'bating alpha males beta males cuck doggoes men who should not ever be with imaginary women ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA red pill reddit

“When you Fap to porn you’re essentially just cucking yourself,” Red Piller explains

Ha ha what a pathetic cuck!

By David Futrelle

Pickup artist types tend to look on masturbation as a stumbling block in the way of true Red Pill greatness. If you’re not sexually frustrated pretty much all the time, you see, you’ll never have the “discipline” necessary to learn and try to use all the creepy sex-getting tactics taught in places like the Red Pill subreddit.

Naturally, Red Pillers get pretty inventive in coming up with reasons why masturbation is bad. But few have been quite so inventive as a devoted Red Pill Reddit no-Fapper called, ironically, faplordxd.

In a comment on the Red Pill subreddit today, he explains that

when you Fap to porn you’re essentially just cucking yourself because you’re jerking off to another guy fucking “your girl” so it makes you beta


Happily. though I’m not sure faplordxd fully recognizes it, this logic can be extended to pretty much every situation in which you’re watching or reading about or hearing about someone doing something that you’re not doing.

If you’re watching the Superbowl, you’re Superbowl-Cucking yourself because YOU’RE NOT PLAYING IN THE SUPERBOWL.

When you’re reading about whoever invented the Post-it inventing the Post-it, you’re Post-it-Cucking yourself because YOU COULD BE INVENTING THE POST-IT!

When you notice your cat licking its own butt you are Cat-Butt-Cucking yourself because YOU COULD BE LICKING YOUR CAT’S BUTT!

Ok, that last example wasn’t such a good one.

But the point is simple: unless you want to be a cuck, you should either do EVERYTHING ALL OF THE TIME or maybe just staple your eyes and ears and mouth shut. That’s the ALPHA way.

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7 years ago

“Big Brother Will Faceboot all years.”

Faceboot – the social media site for people living in an oligarchal collectivist society.

You can just imagine what the posts would be like – “Out with comrades enjoying a doubleplus good choco ration!”, with a picture of a single, pitiful chunk of stale chocolate on a dusty table.

7 years ago

There are some who say that masturbating is shameful because only someone who has no chance with a woman would resort to masturbation. Similar to the quote in the original post, and with similar extreme flaws.

This really seems to miss the point of sex entirely. I’m not sure if these Red Pill guys understand why most people have sex. Many men seem to want sex as a form of validation, if they “get laid” in the right way it is proof that they are a Real Man(TM), and of course the manosphere subscribes to a intense form of this ideology.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
7 years ago

Folks, I’m not saying we should do them a favor… but I think they really need it explained to them once and for all that masturbation isn’t shameful.

Less sexual frustration might make them less of a danger. (what, you thought I cared about their own well-being and self-acceptance ?)


And I thought I was a precocious kid.

Though as a caveat I think only cis males can be cucks, because they’re the only ones with agency and/or a sex drive.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago

@Sinkable John,

They did specify that masturbating to porn (obv hetero porn) made you a cuck. But now I’m wondering: what about when people (sorry, cis-men) masturbate without porn? Say, to a mental fantasy in one’s own mind, or just because?
I need to know the cuck dynamics here!

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
7 years ago


That’s a good question there. Hm… I believe mental visualisations may close the alpha system, thus accelerating cucktropy.

But I’m no physicuckist.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago

@Sinkable John,

Now that I’ve stopped laughing…
We need an equation. If C = cuck, and F = fapping, then CT could = cucktropy (best new word in the universe). Porn would be P. Alpha would be A.
Now to put this all together!

7 years ago

Hmm, this seems like the sort of situation were a decent base of empirical data would be really handy. Luckily the field of cuckometery has made great leaps in recent years, so we should be able to easily pick up a pretty decent Optical Cuckograph to use to measure the change in the Cuck Index after exposure to pornography.

7 years ago

True that. I’ve always believed red pill dudes’ biggest problem is not with women per se but with their own low status among other men. “getting laid” by “hot” women would up that status considerably but whoops! women have agency and choice, darn it. If only we’d stop using it red pillers could gain their rightful alfalfa status, the world would be right again.

So really it’s more a hatred of women for being the barrier to the admiration of other men (in their minds).

My theory, anyway.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Less sexual frustration might make them less of a danger.

I’m not aware of any causal link between sexual frustration and committing violence. And I know it’s not what you were trying to say, but from this line of thinking, it’s only a hop, skip and a jump to the conclusion that women should feel obligated to have sex with misogynistic men in order to placate them.

7 years ago


Literally the first thing I thought of, but I knew it was a vain hope, since Facebook wouldn’t be so stupid as to allow that domain to remain free.

.org should be possible, but it’s just not the same. 🙁

7 years ago

And here we go again with dudes feeling sorry for manospherians. Smh.

To add to the dumpster fire that was yesterday, the Seattle Police Department tweeted a YouTube video where they discussed brutally murdering a pregnant woman in front of her children while playing an FPS game. That woman called them becauseshe thought her home was being burglarized. They murdered her because she was holding a knife.

They also recently sucessfully talked down a knife-weilding white man after negotiating with him for 2 hours and peacefully arrested a white man who, when he called to report a burglary, answered the door covered in blood from stabbing his own mother.

Ray of Rays
Ray of Rays
7 years ago

@ Temascos

Also in Fate Stay Night, the deep voiced priest is the coolest dude

Jouji Nakata’s voice is sex. I would happily voice-cuck myself listening to it for long periods at a time.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
7 years ago

@Mish, BaronJenks

The first law of cuckodynamics is : you do not talk about cuckodynamics.

That’d explain the lack of data, I guess ?

(also count me out for that equation, mathematical logic eludes me)


My actual conclusion would be the opposite, more in the lines that asserting masturbation as a shameful thing is probably part of their rationalizations for how they’re entitled to sex, for the sake of their morality or something.

As for sexual frustration itself, I can see a causal link if it motivates them to get out and on Tinder or just try to date in general. I didn’t mean the danger as violence itself (though as far as I’m concerned I’ll just assume any redpiller is out to hurt women, period), just the fact that they’re trying to date and spreading their stink all over.

Better if they stay home jerking it to porn and confining their bullshit to Reddit, yano ?

Nanny Ogg's Bosom (Formerly LostInLindsey)
Nanny Ogg's Bosom (Formerly LostInLindsey)
7 years ago

RedPillers making no sense, as usual.

7 years ago

I just thought of something…

“Porn”, to these guys, seems to mean just one specific type of porn: interracial cuckold porn. It’s the only thing they fap to, the only thing that gets them off, and it clearly makes them feel hateful and vengeful to see Big Black Men™ “violating” blond Stacies (who seem to be getting off on the “violation”, thus exacerbating the viewer’s mortification). These guys are massively insecure that they’re not hung like a Big Black Porn Star™. They don’t realize that most black men aren’t, either. Because what other kind of black men do they see naked, in their insular little bubble-worlds? What other kind of sex do they know of? Any real-world interactions with women, or people of other colors, are taboo to them. But in their little bubble-heads, they think that any woman they fantasize about is automatically their own property, so they get mad when they see someone else boinking her! All their theories about human minds are built around unreal scenarios generated for the purposes of very banal entertainment.

So it’s little wonder that “fapping to porn” translates to “cucking yourself”. And little wonder that, far from feeling relieved of sexual frustration, their mental frustration is increased.

Of course, NOT fapping under any circumstances won’t help them there, either. And “mercy sex” is out of the question. These guys are so awful that no one wants them. And the rejections will continue until their attitudes improve.

Weird (Encouraged by the RESISTANCE!!!!) Eddie
Weird (Encouraged by the RESISTANCE!!!!) Eddie
7 years ago

CT=(^P(*A)) >> F(subP)

… is that right???

7 years ago

@kupo – re the snark about ‘dudes feeling sorry for manospherians’: what’s wrong with compassion, even for the repulsive? I can see a little of myself in some of them; hell, if the Internet had been around earlier, I might’ve been one. I don’t mean they don’t deserve ridicule, or that they shouldn’t face consequences for their behaviour. Some of them are dangerous people (in fact they all are to some extent, because they propagate horrible ideas). But feeling sorry for them, or at least some of them, isn’t wrong.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Sinkable John,

I really fucking doubt men go on dating sites and act like assholes to women because they’re sexually frustrated though. They do it because they’re misogynistic assholes.


They took down the video but left up the tweet and didn’t apologize for it. That’s even worse than the “sorry you were offended” notpology.

Not related to the tweet but something else that’s pissing me off about this; I haven’t seen any outrage about this from the anti-abortion crowd. Apparently terminating your own pregnancy is murder but murdering a pregnant woman if she’s a POC with a mental illness? Just fine.


Lots of young women have feelings of inadequacy, loneliness, frustration and sadness too. Yet, we don’t see women set up equivalent sites to MGTOW, redpill, incel etc. They say hateful things about women because they hate women. Not because they’re in pain.

7 years ago

@weirwood – I acknowledge they hate women and are unpleasant people, but there’s nothing wrong with having some empathy and thinking ‘there but for the grace of God go I’. Now I’m not saying everyone should be a bleeding heart for Manospherians, and they certainly deserve the hostility they get, but if feeling some pity for them is unacceptable, then I think we’re missing out on something important.

And yes – your point about young women is damn right and it’s a crying shame that most Manospherians have poisoned themselves too much to acknowledge that women go through the same kind of pain and alienation.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

In the absence of an appropriate open thread I how people don’t mind me posting this here.

Darren Osbourne, the guy who drove the van in the Finsbury Park mosque attack, appeared in court today. He’s been charged with ‘terrorist related’ murder and ‘terrorist related’ attempted murder. At this stage he doesn’t enter any pleas and the case just gets transferred to the Old Bailey. There’s a hearing there on 27 June where they’ll do all the preliminary stuff and set a timetable for the trial.

‘Terrorist related’ has a particular meaning in English law. He’ll be tried in the normal way for murder and attempted murder. Then, if he’s convicted, there’s a follow up hearing where the judge decides if the crimes had a terrorist connection. If the answer is yes then the judge must state so in open court and treat that fact as an aggravating feature in relation to sentence. (It also has an effect on how parole is dealt with).

Although we have statutory definition of terrorism here in relation to some offences, for the purposes of this hearing the judge applies what we call “the man on the Clapham omnibus” test; ie, would a non lawyer call it terrorism?

7 years ago

The problem is when guys come in here, see a bunch of hate spewed out by someone who sees women as less than human, and feels the need to comment on how sad it is for the hateful guy.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee


You’re still talking about the misogynistic behavior as if it’s an unfortunate thing that happens to some men, not a choice they make. I can’t tell you what to feel about them. Have empathy if you like. That’s not wrong in and of itself. But expressing it on a site where the majority of the commenters are members of one or more marginalized groups and are the targets of the people in the manosphere and the alt-right looks a hell of a lot like apologia. Especially since you’re choosing to scold those of us who don’t really want to hear it.

7 years ago

I bet these guys’ cuck radar exploded if they watched Get Out, which is not likely to happen but I am amused thinking about nonetheless.

Gussie Jives
Gussie Jives
7 years ago

No, no, they’re right. Stewing the toxic sludge of misogyny is much better use of one’s time. wouldn’t want to go out and actually get a hobby or anything, would we?

7 years ago

That is the problem when you take a word, cut it in half, and attribute a bunch of meanings to it, combined of course with being a complete and utter idiot who hates men as much as he hates women.