#gamergate alt-right anti-Semitism daily stormer empathy deficit entitled babies evil fat fatties evil wives irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism

Internet Nazis bitterly divided on the Fat Wife Question

Pierce Brosnan: It’s highly unlikely he gives a crap what white supremacists think about his marriage

By David Futrelle

Over on The Daily Stormer, they’re always on the lookout for dire new threats to the white race, and regular DS contributor Michael Byron thinks he’s found one: Pierce Brosnan’s wife.

You see, the 53-year old wife of the 64-year old former James Bond star is, well, fat. And Byron seems to feel this is a terrible injustice not just to Mr. Brosnan but to the white race in general, despite the fact that 1) Mr. Brosnan and his wife seem perfectly happy together and 2) it’s likely that a lot of Daily Stormer readers are themselves fat, given that most white Americans (like most Americans in general) are technically overweight.

As Byron sees it, though, Keely Shaye Smith essentially pulled off a bait-and-switch.

This woman managed to snag a handsome, famous multi-millionaire actor when she was an unknown environmental correspondent for ABC back in the mid-1990s. …

After marrying Brosnan in 2001, there was one thing – one thing – she needed to do to remain attractive and presentable to her husband and the public: not stuff her face with Twinkies every day.

Could she do it?

No; apparently that requires too much self-discipline.

Byron, who seems perplexed that Brosnan hasn’t already divorced “Shamu,” thinks he should have put something in their pre-nup to protect himself against the terrible injustice of his wife gaining weight.

Ideally, Brosnan should have included a clause in his prenuptial agreement stating that if his wife became seven pounds heavier than her ideal weight, the marriage becomes null and void and the woman has no claim to his fortune or their children.

In fact, all White men who want to get married should do this.

It’s essentially a biological version of a stop-loss, and the prospect of getting divorced due to fatness will shame all married women into remaining human-sized.

Naturally, most of the Daily Stormer’s commenters side with Byron on the Fat Wife question, filling the comments with fat jokes and calls for WHITE SHARIA to declare fat white women illegal.

More than a few blamed Brosnan for not forcing his wife to stay slim.

“He shouldn’t have ever let her get that fat,” complained someone calling himself Hierophant14.

It is far easier for a woman to get 15 pounds off than 900 pounds. She benefits from being thin, make sure her stupid ass stays thin. “I love your hot THIN body, babe.” You always use this line while they are thin to keep them this way. It’s not rocket science.

Others questioned Brosnan’s masculinity.

“Her shoulders are wider than his, guess we know who the Alpha in the relationship is,” quipped USMCvet.

But a significant portion of the Daily Stormer commentariat felt that the fat shamers weren’t giving Smith enough credit for being, you know, white. And a producer of white babies.

“She’s white, had white kids,”  noted someone called myself.

Yeah she’s a fat whale now, but if he’s fine with it, i don’t really care. He could be married to a n*gger, a jew, having no children and having a porn star life with drugs and hookers, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. Imo best case scenario is having a good looking white wife and children, second best is having a not so good looking wife and children. Life isn’t perfect so there’s that.

Zaros similarly gave Brosnan points for not divorcing his wife.

Good on him. A n*gger would walk out in his wife and kids. An honourable white man would never. We all go on about fatherless children and the problems this causes, at least he is doing his job as a father and husband. He obviously needs some help with the white sharia aspect of things and she needs to lay off the sausage rolls

FordHenry appealed to white pride:

LOVE brosnan

Man loves his chubby wife and is faithful.

Same deal man goes bald and she sticks by him


Someone called Mencken (presumably not the long-dead American gadfly journalist) warned younger white supremacists that they might make a rude discovery once their own hypothetical wives get a little older.

You’ll cowards are in for a big surprise, no pun intended. Because after your [National Socialist] dream girl becomes your wife and churns out your four or five children, she’s going to find her shape redefined, and you’re going to find her pussy will be like the top of a rubber boot.

Reltihlieh was philosophical about it all.

I like the fact that they are happily married. Feminism and Jewish brainwashing have resulted in countless failed marriages and broken families. Some “couples” file for divorce within a month of two of the nuptials. …

That said, yes, women should look after their weight unless there is some medical condition or something which caused them to become so huge after a certain age.

As Reltihlieh sees it, married white dudes have a duty as well — to have sex as often as possible with their wives before they get old and (probably) fat.

And with that said, men who get married should endeavor to get the maximum sexual mileage out of their wives’ young bodies so that when she does in fact become fat (for whatever reason), he can reminisce and derive quiet satisfaction from having got the most sexual mileage out of her body when it was in its prime!

So on one side, we’ve got a group of mostly-older white supremacists who combine their virulent racism with a certain old-fashioned paternalism towards women of their own race; on the other, a younger group, who came of age on 4chan and in GamerGate rather than Stormfront, who seem to hate white women nearly as much as they hate those of other races and religions.

In whatever battle ultimately ensues between these two groups, I can only hope that everyone loses.

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Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
7 years ago


I’ve had plenty of ear infections, alongside antibiotics for them.

Man. This might explain a lot. Too bad Mom probably won’t believe me…

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
7 years ago

Ideally, Brosnan should have included a clause in his prenuptial agreement stating that if his wife became seven pounds heavier than her ideal weight, the marriage becomes null and void and the woman has no claim to his fortune or their children.

In fact, all White men who want to get married should do this.

Oh hey, that’s a super idea! And how about an additional clause stating that if the husband suffers any loss of income, career stagnation, or reduction in alpha status (including but not limited to being cucked while viewing porn), the marriage is likewise voided and he has no claim to the children, the house, or any marital assets. After all, that’s the transaction they want, right? Their “alpha” assets and protection in exchange for fertile arm candy?

Better hold up your end of the bargain, Nazi fellas. While she’s jogging and eating lettuce, you’d better be getting promoted every 6-12 months.


No, no, see, there aren’t supposed to be behavior standards for the “master race”. That’s one of the perks of being the “master race”. You get to exempt yourself from the game, make up the rules for everyone else, and declare yourself the winner, because…because… just BECAUSE, okay?


I’ll see your Kenny Everett and raise you one Carol Burnett:
comment image

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago


The first time I took some it was because of some IBS-like symptoms and it was about 2 weeks before I felt really better. I had to set an alarm on my computer to remind me every day at the same time.

Then I discontinued after a couple of months and the symptoms have not come back. Coincidence or miracle? We report, you decide.

Then I took it again for the antibiotics and didn’t have any problems from it at all. I hope it works as well for you as it did for me.

Aulma Frendzar Dèdd
Aulma Frendzar Dèdd
7 years ago


Even just generating in my brain how it would be for women living with this men…fuck ((( i know there also could be some women who not confident who could become controlled by this men so it not simply lonely men complaining. Some of this people really can be married and doing this already…

Idk about the Nazis BUT in the Rok comment section I’ve seen plenty of men bragging about how they treat their wives like shit.
“Ugh, so yeah dude I pretend to care about what my wife has to say but I truly do not care”
“My wife wouldn’t put down the weight post pregnancy quickly enough so I shamed her into losing weight and cheated on her behind her back”
“I fought with my wife, beat her up and left for 3 days then when I came back she had already forgot about it so I fucked her”.

@Victorious Parasol

Ah, well. I’m going to make some lovely curry chicken for lunch in a bit, served with naan, and the internet nazis are NOT allowed to have any at all.

Yumm! Do you happen to have good curry chicken and naan bread recipes to recommend? I’d love to cook some for a change. Kinda tired of eating pasta.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee


Back in my ED days, I would weigh myself constantly and so I knew very well the water weight difference before and after my period. It’s between 5-10 extra pounds of bloat I carry during PMS times. So yeah, seven pounds is nothing.

Feral Crone
Feral Crone
7 years ago

The best part is how they assume they are all godz gift to the world.
No one wants your sperm, guys.

7 years ago


Yes i also read some of this before- now they updated RoK and i cant load it any more because my internet too slow. But before, if i read these comments…i dont know. Sometimes i hope they just lying. But really i know some must be married. And that just so horrible Some of those quotes you written i think i read before actually. Because many of articles there are about how someone is controlling their wife and then how great they are because their whole family afraid them.

But also, this what i mean – cant only be nazis, it is many, many ‘ordinary’ men that doing this. They working together to keep abusing and share stories so they believe that it is normal.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
7 years ago

@Aulma Frendzar Dèdd

Sadly I cannot recommend any particular naan recipes, but I can indeed recommend some curry recipes: – I made a smaller version of this for my lunch today. It’s tasty and simple to make. – I’m planning on trying this next week. – I’m going to be making this tonight.

Robert Walker-Smith
Robert Walker-Smith
7 years ago

I know from experience that having a spouse die and then finding love again is a life changing experience. My husband is heavier than he was when we married twenty plus years ago, and it hasn’t changed how I look at him – he’s alive and still loves me, which is all I need.

Good for Brosnan that he has someone he looks at that way. As for the pissant Nazis, may they have that feeling where you’re about to sneeze and then can’t, while they’re walking on Legos barefoot.

varalys the dark
7 years ago

Twenty five years ago I was given a course of antibiotics and a couple of days after the course finished I started vomiting every bit of food I tried to eat right back up again. I could just about keep down plain white rice and yoghurt and only small amounts. I still retched and vomited everyday for over a month. Looking back I wonder if the antibiotics killed off all my gut flora and I had to tough it out until it grew back. Anyway, on the upside I lost four stone in weight, and because I never wanted to risk vomiting ever again quit alcohol completely and have neither drank nor spewed ever since.

Aulma Frendzar Dèdd
Aulma Frendzar Dèdd
7 years ago


But really i know some must be married. And that just so horrible Some of those quotes you written i think i read before actually. Because many of articles there are about how someone is controlling their wife and then how great they are because their whole family afraid them.

But also, this what i mean – cant only be nazis, it is many, many ‘ordinary’ men that doing this. They working together to keep abusing and share stories so they believe that it is normal.

Yes, some of them are definitely married.
And I agree it’s not just the nazi or alt-righters, It can be anyone. They spend time on RP websites/blogs sharing their tactics and get praised for it.

@Victorious Parasol those recipes look good! I’ll definitely try them as soon as buy some more chicken. As for the naan bread don’t worry, I looked for a recipe, it seems easy to make.

Thank you ?


As for the pissant Nazis, may they have that feeling where you’re about to sneeze and then can’t, while they’re walking on Legos barefoot

Wow, you’re brutal! ? In a good way ofc.

7 years ago

Off-topic legal discussion for you:

This bill has passed in the NH House and Senate but has not yet been signed by the governor. It appears that it makes it so that a pregnant woman, or a person acting on her behalf, cannot be charged with 2nd degree murder, at all. See section V.(a). For reference, here’s a link to 630:1-b.

Aulma Frendzar Dèdd
Aulma Frendzar Dèdd
7 years ago

Speaking about bills…North Carolina’s at it again.

Men Legally Allowed to Finish Sex Even If Woman Revokes Consent, NC Law States


Sailor LeadDragonite
Sailor LeadDragonite
7 years ago

I’m not good with non-pasta recipes (although I do have some available from my cooking class), but I have a massive bible of pasta recipes that I refer back to quite often; I’m willing to share if anyone wants!

7 years ago

I read some FB comments on that one and holy crap people are horrible.

Katie's Elderly Minion
Katie's Elderly Minion
7 years ago

@Mish of the Catlady Ascendency — I’m a member of that Facebook group, too! 🙂 So happy about how the mods handled that!

I had to have gut surgery more than a year ago. I’d had extensive antibiotics from the time I was a newborn until I was a teenager; was always bigger than my siblings, who were all slender. I am certain the gut surgery changed my gut biome (there was a massive die off of bacteria for a good two months afterwards). I don’t like the foods I used to like (they don’t even taste the same). And I have become slender like my siblings, after a lifetime of being different. It is weird, but I am getting used to it.

Still Fiqah
Still Fiqah
7 years ago

I think I’m doing this right.

@Ray of Rays: Yup. McCain’s a bonafide turd. The bread story wasn’t why I didn’t vote for him, buuuuut…didn’t help.

@MrsObedMarsh: Ya know, I’ve said for years that, at least with regard to hetero pairings, a LOT of resistance to IR relationships often boils down to men regarding women and children of their race as their collective racial property. It’s not even JUST White dudes. Patriarchy is so gross.

@Valentine: good on you for not participating in this awful form of misogyny! Controlling women’s behavior really is bad news for everybody.

@Ambassador Kat: WTF. McCain’s officially a bottomless pit of terrible. Also PLEASE tell me this dinner story ends with your ex wearing a plate of spaghetti.

Semi-related: I’ve been leery of the low-carb takeover since 1997. I’m all for eating well and being healthy and whatnot, but I’m Southern. That means I’m immediately suspicious of ANY narrative that casts my beloved rice as a villain. I refuse to be angrier at carbs than I am at Republicans, dammeht.

Aulma Frendzar Dèdd
Aulma Frendzar Dèdd
7 years ago


I read some FB comments on that one and holy crap people are horrible.

Why? What did they say? I’m willing to go to sleep angry tonight.

7 years ago

Breaking news! White supremacists are fuckin stupid. End of story.

7 years ago

There was a woman who said she was a rape survivor who insisted that if you consent to sex it’s not rape to withdraw consent, and at that point it becomes “regret rape.” There were a couple of MRA types talking about Hooters and how women will just claim they withdrew consent to be awful to men, as per the usual, but this woman, who seemed genuine, went on for hundreds of messages (seriously) back and forth mostly with another woman who was also a rape survivor and no matter how this other woman tried to frame it (what if he beats you? what if it’s painful? etc. etc.) she refused to believe that it’s ever rape if you’ve consented to having sex. And then the one who was arguing that any sex without consent is rape then responded to a question about stealthing how that isn’t rape, which made me sad because she was my hope for humanity. The whole conversation was exhausting and the MRA-types interjecting in the middle constantly was infuriating. And the “it’s not really rape” woman kept saying that if someone tells their partner to stop and the partner keeps going, then it’s grounds to defend yourself but still not rape, and refused to acknowledge that the law won’t recognize self-defense in this case because what the partner ignoring the withdrawal of consent is doing is not illegal.

7 years ago

Men Legally Allowed to Finish Sex Even If Woman Revokes Consent, NC Law States

That actually makes me feel quite sick. Presumably ‘finished’ means his orgasm, so what this law tells us is that NC considers men’s orgasms to be more important than a woman not being treated as a fuckbag. Sex being pleasurable for all parties, what an absurd idea!

Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago


But I thought Superior Aryan White People all have 150+ IQs. That’s what that Bell Curve book says.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ kupo

It appears that it makes it so that a pregnant woman, or a person acting on her behalf, cannot be charged with 2nd degree murder, at all.

Ha, yeah. I had to go through it a few times but I think you’re right.

It’s obvious what the bill is meant to do; but that is some sloppy drafting.

I’ll send it to my law tutor friends. It’s a nice example to illustrate the difference between ‘the mischief rule’ approach and ‘strict constructionism’ in judicial interpretation.

This happens more often than it perhaps should when bills are subject to line by line amendments in legislatures. That’s why over here any relatively non controversial bi partisan legislation is booted up to the House of Lords. They tend to be better at avoiding this sort of unintended consequence.

There was an amusing one in Ireland when they introduced gay marriage. Due to a bit of careless wording they actually outlawed heterosexual marriage for a bit.

Angry Since 11/09/16
Angry Since 11/09/16
7 years ago

It is clear these men think women are only on this planet for their proclivities. They can’t even imagine a bond between Smith and Brosnan so deep that he would love her without their shallow conditions.

Aulma Frendzar Dèdd
Aulma Frendzar Dèdd
7 years ago

@kupo …..welp. Faith in humanity lost again I guess. Women defending this type of behaviour piss me off the most. Nowadays with the RP suggesting toxic sex practices, girls should be more careful than ever yet some of them defend this type of garbage. Is it ok to treat a girl like a fuckbag? Yes, apparently. Is it ok to violate her consent?
Also yes. By opening the “no consent needed” Pandora Box the lawmakers are pretty much putting women in a very dark situation.
I don’t expect anything good to come out of this decision.