evil sexy ladies evil ugly women men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW MGTOW of the Day misogyny

MGTOW anatomy lesson: Women are “poorly proportioned fatbags, babyish and weak”

Put some clothes on, ladies, you’ll frighten the MGTOWs!

By David Futrelle

Sometimes the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit seems like a neverending contest to see who can describe (cis) female bodies in the creepiest way.

I don’t know when if ever the MGTOWs will get around to tallying up the results of this context, but I do know this guy deserves some kind of award for this contribution.  I’ll start the ball rolling by naming him today’s MGTOW of the Day.

Ontrus 12 points 2 months ago  After a while in the manosphere, I stopped admiring women's bodies and saw what they truly looked like: poorly proportioned fatbags, babyish and weak, with a slime tunnel that occasionally bleeds and the whole package stitched up with makeup and countless beauty products to delay the expiration date.

Yes, the lady grapes are definitely very sour.

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7 years ago

@Rugbyyogi –

I hear what you’re saying about “purposeful muscles”. I am trying to build myself up, – just ‘keep healthy’ so to say, but I also would like to be stronger to do more physical work.

I was looking again at that pic Nequam put here, I don’t look like this – my legs are close (but longer and thinner, and not quite that muscular), and my arms are OK but nowhere near that.

But I was thinking – if I had a bod like that – I’m building ALL THE THINGS!!!

You could do stuff like black smithing! Work with heavy things. Metal and glass work.

THIS is my motivation for wanting such a body!

I need to work more on my arms. The entire carcass really. And LUCKY ME! has a few days vacay time, and it’s going to be in the mid 90’s and humid here – so – what a WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY! to stay inside in the air conditioning and get all kinds of exercise! at the same time – by cleaning the house!

I’m so motivated to do this that –
Well I was thinking that it’s possible that I might fall into a coma between now and then….
Or, what about – go to the beach! Too effin hot and likely crowded. Also too much work.

These “couch potato” people – might be onto something, hmmm….

Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago

I want to punch Nazis super hard. That’s the only reason I’m bulking up. I’m basically preparing myself to dismantle a Nazi with my bare hands.

…okay, I also want people to touch my muscles, but that’s a silly reason.

EJ (the Scheming Liberal Race-Traitor)

What are little boys made of?
What are little boys made of?
Adenine, cytosine
Guanine, thymine
That’s what little boys are made of

What are little girls made of?
What are little girls made of?
Poorly-proportioned fatbags
With slime tunnels
That’s what little girls are made of

It doesn’t even scan, let alone rhyme.

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer

I’ve always wanted to learn blacksmithing.


okay, I also want people to touch my muscles, but that’s a silly reason.

Not really. It’s a fairly common motivation actually IME.

7 years ago

I want to punch Nazis super hard. That’s the only reason I’m bulking up. I’m basically preparing myself to dismantle a Nazi with my bare hands.

I respect that.

7 years ago

I do not consider my bits as a “slime tunnel”. Not in any present use, anyway (this gives me all sorts of bizarre ideas that have nothing to do with sex), and are bathed in scented bath salts (Lavender, usually), and clothed in cotton underwear.

My sinuses on the other hand….
Those slime tunnels are handled by Benadryl.

7 years ago


I used to dabble in whitesmithing — maybe you should give it a try. It’s less physically grueling than blacksmithing.

7 years ago

> …okay, I also want people to touch my muscles, but that’s a silly reason.

I can respect that. I have long hair because I want to touch them.

Collateral Thought
Collateral Thought
7 years ago

@ Hesster:

It’s very much the kind of thing HK-47 would say, yes. 🙂

HK-47: “Retraction: Did I say that out loud? I apologize, master. While you are a meatbag, I suppose I should not call you such.”
HK-47’s master: “You just called me a meatbag again!”
HK-47: “Explanation: It’s just that… you have all these squishy parts, master. And all that water! How the constant sloshing doesn’t drive you mad, I have no idea.”

7 years ago

…okay, I also want people to touch my muscles, but that’s a silly reason.

I agree with dali! This is best! I am skinny, my middle brother builds muclse like he is made from mud ((( but i not so lucky. But at least when i go in gym, very quickly you can see my muscles even if they small because i have not much of fat on top. I think it nice when ladies have muscles too. )))

7 years ago

I want to punch Nazis super hard. That’s the only reason I’m bulking up. I’m basically preparing myself to dismantle a Nazi with my bare hands.

^Same here. I prefer to keep my muscles on the downlow though. I think anyone at work who has seen me lift a crate of 8x3ltr coke by throwing it in the air and catching it knows that I am packing though.

I could kill a nazi with my thumbs

7 years ago

They forgot farts.

My fat bag is also full of farts.

And I spit acid and shoot lasers from my eyes.

(I may be stretching the truth a bit there at the end, but whatever it takes to keep the mgtow far, far away.)

7 years ago

Thinking about it I would need more than just thumbs, they aren’t much use without the adjoining hands, arms etc. I have this image in my head of disembodied thumbs going at a nazi’s throat like magic.

Lasers from the eyes is helpful for zapping nazis!

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago

Re touching people’s muscles: there was a Mammoth post a while back about “swolesting.” Ever since, whenever I hear talk of muscle-touching, I think of this.
I’ll have to ask my partner – he’s a personal trainer and lives at the gym, basically. I wonder if he’s seen much swolesting?

7 years ago

They forgot farts.

My fat bag is also full of farts.

And I spit acid and shoot lasers from my eyes.

? Yeah, mine too, although I have yet to start spitting acid and shooting lasers out of my eye, but I’m working on it. At least being 46, I’ve got that going for me-being I’ve hit my expiration date and all.

7 years ago

I have nothing to add to the muscles conversation, so I’ll just leave this anecdote of my life here, for comparison with the OP. It’s slightly embarrassing but hopefully you’ll see why I think it’s relevant.

When I was at university, many moons ago (aka the early nineties), I remember watching an episode of Home & Away (Warning! Warning! Cliche about student living! I also obsessively watched Star Trek TNG episodes, because my housemate had the whole lot on video, but this anecdote isn’t about that), and thinking that two of the characters looked really strange. When I worked it out, I felt a little silly. It was because they were roughly my age and yet their tshirts just lay there, flat. I.e. They had no breasts. I was at a women’s college, you see, and at that time was socialising principally with college mates or people I knew from the university wide women’s committee.

And yet at no point did I feel the urge to describe men’s bodies as disgusting or wrong. Go figure.

Gussie Jives
Gussie Jives
7 years ago

Ah, words written by a well-adjusted human being if ever I saw them!

Nah, I can’t come up with a pithy sarcastic reply to this hot garbage. I used to joke that the “Manosphere” are just going to eventually become the Tleilaxu from the Dune universe, where their ideal women are axlotl tanks, but now they’re actually describing women that way and my irony takes another hit.

There’s only one solution. Everybody start Bene Gesserit training post haste. Skip the usual sequence of training and start with “The Voice.”

7 years ago

“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”

Gussie Jives
Gussie Jives
7 years ago


Pffft, that Paul Atreides. Such a cuck.

Citizen Rat
Citizen Rat
7 years ago

@epitome of incomprehensibility

You’re never late to the party to read “Goblin Market”. It’s one of my favorite poems and I read it at least once a year.

Personally I’d rather look at goblin men than men who go their own way.

7 years ago

MGTOW reading Dune: Those Harkonnens sure got a bad deal in this, so unfair.

7 years ago

@Z&T – best way to build purposeful muscles for hard work is just to go on and do the hard work 😉 I mean if you need to build up basic fitness or say strength and conditioning that’s cool do the training – but the ONLY way to get blacksmith arms is to be a blacksmith! (Or possibly similar) And no matter what someone else’s blacksmith muscles look like – yours will probably be different.

Richard Smith
Richard Smith
7 years ago

Not only droids find the human form grotesque…

“Ugly. Ugly bags of mostly water.” – the silicone-based life forms in Star Trek: TNG (“Home Soil”, so revealeth Google).

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
7 years ago

@Francesca Nothing wrong with either reason IMO. 🙂

*needs to get back into weights*

Hambeast, disorderly she-tornado and breaker of windows
Hambeast, disorderly she-tornado and breaker of windows
7 years ago

Mish and Bina – I love me some BB cream! I does double duty as sunscreen and camoflage for my blotchiness. I also have to use a bit of brown eyeshadow to draw on eyebrows since mine are going prematurely gray (it is premature if I’m only 57, right?)

Axe said

Say it enough, and I’m sure you’ll believe it someday…

I’m currently doing that wrt summer. As in “I love summer, the weather’s great!” Not working so far.

Orion – I can’t even believe that’s an actual thing. I would not want a baby foreskin facial even if it would make me into an underwear model from head to toe. But then, makeup beyond BB cream and eyebrow powder is also not happening in my world.

That brings me to the end of page one. I must be off to the grocery store to get a large jar of sweet gherkins so I can make a batch of tuna tarragon a la Souplantation.