By David Futrelle
Pickup artist types tend to look on masturbation as a stumbling block in the way of true Red Pill greatness. If you’re not sexually frustrated pretty much all the time, you see, you’ll never have the “discipline” necessary to learn and try to use all the creepy sex-getting tactics taught in places like the Red Pill subreddit.
Naturally, Red Pillers get pretty inventive in coming up with reasons why masturbation is bad. But few have been quite so inventive as a devoted Red Pill Reddit no-Fapper called, ironically, faplordxd.
In a comment on the Red Pill subreddit today, he explains that
when you Fap to porn you’re essentially just cucking yourself because you’re jerking off to another guy fucking “your girl” so it makes you beta
Happily. though I’m not sure faplordxd fully recognizes it, this logic can be extended to pretty much every situation in which you’re watching or reading about or hearing about someone doing something that you’re not doing.
If you’re watching the Superbowl, you’re Superbowl-Cucking yourself because YOU’RE NOT PLAYING IN THE SUPERBOWL.
When you’re reading about whoever invented the Post-it inventing the Post-it, you’re Post-it-Cucking yourself because YOU COULD BE INVENTING THE POST-IT!
When you notice your cat licking its own butt you are Cat-Butt-Cucking yourself because YOU COULD BE LICKING YOUR CAT’S BUTT!
Ok, that last example wasn’t such a good one.
But the point is simple: unless you want to be a cuck, you should either do EVERYTHING ALL OF THE TIME or maybe just staple your eyes and ears and mouth shut. That’s the ALPHA way.
@ mish
I love that photo; it’s so iconic. I’ve always felt a bit sorry for Peter Norman though. It looks like he’s not joining in; but he was completely on board with the protest. They’d all actually discussed it beforehand. It was agreed he shouldn’t salute, but he is wearing the badge of a human rights organisation he supported as an outspoken critic of Australia’s White Australia Policy.
Incidentally it was his idea that John Carlos should wear one of Tommy Smith’s black gloves. Hence the left handed salute.
Nerd mode: off
@Alan, you can keep your nerd mode on permanently as far as I’m concerned 🙂
Yes, I feel bad for Norman, insofar as people often misinterpret the photo – but he was acting out of respect by not saluting. His body language shows his support. I just love how the three of them handled the whole thing.
And we finally got rid of the White Australia Policy, only in the 1970s, but still. In fact, it’s increasingly common these days to hear people claiming it never existed – it’s a fabrication of Teh Left to make Australia look racist (like we needed any fucking help with that).
I generally don’t bother on the street because i have no way of knowing if I’m right, but I actually do make a game of exactly that when watching movies/TV. I’m pretty good at it.
@ fran
Are there any anime characters that just wear jeans and t-shirts? If so, I’m sorted. (Although I do also have a thing for classic tailoring. I practically used to live in Ede & Ravenscroft)
Some of my friends cosplay professionally, although that’s more a fashion thing, especially the latex versions. The lass who did the rather cool game of thrones stuff I posted a while back tried to recruit me for something (Basically she just needed someone a bit tall to be a living prop). She took a few test pics though and decided ‘clearly feeling a bit daft’ wasn’t quite the look she was after. 🙂
So, if i am looking at myself in a mirror, do i cuck myself seeing me cucking myself with myself ? And if i had a second mirror for some mise en abyme, do i have successfully create the enless loop of cuck ?
Somewhere, in a small mushroom village, full of little blue persons (obviously blue pillers, the skin can not lie) with mainly white hat and pants (sometimes red – the Great Cuck -, sometimes a dress – the Cuckette, and her principle -), this conversation cuc… sorry, happened.
“Hey, Glasses Cuck, do you cuck the name of our village ?”
“Of course, Happy Cuck, it is Cuck, does you not cuck it ?”
“Yes, and what are we ?”
“Well, we are the Cuck. But i do not cuck your point ?”
“Well, that is simple. Cuck cuck Cuck cuck cuck cuck Cuck cuck. Do you cuck it ?”
“What the cuck is that ?”
“A language exercice for some, a motto for others.”
Now, tell me again who exactly lives in the “reality” ?
Have a nice day.
@occasional reader – the Smurfs reference seems very apt, I like it 😛