earth.
Another beautiful example that proves why feminism is completely obsolete in our society.
“Male homelessness is a problem.”
“The solution is to burn down homes.”
Flawless logic.
“Obviously not advocating violence….”
Uh, yeah, sport. You actually are doing just that.
“it’s not violence if it’s arson”
Said no one who knows what words are.
Didn’t you know that if you burn houses as tribute, Surya the Sun God provides aid to homeless men
Can I just say that I am so fucking tired of people doing this shit?
It’s 2017 and people are actually proud of saying words that don’t mean anything, and if you confront them about it, you’re the one who isn’t making sense.
I am having trouble keeping my conviction that I’m not actually dead and living in a special, fresh hell designed specifically to torture my delicate sensibilities, or that I do not exist and am just a character in a Franz Kafka novel.
Holy fuck, don’t give those Kekistani Praise Kek fucktards any ideas or they’ll incorporate that into their dumb made-up religion, which is, of course, just another method of dehumanizing Muslim people by way of making them yet more jokes.
Arson is actually some serious shit. Fire doesn’t always do only what you want it to. That fire could’ve spread. Especially in Australia, where there’s been plenty of problems with out of control fires. There’s actually a reason why it’s a serious crime.
People cheering on a burning house from a safe distance on the internet. Never actually seen a burning house for realsies, have you?
I have, once, when I was a teenager. My mother was more stressed than I was, but she’d grown up seeing more house fires than I ever have – and her childhood was before 911 existed.
I feel like Kafka would read this shit and be like “oh come on, that’s just absurd.”
Wow. Krste Kovacevski sounds like such a charmer. Who wouldn’t a fiery relationship with such a stellar example of manly goodness?
@Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Yeah it feels like these groups actually want language to degrade so they can say anything and mean anything. It’s like an active movement of gibberish.
My apologies, it’s not fair to those who are Hindu to be associated with these dirtbags. Could David please delete that post of mine?
@weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
The concept of fire spreading to anything burnable escapes them. It’s like they think it’s special thing that only hurts the things like don’t like. Like hell just last year the Soberanes Fire in California costed the government $236 million. And that was just from some dipshits illegally camping.
Once, I wished with all my heart that I would experience interesting things, in order to become a better writer. They said that one should have lived a full and interesting life to become a truly great author. Most of the famous classic authors have biographies that are equally as interesting as their penned works.
That was about 12 years ago.
I regret doing that now. I regret my decision entirely.
Of course they did. I wonder if they would still cheer if the whole neighborhood burned down? Or if they were living right next to the burned house?
Can’t imagine why she left this paragon of manly virtue and human kindness…
Gee, DangZagnut (nice monicker!), that’s precisely the kind of mindset that motivates men who murder women for leaving them, which is exactly what this horrid fucker was trying to do!
A house a few blocks from my old place burned down. It was accidental, not arson. It was still horrifying. I stepped outside to head to work and the whole sky was miscolored from it. The smoke was heavy in the air and burned my throat. The smell was strong. I’d say I can’t believe that anyone would advocate for that, but well, nothing surprises me in the manosphere.
“renting out a nice place under the organization name for him to live his remaining few years stress free and rent free as a thank you ”
I think he’ll have a place to live rent free. I have my doubts about the stress free part.
Don’t worry, you didn’t do anything wrong. After all, those Kek people have appropriated Egyptian culture for their rampant nonsense, I suppose it was just a matter of when and not if they would start using Hindi culture as well.
Of course, you may be inspired to remark upon the profoundly absurd nature of white supremacist teenagers using iconography from Africa, but then that would entail repeating ourselves on how 2017 is a Kafkaesque febrile nightmare.
@Everyone, re: fire
An old white man burned down his house at the end of my block, probably for similar reasons to the fellow in the original post.
It was pretty fucking scary, actually, but the people on my block were drinking beer and watching it like a free show.
I recall how really hot it was even though I was far away. It was like standing next to a stove right nearby.
@Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Amongst other things that are absurd, like how people are so racist that they’d be willing to vote for people who want them to simply die out just to stick it to minorities, or how they’re using a board of white supremacy, on a site run by a Japanese man. Or their belief that different dialects of racist assholes are all on the same wavelength now and forever.
Meursault from Albert Camus’ L’tranger would look at this and say “you know what my reality isn’t that off.”
I guess the miggies didn’t read the article . He wasn’t made homeless by the divorce, he was living in a nearby “granny cottage.” And even if he was, he’ll be a ward of the penal system in a few days. And it’s funny how they didn’t even consider how their so-called hero’s act of petty revenge endangered his neighbors who were evacuated. I guess they would consider them collateral damage in the war on evul womens.
Yes, burn the house down. That way, instead of getting 50% of the house’s value, he recieves nothing. I’m sure this will improve his financial situation greatly.
Sad thing is how common this type of entitlement is. It goes far beyond the manosphere. It must be men’s superior STEM brains that lets them confuse “getting anything less than 100%” with “getting 0%”.
You know, in retrospect, that story I just told about my American neighbors drinking beer while watching a house burn down sounds like a parable that perfectly encapsulates the Fall of the American Empire.
When I was a child about 11 years old, the house next door burned down. Luckily my friend and his parents and dog all got out.
It was pretty terrifying. A large fire is LOUD and hot, it was the noise that woke me up – why do fires always happen at night? We were afraid we’d lose our home, too, and some of our elderly neighbors’.
I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, even these clowns.
The fire that happened on my block was at night, as well. It made a hell of a roar.
The scariest thing, though, was how no emergency services came until the house was almost entirely destroyed, and that ought to tell you something about how terrible the US is as responding to crises.
I feel bad for my firefighter relatives. They do alot to prevent wildfires (almost all of them were caused by irresponsible perpetrators of manslaughter) from harming people who can’t do anything against widespread fire, and these idjits celebrate this like it’s something to be proud of. You can be miles away and can still smell the ash and see the sky turn glaring orange and black.
But MGTOW is only about self-improvement! It’s not about hating women! How dare anyone suggest that these guys hate women???
@ fran
“Fran’s Kafka Novel” would be a good title for your autobiography.