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Reddit MGTOWs cheer divorced man who burned down his ex-wife’s house

Arsonist Krste Kovacevski attacks a reporter covering his trial

By David Futrelle

An Australian man was just convicted of maliciously burning down the house he had handed over to his ex-wife in a divorce settlement. Naturally, the regulars on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit are embracing him as a hero.

Last August, Krste Kovacevski poured kerosene throughout his ex’s house in Wollongong, near Sydney, before setting it on fire. The elderly arsonist, who quickly confessed to police, was arrested nearby watching the house burn. His excuse? He told police “I lost everything so I’ve got nothing to worry [about].”

Kovacevski seems to be quite the charmer indeed. In May, he was caught on tape attacking a reporter covering the trial, repeatedly punching and kicking the man and trying to put out  a cigarette on his shirt. After the guilty verdict, he grabbed a microphone from another reporter and threw it on the ground.

In the MGTOW subreddit, the regulars saw his malicious act of arson as an attempt to symbolically even the score, as it were, for men “raped” by divorce. And as a blow against male homelessness, sort of.

“It’s a sad reality that there are more homeless men than women,” wrote the OP.

Fortunately this fellow tried to even the gender ratio. After being rendered homeless by divorce, he decided that his ex-wife should enjoy the same privilege. Because equality!

Most of the other commenters were similarly enthusiastic about the arson. Someone called DangZagnut wrote

I completely am on board with this. “If I can’t have it, no one can” Burning shit to the ground is completely justified when things you have are being taken away.

Slash and burn.

iamlikethewindbaby hoped that the arson would help men get better settlements in divorce cases.

The more often this happens, the less often unfair divorce settlements happens. Everyone wants to be part of a revolution, no one wants to start one.

Good for this guy. If I’m on the jury I’m not writing down anything other than not guilty.

newMGTOW was happy Kovacevski was able to put his ex-wife, from whom he had been separated since 1991, in her place.

Yep, if you’re 75 and just lost everything you worked your entire life for you’re gonna say fuck it, statistically he only has 5 more years of life left. I love what he did, it showed what a joke the system is and he showed that bitch who is really boss

For those itching to tell their own personal bitches who the boss is, but too timid to go the arson route, neutron_ had some other suggestions:

Try doing sneaky things like pest infestations, wood eating bugs to weaken the foundation, etc.

cheesymold suggested raising money for Kovacevski in hopes that this would encourage more men to burn down their ex’s homes.

Anybody want to start a kickstarter for this hero? We need to incentivize this kind of thing. Obviosuly not advocating violence but justice for men.

Dberp had a similar idea.

I’m thinking of starting something like a Divorced Men’s Relief Fund. A non-profit charity designed to swoop in and assist with special cases.

In this example, NOT giving him money (because the ex could turn around and sue him again for it) but perhaps renting out a nice place under the organization name for him to live his remaining few years stress free and rent free as a thank you for making an example that brings unfair divorces into public conversation.

Or at least makes it the subject of a Saturday circle-jerk amongst some of the worst human beings on planet earth.

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weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Wicked Witch of Whatever,

You gotta love how they just assume that the house was bought with solely his money. They clearly live in some parallel universe where all women are a heartless and hypergamous version of June Cleaver or something. We’re all housewives but are only doing it in the hopes of cleaning up in a divorce.

Honestly, just working and buying my own stuff sounds a lot easier than going out and seducing a man, pretending to love him through several years of marriage, having kids with him and then when hoping he makes decent money so I can divorce him when the time is right and hope I get a judge who will award me everything. Do MGTOW really think any of that sounds easy?

7 years ago

RE: Disasters

I grew up right in the traditional path of hurricanes along the American East Coast. I remember hiding in the basement for hours, and then coming upstairs and finding four trees had fallen in one room. And about forty others around the property, including squishing mom’s new car.

Also, falling trees, and wind and water damage had taken out the water, powerlines and all the routes in and out of our town. We had to subsist for two weeks. My family had a generator and a well, so we kind of became a community center. We had all the neighborhood kids over and people came by for hot soup and hot showers in the process of restoring the town.

Anyway, I can’t imagine intentionally inflicting that kind of thing on someone. Especially in a society where homelessness seems to be punished by death.

History Nerd
History Nerd
7 years ago

Yes, it’s highly unlikely she would’ve gotten the entire house if he paid for most of it. He would’ve had to have done something really extreme for the court to order that she gets the house in that case (or he gave her the house in a divorce settlement in lieu of alimony or some other payment).

The family court system in English-speaking countries is still fairly conservative compared to how criminal and civil courts deal with familial abuse. It’s often more likely for the woman to get more than 50% custody of the kids based on the belief that women are more nurturing. But courts are nowhere near the point of giving the woman the house the man paid for. MRA’s are just upset that the man has to pay her anything at all.

The “respectable” MRA’s tend to argue that abusers have anger problems and support anger management and prohibiting each parent from “name-calling” the other parent (i.e., the woman can’t tell the kids about the abuse). But that’s bullshit because abusive men will often manipulate psychologists so that it seems like they have anger control problems.

Hambeast, disorderly she-tornado and breaker of windows
Hambeast, disorderly she-tornado and breaker of windows
7 years ago

PoM said

But MGTOW is only about self-improvement! It’s not about hating women! How dare anyone suggest that these guys hate women???


Austin Loomis – I’m waving to you (in your dream) from over here in the IE. I hope things get better whenever you wake up and I think I’ll probably be okay returning to age 26.

Banananana dakry and Oogly – *waves* Greetings from the IE! Earthquakes are the most survivable natural disaster even without the benefit of any warnings. Especially if you live where un-reinforced concrete buildings aren’t the norm.

Aulma Frendzar Dèdd
Aulma Frendzar Dèdd
7 years ago


Jessica Jones is really, really good. Much deeper and more nuanced than your usual “superhero” show. I’ve always liked Krysten Ritter but she’s really superb in the JJ role.

And yeah, I don’t think I can handle “The Red Pill”. I would prefer to read or watch one a breakdown of it.

Watched episode 1, I really like it so far, love the protagonist. ?

I could watch it but I know that the documetary is biased and that it doesn’t give a realistic picture of the MRA community. It’s not worth my attention or time.

@Ooglyboggles hehe, thanks.

@WWOW WWTH yup. Seriously how do they know he was the one owning everything? They don’t. They’re just assuming like they always do. Just like they assume that the law is trying to divorce-rape men. ?

Overly Long Name
Overly Long Name
7 years ago

Hey guys this is really off topic, but I’ve got some questions about pedophilia, grooming, the age of consent, rape, and power dynamics in relationships with these aspects. Does anyone know a good place to to discuss these? (And don’t worry they aren’t too stupid, though they are stupid)

7 years ago

show me some concrete things you’re doing to fight male homelessness.

I’m talking about it on the internet, isn’t that enough?

We found out that one of the things most needed at the local homeless shelter was washing machines that didn’t break down due to overuse every week. Even high-end household washers aren’t meant for near continuous use. Local dry cleaners got together with church, and put some industrial washers in. No more “repair one or more washers every day”.

Or we could wait for the right-wing to help the less fortunate. How much has Spencer donated to actual charities I wonder?

Aulma Frendzar Dèdd
Aulma Frendzar Dèdd
7 years ago

@Overly Long Name try Quora. People on Quora are very polite and give a lot of info.

7 years ago

@dreemr and anyone else tempted to watch “The Red Pill” on Amazon Prime. Please don’t. They will get money from Amazon for each view, even though it’s “free with Prime” to you. And secondly, going by the entire rest of the mannequinosphere, it won’t be worth your time.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

OT: Sounds intriguing

Trump won, and Amy Siskind started a list of changes. Now it’s a sensation.

The idea, she said, came from her post-election reading about how authoritarian governments take hold — often with incremental changes that seem shocking at first but quickly become normalized. Each post begins with: “Experts in authoritarianism advise to keep a list of things subtly changing around you, so you’ll remember.”

7 years ago

“It’s a sad reality that there are more homeless men than women”

Notes that people are homeless.

Thinks what’s wrong with it is that not enough of them are women.

MGTOW compassion for beginners.

Robert Walker-Smith
Robert Walker-Smith
7 years ago

Aulma, good suggestion. I’ve learned some fascinating things on Quora. They do a decent job of keeping the flaming garbage people from stinking up the place – like here, in fact.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
7 years ago

@Robert Walker-Smith

Again, totally OT, but…what the HELL is your avatar? I and a couple of other folks on another thread need to know?

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Troubelle, it’s a pie on a cooling rack.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
7 years ago



Good, but…what kind of pie? Inquiring minds want to know.

Robert Walker-Smith
Robert Walker-Smith
7 years ago

Troubelle – apple.
As I’ve mentioned before, our sixteen year old son has taken to using ‘apple pie’ as a multipurpose swear word. Fitting for the son of a baker.

Sailor LeadDragonite
Sailor LeadDragonite
7 years ago

Re: the fire thing.

Anyone happen to catch the six-part documentary series Perfect Disaster when it was on quite a while back? Because the main story is reminding me of the episode ‘Firestorm’ and it’s giving me the chills.